568 research outputs found

    Electroless deposition and Electroplating of Metals

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    The present paper summarizes the main results of the research on the electroless and electrochemical metal deposition from aqueous solutions, which has been carried out in the Research Institute of Physical-Chemical problems of the Belarussian State University and at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the BSU for the last three decades. The paper covers the following problems: the main peculiarities of electroless and electrochemical deposition of copper, nickel, Ni-B,Ni-P, gold films 0.1-30 mkm and more in thickness, their phase composition, morphology and properties; the characteristic features of of hydrometallurgic allowing (e.g. electroless and electrochemical deposition of a number of binary alloy coatings such as Cu-Ni, Cu-Cd, Cu-Sn, Cu-Zn, Ni-Sn, Ni-W, Ni-Mo), methods of their chemical and phase composition and microstructure regulation, together with correlation between these parameters and alloy properties; the methods for composite metal and alloy film plating from solutions with production of materials including metal oxides and thus possessing unusual and useful properties; the peculiarities of metal film plating onto dielectrics with production of continuous films and metal conductive patterns without the use of photoresists

    Nootropic and anticonvulsant properties of the dry extract from Serratula Centauroides roots

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    The studies were carried out on white Wistar rats. The dry extract from Serratula centauroides L. was introduced to the animals at the doses of 50,100, and 150 mg/kg for 7 days prior to the testing. The nootropic effect of S. centauroides was estimated by using the test "conditioned passive avoidance reflex". In the groups of animals treated with the S. centauroides extract the number of animals with retained reflex was more than in the control group and the latent period of input into the dark bay of the device was longer than in the animals of the control group. The anticonvulsive activity of the S. centauroides extract was tested on the model of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions (30 mg/kg). It has been shown that the S. centauroides extract at the doses of 50-150 mg/kg prolongs the latent period of convulsion onset by 33% and increases the lifespan of the animals by 31-47% on the background of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions

    In-vivo Studies of Ultrasound-activated Drug-loaded Porous Silicon Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy Application

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    It is investigated the therapeutic efficacy of combined action of ultrasound and porous silicon nanoparticles loaded with anticancer drug doxorubicin by using an experimental cancer model of lung Lewis carcinoma in vivo. Time dependences of growth of the primary tumor with introduced nanoparticles and without them, as well as the life span of mice after exposure to therapeutic ultrasound with intensity of 1W/cm2 and frequency of 1 MHz were studied. The obtained results show the effectiveness of inhibiting the growth of primary tumor site, as well as slowing the process of metastasis, in the case of combined action of ultrasound and drug-loaded porous silicon nanoparticles that indicates the prospect of latter as sonosensitizers and nanocontainers for the delivery and controlled release of drugs in sonodynamic therapy of malignant tumors. Keywords: silicon nanoparticles, nanocontainers, medical ultrasound, sonodynamic therapy, sonosensitizer


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    A study of the antioxidant activity of the in vitro dry extracts DER-1 and DER-2 derived from Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC. It was established that the extracts have pronounced antiradical activity against DPPH-radical binding (IC50 (DER-2) = 2.0 mkg/ml). When studying the effect of the dry extracts a number of reactive oxygen species (O•-2, NO) revealed that they exhibit their ability to inactivate. With respect to Of-anion radical extracts show moderate and against NO - expressed antiradical activity (IC50 (DER-2) = 311.0 mkg/ml). We also revealed the presence of moderate Fe2+-chelating activity of the extracts studied. This effect is caused by apparently content of phenolic compounds, phenol carbonic acids, triterpene saponins and tannins

    Development of ELISA test for the quality control of Pseudomonas aeruginosa recombinant vaccine based on the hybrid recombinant protein

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    A hybrid recombinant protein containing the amino  acid sequences of the three  most significant Pseudomonas aeruginosa antigens  (membrane proteins OprF, OprI  and toxoid  aTox)  was incorporated into a vaccine against Pseudomonas infection. Quality control of a hybrid recombinant protein and appropriate vaccine includes  determination of authentity and completeness of adsorption upon aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. The aim of our study was to develop  techniques of quality  control for a vaccine  based on the hybrid  OprF-aToxOprI  recombinant protein specific  to  P. aeruginosa.  Hybridomas secreting  specific  monoclonal antibodies for OprF-aTox-OprI were derived  from the fusion of myeloma cells and murine spleen  cells immunized with recombinant proteins P. aeruginosa. To  produce sufficient  quantities of antibodies, the  hybrid  cells were in vivo cultured in BALB/c mice.  Supernates and ascite liquids were chromatographically purified  with immune sorbent. Conjugation of antibodies with  horseradish peroxidase was carried  out  according to  P.K.Nakane. The  hybrid  OprF-aTox-OprI recombinant protein was detected by the  solid-phase ELISA, using a panel  of monoclonal antibodies and  conjugates of monoclonal antibodies with  horseradish peroxidase. Monoclonal antibodies were specific for different  OprF-aTox-OprI epitopes. Titration assays containing OprF-aTox-OprI protein at 78 ng/ml to 5000 ng/ml were used as quantitative standards for calibration curves.To identify  the recombinant protein OprF-aTox-OprI, 55 variants  of of MAb pairs were tested.  Limits  of quantitative detection served  for selection of most  sensitive  and  specific  ELISA  variants.  The  quantitative detection limit was calculated for all 11 ELISA  variants.  Two ELISA  variants  with the highest  sensitivity were selected  for  quality  control of the  hybrid  recombinant protein. The  limits  of quantitative detection were, respectively, 2.9 and 13.6 ng/ml (0.0058  and 0.027% of the estimated antigen  content in the vaccine)  for the first and  second  ELISA  variants.  The  first variant  included a pair  of monoclonal antibodies specific  for the OprF  and OprI  epitopes, the second  variant  represented aTox and OprI  epitopes. Two variants  of ELISA  were developed to detect  the hybrid recombinant OprF-aTox-OprI protein. The first variant allows to determine the protein amount and to evaluate completeness of its adsorption on aluminum hydroxide. To confirm authenticity of the protein, both methods must be used, since they can detect all three antigens (OprF, aTox and OprI) which are present  in the fusion protein

    Cинтез 2-(1,2,4- триазол-3-ил)бензимидазольной библиотеки

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    A solution-phase synthesis for the preparation of substituted 2-(1,2,4-triazol-3- yl)benzimidazoles from triazole aldehydes and ortho-phenylenediamines has been developed for the purpose of producing diverse lead generation libraries.С использованием методов комби- наторной химии осуществлён син- тез 2-(1,2,4-триазол-3- ил)бензимидазольной библиотеки из триазолилальдегидов и фенилендиами- нов и проведено биохимическое тести- рование библиотеки на ингибирование киназной активности