13,882 research outputs found

    Scattering Calculations with Wavelets

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    We show that the use of wavelet bases for solving the momentum-space scattering integral equation leads to sparse matrices which can simplify the solution. Wavelet bases are applied to calculate the K-matrix for nucleon-nucleon scattering with the s-wave Malfliet-Tjon V potential. We introduce a new method, which uses special properties of the wavelets, for evaluating the singular part of the integral. Analysis of this test problem indicates that a significant reduction in computational size can be achieved for realistic few-body scattering problems.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 6 eps figure

    How much does teenage parenthood affect long term outcomes? A systematic review.

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    Background: The rates of teenage pregnancy in the UK are relatively high. Although early entry to parenthood can be a positive experience, most studies find large adverse effects on long term outcomes for the mother, child and father, in addition to being costly for the NHS. This is why the government launched its Teenage Pregnancy Strategy in 1999. However, there is growing evidence that teenage pregnancy might be mainly an indicator of disadvantage which is the underlying cause of the negative outcomes. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken of studies which used a UK dataset to quantify any long term outcomes of a teenage birth upon the mother, father or child. Studies were included if they used appropriate methods to isolate the causal effect of early parenthood. The databases searched included Medline, Cochrane, EconLit and Web of Science. Results: Six studies were identified by the review; five studies considered the mother’s socioeconomic outcomes, one study reported the child’s outcomes, and no studies met the inclusion criteria for the father’s outcomes. The studies suggested that early motherhood accounts for relatively few of the negative long term socioeconomic outcomes and it is predominantly an indicator of a disadvantaged family background. Conclusion: Limited evidence is available to understand the long term outcomes associated with teenage birth within the UK for the mother, father and child. Current econometric studies suggest that effective interventions to prevent teenage pregnancies will not eradicate the poorer long term socioeconomic outcomes often associated with early motherhood. Thus policy should focus on reducing initial disadvantage in addition to preventing teenage pregnancy. Additional econometric analyses around the mothers’, fathers’ and children’s long term socioeconomic and health-related outcomes would be valuable

    Ensemble density-functional theory for ab-initio molecular dynamics of metals and finite-temperature insulators

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    A new method is presented for performing first-principles molecular-dynamics simulations of systems with variable occupancies. We adopt a matrix representation for the one-particle statistical operator Gamma, to introduce a ``projected'' free energy functional G that depends on the Kohn-Sham orbitals only and that is invariant under their unitary transformations. The Liouville equation [ Gamma , H ] = 0 is always satisfied, guaranteeing a very efficient and stable variational minimization algorithm that can be extended to non-conventional entropic formulations or fictitious thermal distributions.Comment: 5 pages, two-column style with 2 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#nm_meta

    Cholesterol and coronary heart disease: screening and treatment

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United Kingdom, accounting for just under one quarter of all deaths in 1995: 27% among men and 21% among women.1 Although many CHD deaths occur among elderly people, CHD accounts for 31% of male and 13% of female deaths within the 45–64 age group

    Comparing verbal media for alarm handling: Speech versus textual displays

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    The rise of computers in command and control domains has meant that control operations can be performed via desk-based visual display terminals. This trend has also produced the potential to display information to operators in a variety of formats. Of particular interest has been the use of text-based displays for alarm presentation. There are possible limitations to the use of text for alarm presentation, not least of which is the need for a dedicated alarms display screen (or, at least, a display page). Given the capability of computers to synthesize speech, it is possible that speech-based alarms could generate the same information as text-based displays without the need for dedicated screen space. In this paper an experimental comparison of speech-based and text-based displays for presentation of alarms is reported. The findings show that speech leads to longer response times than text displays, but that it has minimal effect on the efficacy of fault handling. The results are discussed within the alarm initiated activities framework and implications for alarm system design are outlined

    Application of wavelets to singular integral scattering equations

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    The use of orthonormal wavelet basis functions for solving singular integral scattering equations is investigated. It is shown that these basis functions lead to sparse matrix equations which can be solved by iterative techniques. The scaling properties of wavelets are used to derive an efficient method for evaluating the singular integrals. The accuracy and efficiency of the wavelet transforms is demonstrated by solving the two-body T-matrix equation without partial wave projection. The resulting matrix equation which is characteristic of multiparticle integral scattering equations is found to provide an efficient method for obtaining accurate approximate solutions to the integral equation. These results indicate that wavelet transforms may provide a useful tool for studying few-body systems.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Radio Recombination Lines at Decametre Wavelengths: Prospects for the Future

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    This paper considers the suitability of a number of emerging and future instruments for the study of radio recombination lines (RRLs) at frequencies below 200 MHz. These lines arise only in low-density regions of the ionized interstellar medium, and they may represent a frequency-dependent foreground for next-generation experiments trying to detect H I signals from the Epoch of Reionization and Dark Ages ("21-cm cosmology"). We summarize existing decametre-wavelength observations of RRLs, which have detected only carbon RRLs. We then show that, for an interferometric array, the primary instrumental factor limiting detection and study of the RRLs is the areal filling factor of the array. We consider the Long Wavelength Array (LWA-1), the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), the low-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA-lo), and a future Lunar Radio Array (LRA), all of which will operate at decametre wavelengths. These arrays offer digital signal processing, which should produce more stable and better defined spectral bandpasses; larger frequency tuning ranges; and better angular resolution than that of the previous generation of instruments that have been used in the past for RRL observations. Detecting Galactic carbon RRLs, with optical depths at the level of 10^-3, appears feasible for all of these arrays, with integration times of no more than 100 hr. The SKA-lo and LRA, and the LWA-1 and LOFAR at the lowest frequencies, should have a high enough filling factor to detect lines with much lower optical depths, of order 10^-4 in a few hundred hours. The amount of RRL-hosting gas present in the Galaxy at the high Galactic latitudes likely to be targeted in 21-cm cosmology studies is currently unknown. If present, however, the spectral fluctuations from RRLs could be comparable to or exceed the anticipated H I signals.Comment: 9 pages; Astron. & Astrophys., in pres

    Single-molecule and super-resolved imaging deciphers membrane behavior of onco-immunogenic CCR5

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    The ability of tumors to establish a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment is an important point of investigation in the search for new therapeutics. Tumors form microenvironments in part by the “education” of immune cells attracted via chemotactic axes such as that of CCR5-CCL5. Further, CCR5 upregulation by cancer cells, coupled with its association with pro-tumorigenic features such as drug resistance and metastasis, has suggested CCR5 as a therapeutic target. However, with several conformational “pools” being reported, phenotypic investigations must be capable of unveiling conformational heterogeneity. Addressing this challenge, we performed super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and single molecule partially TIRF-coupled HILO (PaTCH) microscopy of CCR5 in fixed cells. SIM data revealed a non-random spatial distribution of CCR5 assemblies, while Intensity-tracking of CCR5 assemblies from PaTCH images indicated dimeric sub-units independent of CCL5 perturbation. These biophysical methods can provide important insights into the structure and function of onco-immunogenic receptors and many other biomolecules
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