93 research outputs found

    Morphofenotypes of constitution in obstetrics

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    The constitution of human and its morphological expression - somatotype is a determining factor in many physical and mental manifestations of human life. Constitution - a combination of morphological and functional characteristics of the organism, formed on the basis of inherited and acquired characteristics of an organism (B.A. Nikityuk, 1991, 2000). Morphofenotype constitution (somatotype, somatic type, somatotype) is the most accessible to study, relatively stable during ontogenesis and genetically determined characteristic of the integrity of the organism. Recently, our country has received widespread use method of determining somatotype R.N. Dorokhov (1985, 1991). So do not lose their relevance research somatotype characteristics of man, which significantly affects, in the future, to pregnancy and childbirth. The purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of pregnancy in women with different somatotypes

    Quasilocal Conservation Laws: Why We Need Them

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    We argue that conservation laws based on the local matter-only stress-energy-momentum tensor (characterized by energy and momentum per unit volume) cannot adequately explain a wide variety of even very simple physical phenomena because they fail to properly account for gravitational effects. We construct a general quasi}local conservation law based on the Brown and York total (matter plus gravity) stress-energy-momentum tensor (characterized by energy and momentum per unit area), and argue that it does properly account for gravitational effects. As a simple example of the explanatory power of this quasilocal approach, consider that, when we accelerate toward a freely-floating massive object, the kinetic energy of that object increases (relative to our frame). But how, exactly, does the object acquire this increasing kinetic energy? Using the energy form of our quasilocal conservation law, we can see precisely the actual mechanism by which the kinetic energy increases: It is due to a bona fide gravitational energy flux that is exactly analogous to the electromagnetic Poynting flux, and involves the general relativistic effect of frame dragging caused by the object's motion relative to us.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur


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    The world has changed rapidly, today those companies benefit more that keep pace with the changes taking place, that increase their efficiency. Now there is a change in economic structures [1], the traditional mass production is giving way to a lean, more efficient, active and flexible in terms of consumer demand.When creating the concept of practical training for production system of JSC «Russian Railways’ a question arose what could be its foundation. Attempts to subordinate task of staff training in large companies to the interests of lean production (flexible in responding to market demand) do not always lead to success. This is confirmed, in particular, by data, cited in the article, collected from surveys of executives of the holding structures, which are held at the Corporate University of JSC «Russian Railways», as well as by the analysis of the experience of foreign companies and enterprises.The general opinion of experts, the adopted approaches of the classical corporate training does not always meet the conditions of the time, it is necessary to look for new ways of knowledge transfer. The dynamics of the globalizing market is so high that the classical training system is not keeping pace with ongoing reforms, as traditional training is focused mainly on the transfer of knowledge, rather than on the audience involvement. They can hardly serve as an ideological influence on the audience, change their mindsets, train leaders. This contradicts the very idea of improving the production system.The article the way how a new system of corporate training adapted to the interests and ideology of lean production was implemented. The article contains detailed review of approaches of lean production itself as well as authors’ conceptual approaches to the creation of a «system of lean learning», serving the needs of the lean production. The objective of the authors was to analyze advantages and disadvantages of lean learning system, using experience of the large foreign and Russian companies. Adaptation and debugging of learning processes, perhaps, are the most difficult issues in the practical application of the concept of lean production, and it is understandable. The development is impossible without a change of thinking, and it is also to be done, if the educational goals become such a comprehensive and responsible vector.Бизнес-образование предполагает бизнес-результат. Попытки подчинить задачи обучения персонала в крупных компаниях интересам бережливого производства (гибко реагирующего на рыночный спрос) не всегда приводят к успеху. Это подтверждают, в частности, приводимые в статье данные опросов руководителей холдинговых структур, которые проведены в Корпоративном университете ОАО «РЖД», а также анализ опыта зарубежных фирм и предприятий. Кроме того, авторы обосновывают концептуальные подходы к созданию «системы бережливого обучения», обслуживающей потребности бережливого производства

    The Level of DING Proteins Is Increased in HIV-Infected Patients: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies

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    DING proteins constitute an interesting family, owing to their intriguing and important activities. However, after a decade of research, little is known about these proteins. In humans, at least five different DING proteins have been identified, which were implicated in important biological processes and diseases, including HIV. Indeed, recent data from different research groups have highlighted the anti-HIV activity of some DING representatives. These proteins share the ability to inhibit the transcriptional step of HIV-1, a key step of the viral cycle that is not yet targeted by the current therapies. Since such proteins have been isolated from humans, we undertook a comprehensive study that focuses on the relationship between these proteins and HIV-infection in an infectious context. Hence, we developed a home-made ELISA for the quantification of the concentration of DING proteins in human serum. Using this method, we were able to determine the concentration of DING proteins in healthy and HIV-infected patients. Interestingly, we observed a significant increase of the concentration of DING proteins in non treated and treated HIV-infected patients compared to controls. In addition, cell cultures infected with HIV also show an increased expression of DING proteins, ruling out the possible role of antiretroviral treatment in the increase of the expression of DING proteins. In conclusion, results from this study show that the organism reacts to HIV-infection by an overexpression of DING proteins

    Роль 3-оксиметаболита феназепама и леваны в реализации их нейротропного действия

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    Work is devoted to a comparative analysis of the pharmacological action and integral indicators pharmacokinetics of 1,4- benzodiazepine - phenazepam and levan, as well as their total active 3-oximetabolite formed by different mechanisms. It is shown that in the tests levan antagonism corazolum and thiosemicarbazide inferior phenazepam anticonvulsant activity, but surpasses phenazepam on activity in the maximal electroshock test and has a lower severity miorelaxation action. Comparison effects of phenazepam and levad with effects of 3-oximetabolite indicate greater similarity effects than metabolite with phenazepam. With the use of radiolabeled compounds were established change in the ratio of the areas under the concentration curve 3-oximetabolite in the brain and blood when administered phenazepam (AUCbrain / AUCblood = 0,96 ± 0,27) or levan (AUCbrain / AUCblood = 1,4 ± 0,1). This fact is associated with different ways of biotransformation: oxidative hydroxylation of phenazepam CYP450 and nonspecific carboxylesterase hydrolysis of levan, which explains the difference in the pharmacological effect of the test compounds.Работа посвящена сравнительному анализу фармакологического действия и интегральных показателей фармакокинетики производных 1,4-бенздиазепина - феназепама и леваны, а также их общего активного 3-оксиметаболита, образующегося различными механизмами. Показано, что левана в тестах антагонизма с коразолом и тиосемикарбазидом уступает по противосудорожной активности феназепаму, но превосходит феназепам по активности в тесте максимального электрошока и имеет меньшую выраженность миорелаксантного действия. Сопоставление эффектов феназепама и левады с эффектами 3-оксиметаболита свидетельствует о большем сходстве эффектов метаболита с феназепамом. С использованием радиоактивно меченых соединений установлено изменение соотношения площадей под концентрационными кривыми 3-оксиметаболита в мозгу и крови при введении феназепама (AUC /AUC = 0,96 ± 0,27) или леваны (AUC /AUC = 1,4 ± 0,1). Данный факт связан с различными путями биотрансформации: окислительное гидроксилирование феназепама P450 и гидролиз неспецифическими карбоксилэстеразами леваны, что и обуславливает отличие в фармакологическом действии исследуемых соединений

    Противосудорожное действие производного 4-бензоил-пиридина (ГИЖ-298) на пароксизмальную активность в структурах мозга крыс с кобальт-индуцированной очаговой эпилепсией на первой стадии формирования эпилептической системы

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    He aim of the study was to investigate the influence of a derivative of 4-benzoyl pyridine connection, GIZ-298 on electroencephalographic manifestations ranvulsive activity in the brain structures of rats with cobalt-induced focal epilepsy in the first stage of the formation of epileptic system. Methodology of the study. We used the technique of creation (by an application of cobalt to the brain of rats) chronic epileptogenic focus, generating paroxysmal activity in different brain structures: the ipsi- and contralateral cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The results of the study. Established that injection ofGIZ-298 at a dose of 60 mg/kg (intraperitoneally, once) on the first stage of development of the system eliminates epileptic EEG manifestations of seizure activity in all the investigated structures of the brain, with the greatest efficiency in the ipsilateral cortex and the hypothalamus, significantly reducing both the number and duration of seizure discharges.Целью исследования явилось изучение влияния производного 4-бензоил пиридина - соединения ГИЖ-298 на электроэнцефалографические проявления судорожной активности в структурах мозга крыс с кобальт-индуцированной очаговой эпилепсией на первой стадии формирования эпилептической системы. Методика исследования. Использовалась методика создания (путём аппликации кобальта на кору мозга крыс) хронического эпилептогенного очага, генерирующего пароксизмальную активность в различных структурах мозга: ипси- и контрлатеральной коре, гиппокампе и гипоталамусе. Результаты исследования. Установлено, что соединение ГИЖ-298 в дозе 60 мг/кг (внутрибрюшинно, однократно) на первой стадии развития эпилептической системы устраняет электроэнцефалографические проявления судорожной активности во всех исследуемых структурах мозга, с наибольшей эффективностью в ипсилатеральной коре и гипоталамусе, статистически достоверно уменьшая как число, так и длительность судорожных разрядов

    Paraoxonase-1 is related to inflammation, fibrosis and PPAR delta in experimental liver disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is an antioxidant enzyme synthesized by the liver. It protects against liver impairment and attenuates the production of the pro-inflammatory monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). We investigated the relationships between hepatic PON1 and MCP-1 expression in rats with liver disease and explored the possible molecular mechanisms involved.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CCl<sub>4 </sub>was administered for up to 12 weeks to induce liver damage. Serum and hepatic levels of PON1 and MCP-1, their gene and protein expression, nuclear transcription factors, and histological and biochemical markers of liver impairment were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High levels of PON1 and MCP-1 expression were observed at 12<sup>th </sup>week in the hepatocytes surrounding the fibrous septa and inflammatory areas. CCl<sub>4</sub>-administered rats had an increased hepatic PON1 concentration that was related to decreased gene transcription and inhibited protein degradation. Decreased PON1 gene transcription was associated with PPARδ expression. These changes were accompanied by increased hepatic MCP-1 concentration and gene expression. There were significant direct relationships between hepatic PON1 and MCP-1 concentrations (P = 0.005) and between PON1 and the amount of activated stellate cells (P = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results from this experimental model suggest a hepato-protective role for PON1 against inflammation, fibrosis and liver disease mediated by MCP-1.</p

    The wind regime of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the DYANA campaign-I. Prevailing winds

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    During the DYANA campaign, winds and tides at mesospheric and lower thermospheric altitudes were measured by 14 ground based experiments (MF radars, meteor radars and LF-drift systems). The experiments were located between 107°W and 102°E, mostly in northern mid-latitudes with well covered areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Emphasis is placed here upon the vertical profiles and height-time contours of the prevailing zonal and meridional winds with different resolution (15 d, 4d). Generally, westerly winds are observed at heights below 95 km with a strong mesospheric variability and with longitudinal differences between the data of Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and Canada. Planetary waves and a minor stratospheric warming in the first 10 days of February 1990 are the cause of this behaviour. In connection with the stratospheric warming, a wind reversal to summer east winds reaching from the upper stratosphere up to 95 km is observed. The close connection of the behaviour of the stratosphere with the observed longitudinal differences in the mesospheric response on the stratospheric warming and with the occurrence of wind oscillations (10-15 d) is discussed. © 1994

    Modulation of paraoxonases during infectious diseases and its potential impact on atherosclerosis

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