107 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of counteraction of corruption in the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of countering corruption in the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan. The author compares the main normative legal acts in the field of combating corruption, and also makes proposals for improving the legislation in this area in the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan

    Malevolent Creativity and Personal Features of Young People in Different Socio-Political Conditions: Relationship and Interaction

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    Background. The relevance of the study is associated with the activation of malevolent creativity at the macro level in the form of information wars and isolation of Russia, which create threatening socio-political conditions, against the background of the special military operation in Ukraine. Objectives. Objective of the study was to find out whether there are differences at the micro-level in different socio-political conditions in malevolent creativity as well as to identify its connections with personal characteristics: hostility, the trait of “Agreeableness”, and moral identity. The following hypotheses were formulated: 1. The level of antisocial creativity varies in different contexts and will be higher in threatening socio-political conditions and 2. the relationship between such personal characteristics as hostility, Agreeableness, moral identity, and malevolent creativity will be different in different socio-political conditions. Study Participants. The study is a cross-sectional one. The first stage was carried out in 2019 with the participation of 81 young students from one of Moscow universities (mean age 19.2, SD = 1.2). 152 young students of the same Moscow university took part at the second stage in 2023 (mean age 19.1, SD = 1.29). Methods. Participants filled out forms with the questionnaires “NEO-FFI” (a shortened version of the questionnaire “NEO PI-R”), BRAQ-24, moral identity questionnaire, “Behavioral features of antisocial creativity”. Results. It is shown that there are differences in variables at the microsystem level in different sociopolitical conditions: MC and hostility are significantly lower, and moral identity and cooperation are significantly higher in the sample of 2023. The predictors of MC in the sample of 2023 were the traits of Agreeableness and hostility. In the sample of 2019, the trait of Agreeableness alone predicted MC. Differences in the strength of the relationship between the variables were revealed: in the sample of 2023, the relationship of hostility with antisocial creativity and the trait of Cooperation was significantly stronger than in the sample of 2019. Conclusions. In threatening socio-political conditions, young people with high hostility and low level on the “Agreeableness” trait fall into the risk group, due to the high probability of the realization of creativity in behavior that harms other people, while realization of MC in behavior may be restrained through actualizing moral identity. In a calm and peaceful period, moral identity and hostility are less relevant for the implementation of MC in harmful behavior, since the development of “Agreeableness” is important in this case

    Regional aspects of sectoral digitalization : problems and prospects

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    Purpose: At present, high and sometimes record indicators have been achieved for the individual branches of agricultural production. Further intensive development of agriculture is due to the search for new ways to increase labor productivity and lower production costs which is the main aim of this research. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological basis served as a systematic approach, which ensured comprehensiveness and purposefulness. Analytical, abstract-logical, economic-statistical, monographic and experimental research methods were also used in this work to examine problems and prospects of sectoral digitalization. Findings: The agro-industrial complex demonstrates the growth of production indicators and is on the rise. The target indicators, laid down in the Food Security Doctrine, have already been achieved by many indices. To a large extent, it is due to a significant increase in the agro-industrial complex. Practical implications: A proposed platform that would ensure a breakthrough in further technical modernization of production, can be created only if the technologies are improved based on their digitalization and orientation towards a specific consumer. Originality/Value: The pin-point introduction of digital technologies in agricultural production confirms the high efficiency of the full innovative technical modernization. The proposed digital transformation of management in the agro-industrial complex of Russia is the value of this research with its originality compared to other ideas.peer-reviewe

    Factors of Formation of Business Activity in an Organization in Innovative Conditions

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    Currently, our country is in the phase of serious qualitative transformations caused by the need for the economy to recover from the crisis caused by the sanctions of Western countries. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to guarantee sustainable economic growth, to ensure stable economic development of all economic entities, in particular to increase their business activity. The task of increasing the business activity of the organization is of particular importance. The competitiveness of companies is steadily declining, which is associated with the unproductiveness of the business management system and the reasons for its formation.This means that it is necessary to develop fresh science-based approaches and directions that meet the task of increasing the business activity of the enterprise

    Spectral and electroluminescent properties of coordination compounds of terbium (III) with ibuprofen (in solid form, chloroform solutions, and polyvinylcarbazole films)

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    Spectral properties of terbium (III) complexes with composition of TbL3DL, where L is an anion of d,l-2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoic acid (ibuprofen) and DL is 2,2′-dipyridyl (Dipy), 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), or triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO), have been studied in a solid form, chloroform solutions, and polyvinylcarbazole (PVC) films. It has been demonstrated that, in PVC films, occupation of the emitting level of terbium (III) involves the participation of polymer. The emission decay lifetimes of terbium in the chloroform solutions and PVC films have been measured. The possibility of the appearance of electroluminescence of complexes in PVC films has been studied

    Russian Universities’ Further Education: Integration with International Markets

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    Introduction. The paper describes the role of Russian transnational corporations in the development and implementation of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings programs in foreign countries as the promotion of Russian technologies. As the competition between the universities in the international educational markets rises, they see the increasing need for the fixation of the programs they offer onto the needs of the global companies, broadening the possibilities for the students to obtain relevant qualifications and skills, and corresponding diversification of educational programs. Among the possible directions for the increase in the educational services that are offered for export could be adults’ educational programs, vocational education and trainings. Materials and Methods. The study of the additional vocational education programs for foreign students was carried out with specialized questionnaire. 180 higher education institutions took part in the survey. The analysis of the corporate segment of additional professional education services for foreign markets was carried out on the basis of semi-formalized in-depth expert interviews. Results. Based on the collected empirical data we were able to identify main participants of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings export and structure and spheres of the programs as well as target countries in this market in three years’ time. It was revealed that the most successful providers of the educational programs are the universities that on the one hand offer already well developed and sought-after educational programs on the Russian Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings market, and on the other hand – already have stable partnership ties with countries that send students to undergraduate programs. Discussion and Conclusion. This study elaborates on the role of universities in promoting competitive technologies through the distribution of Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings. Mechanisms for formation and implementation of corporate training programs by universities for Russian industrial corporations are structured. Barriers for the attraction of foreign students are discussed to increase the scope of training. Results of the study can be recommended for the universities concerned with the development of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings sector in the international context

    Anionic lanthanide complexes with 3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-formylpyrazole-5-one and hydroxonium as counter ion

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    AbstractA series of [H3O]+[LnL4]−·nH2O complexes (n=1–3, Ln=Nd, (1), Sm (2), Eu (3), Tb (4); HL=3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-formylpyrazole-5-one) were synthesized and characterized. The structures of the SmIII and EuIII complexes were investigated by X-ray diffraction. The isostructutal crystalls 2 and 3 consist the tetrakis [LnL4]− anions which are linked by H-bonding with the hydroxonium counter-ion and water molecules. The lanthanide ion is situated in the center of distorted tetragonal antiprism formed by eight oxygen atoms of 4-formyl-5-hydroxypyrazolonate anions. The TbIII and SmIII complexes show strong luminescence in solid state, whereas the EuIII and NdIII complexes show low luminescence activity

    Promising genetic sources for the creation of varieties of durum spring wheat in Western Siberia

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    The study, expansion and preservation of the genetic diversity of the source material, and its purposeful use in hybridization is the basis for the creation of adaptive varieties of durum spring wheat that are resistant to biotic and abiotic factors of the environment of Western Siberia. The objects of research were samples of durum spring wheat. Over the years of research (2000–2020), about 3 thousand samples were worked out from the world gene pool of various countries and regions: from the collection of the VIR, the gene pool from Mexico (CIMMYT) within the framework of the agreement and cooperation program (2000–2007), from 2000 to the present time under the program of the Kazakh-Siberian Spring Wheat Breeding Network (KASIB), from other scientific institutions of Russia in exchange activities. Using generally accepted techniques, the obtained material was studied for a complex of traits: yield, adaptability, grain quality, resistance to diseases. In the cycle of studying the gene pool from CIMMYT, 50 genotypes were identified in terms of yield at the level of the Omskaja jantarnaja standard, 276 grains by test weight, 131 samples by pasta color, 131 samples by resistance to hard smut, and 112 by resistance to powdery mildew. Almost all samples were not affected by leaf rust. The study set showed high sensitivity to extreme conditions and most forms of interest in quality and disease resistance were low-productive in our environment. In KASIB nurseries, 29 samples were identified in terms of yield and adaptability, 29 samples in terms of grain quality, 21 in terms of resistance to diseases, including 8 resistant to stem rust. In the set of varieties received from the VIR, 15 genotypes were adaptive, 16 had high grain quality, 11 were resistant to stem rust. In the breeding material, 17 samples of the local population resistant to stem rust (6 of them were comprehensively resistant) and 25 race-resistant to Ug99 were identified. The genotypes identified as a result of research are of interest as sources of valuable traits

    Reduction of hepatotoxicity of nimesulide in mechanochemically obtained composition with disodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid

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    Nimesulide (NIM) is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug which acts as a selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor and is widely used for acute pain treatment. In medical practice, a large amount of data has been collected describing the effect of NIM on the body, while a hepatotoxic side effect of the drug has been found. The exact mechanisms of such NIM-induced hepatotoxicity largely remain unknown but likely involve the intermediate reaction of its metabolism. Reduction of the hepatotoxic side effect of NIM is an actual problem for pharmacology. The aim of the present research was to evaluate the hepatotoxicity of the mechanochemically obtained composition of NIM with glycyrrhizic acid disodium salt (Na2GA) compared to pure NIM and a physical mixture of NIM with Na2GA. Material and methods. CD-1 mice were orally administered for 14 days: 1 group – mechanochemical composition NIM/Na2GA (1:10, m/m) at a dose of 1650 mg/kg; 2 group – physical mixture of NIM with Na2GA (1:10, m/m) at a dose of 1650 mg/kg; 3 group – pure NIM at a dose of 600 mg/kg (which pharmacokinetically corresponds to 1650 mg/kg of NIM/Na2GA); 4 group – vehicle (distilled water). The liver damage was assessed using histological studies and enzymatic activity of the alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in blood serum. Results. Histological analysis did not detect any changes in the liver of NIM/Na2GA-treated animals in comparison with a water-treated group. On the opposite, NIM given alone or as a physical mixture with Na2GA induced severe hepatotoxicity in experimental mice. Biochemical analysis of the blood serum revealed that mechanochemical NIM/Na2GA composition significantly reduced activity of the alanine aminotransferase (about 1.5 times) and aspartate aminotransferase (1.3 times) as compared with the pure NIM. Conclusions. The results obtained indicate a high potential for the practical application of the NIM/Na2GA mechanochemical composition