90 research outputs found

    Hambatan Program Human Resources Development Indonesia- Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle dalam Mengurangi Kemiskinan di Aceh

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    This research aims to explain the obstacles of HRD program by IMT-GT in reducing thepoverty in Aceh. Various effort had been made to reduce poverty in Aceh. One of them wasthe IMT-GT (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle) as a sub-regionalcooperation. However, through the HRD (Human Resources Development) program aimsto reduce poverty and improve the quality of life, is not effective either. This research usedqualitative methods, with neo-functionalism theory to prove the hypothesis. The result ofthis research found out that the ineffectiveness of IMT-GT HRD program was caused bythe failure of IMT-GT to create good regional integration and the failure of HRD to workon spillover scheme

    Fatigue properties of laser welded dual-phase steel joints

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of laser welding on fatigue properties of DP600 and DP980 steels in relation to the microstructural change and softening in the heat-affected zone. The degree of softening was found to be stronger in the DP980 welded joints than in the the DP600 welded joints. While the severity of the soft zone in the welded DP980 joints led to a significant decrease in the fatigue limit, the mild soft zone present in the DP600 welded joints had little or only a minor effect on the fatigue resistance. Despite the strong effect of the soft zone, the DP980 welded joints showed a similar or even longer fatigue life than that of both the DP600 welded joints and DP600 base metal at higher stress amplitudes. Fatigue crack initiation was observed to occur from the specimen surface, and crack propagation was characterized by the characteristic fatigue striations coupled with secondary cracks

    Kerja Sama Bilateral Indonesia Dan Australia Dalam Penanganan Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2002 – 2013

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    The development of terrorism on global scale triggers Indonesia and Australiato increase their capacity by working together to tackle terrorism in Indonesia.In order to determine the actions undertaken by the Government of Indonesiaand Australia to respond and prevent terrorism crime growing in Indonesia,the research use the approach of liberalism, that the relationship betweenIndonesia and Australia based on the same view to protect themselves from thethreat of terrorism through cooperation to increase the capacity of the countryagainst non-state actor, terrorist organizaton. Details about the importance ofcooperation between Indonesia and Australia done within the scope ofcooperation to deal with terrorism in Indonesia focused on government acttoward police institution, Indonesian National Police (Polri) for Governmentof Republic of Indonesia, and Australian Federal Police (AFP) for Governmentof Australia in the area of counter terrorism. Polri and AFP relationship inorder to overcome terrorism crime using curative and preventive action basedon the following bilateral cooperation between states. Counter terrorism actbased on Momerandum of Understanding Between Government of Republic ofIndonesia and Government of Australia signed on 7th February 2002

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Kota Singapura terhadap Angka Pengungkapan Penyelundupan Barang Palsu di Pelabuhan PSA Singapura

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    This research is aiming to know the impact of the implementation of ACFTA, such as the raising of trade activity in PSA Singapore and the raising of illicit counterfeit goods in PSA Singapore, as well as to know the cause of its problems. In this research, Statistic Criminal Theory used to determine the relation between Illicit Counterfeit Goods with City Development of Singapore. The method of this research is explanative by appointing one problem and focusing on the cause of the problem. The outcome of the research is that there is a relation between the illicit counterfeit goods with trade agreement and the city development of Singapore with the use of City Development Index from UN-HABITAT 1998 as a measurement. This research also found that the more developed and advanced a city, the more vulnerable a city would be towards criminality

    Implementation of Patient Safety Culture Survey in Jombang Islamic Hospital

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    Patient safety is the indicator of healthcare service quality. To improve patient-safety culture in hospital, conducting a survey is important to determine which dimension should be managed. Jombang Islamic Hospital (Rumah Sakit Islam Jombang) has an established Patient Safety Team since 2011, but the patient-safety culture is still low because only three incidents were reported in 2015. This study aims to measure patient-safety culture in hospital to identify the factors that need to be improved in hospital unit. This was a descriptive analytic study. Primary data were collected in 2016 using an Indonesian-translated version of Hospital Survey on Patient SafetyCulture (HSOPSC) questionnaire. The HSOPSC measures 12 patient safety dimensions. The respondents were 117 Jombang Islamic Hospital staff members who work in hospital unit that gives a direct medical service. Questionnaire's final response rate was 91%. The overall average positive response in Jombang Islamic Hospital was 68%, slightly higher than the average positive response for the AHRQ database report in 2016 (65%). Pharmacy had the lowest positive response (54%), while Obstetric and Operation Room had the highest positive response (83%). The dimension that received the highest percentage of positive response was ‘Teamwork within units’ that reached 94% and the lowest was ‘Staffing’ with only 34%. This study concludes that the staff members feel positive toward patient-safety culture. It is important to give an intervention to hospital unit and dimensions that received low percentage of positive response in order to achieve better healthcare service quality. Keywords: HSOPSC, hospital dimension, patient safety culture, surve

    Barriers to and solutions for representative inclusion across the lifespan and in life course research: The need for structural competency highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Exclusion of special populations (older adults; pregnant women, children, and adolescents; individuals of lower socioeconomic status and/or who live in rural communities; people from racial and ethnic minority groups; individuals from sexual or gender minority groups; and individuals with disabilities) in research is a pervasive problem, despite efforts and policy changes by the National Institutes of Health and other organizations. These populations are adversely impacted by social determinants of health (SDOH) that reduce access and ability to participate in biomedical research. In March 2020, the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute hosted the Lifespan and Life Course Research: integrating strategies Un-Meeting to discuss barriers and solutions to underrepresentation of special populations in biomedical research. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how exclusion of representative populations in research can increase health inequities. We applied findings of this meeting to perform a literature review of barriers and solutions to recruitment and retention of representative populations in research and to discuss how findings are important to research conducted during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We highlight the role of SDOH, review barriers and solutions to underrepresentation, and discuss the importance of a structural competency framework to improve research participation and retention among special populations

    Dedicated protection scheme for optical networks survivability

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    In recent days, optical fibers have been developed as a transmission medium to carry traffic in order to provide various services in telecommunications platform. Failure of this fibre caused loss of data which can interrupt communication services. Thus, this paper will focus about protection scheme in order to guarantee the survivability of the networks. Besides, the scheme should provide better quality of services (QOS) in terms of network resource usage, connection availability satisfaction ratio (ASR) and blocking probability. A sample of mesh torus network was carried out to compare several basic connection management processes and dedicated protection scheme was taken into consideration. Matlab was used as a simulation platform in this project. Analyze for performance metrics will shown that there are significant improvements of availability satisfaction Ratio (ASR) when dedicated path protection is utilized in optical network. This project provides an insight of advanced in protection scheme and can serve as a foundation for future research

    Follicular proliferation TIR3B. The role of total thyroidectomy vs lobectomy

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    Background: TIR3B thyroid nodules are considered to be at risk of malignancy (15-30%) but guidelines recommend conservative surgery with lobectomy with primary diagnostic porpoise. Risk stratification mainly based on ultrasound, elastography and genetic mutations usually may influences the surgical approach. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 52 cases of TIR3B underwent between 2015 and 2017 total thyroidectomy (TT) and lobectomy (L), focusing mainly on the observed rate of malignancy. Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact probability test were used for analysis, considering a P values less than 0.05 as significant. Results: Out of 52 patients 49 underwent TT and 3 L. In TT group a multinodular goiter was associated in 67.3% of patients. Malignancy rate was 81.6 and 33.3% respectively after TT and L (P 0.003). Multicentric and contralateral tumors were detected respectively in 36.7% and in 32.6% of patients underwent TT. No main post-operative complications were registered. Conclusions: Ultrasound and elastography are useful to define within the TIR3B group those lesions at higher risk and therefore requiring a more radical approach. TT seems an appropriate approach to TIR3B lesions, especially in multinodular goiter, considering the incidence of malignancy with probably higher rate than previously reported
