1,079 research outputs found


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    The research has done by using length scratch variations on the fiber optic multimode (FOM) with the intention of temperature sensor. The length scratch variations which have conducted were 5 centimeter and 7 centimeter. Some variations such length scratches would be seen by using FOM sensitivity which have sufficed temperature sensor specification. This experiment was began thought applying voltage of 12 volt from power supply to the sensor BF5RD-1-N Fiber Optic Amplifier. As per the sensor which has been resulted by laser beam. It would be transmitted to the FOM and it would be accepted again by the certain sensor which has a function as a receiver such voltage ration (dB). According to the voltage ratio, it would be calibrated with the specific temperature by using thermometer. As per the experiment, the research pointed out that there is a correlation between dB which has received by sensor and temperature’s alterations from FOM. The result of the experiment found out that if scratches become bigger from the FOM, it would make voltage ratio becomes fewer. The FOM’s linearity which has pointed out such as 0,996 and 0,989 for 5 centimeter and 0,996 and 0,965 for 7 centimeter. It can be concluded that the FOM’s sensitivity which compatible with temperature sensor is scratch along 5 centimeter

    Antimicrobial activities of marine fungi from Malaysia

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    Copyright 2011 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Analisa Pengaruh Grid Rasio Dan Faktor Eksposi Terhadap Gambaran Radiografi Phantom Thorax

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    Analysis of the influence of the grid has been determined and the ratio of the radiographic expose factor thorax phantom with grid ratio and expose factor variation to analyze the density and contrast on chest radiographs. Research methods using phantom anthoropomorphic, densitometer and X-ray equipments. Irradiation conditions are given with some expose factor variation is 55 kV 16 mAs, 65 kV 8 mAs, 75 kV 3.2 mAs, and a variety of grid ratio 6:1 and 8:1. Research data is processed and made in the form of a graph of the density of the contrast of the grid ratio and expose factor variation. The higher the ratio of the grid will cause a decrease in the density of radiographs, but does not always lead to increasing or decreasing the contrast radiographs. Results overview on to 5 thorax phantom organ that produces the highest optical density in the use of expose factors 65 kV, 8 mAs on both the grid ratio

    Experiment study of using parallel plate sensor for the detection of conductive material

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    Gold is the yellow precious metal that has been used in many applications likes medicine, electronics, jewelry, investment and others. Thus, gold is one of the commodities which has high demand in the global market. In other to secure the purity of gold and to protect the retailer and consumer from fraud, the detection of gold is very important in the industry. There are many techniques have been used to detect the purity of gold material and those techniques must consider a several factors such as non-destructive, inexpensive, precise, simple and widely accepted by the jewelry industries. Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is the most mature non-destructive technique among various tomography. The advantages of ECT are non-radioactive, non-intrusive, high imaging speed and low cost. This paper introduces the ECT using the square sensor. The aim of his paper this to present a new method of verifying the conductive materials using a parallel plate sensor which adopted from the ECT system

    Effect of Temperature on in vitro Survival of some Bradyrhizobium Strains

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    Evaluating Rhizobium survival in inoculants exposed to high temperature may be considered the first stage in identifying potential inoculant strains that would withstand temperature stress on inoculated seeds in the field. High temperatures may adversely affect the survival of Rhizobium in packaged inoculants during storage and inoculation (Somasegaran et al., 1984), and the viability of rhizobia in inoculants may be lost in a few weeks at temperatures of 350C or higher (Smith, 1987). Low storage temperature, however, is not always better than room temperature, as some slow growing bradyrhizobia were found to survive better at 260C than at 40C (Vincent, 1982). Soil temperature is also an important environmental variable that affects general biological activity. Nodulation and N2-fixation were observed under a wide range of temperatures with an optimum range between 20 and 300C. Elevated temperatures affect nodule initiation and development in temperate legumes, whereas, in tropical legumes it is mainly N2 fixation efficiency that is affected (Somasegaran et al., 1984). Temperature changes affect the competitive ability of Rhizobium strains and there are also specific temperature-sensitive Rhizobium legume combinations e.g. R. Legumino- sarum biovar-trifolii that forms nodules with Trifolium subterranium (Lewis-Henderson and Djordjevic, 1991(

    Alih Teknologi Pembuatan Teropong Bintang Sederhana Untuk Keperluan Ru'yatul Hilal Bagi Remaja Masjid

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Program Penerapan IPTEKS yang berjudul “Alih Teknologi Pembuatan Teropong Bintang Sederhana untuk Keperluan Ru'yatul Hilal bagi Remaja Masjid” telah dilakukan di Masjid Baitussalam Desa Kebarongan, Kecamatan Kemranjen, Kabupaten Banyumas. Tujuan kegiatan adalah melakukan alih teknologi teknis pembuatan teropong bintang sederhana bagi Remaja Masjid. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, dan praktek. Setelah dilakukan alih teknologi, sebagian besar peserta memberikan respons positif terhadap kegiatan PKM ini dan terdapat keinginan cukup kuat untuk menerapkan dan menyebarluaskan. Indeks capaian rata-rata keberhasilan kegiatan ini berdasarkan monitoring menggunakan kuisioner adalah 78,69%, dengan indeks capaian tertinggi 96,43% dan indeks capaian terendah 60,71%. Tingkat pemahaman peserta kegiatan PKM terhadap materi alih teknologi dan sosialisasi yang diberikan cukup optimal. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil rekapitulasi nilai pre-test maupun post-test, dimana nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 4,95, sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 7,86. Berdasarkan nilai-nilai yang diperoleh tersebut, terdapat kenaikan nilai pre-test ke post-test sebesar 58,58% yang menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan materi PKM oleh peserta sesuai dengan yang diharapka

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices study of dengue viral infection and its association with environmental factors and health issues, Lahore Pakistan

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    This study was designed to assess and compare the awareness, approach, and practices of dengue positive and dengue negative patients regarding dengue fever in a tertiary care hospital of Lahore district, Pakistan from April to May 2012. A total of 250 samples (125 dengue positive and 125 dengue negative) were collected and tested for Dengue IgM and IgG antibodies test by ELISA technique. Pretested questionnaire was used for data collection after the informed consent of the patients. Out of 250 study participants, 78% stated fever as major symptom of dengue virus, 70% had knowledge about the vector, 76% had idea about mosquitoes breeding sites and 80% considered dengue a treatable disease. For 50%, the main source of information about dengue was their TV/Radio. Regarding preventive practices, out of 80% who stored water at home, 52% used to cover their water containers, 64% used to wear protective clothing and 22% used mosquito repellents. Overall, 32% were satisfied from Governmental efforts against the spread of dengue fever. The study indicated that the community was quite familiar with Dengue, but there were some confusion about vaccination and water storage for domestic use.Key words: Dengue fever, knowledge, attitudes, environment, IgM, IgG