49,369 research outputs found

    Upstream-radiated rotor–stator interaction noise in mean swirling flow

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    A major component of the noise in modern aeroengines is rotor–stator interaction noise generated when the wake from the rotating fan impinges on a stator row downstream. An analytically based model for the prediction of upstream-radiated rotor–stator interaction noise is described, and includes the important effect of mean swirling flow on both the rotor wake evolution and the acoustic response. The analytic nature of the model allows for the inclusion of all wake harmonics and enables the response at all blade passing frequencies to be determined. An asymptotic analysis based on large rotor blade number is used to model the evolution of the rotor wake downstream in a cylindrical duct carrying mean swirling flow. The equations governing the axial evolution of the wake simplify to three coupled first-order differential equations in the interior, while close to the duct walls, a boundary-layer correction is required in order to satisfy the impermeability conditions at the boundaries. At the stator location, the wake is used as input into a local linear cascade model at each radius. The interaction of each wake harmonic gives rise to acoustic waves of multiple azimuthal order which contribute to the pressure field radiated back upstream. This enables the total acoustic response to be determined in terms of cylindrical duct modes in mean swirling flow. The effect of stator blade geometry (thickness, camber, angle of attack) and rotor–stator separation on the total upstream-radiated noise is determined. Blade geometry is shown to have a significant effect on the noise generated, and increasing the rotor–stator gap can lead to large reductions in noise levels. Asymptotic treatment of the acoustic field, based on large azimuthal order, is also considered and used to identify the dominant contributions to the total pressure field resulting from the rotor–stator interaction. The ray structure of the acoustic modes in swirl is shown to be very different in some cases from that in uniform flow

    Theory of Spin-Split Cyclotron Resonance in the Extreme Quantum Limit

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    We present an interpretation of recent cyclotron resonance experiments on the two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. We show that the observed dependence of the resonance spectrum on Landau level occupancy and temperature arises from the interplay of three factors: spin-splitting of the cyclotron frequency; thermal population of the two spin states; and coupling of the resonances for each spin orientation by Coulomb interactions. In addition, we derive an ff-sum rule which allows spin polarisation to be determined directly from resonance spectra.Comment: 10 pages (revtex 3.0) + 4 uuencoded postscript figure

    High-power converters for space applications

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    Phase 1 was a concept definition effort to extend space-type dc/dc converter technology to the megawatt level with a weight of less than 0.1 kg/kW (220 lb./MW). Two system designs were evaluated in Phase 1. Each design operates from a 5 kV stacked fuel cell source and provides a voltage step-up to 100 kV at 10 A for charging capacitors (100 pps at a duty cycle of 17 min on, 17 min off). Both designs use an MCT-based, full-bridge inverter, gaseous hydrogen cooling, and crowbar fault protection. The GE-CRD system uses an advanced high-voltage transformer/rectifier filter is series with a resonant tank circuit, driven by an inverter operating at 20 to 50 kHz. Output voltage is controlled through frequency and phase shift control. Fast transient response and stability is ensured via optimal control. Super-resonant operation employing MCTs provides the advantages of lossless snubbing, no turn-on switching loss, use of medium-speed diodes, and intrinsic current limiting under load-fault conditions. Estimated weight of the GE-CRD system is 88 kg (1.5 cu ft.). Efficiency of 94.4 percent and total system loss is 55.711 kW operating at 1 MW load power. The Maxwell system is based on a resonance transformer approach using a cascade of five LC resonant sections at 100 kHz. The 5 kV bus is converted to a square wave, stepped-up to a 100 kV sine wave by the LC sections, rectified, and filtered. Output voltage is controlled with a special series regulator circuit. Estimated weight of the Maxwell system is 83.8 kg (4.0 cu ft.). Efficiency is 87.2 percent and total system loss is 146.411 kW operating at 1 MW load power

    Periodically-driven quantum matter: the case of resonant modulations

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    Quantum systems can show qualitatively new forms of behavior when they are driven by fast time-periodic modulations. In the limit of large driving frequency, the long-time dynamics of such systems can often be described by a time-independent effective Hamiltonian, which is generally identified through a perturbative treatment. Here, we present a general formalism that describes time-modulated physical systems, in which the driving frequency is large, but resonant with respect to energy spacings inherent to the system at rest. Such a situation is currently exploited in optical-lattice setups, where superlattice (or Wannier-Stark-ladder) potentials are resonantly modulated so as to control the tunneling matrix elements between lattice sites, offering a powerful method to generate artificial fluxes for cold-atom systems. The formalism developed in this work identifies the basic ingredients needed to generate interesting flux patterns and band structures using resonant modulations. Additionally, our approach allows for a simple description of the micro-motion underlying the dynamics; we illustrate its characteristics based on diverse dynamic-lattice configurations. It is shown that the impact of the micro-motion on physical observables strongly depends on the implemented scheme, suggesting that a theoretical description in terms of the effective Hamiltonian alone is generally not sufficient to capture the full time-evolution of the system.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; includes a new Section III dedicated to the strong-driving regim

    Dutch listeners' use of suprasegmental cues to English stress

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    Dutch listeners outperform native listeners in identifying syllable stress in English. This is because lexical stress is more useful in recognition of spoken words of Dutch than of English, so that Dutch listeners pay greater attention to stress in general. We examined Dutch listeners’ use of the acoustic correlates of English stress. Primary- and secondary-stressed syllables differ significantly on acoustic measures, and some differences, in F0 especially, correlate with data of earlier listening experiments. The correlations found in the Dutch responses were not paralleled in data from native listeners. Thus the acoustic cues which distinguish English primary versus secondary stress are better exploited by Dutch than by native listeners

    Incompressible liquid state of rapidly-rotating bosons at filling factor 3/2

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    Bosons in the lowest Landau level, such as rapidly-rotating cold trapped atoms, are investigated numerically in the specially interesting case in which the filling factor (ratio of particle number to vortex number) is 3/2. When a moderate amount of a longer-range (e.g. dipolar) interaction is included, we find clear evidence that the ground state is in a phase constructed earlier by two of us, in which excitations possess non-Abelian statistics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Optical response of high-TcT_c cuprates: possible role of scattering rate saturation and in-plane anisotropy

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    We present a generalized Drude analysis of the in-plane optical conductivity σab\sigma_{ab}(TT,ω\omega) in cuprates taking into account the effects of in-plane anisotropy. A simple ansatz for the scattering rate Γ\Gamma(TT,ω\omega), that includes anisotropy, a quadratic frequency dependence and saturation at the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit, is able to reproduce recent normal state data on an optimally doped cuprate over a wide frequency range. We highlight the potential importance of including anisotropy in the full expression for σab\sigma_{ab}(TT,ω\omega) and challenge previous determinations of Γ\Gamma(ω\omega) in which anisotropy was neglected and Γ\Gamma(ω\omega) was indicated to be strictly linear in frequency over a wide frequency range. Possible implications of our findings for understanding thermodynamic properties and self-energy effects in high-TcT_c cuprates will also be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. To be published in Physical Review

    The Vector Analyzing Power in Elastic Electron-Nucleus Scattering

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    The vector analyzing power A_n is calculated for elastic electron scattering from a variety of spin zero nuclei at energies from 14 MeV to 3 GeV. Time reversal symmetry insures that A_n vanish in first Born approximation. Therefore A_n depends on Coulomb distortions and can be large for scattering from heavy nuclei. The vector analyzing power is a potential source of systematic error for parity violation experiments. We find that A_n=-0.361 ppm for the kinematics of the Parity Radius Experiment (PREX) involving 850 MeV electrons scattering at six degrees from 208Pb. This is comparable to the parity violating asymmetry. However for HAPPEX He involving 3 GeV electrons scattering on 4He we find that A_n is very small.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Single vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    It has been demonstrated experimentally that non-axially symmetric vortices precess around the centre of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Two types of single vortex states have been observed, usually referred to as the S-vortex and the U-vortex. We study theoretically the single vortex excitations in spherical and elongated condensates as a function of the interaction strength. We solve numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and calculate the angular momentum as a function of precession frequency. The existence of two types of vortices means that we have two different precession frequencies for each angular momentum value. As the interaction strength increases the vortex lines bend and the precession frequencies shift to lower values. We establish that for given angular momentum the S-vortex has higher energy than the U-vortex in a rotating elongated condensate. We show that the S-vortex is related to the solitonic vortex which is a nonlinear excitation in the nonrotating system. For small interaction strengths the S-vortex is related to the dark soliton. In the dilute limit a lowest Landau level calculation provides an analytic description of these vortex modes in terms of the harmonic oscillator states