1,304 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of freshwater periphytic diatoms to agricultural herbicides

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    The biomonitoring of pesticide pollution in streams and rivers using algae such as diatoms remains difficult. The responses of diatomcommunities to toxic stress in streamwater are disturbed by the variations of environmental parameters. In this study, periphytic algae collected in situwere exposed under controlled conditions to two major herbicides used in French agriculture (isoproturon and s-metolachlor). Three exposure regimes were tested: 5 and 30gL−1 for 6 days and 30gL−1 for 3 days followed by a recovery period of 3 days. The algal biomasses were assessed from pigment concentrations (chlorophyll a and c) and from live cell density. The highest concentration (30gL−1) of isoproturon inhibited the biomass increase statistically significantly. In periphyton exposed to 5 and 30gL−1 of s-metolachlor, chlorophyll c concentration and live cell densitywere also statistically significantly lower than in the control. Periphyton left to recover after reduced exposure duration (3 days) showed higher growth rates after treatment with s-metolachlor than with isoproturon. Taxonomic identifications showed that species like Melosira varians, Nitzschia dissipata and Cocconeis placentula were not affected by the herbicide exposure. Other species like Eolimna minima and Navicula reichardtiana were more sensitive. Studying diatoms according to their trophic mode showed that facultative heterotroph specieswere statistically significantly favoured by isoproturon exposure at the highest concentration. Results obtained with s-metolachlor exposure showed a disturbance of cell multiplication rather than that of photosynthesis. These results suggest that photosynthesis inhibitors like isoproturon favour species able to survive when the autotroph mode is inhibited

    How Yeast Antifungal Resistance Gene Analysis Is Essential to Validate Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Systems.

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    The antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST) of yeast pathogen alerts clinicians about the potential emergence of resistance. In this study, we compared two commercial microdilution AFST methods: Sensititre YeastOne read visually (YO) and MICRONAUT-AM read visually (MN) or spectrophotometrically (MNV), interpreted with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing criteria, respectively. Overall, 97 strains from 19 yeast species were measured for nine antifungal drugs including a total of 873 observations. First, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was compared between YO and MNV, and between MNV and MN, either directly or by assigning them to five susceptibility categories. Those categories were based on the number of MIC dilutions around the breakpoint or epidemiological cut-off reference values (ECOFFs or ECVs). Second, YO and MNV methods were evaluated for their ability to detect the elevation of MICs due to mutation in antifungal resistance genes, thanks to pairs or triplets of isogenic strains isolated from a single patient along a treatment previously analyzed for antifungal resistance gene mutations. Reproducibility measurement was evaluated, thanks to three quality control (QC) strains. YO and MNV direct MIC comparisons obtained a global agreement of 67%. Performing susceptibility category comparisons, only 22% and 49% of the MICs could be assigned to categories using breakpoints and ECOFFs/ECVs, respectively, and 40% could not be assigned due to the lack of criteria in both consortia. The YO and MN susceptibility categories gave accuracies as low as 50%, revealing the difficulty to implement this method of comparison. In contrast, using the antifungal resistance gene sequences as a gold standard, we demonstrated that both methods (YO and MN) were equally able to detect the acquisition of resistance in the Candida strains, even if MN showed a global lower MIC elevation than YO. Finally, no major differences in reproducibility were observed between the three AFST methods. This study demonstrates the valuable use of both commercial microdilution AFST methods to detect antifungal resistance due to point mutations in antifungal resistance genes. We highlighted the difficulty to conduct conclusive analyses without antifungal gene sequence data as a gold standard. Indeed, MIC comparisons taking into account the consortia criteria of interpretation remain difficult even after the effort of harmonization

    Variations de tolérance aux pesticides agricoles des diatomées périphytiques dans une rivière contaminée : une analyse de l'échelle des communautés à celle des populations

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    3rd International Conference on EnvironmentalManagement, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2011) & SECOTOX Conference, Skiathos, GRC, 19-/06/2011 - 24/06/2011International audiencePeriphytic diatoms are an important phototrophic component of river biofilm and are used in situ for the bioindication of pollution as well as in laboratory ecotoxicological tests to assess the toxicity of contaminants. In spring 2009, phototrophic biofilm samples composed mostly of diatoms were collected in a small river and their sensitivity to the herbicide diuron was estimated via photosynthesis bioassays. A large difference in tolerance to diuron was demonstrated between two periphytic communities from an upstream unpolluted site and a downstream site subjected to high seasonal contamination by pesticides. The comparison of diatom community structure between sites revealed important variations of the relative abundance of some species which could explain this difference. Consequently, some of these species were isolated from the river in autumn when toxic pressure was low, and kept in culture for more than six months in uncontaminated water. Acute toxicity tests of diuron based on growth inhibition were then performed on each species. Surprisingly the sensitivities of the species as estimated by EC50 were almost the same. However two strains of another species that could be isolated from each site of the river showed significant differences in tolerance to diuron and copper, another contaminant of the river. These results suggest the importance of adaptation at the intraspecific level in the induction of periphytic community tolerance to toxicants and the probably low sensitivity of bioindication methods to assess river contaminations

    On the regularization scheme and gauge choice ambiguities in topologically massive gauge theories

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    It is demonstrated that in the (2+1)-dimensional topologically massive gauge theories an agreement of the Pauli-Villars regularization scheme with the other schemes can be achieved by employing pairs of auxiliary fermions with the opposite sign masses. This approach does not introduce additional violation of discrete (P and T) symmetries. Although it breaks the local gauge symmetry only in the regulator fields' sector, its trace disappears completely after removing the regularization as a result of superrenormalizability of the model. It is shown also that analogous extension of the Pauli-Villars regularization in the vector particle sector can be used to agree the arbitrary covariant gauge results with the Landau ones. The source of ambiguities in the covariant gauges is studied in detail. It is demonstrated that in gauges that are softer in the infrared region (e.g. Coulomb or axial) nonphysical ambiguities inherent to the covariant gauges do not arise.Comment: Latex, 13 pages. Replaced mainly to change preprint references to journal one

    Point-process analysis of neural spiking activity of muscle spindles recorded from thin-film longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes

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    Recordings from thin-film Longitudinal Intra-Fascicular Electrodes (tfLIFE) together with a wavelet-based de-noising and a correlation-based spike sorting algorithm, give access to firing patterns of muscle spindle afferents. In this study we use a point process probability structure to assess mechanical stimulus-response characteristics of muscle spindle spike trains. We assume that the stimulus intensity is primarily a linear combination of the spontaneous firing rate, the muscle extension, and the stretch velocity. By using the ability of the point process framework to provide an objective goodness of fit analysis, we were able to distinguish two classes of spike clusters with different statistical structure. We found that spike clusters with higher SNR have a temporal structure that can be fitted by an inverse Gaussian distribution while lower SNR clusters follow a Poisson-like distribution. The point process algorithm is further able to provide the instantaneous intensity function associated with the stimulus-response model with the best goodness of fit. This important result is a first step towards a point process decoding algorithm to estimate the muscle length and possibly provide closed loop Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) systems with natural sensory feedback information.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-HL084502)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP1-OD003646

    Quantitative Timed Analysis of Interactive Markov Chains

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    Abstract This paper presents new algorithms and accompanying tool support for analyzing interactive Markov chains (IMCs), a stochastic timed 1 1 2-player game in which delays are exponentially distributed. IMCs are compositional and act as semantic model for engineering for-malisms such as AADL and dynamic fault trees. We provide algorithms for determining the extremal expected time of reaching a set of states, and the long-run average of time spent in a set of states. The prototypical tool Imca supports these algorithms as well as the synthesis of ε-optimal piecewise constant timed policies for timed reachability objectives. Two case studies show the feasibility and scalability of the algorithms.

    Codes and standards on computational wind engineering for structural design: State of art and recent trends

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    This paper first provides a wide overview about the design codes and standards covering the use of Computational Wind Engineering / Computational Fluid Dynamics (CWE/CFD) for wind-sensitive structures and built environment. Second, the paper sets out the basic assumptions and underlying concepts of the new Annex T "Simulations by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD/CWE)" of the revised version "Guide for the assessment of wind actions and effects on structures" issued by the Advisory Committee on Technical Recommendations for Constructions of the Italian National Research Council in February 2019 and drafted by the members of the Special Interest Group on Computational Wind Engineering of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-CWE). The same group is currently advising UNI CT021/SC1 in supporting the drafting of the new Annex K - "Derivation of design parameters from wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations" of the revised Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions. Finally, the paper outlines the subjects most open to development at the technical and applicative level

    IPM in Asia - A review of existing projects in the Philippines and Indonesia

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    peer reviewedIntegrated Pest Management means a pest management system that, in the context of the associated environment and the population dynamics of the pest species, utilizes ail suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as possible and maintains the pest populations at levels below those causing economically unacceptable damage or 1055. FAO-Code- of Conduct 1984