2,257 research outputs found

    Analysis of the electromagnetic scattering from an inlet geometry with lossy walls

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    One of the primary goals is to develop an approximate but sufficiently accurate analysis for the problem of electromagnetic (EM) plane wave scattering by an open ended, perfectly-conducting, semi-infinite hollow circular waveguide (or duct) with a thin, uniform layer of lossy or absorbing material on its inner wall, and with a simple termination inside. The less difficult but useful problem of the EM scattering by a two-dimensional (2-D), semi-infinite parallel plate waveguide with an impedance boundary condition on the inner walls was chosen initially for analysis. The impedance boundary condition in this problem serves to model a thin layer of lossy dielectric/ferrite coating on the otherwise perfectly-conducting interior waveguide walls. An approximate but efficient and accurate ray solution was obtained recently. That solution is presently being extended to the case of a moderately thick dielectric/ferrite coating on the walls so as to be valid for situations where the impedance boundary condition may not remain sufficiently accurate

    Propagations of massive graviton in the deformed Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We study massive graviton propagations of scalar, vector, and tensor modes in the deformed Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity by introducing Lorentz-violating mass term. It turns out that vector and tensor modes are massively propagating on the Minkowski spacetime background. However, adding the mass term does not cure a ghost instability in the Ho\v{r}ava scalar.Comment: 17 pages, version with projectability requirement, to appear in PR

    Thermodynamics of an Evaporating Schwarzschild Black Hole in Noncommutative Space

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    We investigate the effects of space noncommutativity and the generalized uncertainty principle on the thermodynamics of a radiating Schwarzschild black hole. We show that evaporation process is in such a way that black hole reaches to a maximum temperature before its final stage of evolution and then cools down to a nonsingular remnant with zero temperature and entropy. We compare our results with more reliable results of string theory. This comparison Shows that GUP and space noncommutativity are similar concepts at least from view point of black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 15 Pages, 2 Figures, revised and refernces adde

    Void Formation Study of Flip Chip in Package Using No-Flow Underfill

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TEPM.2008.2002951The advanced flip chip in package (FCIP) process using no-flow underfill material for high I/O density and fine-pitch interconnect applications presents challenges for an assembly process that must achieve high electrical interconnect yield and high reliability performance. With respect to high reliability, the voids formed in the underfill between solder bumps or inside the solder bumps during the no-flow underfill assembly process of FCIP devices have been typically considered one of the critical concerns affecting assembly yield and reliability performance. In this paper, the plausible causes of underfill void formation in FCIP using no-flow underfill were investigated through systematic experimentation with different types of test vehicles. For instance, the effects of process conditions, material properties, and chemical reaction between the solder bumps and no-flow underfill materials on the void formation behaviors were investigated in advanced FCIP assemblies. In this investigation, the chemical reaction between solder and underfill during the solder wetting and underfill cure process has been found to be one of the most significant factors for void formation in high I/O and fine-pitch FCIP assembly using no-flow underfill materials

    Anisotropic optical response of the mixed-valent Mott-Hubbard insulator NaCu2O2

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    We report the results of a comprehensive spectroscopic ellipsometry study of NaCu2O2, a compound composed of chains of edge-sharing Cu2+O4 plaquettes and planes of Cu1+ ions in a O-Cu1+-O dumbbell configuration, in the spectral range 0.75-6.5 eV at temperatures 7 -300 K. The spectra of the dielectric function for light polarized parallel to the Cu1+ planes reveal a strong in-plane anisotropy of the interband excitations. Strong and sharp absorption bands peaked at 3.45 eV (3.7 eV) dominate the spectra for polarization along (perpendicular) to the Cu2+O2 chains. They are superimposed on flat and featureless plateaux above the absorption edges at 2.25 eV (2.5 eV). Based on density-functional calculations, the anomalous absorption peaks can be assigned to transitions between bands formed by Cu1+ 3dxz(dyz) and Cu2+ 3dxy orbitals, strongly hybridized with O pstates. The major contribution to the background response comes from transitions between Cu1+ 3dz2 and 4px(py) bands. This assignment accounts for the measured in-plane anisotropy. The dielectric response along the Cu2+O2 chains develops a weak two-peak structure centered at 2.1 and 2.65 eV upon cooling below 100 K, along with the appearance of spin correlations along the Cu2+O2 chains. These features bear a striking resemblance to those observed in the single-valent Cu2+O2 chain compound LiCuVO4, which were identified as an exciton doublet associated with transitions to the upper Hubbard band that emerges as a consequence of the long-range Coulomb interaction between electrons on neighboring Cu2+ sites along the chains. An analysis of the spectral weights of these features yields the parameters characterizing the on-site and long-range Coulomb interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Hom-Lie color algebra structures

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    This paper introduces the notion of Hom-Lie color algebra, which is a natural general- ization of Hom-Lie (super)algebras. Hom-Lie color algebras include also as special cases Lie (super) algebras and Lie color algebras. We study the homomorphism relation of Hom-Lie color algebras, and construct new algebras of such kind by a \sigma-twist. Hom-Lie color admissible algebras are also defined and investigated. They are finally classified via G-Hom-associative color algebras, where G is a subgroup of the symmetric group S_3.Comment: 16 page

    Collective resonance modes of Josephson vortices in sandwiched stack of Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x} intrinsic Josephson junctions

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    We observed splitting of the low-bias vortex-flow branch in a dense-Josephson-vortex state into multiple sub-branches in current-voltage characteristics of intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x} single crystals in the long-junction limit. Each sub-branch corresponds to a plasma mode in serially coupled Josephson junctions. Splitting into low-bias linear sub-branches with a spread in the slopes and the inter-sub-branch mode-switching character are in good quantitative agreement with the prediction of the weak but finite inter-junction capacitive-coupling model incorporated with the inductive coupling. This suggests the importance of the role of the capacitive coupling in accurately describing the vortex dynamics in serially stacked IJJs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl