3 research outputs found
Assessment of the potential forecasting skill of a global hydrological model in reproducing the occurrence of monthly flow extremes
As an initial step in assessing the prospect of using global hydrological models (GHMs) for hydrological forecasting, this study investigates the skill of the GHM PCR-GLOBWB in reproducing the occurrence of past extremes in monthly discharge on a global scale. Global terrestrial hydrology from 1958 until 2001 is simulated by forcing PCR-GLOBWB with daily meteorological data obtained by downscaling the CRU dataset to daily fields using the ERA-40 reanalysis. Simulated discharge values are compared with observed monthly streamflow records for a selection of 20 large river basins that represent all continents and a wide range of climatic zones. <br><br> We assess model skill in three ways all of which contribute different information on the potential forecasting skill of a GHM. First, the general skill of the model in reproducing hydrographs is evaluated. Second, model skill in reproducing significantly higher and lower flows than the monthly normals is assessed in terms of skill scores used for forecasts of categorical events. Third, model skill in reproducing flood and drought events is assessed by constructing binary contingency tables for floods and droughts for each basin. The skill is then compared to that of a simple estimation of discharge from the water balance (<i>P</i>−<i>E</i>). <br><br> The results show that the model has skill in all three types of assessments. After bias correction the model skill in simulating hydrographs is improved considerably. For most basins it is higher than that of the climatology. The skill is highest in reproducing monthly anomalies. The model also has skill in reproducing floods and droughts, with a markedly higher skill in floods. The model skill far exceeds that of the water balance estimate. We conclude that the prospect for using PCR-GLOBWB for monthly and seasonal forecasting of the occurrence of hydrological extremes is positive. We argue that this conclusion applies equally to other similar GHMs and LSMs, which may show sufficient skill to forecast the occurrence of monthly flow extremes
Skill of a global forecasting system in seasonal ensemble streamflow prediction
In this study we assess the skill of seasonal streamflow
forecasts with the global hydrological forecasting system Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)-World, which
has been set up within the European Commission 7th Framework Programme
Project Global Water Scarcity Information Service (GLOWASIS). FEWS-World
incorporates the distributed global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB (PCRaster Global Water Balance). We
produce ensemble forecasts of monthly discharges for 20 large rivers of the
world, with lead times of up to 6Â months, forcing the system with
bias-corrected seasonal meteorological forecast ensembles from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and
with probabilistic meteorological ensembles obtained following the ESP
procedure. Here, the ESP ensembles, which contain no actual information on
weather, serve as a benchmark to assess the additional skill that may be
obtained using ECMWF seasonal forecasts. We use the Brier skill score (BSS) to
quantify the skill of the system in forecasting high and low flows, defined
as discharges higher than the 75th and lower than the 25th
percentiles for a given month, respectively. We determine the theoretical
skill by comparing the results against model simulations and the actual
skill in comparison to discharge observations. We calculate the ratios of
actual-to-theoretical skill in order to quantify the percentage of the
potential skill that is achieved. The results suggest that the performance
of ECMWF S3 forecasts is close to that of the ESP forecasts. While better
meteorological forecasts could potentially lead to an improvement in
hydrological forecasts, this cannot be achieved yet using the ECMWF S3