8,913 research outputs found

    A Radio--Optical Reference Frame VIII. CCD observations from KPNO and CTIO: internal calibration and first results

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    In this pilot investigation, precise optical positions in the FK5 system are presented for a set of 16 compact extragalactic radio sources, which will be part of the future radio--optical reference frame. The 0.9 m KPNO and CTIO telescopes equipped with 2K CCD's have been used for this project. The astrometric properties of these instruments are investigated in detail. New techniques of using wide field CCD observations for astrometry in general are developed. An internal precision of 5 to 31 mas in position per single exposure is found, depending on the brightness of the object. The tie to the primary optical reference system is established by photographic astrometry using dedicated astrographs on both hemispheres. An accuracy of ≈30\approx 30 mas per source is estimated for the multi--step reduction procedure when based on the future Hipparcos catalog, while the FK5--based positions suffer from system errors of 100 to 200 mas as compared to the radio positions. This work provides a contribution to the international effort to link the Hipparcos instrumental coordinate system to the quasi--inertial VLBI radio reference frame. Precise radio and optical astrometry of a large sample of compact extragalactic sources will also contribute to the astrophysics of these objects by comparing the respective centers of emission at the optical and radio wavelengths.Comment: AAS v.4 LaTeX, 2 parts on 1 file (main text + deluxetable), accepted by AJ, Dec.95, fig. with reprint

    A Compound model for the origin of Earth's water

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    One of the most important subjects of debate in the formation of the solar system is the origin of Earth's water. Comets have long been considered as the most likely source of the delivery of water to Earth. However, elemental and isotopic arguments suggest a very small contribution from these objects. Other sources have also been proposed, among which, local adsorption of water vapor onto dust grains in the primordial nebula and delivery through planetesimals and planetary embryos have become more prominent. However, no sole source of water provides a satisfactory explanation for Earth's water as a whole. In view of that, using numerical simulations, we have developed a compound model incorporating both the principal endogenous and exogenous theories, and investigating their implications for terrestrial planet formation and water-delivery. Comets are also considered in the final analysis, as it is likely that at least some of Earth's water has cometary origin. We analyze our results comparing two different water distribution models, and complement our study using D/H ratio, finding possible relative contributions from each source, focusing on planets formed in the habitable zone. We find that the compound model play an important role by showing more advantage in the amount and time of water-delivery in Earth-like planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The StarScan plate measuring machine: overview and calibrations

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    The StarScan machine at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) completed measuring photographic astrograph plates to allow determination of proper motions for the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC) program. All applicable 1940 AGK2 plates, about 2200 Hamburg Zone Astrograph plates, 900 Black Birch (USNO Twin Astrograph) plates, and 300 Lick Astrograph plates have been measured. StarScan comprises of a CCD camera, telecentric lens, air-bearing granite table, stepper motor screws, and Heidenhain scales to operate in a step-stare mode. The repeatability of StarScan measures is about 0.2 micrometer. The CCD mapping as well as the global table coordinate system has been calibrated using a special dot calibration plate and the overall accuracy of StarScan x,y data is derived to be 0.5 micrometer. Application to real photographic plate data shows that position information of at least 0.65 micrometer accuracy can be extracted from course grain 103a-type emulsion astrometric plates. Transformations between "direct" and "reverse" measures of fine grain emulsion plate measures are obtained on the 0.3 micrometer level per well exposed stellar image and coordinate, which is at the limit of the StarScan machine.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, accepted for PAS

    Neuropilin-1 Controls Endothelial Homeostasis by Regulating Mitochondrial Function and Iron-Dependent Oxidative Stress.

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    The transmembrane protein neuropilin-1 (NRP1) promotes vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and extracellular matrix signaling in endothelial cells (ECs). Although it is established that NRP1 is essential for angiogenesis, little is known about its role in EC homeostasis. Here, we report that NRP1 promotes mitochondrial function in ECs by preventing iron accumulation and iron-induced oxidative stress through a VEGF-independent mechanism in non-angiogenic ECs. Furthermore, NRP1-deficient ECs have reduced growth and show the hallmarks of cellular senescence. We show that a subcellular pool of NRP1 localizes in mitochondria and interacts with the mitochondrial transporter ATP-binding cassette B8 (ABCB8). NRP1 loss reduces ABCB8 levels, resulting in iron accumulation, iron-induced mitochondrial superoxide production, and iron-dependent EC senescence. Treatment of NRP1-deficient ECs with the mitochondria-targeted antioxidant compound mitoTEMPO or with the iron chelator deferoxamine restores mitochondrial activity, inhibits superoxide production, and protects from cellular senescence. This finding identifies an unexpected role of NRP1 in EC homeostasis

    Archeologische evaluatie en waardering van de abdijsite van Sint-Truiden (Sint-Truiden, provincie Limburg)

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    In dit rapport presenteert archeologisch projectbureau Aron een evaluatie en waardering vanuit archeologisch oogpunt van de abdijsite te Sint-Truiden. Het onderzoek bestond enerzijds uit terreinwerk, waarbij de volledige site en de diepste vloerniveaus digitaal ingemeten werden, anderzijds uit bureauonderzoek. In hoofdstuk 1 van dit rapport worden de stad Sint-Truiden en de abdijsite eerst algemeen gesitueerd. Vervolgens worden in hoofdstuk 2 kort de gebruikte methodieken en dataverwerking toegelicht. Hoofdstuk 3 bespreekt uitgebreid de bouwhistoriek van de abdij vanaf haar ontstaan tot haar ondergang meer dan elf eeuwen later. Er wordt daarbij ook ingegaan op de ingrepen waaronder het complex te lijden heeft gehad in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Dan volgt een uitgebreid overzicht van de opgravingen die in het voormalige abdijcomplex hebben plaatsgehad en van de vaststellingen die daarbij werden gedaan. Al deze informatie wordt gebundeld en gevisualiseerd in reconstructietekeningen van de verschillende bouwfases van de abdij. In hoofdstuk 4 wordt de site vervolgens uitgebreid getoetst aan de beschermingscriteria voor archeologische monumenten en zones. Ten slotte worden in hoofdstuk 5 en 6 respectievelijk maatregelen naar het behoud en beheer van de site geformuleerd en worden enkele suggesties naar toekomstig archeologisch onderzoek gedaan. Uit dit onderzoeksproject kon globaal worden geconcludeerd dat het studiegebied een erg rijke, gevarieerde en complexe bouwgeschiedenis heeft gekend en dat het bodemarchief nog maar een fractie van zijn geheimen heeft prijsgegeven. De studie besluit dat er goede argumenten zijn om een archeologische bescherming van de abdijsite van Sint-Truiden te rechtvaardigen, zowel voor de criteria vorm en inhoud als wat betreft het criterium beleving. De site is uniek voor Vlaanderen en het is van belang dat ze voor verdere verwoestende ingrepen behoed wordt en er werk gemaakt wordt van de restauratie en ontsluiting van de site en van de bewustmaking van het belang van deze site

    Optimizing sampling strategies in high-resolution paleoclimate records

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    The aim of paleoclimate studies resolving climate variability from noisy proxy records can in essence be reduced to a statistical problem. The challenge is to extract meaningful information about climate variability from these records by reducing measurement uncertainty through combining measurements for proxies while retaining the temporal resolution needed to assess the timing and duration of variations in climate parameters. In this study, we explore the limits of this compromise by testing different methods for combining proxy data (smoothing, binning, and sample size optimization) on a particularly challenging paleoclimate problem: resolving seasonal variability in stable isotope records. We test and evaluate the effects of changes in the seasonal temperature and the hydrological cycle as well as changes in the accretion rate of the archive and parameters such as sampling resolution and age model uncertainty in the reliability of seasonality reconstructions based on clumped and oxygen isotope analyses in 33 real and virtual datasets. Our results show that strategic combinations of clumped isotope analyses can significantly improve the accuracy of seasonality reconstructions compared to conventional stable oxygen isotope analyses, especially in settings in which the isotopic composition of the water is poorly constrained. Smoothing data using a moving average often leads to an apparent dampening of the seasonal cycle, significantly reducing the accuracy of reconstructions. A statistical sample size optimization protocol yields more precise results than smoothing. However, the most accurate results are obtained through monthly binning of proxy data, especially in cases in which growth rate or water composition cycles obscure the seasonal temperature cycle. Our analysis of a wide range of natural situations reveals that the effect of temperature seasonality on oxygen isotope records almost invariably exceeds that of changes in water composition. Thus, in most cases, oxygen isotope records allow reliable identification of growth seasonality as a basis for age modeling in the absence of independent chronological markers in the record. These specific findings allow us to formulate general recommendations for sampling and combining data in paleoclimate research and have implications beyond the reconstruction of seasonality. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for solving common problems in paleoclimatology and stratigraphy.</p

    Retrieval methods of effective cloud cover for the GOME instrument: an intercomparison

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    International audienceThe radiative scattering by clouds leads to errors in the retrieval of column densities and concentration profiles of atmospheric trace gas species from satellites. Moreover, the presence of clouds changes the UV actinic flux and the photo-dissociation rates of various species significantly. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument on the ERS-2 satellite, principally designed to retrieve trace gases in the atmosphere is also capable of detecting clouds. Four cloud fraction retrieval methods for GOME data that have been developed are discussed in this paper (the Initial Cloud Fitting Algorithm, the PMD Cloud Retrieval Algorithm, the Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm and the Fast Retrieval Scheme for Cloud Observables). Their results of cloud fraction retrieval are compared to each-other and also to synoptic surface observations. It is shown that all studied retrieval methods calculate an effective cloud fraction that is related to a cloud with a high optical thickness. Generally, we found ICFA to produce the lowest cloud fractions, followed by OCRA, then FRESCO and PC2K along four processed tracks (+2%, +10% and +15% compared to ICFA respectively). Synoptical surface observations gave the highest absolute cloud fraction when compared with individual PMD sub-pixels of roughly the same size

    The Stellar Composition of the Star Formation Region CMa R1. II. Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of 9 Young Stars

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    We present new high and low resolution spectroscopic and photometric data of nine members of the young association CMa R1. All the stars have circumstellar dust at some distance as could be expected from their association with reflection nebulosity. Four stars (HD 52721, HD 53367, LkHalpha 220 and LkHalpha 218) show Halpha emission and we argue that they are Herbig Be stars with discs. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations on these stars reveal new characteristics of their variability. We present first interpretations of the variability of HD 52721, HD 53367 and the two LkHalpha stars in terms of a partially eclipsing binary, a magnetic activity cycle and circumstellar dust variations, respectively. The remaining five stars show no clear indications of Halpha emission in their spectra, although their spectral types and ages are comparable with those of HD 52721 and HD 53367. This indicates that the presence of a disc around a star in CMa R1 may depend on the environment of the star. In particular we find that all Halpha emission stars are located at or outside the arc-shaped border of the H II region, which suggests that the stars inside the arc have lost their discs through evaporation by UV photons from nearby O stars, or from the nearby (< 25 pc) supernova, about 1 Myr ago.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Retrieval methods of effective cloud cover from the GOME instrument: an intercomparison

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    The radiative scattering by clouds leads to errors in the retrieval of column densities and concentration profiles of atmospheric trace gas species from satellites. Moreover, the presence of clouds changes the UV actinic flux and the photo-dissociation rates of various species significantly. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument on the ERS-2 satellite, principally designed to retrieve trace gases in the atmosphere, is also capable of detecting clouds. Four cloud fraction retrieval methods for GOME data that have been developed are discussed in this paper (the Initial Cloud Fitting Algorithm, the PMD Cloud Recognition Algorithm, the Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm (an in-house version and the official implementation) and the Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-band). Their results of cloud fraction retrieval are compared to each-other and also to synoptic surface observations. It is shown that all studied retrieval methods calculate an effective cloud fraction that is related to a cloud with a high optical thickness. Generally, we found ICFA to produce the lowest cloud fractions, followed by our in-house OCRA implementation, FRESCO, PC2K and finally the official OCRA implementation along four processed tracks (+2%, +10%, +15% and +25% compared to ICFA respectively). Synoptical surface observations gave the highest absolute cloud fraction when compared with individual PMD sub-pixels of roughly the same size

    Archeologisch onderzoek in Bilzen uitgevoerd in het kader van de herinrichting van het Stadscentrum: het Camille Husmansplein, het Deken Paquayplein en de markt

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