18 research outputs found

    Cohomology and Deformations of nn-Lie algebra morphisms

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    The study of nn-Lie algebras which are natural generalization of Lie algebras is motivated by Nambu Mechanics and recent developments in String Theory and M-branes. The purpose of this paper is to define cohomology complexes and study deformation theory of nn-Lie algebra morphisms. We discuss infinitesimal deformations, equivalent deformations and obstructions. Moreover, we provide various examples

    Differential operators on supercircle: conformally equivariant quantization and symbol calculus

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    We consider the supercircle S11S^{1|1} equipped with the standard contact structure. The conformal Lie superalgebra K(1) acts on S11S^{1|1} as the Lie superalgebra of contact vector fields; it contains the M\"obius superalgebra osp(12)osp(1|2). We study the space of linear differential operators on weighted densities as a module over osp(12)osp(1|2). We introduce the canonical isomorphism between this space and the corresponding space of symbols and find interesting resonant cases where such an isomorphism does not exist

    Preliminary results of the project A.I.D.A. (Auto Immunity: Diagnosis Assisted by computer)

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    In this paper, are presented the preliminary results of the A.I.D.A. (Auto Immunity: Diagnosis Assisted by computer) project which is developed in the frame of the cross-border cooperation Italy-Tunisia. According to the main objectives of this project, a database of interpreted Indirect ImmunoFluorescence (IIF) images on HEp 2 cells is being collected thanks to the contribution of Italian and Tunisian experts involved in routine diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Through exchanging images and double reporting; a Gold Standard database, containing around 1000 double reported IIF images with different patterns including negative tests, has been settled. This Gold Standard database has been used for optimization of a computing solution (CADComputer Aided Detection) and for assessment of its added value in order to be used along with an immunologist as a second reader in detection of auto antibodies for autoimmune disease diagnosis. From the preliminary results obtained, the CAD appeared more powerful than junior immunologists used as second readers and may significantly improve their efficacy

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Climat, environnement et sociétés de la Préhistoire du sud tunisien: résultats préliminaires et perspectives de la recherche

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    We present the preliminary results of a Tunisian-Italian project of scientific collaboration in the field of environmental studies and prehistoric and anthropological research in southern Tunisia ruled by an interdisciplinary approach that includes geo-archeology, geochronology, geochemistry, palynology, paleoanthropology and population genetics. The research area is south of the Chott el Jerid and its surroundings, where the major physiographic feature is a large playa which contained one of the mega lakes that existed in the Sahara during wet periods in the late Quaternary. The region is a pivotal area between the Mediterranean and the Sahara, then favorable to study the cultural diffusion and humans displacements through different periods and environments.We present the preliminary results of a Tunisian-Italian project of scientific collaboration in the field of environmental studies and prehistoric and anthropological research in southern Tunisia ruled by an interdisciplinary approach that includes geo-archeology, geochronology, geochemistry, palynology, paleoanthropology and population genetics. The research area is south of the Chott el Jerid and its surroundings, where the major physiographic feature is a large playa which contained one of the mega lakes that existed in the Sahara during wet periods in the late Quaternary. The region is a pivotal area between the Mediterranean and the Sahara, then favorable to study the cultural diffusion and humans displacements through different periods and environments.Nous présentons les résultats préliminaires d’un projet Tuniso-Italien de collaboration scientifique dans le domaine des études environnementales et de la recherche préhistorique et anthropologique en Tunisie méridionale mené selon une approche interdisciplinaire qui comprend la géo-archéologie, la géochronologie, la géochimie, la palynologie, la paléoanthropologie et la génétique. La zone de recherche se trouve au sud du Chott el Jérid et ses environs. Il s’agit d’une zone caractérisée par la présence de l’un des méga lacs qui existaient dans le Sahara pendant les périodes humides à la fin du Quaternaire. La région est une zone charnière entre la Méditerranée et le Sahara, donc favorable à l’étude des diffusions culturelles et des déplacements humains à travers les différentes périodes et environnements