1,032 research outputs found

    Social and Political Risks in Conditions of a New World Order Formation : (to the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of A. A. Gromyko)

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    Diffusion-induced Ramsey narrowing

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    A novel form of Ramsey narrowing is identified and characterized. For long-lived coherent atomic states coupled by laser fields, the diffusion of atoms in-and-out of the laser beam induces a spectral narrowing of the atomic resonance lineshape. Illustrative experiments and an intuitive analytical model are presented for this diffusion-induced Ramsey narrowing, which occurs commonly in optically-interrogated systems.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Quality management technologies of railway transport services

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    The relevance of the research topic is stipulated by the crisis phenomena that are taking place in the development of the transport industry of Ukraine, which are caused both by the aggravation of internal contradictions in the development of subjects of this sphere, and by the influence of external negative factors related to the economic and political crisis in the country. The purpose of the work was to determine the problems of managing the quality of services provided in railway transport sector. The features of modern transport services have been determined, the issue of effective training of personnel in the conditions of using advanced training technologies has been raised, and the characteristics of the provision of services by JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” has been provided. Based on economic-mathematical models, it has been proven that the profit dynamics of railway transport enterprises depends to a large extent not only on their technical and technological capabilities, but also on socio-economic factors regarding the need and possibility of using technologies for managing the quality of services. It has been determined that the above-mentioned discrepancies and problems significantly affect the level of service quality management technology of enterprises in this sector. A conclusion has been made about the need to increase the efficiency of service quality management technology of railway transport enterprises based on the use of modern approaches to the comprehensive study of consumer needs and further improvement of consumer qualities of transport services in order to generate profit, increase the social significance of railway transport and obtain competitive advantages in the future. The results of the study can be used to develop a state strategy for regional development, as well as to devise plans and recommendations for the development of railway transport enterprises at different levels of managemen

    Constitutional court in public administration system in Moldova and Russia

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    The article considers the place and the role of the Constitutional Court of Moldova in the system of governmen

    Investigation Of Technological Properties Of Powder Of Eggplants

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    The aim of the article is to study and to generalize technological properties of eggplant powder, produced by infrared drying at temperatures 50-60 ºС. The results of the conducted complex of studies reflect main technological and consumption properties of the received puree that plays an important role at creating new culinary products.So, for studying technological properties of food eggplant powder, there was considered the complex of base functional-technological properties of powder, produced by infrared drying.For finding optimal conditions of rehydration of eggplant powders, there was studied the influence of such technological factors as: swelling ability; liquid; powder ratio; influence of the solvent temperature on renovation; renovation duration; degree of comminution of powders.Main parameters that influence the renovation ability of dried eggplants are investigated and studied in the article. The results of the studies of technological properties of eggplant powders prove their high rehydration properties. It gives a possibility to use powders at producing different culinary products not only for enriching them with functional ingredients, but also for giving them new technological properties.Based on the obtained results, there was elaborated and presented the new technological scheme of using renewed powders in food compositions

    Protection Indicator in the Constitutions of the European Federations

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    The article presents the results of a comparative legal analysis of the constitutions of European federal states (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and Switzerland) with a view to identifying the norms that minimize human rights risks. The identification of such constitutional provisions is associated with the formalization of the protection of the human rights and freedoms, as well as its legal statuses and conditions. The research was based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systematic and logical methods, analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific methods. The unity of the constitutional approach of the European federal states to formalize the judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Switzerland) has been determined. The identification of such constitutional provisions are associated with the formalization of the protection of the human rights and freedoms, as well as its legal statuses and conditions. The Novelty of the study is carrying out the declared constitutional analysis of the defense was on the example of European federal states

    Colchicine for gout

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    Colchicine is a drug that has been known for several millennia, since the days of Ancient Egypt, but has been successfully used to treat gout to this day. The action of colchicine is based on microtubule damage, mitosis suppression, as well as the ability to inhibit the activation of NLRP3 inflammasoma by monosodium urate crystals and block the release of interleu-kina (IL)-1p - key cytokine in the development of gout inflammation. However, the mechanism of action of colchicine is still not fully understood.Colchicine should be considered as the optimal drug not only for relieving an acute attack of arthritis in gout, but also as the best method for preventing attacks of gouty arthritis when choosing urate-lowering therapy. Recent studies have confirmed the good efficacy and safety profile of the drug when used correctly in patients with gout. Currently, it is recommended to use low doses of the drug (1-1.5 mg per day to relieve an acute attack of arthritis and 0.5-1.0 mg to prevent attacks when initiating uratelowering therapy). At the same time, according to the results of recent studies on the effectiveness, low doses are not inferior to high doses, but when low doses are used, the frequency of undesirable effects is much less. Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids, the drug does not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus. This allows the drug to be used for a long time, which is especially important, since it is recommended to prevent arthritis attacks for at least 6 months from the start of taking urate-lowering drugs. This avoids the exacerbation of arthritis in most patients and significantly reduces their frequency. In addition, in the light of the accumulating data on the effect of the drug on the cardiovascular system of the drug, in conjunction with the high safety profile, other points of application should be considered where both anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties of colchicine can be used

    People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education in Russia

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    This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russi

    Inverse Spectral-Scattering Problem with Two Sets of Discrete Spectra for the Radial Schroedinger Equation

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    The Schroedinger equation on the half line is considered with a real-valued, integrable potential having a finite first moment. It is shown that the potential and the boundary conditions are uniquely determined by the data containing the discrete eigenvalues for a boundary condition at the origin, the continuous part of the spectral measure for that boundary condition, and a subset of the discrete eigenvalues for a different boundary condition. This result extends the celebrated two-spectrum uniqueness theorem of Borg and Marchenko to the case where there is also a continuous spectru

    Logical classification of legal procedural restrictions

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    This paper on the basis of analytical and synthesis research of a wide range of sources presents an approach to the classification of legal procedural restrictions, based on the division of the object by the modification of the feature at the basis of such divisio