50 research outputs found

    Cohomological dimension of Laumon 1-motives up to isogenies

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    We prove that the category of Laumon 1-motives up isogenies over a field of characteristic zero is of cohomological dimension ≤1\le 1. As a consequence this implies the same result for the category of formal Hodge structures of level ≤1\le 1 (over Q\mathbb{Q}).Comment: 11 page

    Cycle classes and the syntomic regulator

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    Let V=Spec(R)V=Spec(R) and RR be a complete discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0,p)(0,p). For any flat RR-scheme XX we prove the compatibility of the de Rham fundamental class of the generic fiber and the rigid fundamental class of the special fiber. We use this result to construct a syntomic regulator map r:CHi(X/V,2i−n)→Hsynn(X,i)r:CH^i(X/V,2i-n)\to H^n_{syn}(X,i), when XX is smooth over VV, with values on the syntomic cohomology defined by A. Besser. Motivated by the previous result we also prove some of the Bloch-Ogus axioms for the syntomic cohomology theory, but viewed as an absolute cohomology theory.Comment: 23 pages, improved expositio

    Formal Hodge Structures

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    The aim of this work is to develop the program proposed by S. Bloch, L. Barbieri-Viale and V. Srinivas of generalizing Deligne mixed Hodge structures providing a new cohomology theory for complex algebraic varieties. In other words to construct and study cohomological invariants, of (proper) complex algebraic schemes, which are finer than the associated mixed Hodge structures in the case of singular spaces

    The rigid syntomic ring spectrum

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    The aim of this paper is to show that Besser syntomic cohomology is representable by a rational ring spectrum in the motivic homotopical sense. In fact, extending previous constructions, we exhibit a simple representability criterion and we apply it to several cohomologies in order to get our central result. This theorem gives new results for syntomic cohomology such as h-descent and the compatibility of cycle classes with Gysin morphisms. Along the way, we prove that motivic ring spectra induces a complete Bloch-Ogus cohomological formalism and even more. Finally, following a general motivic homotopical philosophy, we exhibit a natural notion of syntomic coefficients.Comment: Final version to appear in the Journal de l'institut des Math\'ematiques de Jussieu. Many typos have been corrected and the exposition has been improved according to the suggestions of the referees: we thank them a lot

    Comportamento de triticale e trigo dos cerrados brasileiros na moagem e na produção industrial de pães, biscoitos, bolos e massas alimentícias.

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    Foram caracterizados os comportamentos de triticale e de trigo, procedentes dos cerrados brasileiros, na moagem e a qualidade das farinhas na produção industrial de pães, biscoitos, bolos e massas alimentícias. O triticale (P. H. 73,2) foi moído sem condicionamento, obtendo-se 72,6% de extração sendo 39,0% de farinha especial e 61,0% de farinha comum. O trigo (P.H. 77,9) foi moído com 15% de umidade, obtendo-se 76,5% de extração sendo 42,6% de farinha especial e 57,4% de farinha comum. Os tempos de moagem/ton de grãos foram praticamente iguais. Pão francês, com 10 ou 20% de farinha de triticale, apresentou qualidade igual ao padrão elaborado semente com farinha de trigo comercial. Pão industrial tipo americano fabricado com 80% de farinha de trigo e 20% de triticale foi considerado bom quando se reduziu o tempo de fermentação. Foram fabricados biscoitos fermentados, salgados, doces secos e amanteigados e concluiu-se que em qualquer um destes tipos pode-se utilizar exclusivamente farinha de triticale ou de trigo dos cerrados, sendo que os biscoitos de triticale, quando comparados com o padrão industrial, apresentaram-se sempre iguais ou superiores. Bolos, com 50% de farinha de triticale e de farinha de triticale, foram considerados superiores, quanto ao sabor, em relação ao padrão industrial. Produziram-se massas alimentícias do tipo espaguete e ninho, com 20% de farinha de triticale e 80% de farinha de trigo especial (cerrados). Os tempos de cozimento, para os dois tipos de massa, foram iguais ao do padrão industrial. Quanto ao aumento de peso e volume, pelo cozimento, os espaguetes não apresentaram diferença, enquanto que, para o tipo ninho, houve diminuição significativa quando se usou farinha de triticale.bitstream/item/65366/1/CTAA-DOCUMENTOS-04-BOLETIM-DE-PESQUISA-NUMERO-004-COMPORTAMENTODE-TRITICALE-E-TRIGO-DOS-CERRADOS-.pd

    The molecular logic of endocannabinoid signalling

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    The endocannabinoids are a family of lipid messengers that engage the cell surface receptors that are targeted by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the active principle in marijuana (Cannabis). They are made on demand through cleavage of membrane precursors and are involved in various short-range signalling processes. In the brain, they combine with CB1 cannabinoid receptors on axon terminals to regulate ion channel activity and neurotransmitter release. Their ability to modulate synaptic efficacy has a wide range of functional consequences and provides unique therapeutic possibilities. © 2003, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    On log differentials of local fields

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    We prove a logarithmic version of Fontaine's classic result on differentials of O (K) over bar over O-K