28 research outputs found

    Valoración de los ángulos del cuello del aneurisma de aorta abdominal. Estudio en 507 pacientes

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    Angulation in different planes of the neck of abdominal aortic aneurysms may be considered a limiting factor in the implantation of different prostheses in the treatment of this pathology. It is necessary to make an assessment of the angles in different planes in routine studies prior to the planning of the procedures and especially by AngioTAC. The study evaluated the measurement of 507 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms and treated endovascular procedures and of whom the complete information was available at the level of neck angulations. In a prospective and descriptive study the situation of this aortic sector was evaluated, contributing information about the tendency in the morphological presentation of the aorta in patients with this aetiolog

    Study of angulations of visceral abdominals arteries in their abdominal aorta emergency

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    Recently, fenestrated, branched and stent grafts have been developed in order to treat endovascular aneurysmal pathology at the level of the aorta in the emergence of the visceral arteries. For the implantation of stents, it is necessary to have a precise planimetry of the origin and orientation of the visceral branches in order firstly to perform the correct manufacture of the endoprosthesis and secondly the placement with precision of the same. The knowledge of the emergency of the vessels of the aortic wall and its orientation knowing the angle of emergency. The data obtained for the planning of the endovascular treatment of 37 patients in order to obtain data from the descriptive point of view of this sector

    Mitochondrial ATP synthase: architecture, function and pathology

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    Human mitochondrial (mt) ATP synthase, or complex V consists of two functional domains: F1, situated in the mitochondrial matrix, and Fo, located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Complex V uses the energy created by the proton electrochemical gradient to phosphorylate ADP to ATP. This review covers the architecture, function and assembly of complex V. The role of complex V di-and oligomerization and its relation with mitochondrial morphology is discussed. Finally, pathology related to complex V deficiency and current therapeutic strategies are highlighted. Despite the huge progress in this research field over the past decades, questions remain to be answered regarding the structure of subunits, the function of the rotary nanomotor at a molecular level, and the human complex V assembly process. The elucidation of more nuclear genetic defects will guide physio(patho)logical studies, paving the way for future therapeutic interventions

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of second-line pharmacological treatment of acromegaly in Spain

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    Objective: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of second-line pharmacological treatments in patients with acromegaly resistant to first-generation somatostatin analogues (FG SSA) from the Spanish National Health System (NHS) perspective.Methods: A Markov model was developed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of pegvisomant and pasireotide in FG SSA-resistant acromegaly, simulating a cohort of patients from the treatment beginning to death. Treatment with pegvisomant or pasireotide was compared to FG SSA retreatment. Efficacy data were obtained from clinical trials and utilities from the literature. Direct health costs were obtained from Spanish sources (euro2018).Results: The Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of pegvisomant vs. FG SSA was euro85,869/Quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The ICER of pasireotide vs. FG SSA was euro551,405/QALY. The ICER was mainly driven by the incremental efficacy (4.41 QALY for pegvisomant vs. FG SSA and 0.71 QALY for pasireotide vs. FG SSA), with a slightly lower increase in costs with pegvisomant (euro378,597 vs. FG SSA) than with pasireotide (euro393,151 vs. FG SSA).Conclusion: The ICER of pasireotide compared to FG SSA was six times higher than the ICER of pegvisomant vs. FG SSA. Pegvisomant is a more cost-effective alternative for the treatment of acromegaly in FG SSA-resistant patients in the Spanish NHS

    Evolutive skin reconstructions: from the dermal collagen-glycosaminoglycan-chitosane substrate to an immunocompetent reconstructed skin.

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    International audienceThe development of human skin models that have the same properties as genuine human skin is of particular significance. Very promising skin models are the three-dimensional artificial skin constructs, which, similar to genuine skin, consist of an epidermis of differentiated keratinocytes and a dermis. A skin equivalent based on a collagen-glycosaminoglycan-chitosan dermal substrate has been developed to meet the growing demand in tissue engineered skin equivalents. We used this model to investigate whether CD34-generated Langerhans/dendritic cell precursors could be integrated into this skin equivalent model and pursue their differentiation without addition of cytokine and growth factor. To address the issue of dendritic cell (DC) differentiation, an endothelialized skin equivalent coculture model was used to study the behaviour of haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) in epidermal and dermal environments. CD34(+) HPC were cultured for 6 days with GM-CSF, TGFbeta1 and TNFalpha and seeded in the endothelialized skin equivalent at different time points to favour dermal or epidermal integration. This integration (after keratinocyte seeding, only and in absence of exogenous GM-CSF, TNFalpha, TGFbeta1) gave rise both cutaneous DC, i.e. epidermal Langerhans cells (CD1a(+), HLA-DR(+)) and dermal DC (DC-SIGN(+), HLA-DR(+)) while endothelial cells are sufficiently activated to acquire HLA-DR expression. For the first time, the presence of a living dermal equivalent could provide a more complex environment integrating vascular components to study the differentiation of interstitial DC in a dermis equivalent. Such sophisticated skin equivalent may clarify some intriguing aspects of the numerous regulatory mechanisms controlling skin homeostasis.The development of human skin models that have the same properties as genuine human skin is of particular significance. Very promising skin models are the three-dimensional artificial skin constructs, which, similar to genuine skin, consist of an epidermis of differentiated keratinocytes and a dermis. A skin equivalent based on a collagen-glycosaminoglycan-chitosan dermal substrate has been developed to meet the growing demand in tissue engineered skin equivalents. We used this model to investigate whether CD34-generated Langerhans/dendritic cell precursors could be integrated into this skin equivalent model and pursue their differentiation without addition of cytokine and growth factor. To address the issue of dendritic cell (DC) differentiation, an endothelialized skin equivalent coculture model was used to study the behaviour of haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) in epidermal and dermal environments. CD34(+) HPC were cultured for 6 days with GM-CSF, TGFbeta1 and TNFalpha and seeded in the endothelialized skin equivalent at different time points to favour dermal or epidermal integration. This integration (after keratinocyte seeding, only and in absence of exogenous GM-CSF, TNFalpha, TGFbeta1) gave rise both cutaneous DC, i.e. epidermal Langerhans cells (CD1a(+), HLA-DR(+)) and dermal DC (DC-SIGN(+), HLA-DR(+)) while endothelial cells are sufficiently activated to acquire HLA-DR expression. For the first time, the presence of a living dermal equivalent could provide a more complex environment integrating vascular components to study the differentiation of interstitial DC in a dermis equivalent. Such sophisticated skin equivalent may clarify some intriguing aspects of the numerous regulatory mechanisms controlling skin homeostasis

    ¿Es la arteriografía preoperatoria un método tan infalible como se cree?

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    Introducción. Aunque la arteriografía se considera el patrón de referencia para la valoración de la arteriopatía periférica, la variabilidad en su interpretación es causa frecuente de disparidad diagnóstica y de tratamiento. Objetivo. Valorar la fiabilidad diagnóstica de la arteriografía preoperatoria y determinar la precisión y variabilidad interobservador, así como su implicación en la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. Pacientes y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo en el que 100 angiografías de extremidades inferiores, seleccionadas aleatoriamente, se evaluaron de manera ciega e independiente por tres cirujanos vasculares. Las arterias se categorizaron como permeables, gravemente enfermas, ocluidas o no diagnóstica a diferentes niveles. La concordancia se expresó como valores k y se analizó la opción terapéutica propuesta por cada observador basada en la historia clínica y hallazgos angiográficos. Resultados. El porcentaje de segmentos arteriales no identificados en la arteriografía preoperatoria (no diagnósticos) fue sorprendentemente elevado: 18% tibial anterior, 21% tibial posterior, 28% peronea. La concordancia global fue buena en segmento aórtico (k = 0,78), ilíaco (k = 0,76), femoral (k = 0,61) y poplíteo supragenicular (k = 0,64); moderado para poplítea infragenicular (k = 0,50), y pobre para troncos tibiales (k = 0,22). Aunque en el 70% de casos los tres observadores propusieron idéntico tratamiento (k = 0,65, concordancia alta), en un 30% el plan terapéutico inicial basado en la angiografía preoperatoria no coincidía, y en un 19% de los casos este plan debió modificarse de acuerdo con los hallazgos intraoperatorios. Conclusiones. La importante variabilidad interobservador en la valoración de segmentos infrageniculares debe tenerse en cuenta cuando otros métodos diagnósticos se comparan con la angiografía preoperatoria. Este trabajo cuestiona su fiabilidad, enfatiza la necesidad de estudios angiográficos intraoperatorios y señala un importante sesgo en la interpretación de publicaciones cuando se intenta comparar esta prueba preoperatoria con respecto a otros métodos no invasivos

    Mixoma intramuscular inguinal y compresión de elementos vasculonerviosos femorales

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    Introducción. La tumoraciones no pulsátiles inguinales son tratadas por cirujanos vasculares por su relación con los vasos femorales. El mixoma intramuscular es un caso raro de tumor benigno con tendencia a la compresión de las estructuras vecinas y con potencial de recidiva local. La resección completa con márgenes amplios es el tratamiento indicado para ellos. Caso clínico. Varón de 57 años. Clínica de parestesias en cara anteriomedial del muslo izquierdo, ausencia de patología vascular en la extremidad afectada. En la exploración, se palpa una masa inguinal bien delimitada, blanda, compresible, no fluctuante, adherida a planos profundos, no dolorosa a la palpación, de 10 cm de diámetro. En el estudio radiológico mediante tomografía axial computarizada y resonancia magnética, se demuestra una colección líquida de contorno liso y bien definido, en íntimo contacto con el músculo psoasilíaco que se prolonga por encima del anillo inguinal con imagen en ¿reloj de arena¿ con desplazamiento de vasos femorales y sospecha diagnóstica de bursitis. Tras la resección quirúrgica, el estudio anatomopatológico es compatible con el diagnóstico de mixoma intramuscular. Conclusión. Se trata de la primera descripción en la literatura de este tumor en esta localización anatómica y con la forma en ¿reloj de arena¿ a través del anillo inguinal. Constituye una posibilidad a tener en cuenta en tumores de partes blandas en la región inguinal

    Efecto de la trombosis carotídea en el comportamiento hemodinámico de la estenosis contralateral: criterios para su determinación

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    To compare the accuracy of various duplex hemodynamic criteria in grading ipsilateral carotid stenosis in patients with contralateral occlusion. PATIENTS AND METHODS. A prospective study was designed with 76 patients who had unilateral carotid occlusion, the results of duplex were correlated in blind fashion to arteriography. Each carotid was classified in order to the angiographic stenotic grade in: 1-29% (n = 39), 30-49% (n = 15), 50-69% (n = 14), &ge 70% (n = 8). Five duplex ultrasonography classification criteria for discriminate > 50% stenosis were used: Washington University (standard), AbuRahma (peak systolic velocity, PSV > 140 cm/s; diastolic velocity, EDV 140 cm/s; EDV 1.5; new method (ratio ICA/ CCA > 1.3; PSV > 115 cm/s). The sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, accuracy and k index were calculated. RESULTS. Best concordance between angiography and duplex was for the new method, providing a &kappa = 0.59 and an accuracy of 84.2, followed by standard method that obtained &kappa = 0.53 and an accuracy of 82.8. Specific methods for patients with unilateral occlusion of ICA (AbuRahma and Fujitani) provided inferior efficacy in detecting carotid stenosis ³ 50%, although the ratio method obtained intermediate results. CONCLUSIONS. The fact of having a contralateral occlusion of the ICA produces some overestimation or underestimation of the ipsilatral carotid stenosis degree following the classic criteria. This problem can be reduced using a ratio > 1.3 and a PSV > 115 cm/s. Each laboratory should perform an objective evaluation of their own criteria of diagnosis to discriminate hemodynamically significant lesions.Objetivo. Comparar la precisión diagnóstica de varios parámetros hemodinámicos en la graduación de la estenosis carotídea en pacientes con oclusión contralateral. Pacientes y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo de 76 pacientes con oclusión carotídea unilateral, en el que se correlacionaron de manera ciega los hallazgos de eco-Doppler color y arteriografía. Cada carótida se clasificó, según el grado estenótico angiográfico, en: 1-29% (n = 39), 30-49% (n = 15), 50-69% (n = 14), &ge 70% (n = 8). Se consideraron cinco criterios hemodinámicos para valorar una estenosis > 50%: Universidad de Washington (estándar); AbuRahma (pico de velocidad sistólica, PSV > 140 cm/s; velocidad diastólica final, EDV 140 cm/s; EDV 1,5; y método nuevo (ratio de la ICA/CCA > 1,3; PSV > 115 cm/s). Se calcularon la sensibilidad, la especificidad, los valores predictivos positivo y negativo, el valor diagnóstico y el índice de concordancia k. Resultados. La mejor concordancia arteriografía/eco-Doppler se dio para el método nuevo (&kappa = 0,59), con una precisión diagnóstica del 84,2, seguida del método estándar (que obtuvo una &kappa = 0,53 y una precisión de 82,8). Los métodos específicos para pacientes con trombosis carotídea unilateral (AbuRahma y Fujitani) fueron los menos eficaces, mientras que el método de la ratio presentó resultados intermedios. Conclusiones. La presencia de oclusión produce una sobreestimación o infraestimación del grado estenótico ipsilateral según los criterios clásicos admitidos. Este problema puede reducirse mediante la utilización de una ratio > 1,3 y un PSV > 115 cm/s. Para evaluar el grado de progresión de la enfermedad carotídea cada laboratorio ha de validar sus propios criterios, los cuales deben permitir diferenciar entre lesiones hemodinámicamente significativas y aquellas que no lo son