185 research outputs found
Effect of electrolyte composition on porous anodic aluminium oxide formation
The effect of composite anodizing electrolyte with reduced content of organic acids on the formation rate, structure and properties of aluminium oxide film was studied. It is established that for the production of electronic devices structural parts of improved insulation properties it is preferable to use the solutions where less active citric acid predominates. It has been shown that kinetic retardation of specified anodic process of aluminium oxidation increases the density of barrier oxide while preserving the rate of main porous Al[2]O[3] layer growth
Technology of forming the algorithmic culture of future teachers in the distance learning conditions
The article reviews the technology of forming the algorithmic culture of future teachers in the distance learning condition
The project method in teaching future mathematics teachers
This paper deals with the problem of using the project method in teaching future mathematics teachers. The authors showed that one of such technologies is project training, which involves joint learning and cognitive activity of students, having a common goal, agreed ways of working. This paper notes also the need to use project technology, which consists in developing the ability of future teachers to have an analytical, creative thinking; self-acquisition of missing math knowledge from various sources; thinking, based on knowledge of mathematical facts, the laws of science; and ability to work in a team, performing various social role
The article describes the need to determine the main directions and priorities of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine, which is conditioned by real political and socioeconomic processes. The main element here is the introduction and development of a formular system - a complex of management methods for the application of rational, organizational and cost-effective methods of supplying and using drugs to ensure, in specific conditions, high quality medical care and optimal use of available resources.Key words: pharmaceutical industry, pharmacist, pharmacist, higher education
Визначення динамічних приростів для дизайн-ергономічного проектування комбінезонів танкістів
The approaches to the creation of domestic varieties ergonomic protective clothing tank according to date. The complex combination of protective properties of armored vehicles and protective clothing to improve reliability in danger zones. Ways of improving the process of designing protective clothing tank through the use of dynamic characteristics of size increments; recorded most of them on each dimensional feature. Powered construction drawings and Experimental samples of protective clothing.Разработаны подходы к созданию разновидностей отечественной, эргономичной защитной одежды танкистов соответствии с современным требованиям. Применено комплексное сочетание защитных свойств танковой машины и спецодежды с целью повышения надежности в зонах опасности. Предложены пути совершенствования процесса проектирования защитной одежды танкистов на основе применения размерных характеристик динамических приростов; зафиксировано крупнейшие из них по каждому размерному признаку. Построены чертежи конструкции и изготовлены экспериментальные образцы спецодежды.Розроблено підходи до створення різновидів вітчизняного ергономічного захисного одягу танкістів відповідно сучасних вимог. Застосовано комплексне поєднання захисних властивостей танкової машини та захисного спецодягу з метою підвищення надійності у зонах небезпеки. Запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення процесу проектування захисного одягу танкістів на основі застосування розмірних характеристик динамічних приростів; зафіксовано найбільші з них по кожній розмірній ознаці. Побудовано креслення конструкції та виготовлено експериментальні зразки захисного спецодягу
To the problems of modeling the brain ischemia in small animals
In the review article the problems of modeling cerebral ischemia in small mammals are consecrated. The advantages of experimental studies that are based on the similarity of the blood circulation of the brain in humans and animals are indicated. Classification of experimental models for the study of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, mechanisms of their development and preclinical approbation of new drugs is given. The authors indicate that all experimental models of brain ischemia can be divided into two groups: to study risk factors and pathophysiological studies of brain ischemia. And in the second case, the models of focal and global ischemia are described. In conclusion, the authors point out the difficulties and shortcomings of certain methods of ischemia reproduction, which await researchers to solve the above problems
Аналіз композиційно-конструктивного устрою одягу для провідників залізничного транспорту України
The article described the current uniforms for railway workers of Ukraine. On the basis of theoretical studies are organized by compositional and structural features varieties of sets of uniforms for men and women for the conductor rail. Found insufficient quality ergonomic, aesthetic and reliability, formulated the task of developing assortment series sets with improved quality.В статье охарактеризована существующая форменная одежда для работников железнодорожного транспорта Украины. На основе теоретических исследований систематизированы согласно композиционно-конструктивным признакам разновидности комплектов форменной мужской и женской одежды для проводников железнодорожного транспорта. Выявлен недостаточный уровень качества эргономических, эстетических и показателей надежности, сформулированы задачи по разработке ассортиментных рядов комплектов с улучшенными показателями качества.В статті надано характеристику існуючого форменого одягу для працівників залізничного транспорту України. На основі теоретичних досліджень систематизовано за композиційно-конструктивними ознаками різновиди комплектів форменого чоловічого та жіночого одягу для провідників залізничного транспорту. Виявлено недостатній рівень якості ергономічних, естетичних та показників надійності, сформульовано завдання щодо розробки асортиментних рядів комплектів з покращеними показниками якості
Development of the new employment forms in the context of digital transformation of the economy
The article deals with the problems of the formation of new forms of employment under the influence of digitalisation processes and a protracted economic crisis. The purpose of the study is to consider the little-studied aspects of development of the new forms of employment in the conditions of the “fourth industrial revolution” and determine their prospects. The work shows that the spread of new forms of employment in the context of the formation of a new technological order indicates the digital transformation of the economy and at the same time acts as a response to the economic crisis caused by the obsolescence of the industries of the outgoing modes due to the gradual exhaustion of their efficiency, including impact of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the introduction of new elements of employment into the system of social and labor relations does not eliminate the previously existing conflicts of interests of their participants, but ensures a more dynamic development of the labor market and increases the adaptive potential of workers. Particular attention is paid to such forms of work organization as mobile work based on information and communication technologies, work on platforms and sharing of employees’ labor. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these forms of employment based on employers’ and employees’ interests and points of view. Reserves of growth and restrictions on the development of new forms of employment have been identified. Attention is focused on the social and cultural consequences of increased flexibility and mobility of labor relations in the context of the development of new non-standard forms of employment. The results of the study can be used in developing areas for improvement of employment policy in the context of further deployment of digitalisation processes
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