177 research outputs found

    Hematological changes in descendants of animals irradiated in different doses

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    An urgent problem today is not only the study of changes in the stability of the genome of somatic cells, the clarification of the mechanisms of its destabilization under the influence of a complex of environmental factors, including radiation, but also the study of the possibility of hereditary transmission of these changes. In the modern experimental and clinical medicine, the most important problem is the harmful effect of ionizing radiation on the descendants of irradiated parents and the specifics of the effect of radiation on the developing organism. An important aspect of the problem of long-term post-radiation effects is the state of reproductive function and health of the descendants of the irradiated population, due to the physiological characteristics inherent to the mother and child - high sensitivity to the action of ionizing radiation, the consequences of which may manifest after a long period of imaginary well-being. The purpose of the work is to investigate the dynamics of body weight and hematological indiexes in the descendants of intact sexually mature animals and descendants born to animals irradiated at different doses, which were exposed to radiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy. The authors revealed that in descendants born to animals irradiated at different doses, which were exposed to radiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, it was established that by the 30th day after irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, the general condition of pup rats born from animals irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy and exposed to irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy is satisfactory against the background of an insignificant decrease in the body weight. This also applies to pup rats born to animals irradiated at a dose of 1.0 Gy, whose general condition slightly improves compared to the previous period of the study. The data obtained showed in the peripheral blood after 1 day in the descendants born to animals irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy, after irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy, a reduced content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes against the background of an increase in the content of platelets, leukocytes, lymphocytes and reticulocytes in comparison with non-irradiated animals, which was maintained throughout the experiment. Pronounced changes in hematological parameters were observed in the descendants born to animals irradiated at a dose of 1.0 Gy, which were exposed to total γ-irradiation at a dose of 1.0 Gy. The authors suppose their data are in favour of the pronounced adaptationof organisms’ regulatiory systems to ionizing irradiation effect that, firstly, outline the adaptative physiologcal mechanisms and, secondly, show the main launches of pathophysiologcial mechamisns in case of irradiation-induced hematological changes

    «New Normal» of Students’ Educational Practices in the Coronavirus Pandemic Reality

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    The article presents the results of qualitative sociologic survey aimed at analyzing students’ subjective evaluations related to “new” educational practices from the perspective of the experience gained in the pandemic period, as well as the dynamics of changes in the content of these evaluations during the year due to the transition to new learning formats. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of forced online learning on the transformation of traditional educational practices. Following the results of work with qualitative data, the main trends observed in the informants’ answers are shown – increase of academic workload and, as a consequence, the time spent for its performance; absence of former attitude and concentration of attention on the learning material caused by the impossibility to draw boundaries between private and public, that in its turn had an impact on the quality of education and gave rise to new practices of academic dishonesty and cheating; and as a whole, downturn of psychological wellbeing. Main positive moments named by the informants were increase of the capabilities of the educational field and a certain level of comfort in the sphere of everyday life, logistics and work. It is noted that even with the outright victory over the COVID-19 it will be impossible to return completely to pre-covid variant of organization of educational process; whether we like it or not, electronic educational environments have already become an integral part of our life and higher education. The main questions that must be asked now – which of pre-covid and gained practices should be taken into the future, how to find the balance between intramural and online learning formats. Search for solutions depends to a large extent on the success of interaction and cooperation between the direct participants of educational process. Main method of data collection is semi-structured interviews; field works have been carried out in spring of 2020 and 2021. The interview method made it possible to study the situation in detail as it has developed. Based on the generalization of qualitative data, the substantial characteristics of the informants’ value judgments are formed, strong and weak sides of the learning process related to introduction of new formats of interaction “university – teacher – student”. The ambivalent attitude of students to full-time and distance learning was revealed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the data acquisition, systematization and analytical generalization of the original material on the transformation of students’ educational practices as a result of a forced mass transition to distance education. The obtained materials provide grounds for clarifying the process and results of these changes and can be used to justify management decisions

    Radiobiological experiments with plant seeds aboard the biosatellite Cosmos 1887

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    The effects of spaceflight factors on the seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Crepis capillaris were studied. The seeds were located inside the satellite in an open space, protected with aluminum foil and also exposed without the foil cover. When the seeds were in open space without any protection, their viability was found to be suppressed; the survival rate and fertility of plants grown from these seeds were also diminished. An increase in the frequency of chromosome aberrations (CA) and in the number of multiple injuries was registered in this case. Experiments with the aluminum foil shielding showed a decrease in the suppression of the seeds' viability, but mutational changes were found to be even more increased, while the survival rate and fertility of the plants decreased. An increase in the thickness of shielding resulted in a decrease in the effects up to the level of the control, except for the effects connected with CA and fertility of the plants. Analysis of the results shows that these impairments can be ascribed to the action of single heavy charged particles (HCP). The seeds can thus be regarded as an integral biological 'dosimeter' which allows estimation of the total effects of radiation, ecological and biological factors

    Structure of facial pain at ambulatory dental reception

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    The article describes the structure of facial pain at an outpatient surgical dental appointment. The treatment of young women with muscle pain is predominant.В статье описана структура лицевой боли на амбулаторном хирургическом стоматологическом приеме. Преобладает обращение лиц женского пола молодого возраста, имеющих чаще мышечную боль

    Morfometrical change of the structure of temporomandibularis foint becase of internal derangement according to MRI

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    The goal of investigaition: to study peculiarities of morfometrical changes of a disk and the other structures of temporomandibularis foint because of internal derangement. The stuff: 21 temporomandibularis foints of 20 volunteers of comparison group (middleage 22,5 + 0,96 years old, 37,9+1,75 years old accordingly) were examined with the use of MRI. The results of the morfometrical researche help to estimate correlation between changes of disk and other structures temporomandibularis foint because of internal derangement. There might be changes in thickness, form, structure, position, disk motion because of internal derangement, as a result the deformation of disk appears. The internal derangement temporomandibularis foint may cause structural changes of beleanar zone of anchylosious cartilage, appearance of anchylosious gust, unmovement of anchylosis. The statistical, reliable results were got (p<0,005). Conclusion: development of distroficul changes of temporomandibularis fointdepend on state of anchylosious disk.Цель исследования - изучить особенности морфометрических изменений диска и других структур ВНЧС при ВН. Материал: исследованы 21 ВНЧС у 21 пациента с ВН и 20 ВНЧС у 20 добровольцев группы сравнения (средний возраст 22,5±0,96 лет, 37,9±1,75 лет соответственно) с использованием МРТ. Результаты: морфометрическое изучение позволило оценить взаимосвязь между наличием изменений диска и других структур ВНЧС при ВН. При ВН может измениться толщина, форма, структура, положение, подвижность диска, появиться его деформация. ВН ВНЧС могут создавать условия для структурных изменений биламинарной зоны, суставного хряща, ремоделирования головки нижней челюсти, появления суставного выпота, ограничения подвижности сустава. Получены статистически достоверные различия (р<0,005). Заключение: состояние суставного диска имеет значение в развитии дистрофических изменений ВНЧС


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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is socially significant disease. COPD is based on chronic inflammatory process of respiratory tract, which determines steady progression of the bronchial obstruction. Studies of the role of cytokines in immune pathogenesis of COPD are of crucial importance. The biological mediators determine local, systemic inflammation, and pathophysiological effects of extra-systemic pathological manifestations. In this work, we studied spontaneous and induced production of IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 cytokines by blood leukocytes from the patients with moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, beyond the exacerbation phase. It is shown that the evident role in formation of the inflammatory process in COPD belongs to the IL-6, IL-8. We have found a significant increase in both spontaneous and induced production of IL-6 and IL-8 (p &lt; 0.05) in the patients. Induced production of cytokines strongly suggests the reserve capabilities of immunocompetent cells in response to the pathogenic factor. Neutrophilic type of inflammation, manifesting as activation of granulocytes, mostly, neutrophils, in response to toxic agents (in particular, smoking) and bacterial pathogens, is primarily associated with IL-6 and IL-8. These results reflect the type and intensity of respiratory tract inflammation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its persistent course.High levels of the studied cytokines confirm their role in bronchial remodeling and contribute to irreversibility of bronchial obstruction in this disorder. The relationship between spontaneous and induced production of the studied cytokines and the clinical indices of the disease course has been shown. Statistically significant increase between frequency of COPD recurrences (more than 2 times pro year, p &lt; 0.05), and low FEV1 values (p &lt; 0.05) were observed in patients with high values of spontaneous and induced production of IL-6 and IL-8. It may be associated with persistent course of neutrophilic inflammation of respiratory tract and progressive bronchial obstruction. IL-6 and IL-8 significantly contribute to pathogenetic mechanisms, determining the clinical course of COPD and may serve as markers of severity in this disorder. Certainly, the immune mechanisms of pathological inflammation in COPD are complex and multifaceted. Studies of clinical significance of induced cytokine production will help the physician when determining type and duration of treatment. Personalized approach to the therapy of patients with COPD depends on the phenotype of pathology, pattern, severity and intensity of inflammation

    Immunological features of allergic rhinitis in combination with chronic rhinosinusitis of bacterial etiology

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    Rhinitis is a socially significant and widespread disease. Often, various forms of rhinitis are combined, and thus cause severe clinical manifestations, insufficient effectiveness of drug treatment, as well as difficulties in differential diagnosis. It is known that a significant number of patients have a combination of allergic rhinitis (AR) with chronic rhinosinusitis of bacterial etiology. This condition is based on a chronic multifactorial inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, which determines the steady progression of the disease. Of interest is the study of a number of allergo-immunological parameters in nasal secretions in order to assess local inflammation and changes in mucosal immunity in allergic rhinitis in combination with chronic rhinosinusitis of bacterial etiology (AR with HRSBE). Mucosal immunity and biological mediators determine local inflammation and pathophysiological response to etiological factors in the immunopathogenesis of AR with CRSBE. The work carried out the determination of the level of cytokines: IL-4, IL-10, TGF-â1, IFNã spontaneous and induced; immunoglobulins: IgA, IgM, IgG, sIgA in nasal secretions; leukotrienes: LT C4/ D4/E4 and LTB4 in plasma and total IgE in serum in patients with AR with moderate-severity HRSBE without exacerbation. It has been shown that the leading role in the formation of the inflammatory process in AR with CRSBE belongs to cytokines: IL-4, IL-10, TGF-â; immunoglobulins: IgM, sIgA; leukotrienes: LT C4/D4/E4 and LTB4 and total IgE. Induced cytokine production largely reflects the reserve capabilities of immunocompetent cells in response to the action of a pathogenic factor. The results obtained are associated with the persistent course of allergic and infectious inflammation and the progression of the disease. Thus, cytokines: IL-4, IL-10, TGF-â1; immunoglobulins: IgM, sIgA, IgE total and LT C4/D4/E4 and LTB4 make a significant contribution to pathogenetic mechanisms, determining the clinical course of AR with CRSBE, and can serve as biological markers of the activity of the pathological process. Undoubtedly, the immune mechanisms in the combined pathological inflammatory reaction from the mucosa in AR with HRSBE are complex and multifaceted. A personalized approach to the treatment of patients with AR with CRSBE is determined by the severity and intensity of the inflammatory reaction, as well as mucosal mucosal immunity disorders. The study of the role and significance of the production of leading cytokines, immunoglobulins in nasal secretions, as well as leukotrienes and total IgE in the blood will help the doctor in determining the tactics and duration of pharmacotherapy

    Studying sex differences in responses to fibroblast growth factor 21 administration in obese mice consuming a sweet-fat diet

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    In animals, obesity caused by consumption of a sweet-fat diet (SFD) is the most adequate mouse model of human diet-induced obesity. Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) reduces body weight, beneficially affects taste preferences, and corrects glucose metabolism in obese mice. Sex is known to influence FGF21 effects in different models of diet-induced and hereditary obesity. In mice with SFD-induced obesity, the effects of FGF21 have been studied only in males. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of FGF21 on body weight, food preferences and glucose and lipid metabolism in C57Bl/6J male and female mice with SFD-induced obesity. Mice were fed with a diet consisting of standard chow, lard and cookies for 10 weeks, then they were injected with FGF21 (1 mg per 1 kg) or vehicle for 7 days. Body weight, weights of different types of food, blood parameters, glucose tolerance, gene and protein expression in the liver, gene expression in the white, brown adipose tissues, and the hypothalamus were assessed. FGF21 administration reduced body weight, did not alter total energy consumption, and activated orexigenic pathways of hypothalamus in mice of both sexes. However, sex dimorphism was found in the realization of the orexigenic FGF21 action at the transcriptional level in the hypothalamus. Metabolic effects of FGF21 were also sex-specific. Only in males, FGF21 exerted beneficial antidiabetic action: it reduced fatty acid and leptin plasma levels, improved glucose-tolerance, and upregulated hepatic expression of Ppargc1, Fasn, Accα, involved in lipid turnover, gene Insr and protein glucokinase, involved in insulin action. Only in obese females, FGF21 induced preference of standard diet to sweet food. Thus, in mouse model of obesity induced by consumption of a sweet-fat diet, the catabolic effect of FGF21 was not sex-specific and hormonal, transcriptional and behavioral effects of FGF21 were sex-specific. These data suggest elaboration of different approaches to use FGF21 analogs for correction of metabolic consequences of obesity in different sexes

    Development of the Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Marburg, Ebola, and Lassa Viruses Identification

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    Presented are the data on the development and approbation of the method of Marburg, Ebola, and Lassa viruses identification based on real-time multiplex PCR with hybridization-fluorescent detection. This method is meant for the differential diagnostics of hemorrhagic fevers caused by these viruses. Displayed are the results of determination of multiplex PCR analytical sensitivity and specific activity

    Human Capital of the Far East of Russia: Problems and Prospects

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    The article presents the problems and trends in the development of the Far Eastern territories of the Russian Federation associated with a high level of migration and loss of human capital in the region. Human capital is the basis for the development of the economy and industry in any region. For the Far East of Russia, issues related to human capital are of particular importance, since the region faces the task of industrial competition with the nearest Asian economies (China, Japan, South Korea), and the transition from resource trade to an innovative economy requires highly qualified personnel, which must be attracted and consolidated in the region. The article deals with special legislative acts and programs (in particular, the intermediate results of the program "Far Eastern hectare") aimed at the development of the Far East. It is shown that the constantly continuing outflow of the local population, consisting mainly of the qualified part of the labor potential of the district in active working age, jeopardizes the implementation of the planned programs. The article analyzes the results of the author's study aimed at identifying the opinions and assessments of experts on the demographic situation and the causes of migration outflow of the population in the Far Eastern Federal district (Primorsky Krai). The data obtained show that, according to experts, the reasons for not decreasing migration from the region are: the high cost of housing, extremely low infrastructure, relatively low wages, high prices for goods and products compared to the European part of the country; most of the specialists surveyed believe that first of all the main measure of securing people in the region can be the provision of housing (housing in employment, preferential types of mortgages, assistance in housing construction). It is emphasized that the state policy in the region should be aimed at the development, attraction and preservation of human capital of the regional community.В статье представлены проблемы и тенденции развития дальневосточных территорий Российской Федерации, связанные с высоким уровнем миграции населения и потерей регионом человеческого капитала. Человеческий капитал составляет основу для развития экономики и промышленности любого региона. Для Дальнего Востока России вопросы, связанные с человеческим капиталом приобретают особую важность, поскольку перед регионом стоит задача промышленной конкуренции с ближайшими азиатскими экономиками (Китай, Япония, Южная Корея), а для перехода от торговли ресурсами к инновационной экономике требуются высококвалифицированные кадры, которые необходимо привлечь и закрепить в регионе. В статье рассматриваются специальные законодательные акты и программы (в частности, промежуточные результаты реализации программы «Дальневосточный гектар»), ориентированные на развитие Дальнего Востока. Показано, что постоянно сохраняющийся отток местного населения, состоящий в основном из квалифицированной части трудового потенциала округа в активном трудовом возрасте, ставит под угрозу реализацию намеченных программ. Анализируются результаты авторского исследования, направленного на выявление мнений и оценок экспертов о демографической ситуации и причинах миграционного оттока населения в ДФО (на примере Приморского края). Полученные данные показывают, что, по мнению экспертов, причинами, не снижающейся миграции из региона, выступают: высокая стоимость жилья, крайне низко развитая инфраструктура, относительно низкий уровень заработной платы, высокие цены на товары и продукты по сравнению с европейской частью страны; большинство опрошенных специалистов, считают, что в первую очередь главной мерой закрепления людей в регионе может стать обеспечение населения жильем (предоставление жилья при трудоустройстве, льготные виды ипотеки, помощь в строительстве жилья). Подчеркивается, что государственная политика в регионе должна быть направлена на развитие, привлечение и сохранение человеческого капитала регионального сообщества.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-011-00768