4,057 research outputs found

    Summary of the CMS Discovery Potential for the MSSM SUSY Higgses

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    This work summarises the present understanding of the expected MSSM SUSY Higgs reach for CMS. Many of the studies presented here result from detailed detector simulations incorporating final CMS detector design and response. With 30 fb-1 the h -> gamma,gamma and h -> bb channels allow to cover most of the MSSM parameter space. For the massive A,H,H+ MSSM Higgs states the channels A,H -> tau,tau and H+ -> tau,nu turn out to be the most profitable ones in terms of mass reach and parameter space coverage. Consequently CMS has made a big effort to trigger efficiently on taus. Provided neutralinos and sleptons are not too heavy, there is an interesting complementarity in the reaches for A,H -> tau,tau and A,H -> chi,chi.Comment: 19 pages, 27 figure

    Influence of annealing on nanocrystal formation in Ni amorphous alloy

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    It is established that nanocrystals in the alloy samples increase in size with increasing annealing temperature. The rise of resistivity upon annealing at temperatures below 300°C and its significant decrease at higher temperatures is consistent with the change in the amorphous alloy microstructureyesBelgorod State Universit

    On the feasibility to study inverse proximity effect in a single S/F bilayer by Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

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    Here we report on a feasibility study aiming to explore the potential of Polarized Neutron Reflectometry (PNR) for detecting the inverse proximity effect in a single superconducting/ferromagnetic bilayer. Experiments, conducted on the V(40nm)/Fe(1nm) S/F bilayer, have shown that experimental spin asymmetry measured at T = 0.5TC is shifted towards higher Q values compared to the curve measured at T = 1.5TC. Such a shift can be described by the appearance in superconducting vanadium of magnetic sub-layer with thickness of 7 nm and magnetization of +0.8 kG.Comment: Changes in the 2nd version: small mistypes are corrected. Manuscript submitted to JETP let. 4 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic and Superconducting Phase Diagram of Nb/Gd/Nb trilayers

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    We report on a study of the structural, magnetic and superconducting properties of Nb(25nm)/Gd(dfd_f)/Nb(25nm) hybrid structures of a superconductor/ ferromagnet (S/F) type. The structural characterization of the samples, including careful determination of the layer thickness, was performed using neutron and X-ray scattering with the aid of depth sensitive mass-spectrometry. The magnetization of the samples was determined by SQUID magnetometry and polarized neutron reflectometry and the presence of magnetic ordering for all samples down to the thinnest Gd(0.8nm) layer was shown. The analysis of the neutron spin asymmetry allowed us to prove the absence of magnetically dead layers in junctions with Gd interlayer thickness larger than one monolayer. The measured dependence of the superconducting transition temperature Tc(df)T_c(d_f) has a damped oscillatory behavior with well defined positions of the minimum at dfd_f=3nm and the following maximum at dfd_f=4nm; the behavior, which is in qualitative agreement with the prior work (J.S. Jiang et al, PRB 54, 6119). The analysis of the Tc(df)T_c(d_f) dependence based on Usadel equations showed that the observed minimum at dfd_f=3nm can be described by the so called "00" to "π\pi" phase transition of highly transparent S/F interfaces with the superconducting correlation length ξf4\xi_f \approx 4nm in Gd. This penetration length is several times higher than for strong ferromagnets like Fe, Co or Ni, simplifying thus preparation of S/F structures with dfξfd_f \sim \xi_f which are of topical interest in superconducting spintronics

    Magnetic proximity effects in V/Fe superconductor/ferromagnet single bilayer revealed by waveguide-enhanced polarized neutron reflectometry

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    Polarized neutron reflectometry is used to study the magnetic proximity effect in a superconductor/ferromagnet (SC/FM) system of composition Cu(32nm)/V(40nm)/Fe(1nm)/MgO. In contrast to previous studies, here a single SC/FM bilayer, is studied and multilayer artefacts are excluded. The necessary signal enhancement is achieved by waveguide resonance, i.e. preparing the V(40nm)/Fe(1nm) SC/FM bilayer sandwiched by the highly reflective MgO substrate and Cu top layer, respectively . A new magnetic state of the system was observed at temperatures below 0.7 TC. manifested in a systematic change in the height and width of the waveguide resonance peak. Upon increasing the temperature from 0.7 TC to TC, a gradual decay of this state is observed, accompanied by a 5% growth of the diffuse scattering. According to theoretical studies, such behavior is the result of the magnetic proximity effect. Due to the presence of the thin FM layer the superconducting electrons are polarized and, as a result, near the SC/FM interface an additional magnetic layer appears in the SC with thickness comparable to ksi, the coherence length of the superconductor.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 11 pages, 6 figures