61 research outputs found

    Generalized Boltzmann equations for on-shell particle production in a hot plasma

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    A novel refinement of the conventional treatment of Kadanoff--Baym equations is suggested. Besides the Boltzmann equation another differential equation is used for calculating the evolution of the non-equilibrium two-point function. Although it was usually interpreted as a constraint on the solution of the Boltzmann equation, we argue that its dynamics is relevant to the determination and resummation of the particle production cut contributions. The differential equation for this new contribution is illustrated in the example of the cubic scalar model. The analogue of the relaxation time approximation is suggested. It results in the shift of the threshold location and in smearing out of the non-analytic threshold behaviour of the spectral function. Possible consequences for the dilepton production are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 2 ps figure

    Renormalization in Self-Consistent Approximations schemes at Finite Temperature I: Theory

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    Within finite temperature field theory, we show that truncated non-perturbative self-consistent Dyson resummation schemes can be renormalized with local counter-terms defined at the vacuum level. The requirements are that the underlying theory is renormalizable and that the self-consistent scheme follows Baym''s Φ\Phi-derivable concept. The scheme generates both, the renormalized self-consistent equations of motion and the closed equations for the infinite set of counter terms. At the same time the corresponding 2PI-generating functional and the thermodynamical potential can be renormalized, in consistency with the equations of motion. This guarantees the standard Φ\Phi-derivable properties like thermodynamic consistency and exact conservation laws also for the renormalized approximation schemes to hold. The proof uses the techniques of BPHZ-renormalization to cope with the explicit and the hidden overlapping vacuum divergences.Comment: 22 Pages 1 figure, uses RevTeX4. The Revision concerns the correction of some minor typos, a clarification concerning the real-time contour structure of renormalization parts and some comments concerning symmetries in the conclusions and outloo

    Chimpanzee identification and social network construction through an online citizen science platform

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    Abstract Citizen science has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years due to its potential to educate and engage the public while providing a means to address a myriad of scientific questions. However, the rise in popularity of citizen science has also been accompanied by concerns about the quality of data emerging from citizen science research projects. We assessed data quality in the online citizen scientist platform Chimp&See, which hosts camera trap videos of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and other species across Equatorial Africa. In particular, we compared detection and identification of individual chimpanzees by citizen scientists with that of experts with years of experience studying those chimpanzees. We found that citizen scientists typically detected the same number of individual chimpanzees as experts, but assigned far fewer identifications (IDs) to those individuals. Those IDs assigned, however, were nearly always in agreement with the IDs provided by experts. We applied the data sets of citizen scientists and experts by constructing social networks from each. We found that both social networks were relatively robust and shared a similar structure, as well as having positively correlated individual network positions. Our findings demonstrate that, although citizen scientists produced a smaller data set based on fewer confirmed IDs, the data strongly reflect expert classifications and can be used for meaningful assessments of group structure and dynamics. This approach expands opportunities for social research and conservation monitoring in great apes and many other individually identifiable species

    Spacetime Coarse Grainings in the Decoherent Histories Approach to Quantum Theory

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    We investigate the possibility of assigning consistent probabilities to sets of histories characterized by whether they enter a particular subspace of the Hilbert space of a closed system during a given time interval. In particular we investigate the case that this subspace is a region of the configuration space. This corresponds to a particular class of coarse grainings of spacetime regions. We consider the arrival time problem and the problem of time in reparametrization invariant theories as for example in canonical quantum gravity. Decoherence conditions and probabilities for those application are derived. The resulting decoherence condition does not depend on the explicit form of the restricted propagator that was problematic for generalizations such as application in quantum cosmology. Closely related is the problem of tunnelling time as well as the quantum Zeno effect. Some interpretational comments conclude, and we discuss the applicability of this formalism to deal with the arrival time problem.Comment: 23 pages, Few changes and added references in v

    Particle Currents in a Space-Time dependent and CP-violating Higgs Background: a Field Theory Approach

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    Motivated by cosmological applications like electroweak baryogenesis, we develop a field theoretic approach to the computation of particle currents on a space-time dependent and CP-violating Higgs background. We consider the Standard Model model with two Higgs doublets and CP violation in the scalar sector, and compute both fermionic and Higgs currents by means of an expansion in the background fields. We discuss the gauge dependence of the results and the renormalization of the current operators, showing that in the limit of local equilibrium, no extra renormalization conditions are needed in order to specify the system completely.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX file, uses epsf.sty. 4 figures available as a compressed .ep

    Decoherent histories analysis of the relativistic particle

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    The Klein-Gordon equation is a useful test arena for quantum cosmological models described by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. We use the decoherent histories approach to quantum theory to obtain the probability that a free relativistic particle crosses a section of spacelike surface. The decoherence functional is constructed using path integral methods with initial states attached using the (positive definite) ``induced'' inner product between solutions to the constraint equation. The notion of crossing a spacelike surface requires some attention, given that the paths in the path integral may cross such a surface many times, but we show that first and last crossings are in essence the only useful possibilities. Different possible results for the probabilities are obtained, depending on how the relativistic particle is quantized (using the Klein-Gordon equation, or its square root, with the associated Newton-Wigner states). In the Klein-Gordon quantization, the decoherence is only approximate, due to the fact that the paths in the path integral may go backwards and forwards in time. We compare with the results obtained using operators which commute with the constraint (the ``evolving constants'' method).Comment: 51 pages, plain Te

    Nonequilibrium perturbation theory for complex scalar fields

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    Real-time perturbation theory is formulated for complex scalar fields away from thermal equilibrium in such a way that dissipative effects arising from the absorptive parts of loop diagrams are approximately resummed into the unperturbed propagators. Low order calculations of physical quantities then involve quasiparticle occupation numbers which evolve with the changing state of the field system, in contrast to standard perturbation theory, where these occupation numbers are frozen at their initial values. The evolution equation of the occupation numbers can be cast approximately in the form of a Boltzmann equation. Particular attention is given to the effects of a non-zero chemical potential, and it is found that the thermal masses and decay widths of quasiparticle modes are different for particles and antiparticles.Comment: 15 pages using RevTeX; 2 figures in 1 Postscript file; Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Perturbative nonequilibrium dynamics of phase transitions in an expanding universe

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    A complete set of Feynman rules is derived, which permits a perturbative description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of a symmetry-breaking phase transition in λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 theory in an expanding universe. In contrast to a naive expansion in powers of the coupling constant, this approximation scheme provides for (a) a description of the nonequilibrium state in terms of its own finite-width quasiparticle excitations, thus correctly incorporating dissipative effects in low-order calculations, and (b) the emergence from a symmetric initial state of a final state exhibiting the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking, while maintaining the constraint 0\equiv 0. Earlier work on dissipative perturbation theory and spontaneous symmetry breaking in Minkowski spacetime is reviewed. The central problem addressed is the construction of a perturbative approximation scheme which treats the initial symmetric state in terms of the field ϕ\phi, while the state that emerges at later times is treated in terms of a field ζ\zeta, linearly related to ϕ2\phi^2. The connection between early and late times involves an infinite sequence of composite propagators. Explicit one-loop calculations are given of the gap equations that determine quasiparticle masses and of the equation of motion for and the renormalization of these equations is described. The perturbation series needed to describe the symmetric and broken-symmetry states are not equivalent, and this leads to ambiguities intrinsic to any perturbative approach. These ambiguities are discussed in detail and a systematic procedure for matching the two approximations is described.Comment: 22 pages, using RevTeX. 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Trajectories for the Wave Function of the Universe from a Simple Detector Model

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    Inspired by Mott's (1929) analysis of particle tracks in a cloud chamber, we consider a simple model for quantum cosmology which includes, in the total Hamiltonian, model detectors registering whether or not the system, at any stage in its entire history, passes through a series of regions in configuration space. We thus derive a variety of well-defined formulas for the probabilities for trajectories associated with the solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The probability distribution is peaked about classical trajectories in configuration space. The ``measured'' wave functions still satisfy the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, except for small corrections due to the disturbance of the measuring device. With modified boundary conditions, the measurement amplitudes essentially agree with an earlier result of Hartle derived on rather different grounds. In the special case where the system is a collection of harmonic oscillators, the interpretation of the results is aided by the introduction of ``timeless'' coherent states -- eigenstates of the Hamiltonian which are concentrated about entire classical trajectories.Comment: 37 pages, plain Tex. Second draft. Substantial revision

    Magnetic field generation from non-equilibrium phase transitions

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    We study the generation of magnetic fields during the stage of particle production resulting from spinodal instabilities during phase transitions out of equilibrium. The main premise is that long-wavelength instabilities that drive the phase transition lead to strong non-equilibrium charge and current fluctuations which generate electromagnetic fields. We present a formulation based on the non-equilibrium Schwinger-Dyson equations that leads to an exact expression for the spectrum of electromagnetic fields valid for general theories and cosmological backgrounds and whose main ingredient is the transverse photon polarization out of equilibrium. This formulation includes the dissipative effects of the conductivity in the medium. As a prelude to cosmology we study magnetogenesis in Minkowski space-time in a theory of N charged scalar fields to lowest order in the gauge coupling and to leading order in the large N within two scenarios of cosmological relevance. The long-wavelength power spectrum for electric and magnetic fields at the end of the phase transition is obtained explicitly. It follows that equipartition between electric and magnetic fields does not hold out of equilibrium. In the case of a transition from a high temperature phase, the conductivity of the medium severely hinders the generation of magnetic fields, however the magnetic fields generated are correlated on scales of the order of the domain size, which is much larger than the magnetic diffusion length. Implications of the results to cosmological phase transitions driven by spinodal unstabilities are discussed.Comment: Preprint no. LPTHE 02-55, 30 pages, latex, 2 eps figures. Added one reference. To appear in Phys. Rev.