67 research outputs found

    Pointwise estimates for the Bergman kernel of the weighted Fock space

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    We prove upper pointwise estimates for the Bergman kernel of the weighted Fock space of entire functions in L2(e2ϕ)L^2(e^{-2\phi}) where ϕ\phi is a subharmonic function with Δϕ\Delta \phi a doubling measure. We derive estimates for the canonical solution operator to the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation and we characterize the compactness of this operator in terms of Δϕ\Delta \phi

    An improved Riemann Mapping Theorem and complexity in potential theory

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    We discuss applications of an improvement on the Riemann mapping theorem which replaces the unit disc by another "double quadrature domain," i.e., a domain that is a quadrature domain with respect to both area and boundary arc length measure. Unlike the classic Riemann Mapping Theorem, the improved theorem allows the original domain to be finitely connected, and if the original domain has nice boundary, the biholomorphic map can be taken to be close to the identity, and consequently, the double quadrature domain close to the original domain. We explore some of the parallels between this new theorem and the classic theorem, and some of the similarities between the unit disc and the double quadrature domains that arise here. The new results shed light on the complexity of many of the objects of potential theory in multiply connected domains.Comment: 23 page

    On a hyperconvex manifold without non-constant bounded holomorphic functions

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    An example is given of a hyperconvex manifold without non-constant bounded holomorphic functions, which is realized as a domain with real-analytic Levi-flat boundary in a projective surface.Comment: 10 pages, final version, to appear in "Geometric Complex Analysis", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistic

    Antihypertensive therapy adherence in subjects working on rotational basis in Extreme North (notes from practice)

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    In the camp on the basis of departmental Yamburg MSU in 294 patients with Stage II stage at the age of 20 -59 years studied adherence. The average age of the surveyed was 46,0 ± 6,0 years. Long service manned -12,2 + 4,7 years. The average office BP -157,5 ± 13,7 and 106,7+8,8 mm Hg Mean disease duration - 6,4 ±5,7 years. Prevention education programs 6CC cardiology service in a coverage IFL treatment 98.6% of patients studied. Despite the free drugs only 49.3% of the 294 people regularly take prescribed medication to them. In this case, the target level of office BP was detected in 60.7% of those treated with regular people. The main reasons for refusing treatment were younger age, oligosymptomatic flow (87%), low health literacy - 32%, poor tolerability of the drug -12%. Only 35% of 294 surveyed used the self-BP. Patients took almost the entire range of modern AGT as a single agent and in combination therapy mode, but monotherapy has a leading position. Conclusion: young age, low health literacy, and the need for malosimptomno taking several drugs were the main causes of poor adherence to AHT in patients with hypertension in the watch.В условиях вахтового поселка Ямбург на базе ведомственной МСЧ у 294 больных АГ II стадией в возрасте 20 -59 лет исследована приверженность лечению. Средний возраст обследованных составил 46,0+6,0 лет. Длительность стажа работы вахтой — 12,2+ 4,7лет. Среднее офисное АД - 157,5±13,7 и 106,7±8,8 мм рт.ст. Средняя длительность заболевания - 6,4+5,7 лет. Проведение программы профилактики ССЗ кардиологической службой МСЧ позволило охватить лечением 98,6 % обследованных пациентов. Несмотря на бесплатное лекарственное обеспечение только 49,3% из 294 человек регулярно принимали назначенный им препарат. При этом, целевой уровень офисного АД определялся у 60,7% из числа регулярно лечившихся лиц. Основными причинами отказа от лечения были: молодой возраст, малосимптомное течение (87%), низкая медицинская грамотность - 32%, плохая переносимость назначенного препарата -12%. Только 35% из 294 обследованных применяли самоконтроль АД. Пациенты принимали практически весь спектр современных АГТ, как в режиме монотерапии, так и в режиме комбинации препаратов, но монотерапия занимала ведущие позиции. Заключение: молодой возраст, низкая медицинская грамотность, малосимптомное течение и необходимость приема нескольких препаратов стали основными причинами низкой приверженности АГТ у больных АГ в условиях вахты

    Segurança do paciente no uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar: estudo exploratório1

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    No Brasil, são escassos os estudos sobre estratégias para a segurança do paciente no processo de uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar, o que dificulta o conhecimento sobre a atuação de hospitais brasileiros nessa área. Neste artigo, buscou-se compreender a dinâmica e os desafios do cuidado fornecido ao paciente pela equipe hospitalar, visando à segurança no processo de uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar. Realizou-se pesquisa exploratória por meio de entrevistas com médicos, enfermeiros, farmacêuticos e assistentes sociais do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram pesquisadas as atividades de cuidado com a farmacoterapia durante e após a hospitalização, incluindo o acesso a medicamentos após alta, a existência de articulação do hospital com outros serviços de saúde, e barreiras para desenvolver essas atividades. A principal estratégia adotada é a orientação de alta, realizada de forma estruturada, principalmente para cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos. Em situações específicas, ocorre mobilização da equipe para viabilização do acesso a medicamentos prescritos na alta. Reconciliação medicamentosa está em fase de implantação, e visita domiciliar é realizada apenas para pacientes críticos com problemas de locomoção. As principais barreiras identificadas foram insuficiência de recursos humanos e falta de tecnologias de informação. Conclui-se que são desenvolvidas algumas estratégias, porém com limitações e sem articulação adequada com outros serviços de saúde para a continuidade do cuidado. Isto sugere a necessidade de concentração de esforços para transpor as barreiras identificadas, contribuindo para a segurança do paciente na interface entre hospital, atenção básica e domicílio

    Noyau de bergman et applications biholomorphes dans des domaines strictement pseudo-convexes

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