328 research outputs found

    Fingolimod modulates dendritic architecture in a BDNF-dependent manner

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    The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays crucial roles in both the developing and mature brain. Moreover, alterations in BDNF levels are correlated with the cognitive impairment observed in several neurological diseases. Among the different therapeutic strategies developed to improve endogenous BDNF levels is the administration of the BDNF-inducing drug Fingolimod, an agonist of the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor. Fingolimod treatment was shown to rescue diverse symptoms associated with several neurological conditions (i.e., Alzheimer disease, Rett syndrome). However, the cellular mechanisms through which Fingolimod mediates its BDNF-dependent therapeutic effects remain unclear. We show that Fingolimod regulates the dendritic architecture, dendritic spine density and morphology of healthy mature primary hippocampal neurons. Moreover, the application of Fingolimod upregulates the expression of activity-related proteins c-Fos and pERK1/2 in these cells. Importantly, we show that BDNF release is required for these actions of Fingolimod. As alterations in neuronal structure underlie cognitive impairment, we tested whether Fingolimod application might prevent the abnormalities in neuronal structure typical of two neurodevelopmental disorders, namely Rett syndrome and Cdk5 deficiency disorder. We found a significant rescue in the neurite architecture of developing cortical neurons from Mecp2 and Cdkl5 mutant mice. Our study provides insights into understanding the BDNF-dependent therapeutic actions of Fingolimod

    CDKL5 expression is modulated during neuronal development and its subcellular distribution is tightly regulated by the C-terminal tail

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    Mutations in the human X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been identified in patients with Rett syndrome (RTT), West syndrome, and X-linked infantile spasms, sharing the common feature of mental retardation and early seizures. CDKL5 is a rather uncharacterized kinase, but its involvement in RTT seems to be explained by the fact that it works upstream of MeCP2, the main cause of Rett syndrome. To understand the role of this kinase for nervous system functions and to address if molecular mechanisms are involved in regulating its distribution and activity, we studied the ontogeny of CDKL5 expression in developing mouse brains by immunostaining and Western blotting. The expression profile of CDKL5 was compared with that of MeCP2. The two proteins share a general expression profile in the adult mouse brain, but CDKL5 levels appear to be highly modulated at the regional level. Its expression is strongly induced in early postnatal stages, and in the adult brain CDKL5 is present in mature neurons, but not in astroglia. Interestingly, the presence of CDKL5 in the cell nucleus varies at the regional level of the adult brain and is developmentally regulated. CDKL5 shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus and the C-terminal tail is involved in localizing the protein to the cytoplasm in a mechanism depending on active nuclear export. Accordingly, Rett derivatives containing disease-causing truncations of the C terminus are constitutively nuclear, suggesting that they might act as gain of function mutations in this cellular compartment

    Tyr120Asp mutation alters domain flexibility and dynamics of MeCP2 DNA binding domain leading to impaired DNA interaction : Atomistic characterization of a Rett syndrome causing mutation

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    Mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene represent the main origin of Rett syndrome, causing a profound intellectual disability in females. MeCP2 is an epigenetic transcriptional regulator containing two main functional domains: a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) and a transcription repression domain (TRD). Over 600 pathogenic mutations were reported to affect the whole protein; almost half of missense mutations affect the MBD. Understanding the impact of these mutations on the MBD structure and interaction with DNA will foster the comprehension of their pathogenicity and possibly genotype/phenotype correlation studies. Herein, we use molecular dynamics simulations to obtain a detailed view of the dynamics of WT and mutated MBD in the presence and absence of DNA. The pathogenic mutation Y120D is used as paradigm for our studies. Further, since the Y120 residue was previously found to be a phosphorylation site, we characterize the dynamic profile of the MBD also in the presence of Y120 phosphorylation (pY120). We found that addition of a phosphate group to Y120 or mutation in aspartic acid affect domain mobility that samples an alternative conformational space with respect to the WT, leading to impaired ability to interact with DNA. Experimental assays showing a significant reduction in the binding affinity between the mutated MBD and the DNA confirmed our predictions

    Lack of Methyl-CpG Binding Protein 2 (MeCP2) Affects Cell Fate Refinement During Embryonic Cortical Development

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    During differentiation, neurons progressively restrict their fate repressing the expression of specific genes. Here we describe the involvement in such developmental steps of the methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2), an epigenetic factor that participates to chromatin folding and transcriptional regulation. We previously reported that, due to transcriptional impairments, the maturation of Mecp2 null neurons is delayed. To evaluate whether this could stem from altered progenitors proliferation and differentiation, we investigated whether lack of Mecp2 affects these features both in vitro and in vivo. We show that in Mecp2 null embryonic cortexes the expression of genes defining the identity of proliferating neuroprogenitors is enriched and that their permanence in the G1 phase is prolonged. Moreover, the number of cells transitioning from a stage of maturation to a more mature one is increased in Mecp2 null embryonic cortices, in line with the central role of G1 for cell identity refinement. We thus suggest that, possibly due to the lack of proper transcriptional control normally exerted by Mecp2, fate refinement is impaired in developing null cells. We propose that the maturation delay affecting the developing Mecp2 null cortex originates, at least in part, from deranged mechanisms of cell fate refinement

    Functional consequences of mutations in CDKL5, an X-linked gene involved in infantile spasms and mental retardation

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    Mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been identified in patients with Rett syndrome, West syndrome, and X-linked infantile spasms sharing the common features of generally intractable early seizures and mental retardation. Disease-causing mutations are distributed in both the catalytic domain and in the large COOH terminus. In this report, we examine the functional consequences of some Rett mutations of CDKL5 together with some synthetically designed derivatives useful to underline the functional domains of the protein. The mutated CDKL5 derivatives have been subjected to in vitro kinase assays and analyzed for phosphorylation of the TEY (Thr-Glu-Tyr) motif within the activation loop, their subcellular localization, and the capacity of CDKL5 to interact with itself. Whereas wild-type CDKL5 autophosphorylates and mediates the phosphorylation of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) in vitro, Rett-mutated proteins show both impaired and increased catalytic activity suggesting that a tight regulation of CDKL5 is required for correct brain functions. Furthermore, we show that CDKL5 can self-associate and mediate the phosphorylation of its own TEY (Thr-Glu-Tyr) motif. Eventually, we show that the COOH terminus regulates CDKL5 properties; in particular, it negatively influences the catalytic activity and is required for its proper sub-nuclear localization. We propose a model in which CDKL5 phosphorylation is required for its entrance into the nucleus whereas a portion of the COOH-terminal domain is responsible for a stable residency in this cellular compartment probably through protein-protein interactions

    In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the brain of Cdkl5 null mice reveals a metabolic profile indicative of mitochondrial dysfunctions

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    Mutations in the X‐linked CDKL5 gene cause CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), a severe neurodevelopmental condition mainly characterized by infantile epileptic encephalopathy, intellectual disability, and autistic features. The molecular mechanisms underlying the clinical symptoms remain largely unknown and the identification of reliable biomarkers in animal models will certainly contribute to increase our comprehension of CDD as well as to assess the efficacy of therapeutic strategies. Here, we used different Magnetic Resonance (MR) methods to disclose structural, functional, or metabolic signatures of Cdkl5 deficiency in the brain of adult mice. We found that loss of Cdkl5 does not cause cerebral atrophy but affects distinct brain areas, particularly the hippocampus. By in vivo proton‐MR spectroscopy (MRS), we revealed in the Cdkl5 null brain a metabolic dysregulation indicative of mitochondrial dysfunctions. Accordingly, we unveiled a significant reduction in ATP levels and a decrease in the expression of complex IV of mitochondrial electron transport chain. Conversely, the number of mitochondria appeared preserved. Importantly, we reported a significant defect in the activation of one of the major regulators of cellular energy balance, the adenosine monophosphate‐activated protein kinase (AMPK), that might contribute to the observed metabolic impairment and become an interesting therapeutic target for future preclinical trials. In conclusion, MRS revealed in the Cdkl5 null brain the presence of a metabolic dysregulation suggestive of a mitochondrial dysfunction that permitted to foster our comprehension of Cdkl5 deficiency and brought our interest towards targeting mitochondria as therapeutic strategy for CDD

    Reduced AKT/mTOR signaling and protein synthesis dysregulation in a Rett syndrome animal model.

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with no efficient treatment that is caused in the majority of cases by mutations in the gene methyl-CpG binding-protein 2 (MECP2). RTT becomes manifest after a period of apparently normal development and causes growth deceleration, severe psychomotor impairment and mental retardation. Effective animal models for RTT are available and show morphofunctional abnormalities of synaptic connectivity. However, the molecular consequences of MeCP2 disruption leading to neuronal and synaptic alterations are not known. Protein synthesis regulation via the mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is crucial for synaptic organization, and its disruption is involved in a number of neurodevelopmental diseases. We investigated the phosphorylation of the ribosomal protein (rp) S6, whose activation is highly dependent from mTOR activity. Immunohistochemistry showed that rpS6 phosphorylation is severely affected in neurons across the cortical areas of Mecp2 mutants and that this alteration precedes the severe symptomatic phase of the disease. Moreover, we found a severe defect of the initiation of protein synthesis in the brain of presymptomatic Mecp2 mutant that was not restricted to a specific subset of transcripts. Finally, we provide evidence for a general dysfunction of the Akt/mTOR, but not extracellular-regulated kinase, signaling associated with the disease progression in mutant brains. Our results indicate that defects in the AKT/mTOR pathway are responsible for the altered translational control in Mecp2 mutant neurons and disclosed a novel putative biomarker of the pathological process. Importantly, this study provides a novel context of therapeutic interventions that can be designed to successfully restrain or ameliorate the development of RTT

    CDKL5 influences RNA splicing activity by its association to the nuclear speckle molecular machinery

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    Mutations in the human X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been shown to cause severe neurodevelopmental disorders including infantile spasms, encephalopathy, West-syndrome and an early-onset variant of Rett syndrome. CDKL5 is a serine/threonine kinase whose involvement in Rett syndrome can be inferred by its ability to directly bind and mediate phosphorylation of MeCP2. However, it remains to be elucidated how CDKL5 exerts its function. Here, we report that CDKL5 localizes to specific nuclear foci referred to as nuclear speckles in both cell lines and tissues. These sub-nuclear structures are traditionally considered as storage/modification sites of pre-mRNA splicing factors. Interestingly, we provide evidence that CDKL5 regulates the dynamic behaviour of nuclear speckles. Indeed, CDKL5 overexpression leads to nuclear speckle disassembly, and this event is strictly dependent on its kinase activity. Conversely, its down-regulation affects nuclear speckle morphology leading to abnormally large and uneven speckles. Similar results were obtained for primary adult fibroblasts isolated from CDKL5-mutated patients. Altogether, these findings indicate that CDKL5 controls nuclear speckle morphology probably by regulating the phosphorylation state of splicing regulatory proteins. Nuclear speckles are dynamic sites that can continuously supply splicing factors to active transcription sites, where splicing occurs. Notably, we proved that CDKL5 influences alternative splicing, at least as proved in heterologous minigene assays. In conclusion, we provide evidence that CDKL5 is involved indirectly in pre-mRNA processing, by controlling splicing factor dynamics. These findings identify a biological process whose disregulation might affect neuronal maturation and activity in CDKL5-related disorders

    Trichostatin A decreases the levels of MeCP2 expression and phosphorylation and increases its chromatin binding affinity

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    MeCP2 binds to methylated DNA in a chromatin context and has an important role in cancer and brain development and function. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are currently being used to palliate many cancer and neurological disorders. Yet, the molecular mechanisms involved are not well known for the most part and, in particular, the relationship between histone acetylation and MeCP2 is not well understood. In this paper, we study the effect of the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) on MeCP2, a protein whose dysregulation plays an important role in these diseases. We find that treatment of cells with TSA decreases the phosphorylation state of this protein and appears to result in a higher MeCP2 chromatin binding affinity. Yet, the binding dynamics with which the protein binds to DNA appear not to be significantly affected despite the chromatin reorganization resulting from the high levels of acetylation. HDAC inhibition also results in an overall decrease in MeCP2 levels of different cell lines. Moreover, we show that miR132 increases upon TSA treatment, and is one of the players involved in the observed downregulation of MeCP2
