40 research outputs found


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    The present paper shows the relationship of the success rate of alpha-training – learning to voluntarily increase the power of the alpha-rhythm with the help of the neurofeedback – with factors of the "Big Five" model of personality traits (NEO–FFI). It was found that most successful at the task of training were the subjects with low scores on Extraversion dimension and moderately high scores on Neuroticism dimension.Показана связь успешности прохождения альфа-тренинга – обучения произвольному увеличению мощности альфа-ритма при помощи технологии биоуправления – с факторами «большой пятерки» личностных черт (NEO-FFI). Установлено, что c задачей тренинга наиболее успешно справляются испытуемые с низкими баллами по шкале «Экстраверсия» и умеренно высокими баллами по шкале «Нейротизм»

    Characterization of an Artificial Swine-Origin Influenza Virus with the Same Gene Combination as H1N1/2009 Virus: A Genesis Clue of Pandemic Strain

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    Pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza virus, derived from a reassortment of avian, human, and swine influenza viruses, possesses a unique gene segment combination that had not been detected previously in animal and human populations. Whether such a gene combination could result in the pathogenicity and transmission as H1N1/2009 virus remains unclear. In the present study, we used reverse genetics to construct a reassortant virus (rH1N1) with the same gene combination as H1N1/2009 virus (NA and M genes from a Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine virus and another six genes from a North American triple-reassortant H1N2 swine virus). Characterization of rH1N1 in mice showed that this virus had higher replicability and pathogenicity than those of the seasonal human H1N1 and Eurasian avian-like swine H1N1 viruses, but was similar to the H1N1/2009 and triple-reassortant H1N2 viruses. Experiments performed on guinea pigs showed that rH1N1 was not transmissible, whereas pandemic H1N1/2009 displayed efficient transmissibility. To further determine which gene segment played a key role in transmissibility, we constructed a series of reassortants derived from rH1N1 and H1N1/2009 viruses. Direct contact transmission studies demonstrated that the HA and NS genes contributed to the transmission of H1N1/2009 virus. Second, the HA gene of H1N1/2009 virus, when combined with the H1N1/2009 NA gene, conferred efficient contact transmission among guinea pigs. The present results reveal that not only gene segment reassortment but also amino acid mutation were needed for the generation of the pandemic influenza virus

    Acquisition of Human-Type Receptor Binding Specificity by New H5N1 Influenza Virus Sublineages during Their Emergence in Birds in Egypt

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus subtype H5N1 is currently widespread in Asia, Europe, and Africa, with 60% mortality in humans. In particular, since 2009 Egypt has unexpectedly had the highest number of human cases of H5N1 virus infection, with more than 50% of the cases worldwide, but the basis for this high incidence has not been elucidated. A change in receptor binding affinity of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) from α2,3- to α2,6-linked sialic acid (SA) is thought to be necessary for H5N1 virus to become pandemic. In this study, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of H5N1 viruses isolated between 2006 and 2009 in Egypt. The phylogenetic results showed that recent human isolates clustered disproportionally into several new H5 sublineages suggesting that their HAs have changed their receptor specificity. Using reverse genetics, we found that these H5 sublineages have acquired an enhanced binding affinity for α2,6 SA in combination with residual affinity for α2,3 SA, and identified the amino acid mutations that produced this new receptor specificity. Recombinant H5N1 viruses with a single mutation at HA residue 192 or a double mutation at HA residues 129 and 151 had increased attachment to and infectivity in the human lower respiratory tract but not in the larynx. These findings correlated with enhanced virulence of the mutant viruses in mice. Interestingly, these H5 viruses, with increased affinity to α2,6 SA, emerged during viral diversification in bird populations and subsequently spread to humans. Our findings suggested that emergence of new H5 sublineages with α2,6 SA specificity caused a subsequent increase in human H5N1 influenza virus infections in Egypt, and provided data for understanding the virus's pandemic potential

    Framework Agreement as a Regulator of Economic Relations, Business and Financial Activities

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    Very It seems relevant to consider a framework agreement on the implementation of economic activity, business and financial activities due to two circumstances: 1) framework agreements are most widespread in the sphere of economics, since it is the persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity who most of all need long-term planning of their economic interests and the distribution of financial resources; 2) certain types of framework agreements, named in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are most widespread in the economy and the sphere of finance, digital technologies, that is, they are most often used in doing business. Purpose of research: the study of organizational relations developing in the field of economic activity, the definition of the problems of framework agreements both in doctrinal and legislative and law enforcement aspects in the field of economic and financial relations, as well as the development of proposals for improving legislation in this area. Methods: The methodological basis is general scientific methods of cognition of legal phenomena, such as synthesis, the method of analogy, formal logic and others, as well as private scientific research methods. problems of framework agreements applied in the field of economic activity. Results and novelty: Conclusions are formulated on the essential conditions of the framework agreement and practical recommendations are provided for the conclusion of such agreements as regulators of economic and financial activities. The place of framework agreements in the implementation of certain types of economic and entrepreneurial activities, such as banking and insurance activities, is analysed

    Clinical Course of Coronary Heart Disease Concomitant with Asthma

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    The research purpose: to study features of clinical process of a coronary heart disease when it combines with a bronchial asthma.The materials and methods: 180 people were included in the research, 90 of them suffer from both CHD and BA (the first group), and also 90 people have only CHD without BA (the second group). The examination included complaint collection process, studying medical history, medical examination, percussion, auscultation, blood pressure measurement with the Korotkov’s method twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), heart rate measurement, 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, echodoplercardiography. Besides, standard laboratory biochemical testing, including total cholesterol and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, were made with the enzymatic colorimetric method.The results. Dyspnoea is the main complaint among 86 patients with both CHD and asthma, humans have (95,5%), moreover, dyspnoea combines with heartbeating in 73,8%, and is accompanied by angina pectoris only in 20%. There is a significant difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure (р=0,001) that becomes higher if CHD combines with asthma. The signs of left ventricular and interventricular septum hypertrophy were discovered in the first group, these signs statistically significantly differ from the ones in the second group. The medium pulmonary arterial pressure is significantly higher in the combined group than in the group with only CHD (р=0,001). It is revealed with 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring that cases of myocardial ischemia are more frequent in the group which consists of patients with CHD. Besides, duration of ischemic depression per day is longer in this group too. It might be that if patients have both CHD and asthma they do not reach an ischemic threshold because of dyspnoea due to a respiratory failure.The conclusion. According to our findings bronchial asthma occurs among patients with coronary heart disease in 16.6% of cases. It is a distinctive feature of a bronchial asthma associated with coronary heart disease, that a patient often complaints to dyspnea (cardiopulmonary) and palpitation, increase in arterial blood pressure and heart rate, which appropriately indicates the activation of rennin-angiotensin-aldosteron and sympathicoadrenal systems. It requires the inclusion of appropriate drug groups in the treatment of patients

    Biodentine TM or MTA ProRoot TM: the comparative analysis of application in endodontics

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    Relevance. Use of materials based on the calcium silicate (CSM) in dentistry became popular with the advent of the Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in 1993 as root filler. However in the market of dental services constantly new materials appear which are convenient in use, and also have the best properties, than predecessors. Recently BiodentineTM was provided as "the first universal, biologically active and biocompatible material for replacement of the damaged dentine". Producers claim that BiodentineTM has much shorter time of a curing unlike other silicate cements, such as (MTA) and also has the best mechanical and operational properties. This review of the literature is directed to comparative assessment of physical and chemical, biological ProRoot MTA TM and Biodentine TM properties