4,158 research outputs found

    Emergent Concepts on Knowledge Intensive Processes

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    An approach to refine and revise the general framework of KiP (Knowledge Intensive Process) is presented. The specific case of collaborative KiP is studied and the prominent role of collaborative KiPs in the general context of Business Processes is revealed. The approach is based on Formal Concept Analysis.Junta de Andalucía TIC-606

    Littoral annelid polychaetes inhabiting soft bottoms of the Barcelonès (Catalonia, NE Spain)

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    Data-driven prediction of thresholded time series of rainfall and self-organized criticality models

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    A Tylosaurine Mosasauridae (Squamata) from the Late Cretaceous of the Basque-Cantabrian Region

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    An isolated mosasaurid tooth from the Campanian of Alava (Basque Country), previously referred to as cf. Mosasaurus sp., is here reattributed to a tylosaurine. It may belong to Tylosaurus, a nearly cosmopolitan genus known from the Santonian-Maastrichtian. This is the first occurrence of a tylosaurine mosasaurid in the Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, it corresponds to the southernmost occurrence of this clade in the northern margin of the Mediterranean Tethys. ylosaurinae fossils are known from North America, Europe, New Zealand, Antarctica, Africa and Asia, but remain unknown from the southern Mediterranean Tethyan margin and from tropical palaeolatitudes.Un diente aislado de mosasaurio procedente del Campaniense de Álava (País Vasco), previamente asignado a cf. Mosasaurus sp., se atribuye en este trabajo a un tilosaurino. Podría pertenecer a Tylosaurus, un género cuasi cosmopolita del Santoniense-Maastrichtiense. Es la primera cita de un mosasáurido tilosaurino en la Península Ibérica. Además, se trata del registro más meridional de este clado en el margen norte del Tetis mediterráneo. Los Tylosaurinae están representados por fósiles en Norteamérica, Europa, Nueva Zelanda, Antártida, África y Asia, pero carecen de registro en el margen sur del Tetis mediterráneo y en paleolatitudes tropicales

    The Feminization of Mexico City in the Late Twentieth Century: Polvo de Gallina Negra, Pola Weiss, and Lourdes Grobet

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    This thesis centers on select artworks in public intervention, photography and video as an exploration of female\u27s relationship to Mexico City\u27s social landscape and urban space during the late 1970s into the early 1990s. In three case studies, I explore historical urban planning, gender relations, and the effects of modernization