449 research outputs found

    Isotropic Mid-Infrared Emission from the Central 100 pc of Active Galaxies

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    Dust reprocesses the intrinsic radiation of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to emerge at longer wavelengths. The observed mid-infrared (MIR) luminosity depends fundamentally on the luminosity of the central engine, but in detail it also depends on the geometric distribution of the surrounding dust. To quantify this relationship, we observe nearby normal AGNs in the MIR to achieve spatial resolution better than 100 pc, and we use absorption-corrected X-ray luminosity as a proxy for the intrinsic AGN emission. We find no significant difference between optically classified Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies. Spectroscopic differences, both at optical and IR wavelengths, indicate that the immediate surroundings of AGNs is not spherically symmetric, as in standard unified AGN models. A quantitative analysis of clumpy torus radiative transfer models shows that a clumpy local environment can account for this dependence on viewing geometry while producing MIR continuum emission that remains nearly isotropic, as we observe, although the material is not optically thin at these wavelengths. We find some luminosity dependence on the X-ray/MIR correlation in the smallest scale measurements, which may indicate enhanced dust emission associated with star formation, even on these sub-100 pc scales.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Origin of the Silicate Emission Features in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy, NGC 2110

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    The unified model of active galactic nuclei (AGN) predicts silicate emission features at 10 and 18 microns in type 1 AGN, and such features have now been observed in objects ranging from distant QSOs to nearby LINERs. More surprising, however, is the detection of silicate emission in a few type 2 AGN. By combining Gemini and Spitzer mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of NGC 2110, the closest known Seyfert 2 galaxy with silicate emission features, we can constrain the location of the silicate emitting region to within 32 pc of the nucleus. This is the strongest constraint yet on the size of the silicate emitting region in a Seyfert galaxy of any type. While this result is consistent with a narrow line region origin for the emission, comparison with clumpy torus models demonstrates that emission from an edge-on torus can also explain the silicate emission features and 2-20 micron spectral energy distribution of this object. In many of the best-fitting models the torus has only a small number of clouds along the line of sight, and does not extend far above the equatorial plane. Extended silicate-emitting regions may well be present in AGN, but this work establishes that emission from the torus itself is also a viable option for the origin of silicate emission features in active galaxies of both type 1 and type 2.Comment: ApJL, accepte

    The nuclear and extended mid-infrared emission of Seyfert galaxies

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    We present subarcsecond resolution mid-infrared (MIR) images obtained with 8-10 m-class ground-based telescopes of a complete volume-limited (DL<40 Mpc) sample of 24 Seyfert galaxies selected from the Swift/BAT nine month catalog. We use those MIR images to study the nuclear and circumnuclear emission of the galaxies. Using different methods to classify the MIR morphologies on scales of ~400 pc, we find that the majority of the galaxies (75-83%) are extended or possibly extended and 17-25% are point-like. This extended emission is compact and it has low surface brightness compared with the nuclear emission, and it represents, on average, ~30% of the total MIR emission of the galaxies in the sample. We find that the galaxies whose circumnuclear MIR emission is dominated by star formation show more extended emission (650+-700 pc) than AGN-dominated systems (300+-100 pc). In general, the galaxies with point-like MIR morphologies are face-on or moderately inclined (b/a~0.4-1.0), and we do not find significant differences between the morphologies of Sy1 and Sy2. We used the nuclear and circumnuclear fluxes to investigate their correlation with different AGN and SF activity indicators. We find that the nuclear MIR emission (the inner ~70 pc) is strongly correlated with the X-ray emission (the harder the X-rays the better the correlation) and with the [O IV] lambda 25.89 micron emission line, indicating that it is AGN-dominated. We find the same results, although with more scatter, for the circumnuclear emission, which indicates that the AGN dominates the MIR emission in the inner ~400 pc of the galaxies, with some contribution from star formation.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Near-Infrared Polarimetric Adaptive Optics Observations of NGC 1068: A torus created by a hydromagnetic outflow wind

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    We present J' and K' imaging linear polarimetric adaptive optics observations of NGC 1068 using MMT-Pol on the 6.5-m MMT. These observations allow us to study the torus from a magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) framework. In a 0.5" (30 pc) aperture at K', we find that polarisation arising from the passage of radiation from the inner edge of the torus through magnetically aligned dust grains in the clumps is the dominant polarisation mechanism, with an intrinsic polarisation of 7.0%±\pm2.2%. This result yields a torus magnetic field strength in the range of 4-82 mG through paramagnetic alignment, and 13920+11^{+11}_{-20} mG through the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The measured position angle (P.A.) of polarisation at K' is found to be similar to the P.A. of the obscuring dusty component at few parsec scales using infrared interferometric techniques. We show that the constant component of the magnetic field is responsible for the alignment of the dust grains, and aligned with the torus axis onto the plane of the sky. Adopting this magnetic field configuration and the physical conditions of the clumps in the MHD outflow wind model, we estimate a mass outflow rate \le0.17 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} at 0.4 pc from the central engine for those clumps showing near-infrared dichroism. The models used were able to create the torus in a timescale of \geq105^{5} yr with a rotational velocity of \leq1228 km s1^{-1} at 0.4 pc. We conclude that the evolution, morphology and kinematics of the torus in NGC 1068 can be explained within a MHD framework.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of the type IIn SN 1998S : Days 3-127

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    We present contemporary infrared and optical spectroscopic observations of the type IIn SN 1998S for the period between 3 and 127 days after discovery. In the first week the spectra are characterised by prominent broad emission lines with narrow peaks superimposed on a very blue continuum(T~24000K). In the following two weeks broad, blueshifted absorption components appeared in the spectra and the temperature dropped. By day 44, broad emission components in H and He reappeared in the spectra. These persisted to 100-130d, becoming increasingly asymmetric. We agree with Leonard et al. (2000) that the broad emission lines indicate interaction between the ejecta and circumstellar material (CSM) and deduce that progenitor of SN 1998S appears to have gone through at least two phases of mass loss, giving rise to two CSM zones. Examination of the spectra indicates that the inner zone extended to <90AU, while the outer CSM extended from 185AU to over 1800AU. Analysis of high resolution spectra shows that the outer CSM had a velocity of 40-50 km/s. Assuming a constant velocity, we can infer that the outer CSM wind commenced more than 170 years ago, and ceased about 20 years ago, while the inner CSM wind may have commenced less than 9 years ago. During the era of the outer CSM wind the outflow was high, >2x10^{-5}M_{\odot}/yr corresponding to a mass loss of at least 0.003M_{\odot} and suggesting a massive progenitor. We also model the CO emission observed in SN 1998S. We deduce a CO mass of ~10^{-3} M_{\odot} moving at ~2200km/s, and infer a mixed metal/He core of ~4M_{\odot}, again indicating a massive progenitor.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted in MNRA

    High Energy gamma-rays From FR I Jets

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    Thanks to Hubble and Chandra telescopes, some of the large scale jets in extragalactic radio sources are now being observed at optical and X-ray frequencies. For the FR I objects the synchrotron nature of this emission is surely established, although a lot of uncertainties - connected for example with the particle acceleration processes involved - remain. In this paper we study production of high energy gamma-rays in FR I kiloparsec-scale jets by inverse-Compton emission of the synchrotron-emitting electrons. We consider different origin of seed photons contributing to the inverse-Compton scattering, including nuclear jet radiation as well as ambient, stellar and circumstellar emission of the host galaxies. We discuss how future detections or non-detections of the evaluated gamma-ray fluxes can provide constraints on the unknown large scale jet parameters, i.e. the magnetic field intensity and the jet Doppler factor. For the nearby sources Centaurus A and M 87, we find measurable fluxes of TeV photons resulting from synchrotron self-Compton process and from comptonisation of the galactic photon fields, respectively. In the case of Centaurus A, we also find a relatively strong emission component due to comptonisation of the nuclear blazar photons, which could be easily observed by GLAST at energy ~10 GeV, providing important test for the unification of FR I sources with BL Lac objects.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures included. Modified version, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Mid-Infrared Emission of M87

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    We discuss Subaru and Spitzer Space Telescope imaging and spectroscopy of M87 in the mid-infrared from 5-35 um. These observations allow us to investigate mid-IR emission mechanisms in the core of M87 and to establish that the flaring, variable jet component HST-1 is not a major contributor to the mid-IR flux. The Spitzer data include a high signal-to-noise 15-35 μ\mum spectrum of the knot A/B complex in the jet, which is consistent with synchrotron emission. However, a synchrotron model cannot account for the observed {\it nuclear} spectrum, even when contributions from the jet, necessary due to the degrading of resolution with wavelength, are included. The Spitzer data show a clear excess in the spectrum of the nucleus at wavelengths longer than 25 um, which we model as thermal emission from cool dust at a characteristic temperature of 55 \pm 10 K, with an IR luminosity \sim 10^{39} {\rm ~erg ~s^{-1}}. Given Spitzer's few-arcsecond angular resolution, the dust seen in the nuclear spectrum could be located anywhere within ~5'' (390 pc) of the nucleus. In any case, the ratio of AGN thermal to bolometric luminosity indicates that M87 does not contain the IR-bright torus that classical unified AGN schemes invoke. However, this result is consistent with theoretical predictions for low-luminosity AGNsComment: 9 pages, 7 figures, ApJ, in pres

    The complexity of parsec-scaled dusty tori in AGN

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    Warm gas and dust surround the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN). They provide the material for accretion onto the super-massive black hole and they are held responsible for the orientation-dependent obscuration of the central engine. The AGN-heated dust distributions turn out to be very compact with sizes on scales of about a parsec in the mid-infrared. Only infrared interferometry currently provides the necessary angular resolution to directly study the physical properties of this dust. Size estimates for the dust distributions derived from interferometric observations can be used to construct a size--luminosity relation for the dust distributions. The large scatter about this relation suggests significant differences between the dust tori in the individual galaxies, even for nuclei of the same class of objects and with similar luminosities. This questions the simple picture of the same dusty doughnut in all AGN. The Circinus galaxy is the closest Seyfert 2 galaxy. Because its mid-infrared emission is well resolved interferometrically, it is a prime target for detailed studies of its nuclear dust distribution. An extensive new interferometric data set was obtained for this galaxy. It shows that the dust emission comes from a very dense, disk-like structure which is surrounded by a geometrically thick, similarly warm dust distribution as well as significant amounts of warm dust within the ionisation cone.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "The central kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei: Astronomy at High Angular Resolution 2011", open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), published by IOP Publishin