209 research outputs found

    Analisis Firm Size, Growth Opportunity dan Total Asset Turn Over terhadap Return On Asset Kasus pada Perusahaan Food Beverages

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    The object of this study is the Food Beverages company whose shares are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009 until 2013 period, and the sample is a company that is always consistent issued financial statements in the period of observation. The purpose of this study analyzed the factors that caused the decline or fluctuations in the value of its profitability. And the research variables are Return On Asset (Y), Firm Size (X1), Growth Opportunity (X2), Total Asser Turn Over (X3). Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of hypothesis testing then the conclusion is the Firm Size significantly influence the Return On Asset, Growth Opportunity whereas no significant effect on Return On Assets, And On variable Total Asset Turn Over significantly influence the Return On Asset. Keywords : Firm Size, Growth Opportunity, Total Asser Turn Over, Return On Asset, Food Beverage

    Analisis Pengembangan Potensi Ekonomi Lokal Untuk Menguatkan Daya Saing Daerah Di Kabupaten Gresik

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    Regional development need attention to regional potential, which is done by examining the GDP to notice any potential base and non-base in order to optimize development results in order to obtain a high level of welfare. If the government want their regency have competitiveness, development programs should be set off from primary economic potential. This research aims analyze the potential development of local economy in Gresik Regency. As well as the efforts of local authorities in favour of Gresik Regency development of primary local economic potential to strengthen the competitiveness of the region. The approach used is quantitative descriptive, with the method of Location Quotient and Shift Share. The results of this research say that most potential sector that developed in Gresik Regency that is, manufacturing industry sector; electricity, gas and water supply; as well as mining and quarrying sector. While Government support Gresik as seen Regional Long Term Development Plan (RLTDP) and Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RMTDP) also in Regional Budget Revenue and Expenditure (RBRE) allocation. tend to prioritize on a sector that is less like a potential trade, hotels and restaurants; as well as agriculture. Thus, the Government of Gresik Regency to prioritising the development programs and allocating budget on primary sector

    Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Perbankan

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    The object of this study is a banking company whose shares are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2014 period, and the sampling method was census. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the financial performance of banking shares. And the research variables are Stock Price (Y), Return on Assets (X1), Debt to Equity Ratio (X2), Price Earning Ratio (X3), Earning Per Share (X4). Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of testing the hypothesis then the conclusion is Price Earning Ratio and Earning Per share, positive and significant impact on the share price, while Return on Assets, Dept To Equity Ratio, Earnings Per share no significant effect on stock price. Keywords : Stock Price, Return on Assets, Debt To Equity ratio, Price Earning Ratio, Earnings Per Share, Ban


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    ABSTRAK Judul : Analisis Dampak Urbanisasi Terhadap Urban Density Gradient:Studi Kasus Kota-Kota Di Pulau Sumatera Nama : Aufhi Alsha Husna NabhillahNIM : 1301101010074Jurusan : Ekonomi PembangunanFakultas : Ekonomi dan BisnisPembimbing : Dr. Abd. Jamal, S.E., M.Si Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah kota-kota yang ada diPulau Sumatera mengikuti model Clark dan nilai dari urban density gradient. Datayang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan juga data sekunder.Data sekunder yakni data kepadatan penduduk yang diperoleh dari BPS (BadanPusat Statistik), sedangkan data primer yaitu jarak lurus yang diukur denganmenggunakan google maps. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitumodel analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu penerapan darimodel Clark yang menyatakan kepadatan penduduk menurun dalam bentuk fungsieksponensial negatif dengan jarak dari CBD, cocok dengan sepuluh dari duabelas kota yang menjadi studi kasus pada penelitian ini. Kota-kota tersebut yaituKota Banda Aceh, Kota Bengkulu, Kota Binjai, Kota Dumai, Kota Jambi, KotaLhoksemawe, Kota Medan, Kota Metro, Kota Palembang dan Kota Pekanbaru.Kota Bukittinggi tidak cocok dengan model Clark karena jarak dengan kepadatanpenduduk di Kota Bukitinggi memiliki hubungan yang positif, sedangkan untukKota Lubuklinggau tidak memiliki hubungan antara kepadatan penduduk denganjarak dari CBD. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi pemerintah untuk menerapkankebijakan urbanisasi serta membentuk pusat-pusat pertumbuhan di daerahperdesaan yang memiliki potensi besar, agar jumlah penduduk kota dapatterkendali. Tidak terkendalinya penduduk kota akan menimbulkan adanya urbansprawl, yang akan menjadi masalah rumit bagi kota sendiri. Kata Kunci : Urbanisasi, Kepadatan Penduduk, Gradien Kepadatan Perkotaan

    The Presence of Salmonella in Sie Balu, Acehnese Dried Meat After Gamma Irradiation

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    Sie balu is an Acehnese dried meat preserved by the addition of salt, acid and dried. However, long processing and drying it under the sun can cause meat products contaminated by Salmonella. Irradiation can eliminate Salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria in food. This study aims to determine the presence of Salmonella in sie balu after irradiated with increasing doses and 2 to 4 months shelf life. Sie balu was made of 5 kg fresh beef, dried under the sun to dry, vacuum and irradiated at doses of 5, 7 and 9 kGy. Salmonella was detected using bacteriological and biochemical tests. Results showed sie balu contaminated by Salmonella paratyphi B and Salmonella cholerasuis. The irradiation and shelf life significantly affect (P<0.05) the count of Salmonella in sie balu compared with unirradiated one. Irradiation doses of 5, 7 and 9 kGy do not affect the count of Salmonella in sie balu. Extending the shelf life up to 4 months can increas the count of Salmonella. This study concluded that irradiated sie balu at doses of 5, 7 and 9 kGy can be stored for up to two month

    Pengembangan Handout Fisika Dasar Berbasis Konstruktivitas Pada Materi Dinamika

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    Ketersediaan bahan ajar untuk mata kuliah Fisika Dasar yang dapat mendukung terciptanya pembelajaran yang efektif dan interaktif di STKIP PGRI dirasakan masih kurang. Susunan materi yang terdapat pada bahan ajar kurang sistematis dengan rancangan pembelajaran atau silabus yang disusun oleh oleh dosen mata kuliah sehingga mahasiswa kesulitan untuk belajar mandiri. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu bahan ajar yang dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami konsep-konsep fisika, analisis matematika dan dapat meningkatkan minat mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran Fisika Dasar. Salah satu bahan ajar yang dapat dikembangkan adalah handout Fisika Dasar berbasis konstruktivis yang valid dan praktis.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development) menggunakan model yang dikemukakan oleh Plomp. Adapun tahap penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada fase investigasi awal (preliminary research) dan fase perancangan dan realisasi (prototyping phase), dan fase penilaian (assessment phase). Pada fase investigasi awal, peneliti melakukan analisis awal atau identifikasi masalah, analisis kebutuhan, analisis konsep atau isi materi, dan pengkajian literatur yang diperlukan dalam pembelajaran. Pada fase perancangan dan realisasi dilakukan perancangan yang diiringi formative evaluation untuk melakukan uji validitas dan kepraktisan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui lembar validasi handout dan angket praktikalitas.Hasil validasi dan uji kepraktisan menunjukkan handout yang dihasilkan sangat valid dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 92,55 % dan sangat praktis dengan persentase rata-rata 82,25 %. Dengan demikian, handout fisika dasar yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    Analysis of Factors Related to the Stroke in Patients with Stroke in Ward C 1st Floor and 2nd Floor in the Rssn Bukittinggi 2016

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    Stroke still become a health problem of society, due to the high incidence of morbidity, mortalities, and disability. Stroke attack estimated 25% was recovered from the first stroke in five years. Stroke occurrence because of risk factors an unhealthy lifestyle. The aim of this research was to determine to analyze risk factors (smoking and sports habits, diet and medical check-up obedience) related to the causes of stroke attack. The research of methods was observational analytic with a retrospective approach. The result of this research shows that smoking habits unrelated to stroke occurrence (p-value 1,000). Diet obedience unrelated to stroke occurrence (p-value 0,952). Sport habits unrelated to stroke occurrence (p-value 0,501). Medical check-up obedience was unrelated to stroke occurrence (p-value 0,069). In conclusion, there is not a relationship between smoking habits, diet obedience, sport habits, and medical check-up obedience by the stroke. It is advisable to the institutional hospital can give information to stroke patients the cause of incidence stroke not only one but many factors, and then how to control to avoid stroke attack and recurrent stroke attack
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