20 research outputs found

    Protective and Decorative Vacuum’s Coatings on Wares of Artistic Castings

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    The problem of environmental protection is extraordinarily important, and its actuality will increase with every year. In this aspect, processes of depositing of coatings in vacuum have got serious advantages before wide-spread galvanic method, as the last requires building of the special cleansing building, which cost in general balance of covering’s process can arrive till 60 %. It should be noted that preliminary preparation of surface which, as is generally known, has the important value at the method of metallization in vacuum often execute by the smoldering discharge (by the «dry method»)

    The Modern State of Works in Field of Electron-Beam Technology of Melting and Evaporation of Metals and Non-Metals in a Vacuum

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    In developing of new processes for growing metal (composite) films, the main attention is given to controlling the metal vapour flows: through energy state of the condensing particles, their molecular composition, intensity, spatial distribution of the flow, etc. It is known that the widely accepted open-type evaporators, including quasi-closed ones, are characterized by instability of the directivity diagram of the vapour flow in time, even at constant temperature. Radiation load on the film growth surface from these sources is sometimes comparable to the energy of vapour flow condensation. Therefore, when they are used, it is quite difficult to produce reproducible film structures with controllable parameters. Particular difficulties arise at high evaporation rates, when micro-drops are usually present in the vapour flow

    On the Corrosion Resistance of Cu – Mo Composite Materials obtained by PVD Method

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    The Cu – Mo composite materials have been obtained by electron flow vaporizing followed by vapor –phase condensing. Researches have shown that corrosion resistance in wet environment varies with the content of molybdenum, working conditions and composition of the corrosion medium. The corrosion resistance of the composites has been studied by gravimetric method

    Сomparative study of arc-to-glow transition efficiency when use multilayer condensed materials in electric contacts

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    The paper presents and discusses results of the study of arc to glow transformation at breaking of DC inductive load of a low power (less than 10 J) and low voltage (about 250 V). The ratio in duration of arcing and glowing is investigated in dependence on circuit parameters, gas quenching medium and its pressure and in particular on contact material. The transition, to complete the study, was analyzed also by means of fast photography and radiation spectra measurements. On the basis of the results the conclusions on possibility of control of the arc to glow transformation, for practical use in low power contact switching devices, are formulated.Представлено і обговорено результати дослідження дуги, що горить, при відключенні постійного струму з індуктивним навантаженням малої потужності (менше 10 Дж) і низької напруги (біля 250 В). Відношення тривалості горіння дуги і жевріючого розряду досліджується в залежності від параметрів ланцюга, виду гасильного газу та його тиску і, головним чином, від контактного матеріалу. Для повноти дослідження змінення типу розряду аналізували також за допомогою швидкісної зйомки і вимірювання спектрів випромінювання. На основі одержаних результатів сформульовано висновки про можливість практичного застосування контролю переходу дуги в жевріючий розряд в малопотужних контактах комутуючих пристроїв.Представлены и обсуждены результаты исследования дуги, горящей при отключении постоянного тока с индуктивной нагрузкой малой мощности (менее 10 Дж) и низкого напряжения (около 250 В). Отношение продолжительности горения дуги и тлеющего разряда исследовано в зависимости от параметров цепи, вида гасящего газа и его давления и, главным образом, от контактного материала. Для полноты исследования смену типа разряда анализировали также с помощью скоростной съемки и измерения спектров излучения. На основании полученных результатов сформулированы выводы о возможности практического использования контроля перехода дуги в тлеющий разряд в маломощных контактах коммутирующих устройств

    Study On Some Copper - Molybdenum Based Composite Materials Condensed from the Vapour Phase

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    Design features of equipment are given for realizing high-speed process of electron beam evaporation and condensation. Peculiarities of phase composition and structure of a crystallized pool (melt) on copper base are studied. Assumption was made about interrelation of structure-phase state of the melt and rate of evaporation-condensation. Specifics of surface structure and volume of condensate in different sections (before and after etching) are investigated. Technological defects, their influence on strength and ductility of the condensate at tensile test are considered. Interrelation of temperature dependence of energy of deformation activation, specifics of condensate fracture and technological defects of structure, different by origin, are studied

    Peculiarities of Interaction of Electric Arc Plasma and Composite Electrodes’ Working Surface

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    The aim of this work is complex investigations of interaction between electric arc discharge plasma and Cu-Mo composite electrodes’ working surface. The destructions of working layer of such electrodes, caused by discharge plasma influence, were studied. The mutual correlation of plasma properties and destruction behavior of electrodes surface was found

    Suvremene elektrono-lučne tehnologije topljenja i isparavanja materijala u vakuumu, rabljenih u tvrtki “GEKONT”, Ukrajina

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    In this reviews modern ways, examples of operational use of electron-beam technologies are shortly submitted. Also are described of its advantage and prospect for its development. In the article examples of successful operational use of electronbeam technologies in applied material science and industry are adduced.U članku su ukratko prikazani primjeri praktične primjene elektrono-lučne tehnologije. Dane su prednosti i perspektive razvitka. Navedeni primjeri njihove uspješne primjene u industriji

    Industrial Electron-Beam Equipment on Base of Noble and Non-Ferrous Metals

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    Method of obtaining of metals and alloys by melting – is basic. By this way make in practice the majority of metals, alloys and ligatures. The essence of a method is, that in special melting device (furnace) to melt metal or basic component of an alloy and overheat it. After that, to liquid will add alloying elements in solid or liquid condition. Temperature of liquid lead up to necessary level, make metallurgical processing (refining, modifying), and then alloy spill to the foundry forms or crucible

    Production Technology, Physical, Mechanical and Performance Characteristics of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed Microlayer Composite Materials

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    The production of Cu-Zr-Y-Mo Finely-Dispersed (FD) microlayer composite materials for electrical contacts by the method of electron-beam evaporation and layer-by-layer condensation from the vapor phase is described and the chemical composition, structure, density, electrical conductivity, hardness, and main mechanical characteristics of the materials in the temperature range from 290 to 1070 K are studie