290 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2009-2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of firm characteristics on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. Disclosure of corporate social responsibility is the dependent variable in this study as measured by Key Success Factors are based on the Performance of Social containing 78 indiktor measuring corporate social responsibility. The independent variables were studied. commissioners size, profitability, and leverage. The independent variables were studied Commissioners size, profitability,and leverage.The sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2009 to 2011. The sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year 2009 to 2011. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 140 companies. Analysis data was performed with the classical assumption test and hypothesis testing multiple regression analysis. Analysis data was performed with the classical hypothesis testing Assumption test and linear regression method.The results of this study indicate that the variable size of the board of commissioners and a significant positive effect on the profitability of corporate social responsibility disclosure. The results of this study indicate that the variable size of the board of Commissioners and a significant positive effect on the profitability of corporate social responsibility disclosure. While significant negative leverage variable on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. While significant negative leverage variable on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility

    Fractal analysis of sea level variations in coastal regions of India

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    Sea level variations reflect the dynamics of the nonlinear atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere-lithosphere system. The nature of the nonlinearity can be deciphered from the analysis of the sea level records. Fractal analysis of the data recorded at the Indian tide gauge stations during the past several decades has been done using the Iterated Function Systems (IFS) technique. The calculated fractal dimensions vary between 1.2 and 1.3. This is slightly more than the values of the dimension of the sea level record over the duration of thousands of years. It is inferred that the long term behaviour of sea level changes can be modelled by a nonlinear dynamical system having a small number of variables

    Feasibility of elastomeric composites as alternative materials for marine applications: A compendious review on their properties and opportunities

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    © IMechE 2022. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1177/14750902221095321The term elastomer is a curtailment of two words, which are elastic and polymers. Accordingly, elastomers are polymer materials with elasticity. The significant challenges hindering the development of materials for naval applications, similar to other engineering sectors, include achieving a competitive light elastomeric structure. Marine structures are susceptible to various damage responses due to various loads throughout their service life. Being flexible, elastomer has a low modulus of elasticity, exhibits higher values of failure strain and yield strength. In these regards, elastomers are attractive materials for applications that require elasticity because they offer substantial advantages compared to traditional materials. However, the low fire resistance of these elastomeric materials jeopardizes their use in some critical applications. As a result, elastomeric blends and composites containing flame retardant (FR) additives are commonly used. On the other hand, elastomers possess (i) high strength-to-weight ratio, (ii) excellent impact properties, (iii) low infrared, magnetic, and radar signatures, (iv) excellent durability, and (v) high resilience to extreme loads. Hence, the scope of this study focuses on review and awareness regarding the feasibility of marine applications of elastomers/ elastomeric composites, their current scientific and technological drawbacks, and future outlooks or prospects to support several applications in the marine industry.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of major foliar and panicle diseases of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) in the Deccan plateau of India

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    Extensive on-farm disease surveys were conducted from August 1999 until March 2001 in four sorghum-growing states of the Indian Deccan plateau. A total of 965 fields were surveyed covering 228 fields in Andhra Pradesh (AP), 406 in Karnataka (KAR), 290 in Maharashtra (MH) and 41 in Tamil Nadu (TN). Among 14 foliar diseases observed, maize stripe virus (MStV), a tenuivirus transmitted by the delphacid plant hopper (Peregrinus maidis), and among five panicle diseases, ergot or sugary disease (Claviceps sorghi and C. africana) were the most destructive diseases. MStV was prevalent in 28.4% and ergot in 13.4% of the fields surveyed in two years across four states. Yet, the mean incidence of MStV in AP was 6% with 85% mean severity. The values in KAR were 12% incidence and 83% severity, in MH 5% and 67%, and in TN 12% and 76%, respectively. The mean incidence of ergot in AP was 34% with 67% mean severity. The values in KAR were 41% and 79%, in MH, 30% and 67%, and in TN 100% and 100%, respectively. Variation in frequency of occurrence of MStV was observed between 1999 and 2001. Variations in frequency could be due to weather factors, vector survival, cropping pattern, and host specificity. The frequency of ergot also was varying among years, locations, seasons and cultivars. An ergot epidemic was observed during the 1999 rainy season in Maachinenipalli village (16°35′N; 78°3′E), Andhra Pradesh. In September 2000, the disease had spread to 13 neighboring administrative zones damaging about 130 000 ha. This paper elucidates the distribution of diseases observed between 1999 and 2001 but does not imply that the diseases are restricted necessarily to a particular zone or location

    Evidence-based national vaccine policy

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    India has over a century old tradition of development and production of vaccines. The Government rightly adopted self-sufficiency in vaccine production and self-reliance in vaccine technology as its policy objectives in 1986. However, in the absence of a full-fledged vaccine policy, there have been concerns related to demand and supply, manufacture vs. import, role of public and private sectors, choice of vaccines, new and combination vaccines, universal vs. selective vaccination, routine immunization vs. special drives, cost-benefit aspects, regulatory issues, logistics etc. The need for a comprehensive and evidence based vaccine policy that enables informed decisions on all these aspects from the public health point of view brought together doctors, scientists, policy analysts, lawyers and civil society representatives to formulate this policy paper for the consideration of the Government. This paper evolved out of the first ever ICMR-NISTADS national brainstorming workshop on vaccine policy held during 4-5 June, 2009 in New Delhi, and subsequent discussions over email for several weeks, before being adopted unanimously in the present form

    Population dynamics of the geographically defined metapopulations of brown shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) from Indian waters

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    Population dynamics of the brown shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) was studied along the Indian coast using catch and effort data of trawlers from 8 States and 2 Union Territories for the period 2007-2015. Classical length-based stock assessment methods and spatial database of the shrimp catch were used to derive fishing ground related conclusions. Inclusion of spatial data revealed the possibility of existence of metapopulations of M. monoceros in the region. Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) cannot be a reasonable reference point for deciding the fishing pressure in M. monoceros. By analysing stock fluctuations noticed during the study period with varying spawning stock biomass combinations, retention of 40% spawning biomass seems to be a safe option for sustaining M. monoceros production from Indian waters. Based on this, the study recommends reduction of fishing pressure along north-west, south-west and northeast coast by 70, 60 and 70% respectively from the base level of effort in 2017. The study illustrates that the spatial data from fishing ground, can serve as an additional tool to derive management options. The study also emphasises the need for further investigations on the possibilities of metapopulations of M. monoceros which is widely distributed in all agro-climatic zones along the Indian coast