212,621 research outputs found

    A VLSI architecture of JPEG2000 encoder

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    Copyright @ 2004 IEEEThis paper proposes a VLSI architecture of JPEG2000 encoder, which functionally consists of two parts: discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and embedded block coding with optimized truncation (EBCOT). For DWT, a spatial combinative lifting algorithm (SCLA)-based scheme with both 5/3 reversible and 9/7 irreversible filters is adopted to reduce 50% and 42% multiplication computations, respectively, compared with the conventional lifting-based implementation (LBI). For EBCOT, a dynamic memory control (DMC) strategy of Tier-1 encoding is adopted to reduce 60% scale of the on-chip wavelet coefficient storage and a subband parallel-processing method is employed to speed up the EBCOT context formation (CF) process; an architecture of Tier-2 encoding is presented to reduce the scale of on-chip bitstream buffering from full-tile size down to three-code-block size and considerably eliminate the iterations of the rate-distortion (RD) truncation.This work was supported in part by the China National High Technologies Research Program (863) under Grant 2002AA1Z142

    Detection of confinement and jumps in single molecule membrane trajectories

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    We propose a novel variant of the algorithm by Simson et al. [R. Simson, E.D. Sheets, K. Jacobson, Biophys. J. 69, 989 (1995)]. Their algorithm was developed to detect transient confinement zones in experimental single particle tracking trajectories of diffusing membrane proteins or lipids. We show that our algorithm is able to detect confinement in a wider class of confining potential shapes than Simson et al.'s one. Furthermore it enables to detect not only temporary confinement but also jumps between confinement zones. Jumps are predicted by membrane skeleton fence and picket models. In the case of experimental trajectories of Ό\mu-opioid receptors, which belong to the family of G-protein-coupled receptors involved in a signal transduction pathway, this algorithm confirms that confinement cannot be explained solely by rigid fences.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis of a Classical Matrix Preconditioning Algorithm

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    We study a classical iterative algorithm for balancing matrices in the L∞L_\infty norm via a scaling transformation. This algorithm, which goes back to Osborne and Parlett \& Reinsch in the 1960s, is implemented as a standard preconditioner in many numerical linear algebra packages. Surprisingly, despite its widespread use over several decades, no bounds were known on its rate of convergence. In this paper we prove that, for any irreducible n×nn\times n (real or complex) input matrix~AA, a natural variant of the algorithm converges in O(n3log⁥(nρ/Δ))O(n^3\log(n\rho/\varepsilon)) elementary balancing operations, where ρ\rho measures the initial imbalance of~AA and Δ\varepsilon is the target imbalance of the output matrix. (The imbalance of~AA is max⁥i∣log⁥(aiout/aiin)∣\max_i |\log(a_i^{\text{out}}/a_i^{\text{in}})|, where aiout,aiina_i^{\text{out}},a_i^{\text{in}} are the maximum entries in magnitude in the iith row and column respectively.) This bound is tight up to the log⁥n\log n factor. A balancing operation scales the iith row and column so that their maximum entries are equal, and requires O(m/n)O(m/n) arithmetic operations on average, where mm is the number of non-zero elements in~AA. Thus the running time of the iterative algorithm is O~(n2m)\tilde{O}(n^2m). This is the first time bound of any kind on any variant of the Osborne-Parlett-Reinsch algorithm. We also prove a conjecture of Chen that characterizes those matrices for which the limit of the balancing process is independent of the order in which balancing operations are performed.Comment: The previous version (1) (see also STOC'15) handled UB ("unique balance") input matrices. In this version (2) we extend the work to handle all input matrice

    Multiple phase transitions in single-crystalline Na1−ή_{1-\delta}FeAs

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    Specific heat, resistivity, susceptibility and Hall coefficient measurements were performed on high-quality single crystalline Na1−ή_{1-\delta}FeAs. This compound is found to undergo three successive phase transitions at around 52, 41, and 23 K, which correspond to structural, magnetic and superconducting transitions, respectively. The Hall effect result indicates the development of energy gap at low temperature due to the occurrence of spin-density-wave instability. Our results provide direct experimental evidence of the magnetic ordering in the nearly stoichiometric NaFeAs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    High capacity associative memory with bipolar and binary, biased patterns

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    The high capacity associative memory model is interesting due to its significantly higher capacity when compared with the standard Hopfield model. These networks can use either bipolar or binary patterns, which may also be biased. This paper investigates the performance of a high capacity associative memory model trained with biased patterns, using either bipolar or binary representations. Our results indicate that the binary network performs less well under low bias, but better in other situations, compared with the bipolar network.Peer reviewe

    Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock versus chiral effective field theory

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    We compare nuclear and neutron matter predictions based on two different ab initio approaches to nuclear forces and the nuclear many-body problem. The first consists of a realistic meson-theoretic nucleon-nucleon potential together with the relativistic counterpart of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory of nuclear matter. The second is based on chiral effective field theory, with density-dependent interactions derived from leading order chiral three-nucleon forces. We find the results to be very close and conclude that both approaches contain important features governing the physics of nuclear and neutron matter.Comment: PDFLATEX, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1107.3339, arXiv:1111.0695, arXiv:1002.014

    Optical spectroscopy study on single crystalline LaFeAsO

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    Millimeter-sized single crystals of LaFeAsO were grown from NaAs flux and the in-plane optical properties were studied over a wide frequency range. A sizable electronic correlation effect was indicated from the analysis of the free-carrier spectral weight. With decreasing temperature from 300 K, we observed a continuous suppression of the spectral weight near 0.6 eV. But a spin-density-wave gap formation at lower energy scale was seen only in the broken-symmetry state. We elaborate that both the itinerancy and local spin interactions of Fe\emph{3d} electrons are present for the FeAs-based systems; however, the establishment of the long-range magnetic order at low temperature has a dominantly itinerant origin.Comment: 4 figures, 5 page
