6 research outputs found

    Experience of eradicating parasites of laboratory rats in conventional vivarium

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    The purpose of the research is to test different dehelminthization schemes of laboratory rats infected with cestodes Rodentolepis nana and nematodes Syphacia muris and evaluate the significance of combined environment disinfection measures. The practical experience of eradication (helminth eradication) in animals in a conventional vivarium was described.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of anthelmintics and administration schemes against cestode and nematode infections in laboratory rats. In the first experiment, praziquantel was used at a dose of 10 mg/kg to treat rats infected with R. nana. In the second experiment, the comparative efficacy of fenbendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel was evaluated against syphaciosis at the recommended dosages of 20, 10, and 12.5 mg/kg, respectively. Each drug was given orally, individually, twice with an interval of 7 days. The third experiment tested different schemes for treating syphaciosis with fenbendazole. One group of rats was given the drug orally individually using an esophageal tube at a dose of 20 mg/kg once a day for 7 consecutive days. Other groups were given fenbendazole daily with food for 7 days (150 mg fenbendazole per 1 kg of food). In all three experiments, all animals were divided into groups, and their cells underwent a complex of additional disinfection measures, and those kept in cages without disinfection.Results and discussion. Praziquantel showed 100% efficacy at a single dose of 10 mg/kg in R. nana therapy. In animals without additional disinfection procedures, cestode eggs were again recorded starting from day 14 after the drug administration. In the group of animals with disinfection measures, pathogens were not detected during the experiment. Double administration of fenbendazole, albendazole and pyrantel in the recommended dosages against syphaciosis did not result in eradicated nematodes in the animals. The disinfection did not affect the obtained results. Fenbendazole administered daily for 7 days ensured helminth eradication in animals. However, on day 7 after the therapy, Syphacia sp. eggs were again found in the groups that received the drug individually intragastrically through a tube, regardless of whether their cells were disinfected. The animals that received fenbendazole with food and were regularly disinfested remained free from nematodes throughout the experiment until the additional disinfection measures were cancelled. In the absence of disinfection, released helminth eggs were recorded on day 14 after therapy


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    Aim. To study the prevalence of coronary artery calcifcation in residents of Western Siberia.Methods. Residents of Western Siberia who underwent a regular medical examination within a multicentre observational epidemiological study "Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in the Russian Federation" (ESSE-RF) in the period from 2012 to 2013 were included in the study. A total of 1628 subjects aged 25 to 64 years were recruited. All the participants were divided into 3 groups according to their gender and standard age groups based on the World Health Organization: Group 1, n = 663 (40.7%) ‒ young adults (22–44 years); group 2, n = 776 (47.7%) – middleaged adults (45–60 years); group 3, n = 189 (11.6%) – older adults (61–75 years).Results. 33.9% of the subjects included in the study had coronary artery calcifcation. Importantly, the prevalence of coronary artery calcifcation was higher in men than in women in the total cohort (35.1% vs. 32.8%, respectively, p = 0.64)Conclusion. A random sample of Kemerovo residents, as inhabitants of Western Siberia, allowed us to determine the prevalence of pathological coronary artery calcifcation (33.9%). This tendency towards higher prevalence of coronary artery calcifcation was recruited, we were limited to obtain the data on the pronounced prevalence of in men is confrmed by the evidences of higher detection rate of severe calcifcation in them. Since a random sample of subjects with a large proportion of young adults coronary artery calcifcation.Цель. Изучить распространенность коронарного кальциноза у лиц, проживающих на территории Западной Сибири.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены лица, проживающие на территории Западной Сибири, проходившие диспансеризацию в рамках многоцентрового наблюдательного эпидемиологического исследования «Эпидемиология сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и их факторов риска в Российской Федерации» (ЭССЕ-РФ), проводимого в 2012-2013 гг. В исследование включено 1628 человек в возрасте от 25 до 64 лет. Респонденты были разделены на гендерные группы и группы по возрастному признаку в соответствии с классификацией Всемирной организации здравоохранения: I группа, n = 663 (40,7%) – молодой возраст (22–44 года); II группа, n = 776 (47,7%) – средний возраст (45–60 лет); III группа, n = 189 (11,6%) – пожилой возраст (61–75 лет).Результаты. По полученным данным, коронарный кальциноз был выявлен у 33,9% лиц, включенных в исследование. При этом в общей популяции частота коронарного кальциноза имела тенденцию к большему выявлению у мужчин, чем у женщин (35,1% и 32,8% соответственно; р = 0.64).Заключение. На примере случайной выборки жителей г. Кемерово как представителей популяции Западной Сибири была получена картина распространенности феномена патологической кальцификации коронарного русла (33,9%). Отмеченная тенденция преобладания распространенности кальциноза коронарных артерий в мужской когорте подтверждается более высокими показателями частоты встречаемости тяжелых степеней кальциноза именно у лиц мужского пола. Учитывая то, что в нашем исследовании участвовала случайная выборка пациентов с большой долей лиц молодого возраста, нам не удалось получить данные о ярко выраженной распространенности кальциноза коронарных артерий

    Опыт освобождения лабораторных крыс от возбудителей паразитарных болезней в виварии открытого типа содержания

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    The purpose of the research is to test different dehelminthization schemes of laboratory rats infected with cestodes Rodentolepis nana and nematodes Syphacia muris and evaluate the significance of combined environment disinfection measures. The practical experience of eradication (helminth eradication) in animals in a conventional vivarium was described.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of anthelmintics and administration schemes against cestode and nematode infections in laboratory rats. In the first experiment, praziquantel was used at a dose of 10 mg/kg to treat rats infected with R. nana. In the second experiment, the comparative efficacy of fenbendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel was evaluated against syphaciosis at the recommended dosages of 20, 10, and 12.5 mg/kg, respectively. Each drug was given orally, individually, twice with an interval of 7 days. The third experiment tested different schemes for treating syphaciosis with fenbendazole. One group of rats was given the drug orally individually using an esophageal tube at a dose of 20 mg/kg once a day for 7 consecutive days. Other groups were given fenbendazole daily with food for 7 days (150 mg fenbendazole per 1 kg of food). In all three experiments, all animals were divided into groups, and their cells underwent a complex of additional disinfection measures, and those kept in cages without disinfection.Results and discussion. Praziquantel showed 100% efficacy at a single dose of 10 mg/kg in R. nana therapy. In animals without additional disinfection procedures, cestode eggs were again recorded starting from day 14 after the drug administration. In the group of animals with disinfection measures, pathogens were not detected during the experiment. Double administration of fenbendazole, albendazole and pyrantel in the recommended dosages against syphaciosis did not result in eradicated nematodes in the animals. The disinfection did not affect the obtained results. Fenbendazole administered daily for 7 days ensured helminth eradication in animals. However, on day 7 after the therapy, Syphacia sp. eggs were again found in the groups that received the drug individually intragastrically through a tube, regardless of whether their cells were disinfected. The animals that received fenbendazole with food and were regularly disinfested remained free from nematodes throughout the experiment until the additional disinfection measures were cancelled. In the absence of disinfection, released helminth eggs were recorded on day 14 after therapy.Цель исследований – испытать разные схемы дегельминтизации лабораторных крыс при заражении цестодами Rodentolepis nana и нематодами Syphacia muris и оценить значение мероприятий комплексной дезинвазии среды содержания. Описан практический опыт освобождения животных (эрадикация гельминтов) в виварии открытого типа содержания.Материалы и методы. Проведены опыты по изучению эффективности антигельминтиков и схем их применения при цестодозной и нематодозной инвазиях у лабораторных крыс. В первом опыте для лечения крыс, зараженных R. nana, использовали празиквантел в дозе 10 мг/кг. Во втором опыте оценивали сравнительную эффективность фенбендазола, албендазола и пирантела при сифациозе в рекомендованных дозировках 20, 10 и 12,5 мг/кг соответственно. Каждый препарат задавали перорально, индивидуально, дважды с интервалом 7 сут. В третьем опыте испытывали разные схемы лечения сифациоза фенбендазолом. Одним группам крыс препарат задавали перорально индивидуально через пищеводный зонд в дозе 20 мг/кг один раз в день 7 сут подряд. Другим группам фенбендазол задавали ежедневно с кормом в течение 7 сут (150 мг фенбендазола на 1 кг корма). Во всех трех опытах все животные были разделены на группы, в клетках которых проводили комплекс дополнительных дезинвазионных мероприятий, и содержавшихся в клетках без дезинвазии.Результаты и обсуждение. Празиквантел показал 100%-ную эффективность при однократной даче в дозе 10 мг/кг при терапии R. nana. У животных без дополнительных дезинвазионных процедур, начиная с 14-х суток после дачи препарата, были снова зарегистрированы яйца цестод. В группе животных с дезинвазионными мероприятиями на протяжении опыта возбудители выявлены не были. Двукратное применение фенбендазола, альбендазола и пирантела в рекомендуемых дозировках при сифациозе крыс не привело к освобождению животных от нематод. Дезинвазия не повлияла на полученные результаты. Фенбендазол при ежедневном применении в течение 7 сут обеспечил освобождение животных от гельминтов. Однако, на 7-е сутки после окончания терапии яйца сифаций снова обнаруживали в группах, получавших препарат индивидуально внутрижелудочно через зонд, независимо от того, проводилась ли в их клетках дезинвазия. Животные, получавшие фенбендазол с кормом и у которых проводили регулярно дезинвазию, оставались свободными от нематод на протяжении всего опыта вплоть до отмены дополнительных дезинвазионных мероприятий. При отсутствии дезинвазии выделение яиц гельминтов зарегистрировано на 14-е сутки после окончания терапии

    A large, international study on post-transplant glomerular diseases: the TANGO project

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes in kidney transplantation (KT) have not significantly improved during the past twenty years. Despite being a leading cause of graft failure, glomerular disease (GD) recurrence remains poorly understood, due to heterogeneity in disease pathogenesis and clinical presentation, reliance on histopathology to confirm disease recurrence, and the low incidence of individual GD subtypes. Large, international cohorts of patients with GD are urgently needed to better understand the disease pathophysiology, predictors of recurrence, and response to therapy. METHODS: The Post-TrANsplant GlOmerular Disease (TANGO) study is an observational, multicenter cohort study initiated in January 2017 that aims to: 1) characterize the natural history of GD after KT, 2) create a biorepository of saliva, blood, urine, stools and kidney tissue samples, and 3) establish a network of patients and centers to support novel therapeutic trials. The study includes 15 centers in America and Europe. Enrollment is open to patients with biopsy-proven GD prior to transplantation, including IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, dense-deposit disease, C3 glomerulopathy, complement- and IgG-positive membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis or membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type I-III (old classification). During phase 1, patient data will be collected in an online database. The biorepository (phase 2) will involve collection of samples from patients for identification of predictors of recurrence, biomarkers of disease activity or response to therapy, and novel pathogenic mechanisms. Finally, through phase 3, we will use our multicenter network of patients and centers to launch interventional studies. DISCUSSION: Most prior studies of post-transplant GD recurrence are single-center and retrospective, or rely upon registry data that frequently misclassify the cause of kidney disease. Systematically determining GD recurrence rates and predictors of clinical outcomes is essential to improving post-transplant outcomes. Furthermore, accurate molecular phenotyping and biomarker development will allow better understanding of individual GD pathogenesis, and potentially identify novel drug targets for GD in both native and transplanted kidneys. The TANGO study has the potential to tackle GD recurrence through a multicenter design and a comprehensive biorepository

    Differential geometry of submanifolds

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    On conversion coating treatments to replace chromating for Al alloys: Recent developments and possible future directions

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