2,242 research outputs found

    Difficulties of an Infrared Extension of Differential Renormalization

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    We investigate the possibility of generalizing differential renormalization of D.Z.Freedman, K.Johnson and J.I.Latorre in an invariant fashion to theories with infrared divergencies via an infrared R~\tilde{R} operation. Two-dimensional σ\sigma models and the four-dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 theory diagrams with exceptional momenta are used as examples, while dimensional renormalization serves as a test scheme for comparison. We write the basic differential identities of the method simultaneously in co-ordinate and momentum space, introducing two scales which remove ultraviolet and infrared singularities. The consistent set of Fourier-transformation formulae is derived. However, the values for tadpole-type Feynman integrals in higher orders of perturbation theory prove to be ambiguous, depending on the order of evaluation of the subgraphs. In two dimensions, even earlier than this ambiguity manifests itself, renormalization-group calculations based on infrared extension of differential renormalization lead to incorrect results. We conclude that the extended differential renormalization procedure does not perform the infrared R~\tilde{R} operation in a self-consistent way, as the original recipe does the ultraviolet RR operation.Comment: (minor changes have been made to make clear that no infrared problems occur in the original ultraviolet procedure of [1]; subsection 2.1 has been added to outline the ideas a simple example), 26 pages, LaTeX, JINR preprint E2-92-538, Dubna (Dec.1992

    A Minimal Dissipation Type-Based Classification in Irreversible Thermodynamics and Microeconomics

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    We formulate the problem of finding classes of kinetic dependencies in irreversible thermodynamic and microeconomic systems for which minimal dissipation processes belong to the same type. We show that this problem is an inverse optimal control problem and solve it. The commonality of this problem in irreversible thermodynamics and microeconomics is emphasized.

    Pairwise Comparisons in a Logic-Based Recommender System

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    In this paper, we propose a recommender system using pair- wise comparisons as the main source of information in the user pref- erence elicitation process. We use a logic-based approach implemented in APARELL, an inductive learner modelling the user's preferences in description logic. A within-subject preliminary user study with a large dataset from a real-world domain (car retail) was conducted to compare pairwise comparison interface to one using standard product list search. The results show the users' preference for the interface based on pairwise comparisons, which has proven signifcantly better in a number of ways

    Spiky Strings and Giant Holes

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    We analyse semiclassical strings in AdS in the limit of one large spin. In this limit, classical string dynamics is described by a finite number of collective coordinates corresponding to spikes or cusps of the string. The semiclassical spectrum consists of two branches of excitations corresponding to "large" and "small" spikes respectively. We propose that these states are dual to the excitations known as large and small holes in the spin chain description of N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills. The dynamics of large spikes in classical string theory can be mapped to that of a classical spin chain of fixed length. In turn, small spikes correspond to classical solitons propagating on the background formed by the large spikes. We derive the dispersion relation for these excitations directly in the finite gap formalism.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figure

    Ultraviolet Fixed Points in Gauge and SUSY Field Theories in Extra Dimensions

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    We consider gauge field theories in D>4D>4 following the Wilson RG approach and show that they possess the ultraviolet fixed points where the gauge coupling is dimensionless in any space-time dimension. At the fixed point the anomalous dimensions of the field and vertex operators are known exactly. These fixed points are nonperturbative and correspond to conformal invariant theories. The same phenomenon also happens in supersymmetric theories with the Yukawa type interactions.Comment: LaTeX, 10pp. v2: Comments and references adde

    The Dressing Factor and Crossing Equations

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    We utilize the DHM integral representation for the BES dressing factor of the world-sheet S-matrix of the AdS_5xS^5 light-cone string theory, and the crossing equations to fix the principal branch of the dressing factor on the rapidity torus. The results obtained are further used, in conjunction with the fusion procedure, to determine the bound state dressing factor of the mirror theory. We convincingly demonstrate that the mirror bound state S-matrix found in this way does not depend on the internal structure of a bound state solution employed in the fusion procedure. This welcome feature is in perfect parallel to string theory, where the corresponding bound state S-matrix has no bearing on bound state constituent particles as well. The mirror bound state S-matrix we found provides the final missing piece in setting up the TBA equations for the AdS_5xS^5 mirror theory.Comment: LaTex, 48 pages, 10 figures; v2: a new section added where the dressing factor of the mirror theory is found; v3: formula (6.12) is corrected, a new figure is added, accepted for publication in J.Phys.

    Algebraic Curve for the SO(6) sector of AdS/CFT

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    We construct the general algebraic curve of degree four solving the classical sigma model on RxS5. Up to two loops it coincides with the algebraic curve for the dual sector of scalar operators in N=4 SYM, also constructed here. We explicitly reproduce some particular solutions