1,741 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Video Animasi Anti Kekrasan Verbal dalam Layanan Informasi di SMPN 1 Srengat

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    Tindak kekerasan pada siswa di sekolah juga dikenal sebagai tindak kekerasan atau penindasan yang disebut bullying.  Banyak terjadi tindak kekerasan verbal yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa SMP tapi tidak mereka sadari jika tindakan tersebut termasuk perilaku menyimpang. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan dengan guru BK di SMPN 1 Srengat mengatakan bahwa ada enam  siswa disekolah telah mengalami bullying secara verbal. Pelaku kekerasan verbal tidak lain adalah teman sebaya disekolah. Upaya yang diberikan guru BK adalah adalah pemberian layanan informasi tentang kekerasan verbal dengan metode ceramah, tetapi masih banyak siswa yang tidak memahami dan malas mendengarkan. Minimnya pemahaman tentang kekerasan verbal menyebabkan pelaku bullying tidak menyadari jika perbuatanya merugikan orang lain. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sebuah media yang lebih menarik yang dapat digunakan sebagai layanan informasi.        Penelitian ini menggunakan video animasi anti kekerasan verbal sebagai media. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa media video animasi yang lebih menarik agar siswa lebih tertarik untuk memperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan layanan informasi.Media tersebut dikembangkan dengan memenuhi criteria akseptabilitas (kegunaan, kelayakan, kepatutan, danketepatan). Selain itu, terdapat buku panduan sebagai acuan penggunaan media untuk konselor. Dalam proses pengembangannya, pengembang menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Galls (1983) yang telah disederhanakan menjadi lima tahap oleh tim Puslitjaknov sebagai acuan. Terdapat tiga tahap yang dilaksanakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan, mengembangkan produk awal, validasi ahli dan revisi. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengolah data hasil validasi dari ahli materi, ahli media, dan ahli lapangan adalah presentase. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket untuk mengetahui kelayakan media video animasi anti kekerasan verbal yang memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas. Dari hasil uji coba dengan ahli materi diperoleh rerata presentase sebesar 87,9%, hasil ahli media diperoleh 84,8%, danhasil uji coba dengan ahli lapangan diperoleh rerata 90,1%. Selanjutnya rata-rata dari semua presentase hasil validasi adalah 87,6%. Setelah mendapatkan data tersebut dihasilkan pula data kualitatif berupa saran atau masukan untuk perbaikan produk. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian tersebut,media video animasi anti kekerasan verbal telah memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas dengan predikat sangat baik dan dapat digunakan oleh konselor dalam memberikan layanan informasi di sekolah. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan,  Media, Kekerasan Verbal, Video Animas

    Kajian Aspek Interior Ruang Belajar dan Bermain pada Taman Kanak-kanak di Surakarta

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    One of the methods to increase the qualitiy of human resources is to improve education. As a formal pre-school education center, a kingergarden can contribute in building a strong foundation in a child's development in terms of character, behaviour, knowledge, skill and creativity. Accomodating the activities and designing the facilities in the learning spaces are thus important factors to consider. The objective of this research is thus to investigate whether the interior design of the kindergardens in Surakarta have been designed to accommodate the learning activities effectively. TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Banjarsari and TK Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta have been chosen as case studies as they are the largest public and private schools repsectively. The research findings conveyed that the preschools in Surakarta have considered the learning aims adopted from the Deparment of National Education along with additional curriculums adapted by the schools' foundations when desigining the interior of the learning and playing spaces

    Leadership in Action: An Introspective Reflection

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    This chapter highlights reflective practice as the core element of the ongoing art of introspective leadership. Firstly, while there is no one without the other, what does exist here is a dependent and independent variable. The independent variable, reflective practice, undeniably begins with self. Any person committed to a life of professional development must realize that one\u27s personal development comes first. The introspection and assiduous work required is prodigious, to say the least. A practitioner understands that this work is cyclical in nature. As underlined in this chapter, it is essential to recognize the role of introspection in leadership. This work is a recurrent process; all actions, reactions, and interactions are interconnected, and it is imperative that leaders spend sufficient time analyzing, personalizing, and reinforcing these constructs

    Developing a Theater Skills-Based Workshop to Facilitate Exploration of Self-Identity for Young People

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    This synthesis will explore the premise of a working outreach platform comprised of experiential methodology, and practical tools and strategies to serve the intended audience. The paper presents an in-depth example of a workshop curriculum created for middle-school aged youth, (12-14 years old), who may struggle with self-esteem, understanding their self-worth, and making responsible decisions. The work explores two intersecting ideas that 1) poor self-concepts and misperceived thinking can lead youth to behave negatively and make detrimental decisions, and 2) theater involvement can produce a theater-based skillset capable of combating those poor self-concepts and misperceived thoughts and changing the trajectory of youths’ lives. Lastly, research findings of other comparable youth programming, theories, and self-improvement workshops with commonalities and shared objectives are presented to explore tensions between various theories, ideas, and workshop activities. The three guiding questions used as a focal point and to drive the direction of the paper are 1) How does or how can theater skills apply to real life? 2) How can theater performing arts teach youth or help youth develop? 3) How does theater performing arts help youth become more productive or successful. I employ personal reflections as a case-study for this project, drawing upon my various life-stage roles from adolescence through professional middle school educator to dedicated reflective practitioner utilizing those experiences, along with outside sources, to support the perspectives and rationale laid forth throughout this paper

    Intersectionality in Leadership: Spotlighting the Experiences of Black Women DEI Leaders in Historically White Academic Institutions

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    Due to their multiple identities, Black women navigate gendered and racialized pathways to leadership in the US education industry. The journey for Black women in and en route to positions of academic leadership is even more nuanced and multiplicative. Little, though, is known about the effects of their intersecting identities and the structural barriers they encounter in this sphere. To deepen our communal understanding of this phenomenon, this chapter highlights the existing theories and research on the race-gender dyad in the context of academic leadership. Examining the individual and layered effects of race and gender on the professional realities of Black women leaders in higher education, the author spotlights the unique experiences of Black women DEI practitioners and leaders in historically White academic institutions. Given the numerous components at play when Black women lead in predominantly White institutions and settings, this chapter concludes by discussing opportunities to advance relevant research and practice in this arena

    Fourteenth Amendment Personhood: Fact or Fiction?

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