221 research outputs found

    Methods of the determination of inorganic arsenic species by stripping voltammetry in weakly alkaline media

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    Two methods are considered for the direct determination of trace amounts of As(III) and As(V) in solutions by stripping voltammetry (SVA) using an ensemble of gold microelectrodes (Au-MEA) previously developed by the authors of this paper. In both methods, analyzing a mixture of As(III) and As(V), analysts first record an SVA signal of As(III) in a supporting Na2SO3 electrolyte. To record an analytical SVA signal of As(V), in the first method one should use the reduction of As(V) to As(III) on the surface of an Au-MEA catalyzed by the system Mn(II)/Mn(0) and followed by the formation of As(0) and its anode dissolution. In the second method, the photoreduction of As(V) to As(III) in a Na2SO3 solution is conducted under UV irradiation followed by the reduction of As(III) to As(0) and its electrooxidation on Au-MEA. The two methods are compared taking into account their performance characteristics and interfering ions. To improve the reliability of the results of analysis at an insignificant increase in its cost, we propose the consecutive use of both methods. The procedures are simple and rapid, do not require the removal of dissolved oxygen or toxic reactants, and can be used for the analysis of aqueous solutions at the place of sampling. The results of analyses of real objects, snow, river water, and process solutions are presented

    Mental stability of elite athletes in individual and team sports as a key to successful sports activities

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    Introduction. Modern sport is associated with high intensity during training and competitive activities, competition is intensified on the playing field and the social importance of sport is growing. Sports activity is characterized not merely by high physical strain, but also mental stress, mental instability, which affects the performance of the athlete, his psychological health in general, so mental stability plays a central role in sport. The purpose of the study is to identify the levels and differences of mental stability parameters in athletes in individual sport and athletes in team sport. Materials and Methods. The study involved 1545 elite athletes aged 14-17. Of these, 482 athletes are engaged in team sports and 1063 people are engaged in individual sports. As psychodiagnostic methods, the athletes were offered: a questionnaire for assessing neuropsychic stability “Prognoz-2” by V.Yu. Rybnikov and a questionnaire for assessing mental activity, interest, emotional tone, tension, comfort by L.A. Kurgansky and T.A. Nemchin. Statistical analysis was carried out using the H-Kruskal-Wallace test. Results. According to the results of the study, athletes involved in both individual sports and team sports have good mental stability. Reliably significant differences were found in the parameter “emotional tone” (p=0.007) and “tension” (p=0.0308). Indicators of the severity of mental activation, interest and comfort are within the normative values. Conclusion. Mental stability is understood by the authors as an innate dynamic property of a person, the ability of an athlete to resist stressful factors through their self-regulation, while maintaining performance, reliability in sports activities and health in general. Mental stability develops and changes throughout life. © 2022 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Analysis of Long-Term Dynamics of Incidence of Healthcare-Associated Infections in the Irkutsk Region

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    Introduction.Healthcare-associated infections incidence is one of the most pressing issues in modern healthcare due to their high abundance as well as economic loss they cause.The aimis to study regional features of the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.Methods.We conducted a retrospective epidemiological analysis of nosocomial morbidity in hospitals of the Irkutsk region within 2006-2017 years. We used data, presented in the following state reports: “On the state of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the Russian Federation”, “On the state of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the Irkutsk region”.Results and discussion.According to the results of the conducted analysis, it was shown that the average long-term prevalence of healthcare-associated infections in the Irkutsk region was 41.94 ± 2.040/00000 (Russian Federation – 17.49) with a tendency to stabilization in recent years. The therapeutic and prophylactic organizations of the surgical profile have the highest epidemiological significance (over 51 %). At the same time, the share of postoperative complications during the study period decreased by 1.5 times. We have noted a rising trend line with a positive rate of increase in the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia, which in the last two years has taken a leading position in the structure of healthcare-associated infections. The incidence of infections in newborns in the Irkutsk region ranks the third, with a specific weight of 11.54 %. Moreover, if before 2013 purulent-septic diseases of the newborns were the predominant nosological form, in recent years pneumonia has firmly taken over the leadership. During the study period we revealed an increase in the incidence of postpartum endometritis in puerperas. It has been shown that the registration of sepsis, urinary tract infections in the region is low

    Improvement of crop rotations aimed at increasing their efficiency and conserving soil fertility in conditions of biological intensification

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    The long-term research conducted in 2002-2017 in a long stationary experiment on studying different types of field crop rotations under conditions of the Kirov region showed that on sod-podzolic soils the loss of humus could be lowered using agro technical methods. The most critical of them include the reduction of a portion of bare fallow, transition to sown and green-manure fallow, expanded use of perennial legume and grain-legume crops and intercrop sowings. In eight-field crop rotations when using such means of a biologization as plowing of the root-stubble residues, aboveground mass of green-manure crops in fallow fields and intercrop sowings, the supply of organic substance was within 17.24-83.03 t/ha. By mineral-ization of this substance 7.64-11.51 t of humus were produced. In a crop rotation with bare fallow there is a negative balance of humus of -0.06 t/ha. The positive balance is obtained when using sown, green-manure fallows, intercrop sowings (two-three fields), and introduction of up to 25% perennial legumes to the structure of crop rotations. The formation of 0.96-1.44 t/ha of humus in the arable layer provides positive balance of 0.20-0.72 t/ha. The increase of the part of grain crops up to 62.5-75.0% in the structure of crop rotations resulted in rise of their efficiency up to 4.74-4.79 thousand fodder units. It was 0.27-0.32 thousand fodder units higher than in the control crop rotation with bare fallow. Dependence of productivity of agricultural crops on humus content was insignificantly negative (r = -0.16). The efficiency of the studied crop rotations depended considerably on the amount of productive moisture in the soil in a phase of ear formation of grain crops (r = -0.78) and on biological activity of the soil (r = -0.80)

    The problem of coping behavior and coping strategies in psychological science

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    The purpose of the study is to theoretically study the problems of coping behavior and coping strategies in psychological science.Цель исследования - теоретически изучить проблемы совладающего поведения и копинг-стратегий в психологической науке


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    It is believed that the concentration of C‑reactive protein (CRP) significantly increases in acute forms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A moderate increase of CRP levels in patients with stable disease progression reflects the low‑grade chronic inflammation in the vascular wall and the development of subclinical atherosclerosis. The article presents data showing that increased CRP levels in SLE patients is not statistically related with disease activity and cardiovascular risk as well as the level of interleykin‑6. Patients with lupus nephritis have lower CRP concentration compared to patients without renal disease and CRP concentration depends on proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia.</p


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    The article is devoted to the development of marketing activities in the institutions of further training. The paper points out the role of marketing activities in terms of reforming the education system. The issues of development of further training moves to implementation of the marketing instruments in institution management. The authors suppose the choice of marketing activities as a development strategy allows responding efficiently the changes occurred at the labour market, and therefore the market of educational services. The publication describes specific procedure of marketing service to transfer to the new strategy. The departments responsible for marketing in institutions of further training are to develop the programmes of institution promotion and promotion of its services at the market. The departments are to focus on communication, informing the prospective consumers and making the image of additional professional education institutions. The publication points out the tasks on ensuring the marketing philosophy in each process, activity and a client in further training institution. They are keeping clients, customers satisfaction and their loyalty, developing the clients motivation to system applying of educational services.Статья посвящена вопросам развития маркетинговой деятельности в учреждениях дополнительного профессионального образования. Отмечается роль маркетинговой деятельности в условиях реформирования системы образования. Решение вопросов развития дополнительного профессионального образования переходит в плоскость внедрения рычагов маркетинга в управление образовательным учреждением. Выбор маркетинговой деятельности как стратегии развития позволит своевременно и качественно реагировать на изменения рынка труда, а соответственно, и рынка образовательных услуг. Описаны конкретные шаги работы службы маркетинга для перехода к новой стратегии. Подразделениям, отвечающим за маркетинговую деятельность в учреждениях ДПО, необходимо разрабатывать программы продвижения образовательного учреждения и его услуг на рынке и сосредоточивать усилия в области коммуникаций, главной целью которых должны быть повышение информированности потенциальных потребителей и формирование имиджа учреждений дополнительного профессионального образования. В статье обозначены задачи по обеспечению формирования философии маркетинга на каждый процесс, вид деятельности и клиента в учреждении дополнительного профессионального образования. Это удержание клиентов, повышение удовлетворенности потребителей и их лояльности, выработка у клиентов мотивации к системному пользованию образовательными услугами

    The dependence of the viscosity of the recovered milk mixtures from pH

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    With the introduction of artificial dairy mixes (MS) into the diet, important indicators are not only the ratio of macro- and micronutrients, but also physicochemical properties, such as viscosity. The paper presents the results of experimental determination of this indicator in the restored milk mixtures. It was revealed that the viscosity of infant formula is directly dependent on pH values.При введении в рацион искусственных молочных смесей (МС) важным является не только соотношение макро- и микронутриентов, но и физико-химические свойства МС, такие как вязкость. В работе представлены результаты экспериментального определения данного показателя в восстановленных молочных смесях. Выявлено, что вязкость молочных смесей находится в прямой зависимости от значений pH

    Report of the Implementation of Work Package 6 "Implementation of Methodology" in the Framework of the IRNet Project

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    This article, prepared by an international team of researchers from different scientific areas connected with ICT, e-learning, pedagogy, and other related disciplines, focuses on the objectives and some results of the international project IRNet (www.irnet.us.edu.pl). In particular, the article describes research tools, methods, and a procedure of the Work Package 6 “Implementation of Methodology,” that is, objectives, tasks, deliverables, publications, and implementation of research trips in the context of the next stages and Work Packages of IRNet project – International Research Network

    Identification of Infectious Diseases Patterns in the Combined Use of Bacteriological Diagnostics and MALDI Biotyper

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    In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associated infections: high concentration of people with reduced immunity in a limited area, the presence of a significant number of sources of contagion (patients and carriers), a change in the biocenosis of the mucous membranes and skin of patients and medical personnel under the influence of widespread use of antibiotics and cytostatics. The aim of the research was in the intercomparison of the standardized bacteriological algorithms and the MALDI Biotyper system in the microbiological diagnosis of pathogens as illustrated by the healthcare-associated diseases.Materials and methods. Seventy-eight patients of a multidisciplinary hospital of a regional level (Irkutsk) in 2018–2019 were examined. The age of patients ranged from 1 to 15 years. The material for the study was blood, sputum, swabs from the tracheobronchial tree, throat, nose, wound, abdominal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and swabs from environmental objects. Identification of the isolated cultures (78 bacterial strains) was  carried out using generally accepted bacteriological methods, as well as using the MALDI Biotyper system.Results and discussions. In the structure of healthcare-associated infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa occupied a leading position. Not all isolates of microorganisms were identified by standardized bacteriological methods. The identification of strains with characteristic manifestations of physiological and biochemical characteristics was more reliable. Identification difficulties arose in the presence of atypical properties of microorganisms when the use of MALDI Biotyper would be crucial.Conclusion. It is necessary to apply an integrated approach to conduct reliable diagnostics of pathogens. It includes standardized bacteriological methods and methods for identifying microorganisms using mass spectrometry in the subsequent stages