159 research outputs found

    Obtaining compostable composites from secondary raw materials of crop production

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    Received: February 2nd, 2023 ; Accepted: June 16th, 2023 ; Published: July 2nd, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] from the goals of sustainable development of the United Nations and the active introduction of the principles of the circular economy's concept, the possibility of using the secondary raw and material resources in the production processes is relevant. At the UN Environment Assembly in 2022 representatives of 175 countries approved a resolution and called for a joint effort of states to reduce plastic pollution. Biodegradable plastics are a well-known alternative to traditional plastics with a long natural decomposition period. Among biodegradable materials, compostable materials are especially interesting due to the possibility of absolute degradation to biomass, CO2 and water. The problem of obtaining compostable materials is related to the possibility of using secondary material resources and achieving certain quality parameters of the final product. In this research, the criteria and technological solutions for obtaining compostable materials for single use are reviewed. The requirements to the raw plant material and the final product were analyzed, various ways of obtaining such materials and raw material processing methods were investigated. As a result of the work, the ratios of the mixture components were selected, the particle sizes of the plant component were determined, the use of a hot press machine was validated and the technological parameters for obtaining the finished form of the material were determined. The obtained results of the study are planned to be used for the development of production technology of compostable bio-composites and its further scaling for their mass production of bio-composite materials for consumer and industrial needs


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    Intensivity of lymphocyte proliferative activity is an important and almost the only indicator of the level of functional activity of these cells, and the immune system in general. The aim of this study was to develop an adequate physiological test to determine the degree of functional activity of lymphoid cells. The choice of IL-1 as an activator of proliferation is justified by the presence of receptors to IL-1 on lymphoid cell membranes, the key role of this cytokine in the initiation of a wide range of biological effects of the immune system to antigen, including participation in intercellular cooperation and distant action on various cells. It was found that the ligand-receptor interaction of IL-1 by type I receptor activates neutral sphingomyelinase, and the sphingomyelin pathway of signal transduction in lymphocytes. The degree of activation of this enzyme depends on the type of stress and correlates with changes of the vector of humoral immune response and proliferative activity of lymphocytes. The level of IL-1 increases, but the activity of neutral sphingomyelinase and lymphoid cell proliferation is significantly reduced after applications of immunosuppressive stress in mice and rats. The change of the degree of lymphocyte proliferation has become a marker of the severity of the pathological process in clinic. A high degree of correlation between the low intensity of peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation in response to IL-1 action and the unfavorable disease outcome in patients with severe combined trauma and children with purulent meningitis was established. Thus, the degree of lymphocyte proliferation in response to the action of the regulatory signal of IL-1 can be used both for the analysis of the effectiveness of immunomodulators, and as diagnostic and prognostic indicator in clinical practice

    Especificidades regionais do desenvolvimento inovador de sistemas socioeconômicos na Federação Russa

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    The Russian economy has a tendency to slow down and reduce real investment, which hinders the possibility of innovative development. This is largely a consequence of the situation in the credit sector, especially in terms of the practical inaccessibility of Bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses. The objectives of the work are to justify an effective mechanism for increasing the availability of credit resources for small and medium-sized businesses, directly focused on innovation. Overcoming the contradiction between the banks aspiration to commercial profit and ignoring the objective needs of national expanded reproduction, and expanding the availability of Bank lending for the participants of the innovation process at the present stage of Russian development are associated with the effective interaction of the SME Corporation and the banking system in the process of production cooperation. The results of the study can be used to develop new organizational, economic and management mechanisms and tools for financing innovation.La economía rusa tiene una tendencia a desacelerar y reducir la inversión real, lo que dificulta la posibilidad de un desarrollo innovador. Esto es en gran parte consecuencia de la situación en el sector crediticio, especialmente en términos de la inaccesibilidad práctica de los préstamos del Banco a las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Los objetivos del trabajo son justificar un mecanismo eficaz para aumentar la disponibilidad de recursos crediticios para las pequeñas y medianas empresas, centradas directamente en la innovación. Superar la contradicción entre la aspiración de los bancos al beneficio comercial e ignorar las necesidades objetivas de la reproducción ampliada nacional, y ampliar la disponibilidad de préstamos del Banco para los participantes del proceso de innovación en la etapa actual del desarrollo ruso están asociados con la interacción efectiva de la Corporación de PYME y el sistema bancario en el proceso de cooperación productiva. Los resultados del estudio pueden utilizarse para desarrollar nuevos mecanismos y herramientas de organización, económicos y de gestión para financiar la innovación.A economia russa tem a tendência de desacelerar e reduzir o investimento real, o que dificulta a possibilidade de desenvolvimento inovador. Isto é em grande parte uma consequência da situação no sector de crédito, especialmente em termos da inacessibilidade prática dos empréstimos do Banco às pequenas e médias empresas. Os objetivos do trabalho são justificar um mecanismo efetivo para aumentar a disponibilidade de recursos de crédito para pequenas e médias empresas, com foco direto na inovação. Superar a contradição entre o desejo dos bancos para benefício comercial e ignorar as necessidades objectivas da reprodução nacional expandida, e expandir a disponibilidade de empréstimos bancários para os participantes no processo de inovação no atual estágio de desenvolvimento da Rússia estão associados com a interação da SME Corporation e do sistema bancário no processo de cooperação produtiva. Os resultados do estudo podem ser usados para desenvolver novos mecanismos e ferramentas organizacionais, econômicas e de gestão para financiar a inovação

    Сегментация временных рядов для выделения шаблонов в больших массивах данных

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    В работе представлен обзор методов обнаружения разладки для стационарных и нестационарных временных рядов. Целью работы является поиск разладки временного ряда в режиме реального времени. В качестве метода обнаружения разладки была выбрана модификация Воробейчикова на метода кумулятивных сумм. Также реализована сегментация на основе обнаруженных разладок.The work presents an overview of the methods for detecting disorder for stationary and non-stationary time series. The purpose of the work is to find the time series disorders in real time. The modification of Vorobeychikov, which based on method of cumulative sums was chosen as a method for detecting the disorder. Also implemented segmentation based on detected disorders

    IL-2 and regulation of stress hormones and BDNF neurotropic factor levels after experimental traumatic brain injury (TBI)

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    Experimental traumatic brain  injury  (TBI)   causes  a  stable  stress  response   and  changes   the expression  of various cytokine genes and neurotrophic factors.  The goal of this study was to reveal changes  in the  levels of the  corticosterone and  testosterone hormones and  the  BDNF cytokine in blood  serum,  as well as the expression  of the BDNF gene in hypothalamus in order  to determine the opportunity of correcting the TBI damage  with rIL-2. We used a rat model  of “dropping load”:  mild TBI was caused  by falling of the 115 g load from the height  of 80 cm,  or 120 cm to produce a moderate-degree trauma. After TBI (immediately, or 72 hours  later), the  rats were injected daily with recombinant human interleukin-2 (Roncoleukin) at a dose of 30 μg/kg, a total  of 3 injections. Control animals  (also with TBI)  received  0.15 M NaCl  injections. Blood serum  concentrations of corticosterone, testosterone, and  BDNF were measured with ELISA  tests.  BDNF gene expression in hypothalamus was measured using RT-PCR. Results: the experiments showed a relationship between  hormone concentrations and severity of head injury. In mild TBI,  blood corticosterone levels reached a peak  2 hours  after the  injury, while in moderate TBI,  the  peak  concentration of corticosterone was lower, being delayed  in time  (after  24 hours). Corticosterone and  testosterone concentrations changed reciprocally in the both groups of injured  animals. With injection of rIL-2 in both groups,  corticosterone and testosterone levels were significantly  increased. On  day 7 after  TBI,  the  BDNF level in blood  serum  was decreased, but it was raised  in experimental group  that  received  rIL-2. On day 7, the increase  of BDNF gene expression  in hypothalamus was more  pronounced, when  rIL-2 was administered at 72 hours  after  the  head  injury.  The revealed  positive  association of BDNF levels and  glucocorticoid hormones after  mild  TBI,  like as possible coordination of these  parameters with rIL-2 injection after experimental moderate TBI  provides  a reason  to assume  that  the favorable  impact of rIL-2 on the CNS  recovery  after TBI is, in part,  mediated by the mutual modulating interaction of BDNF and glucocorticoid hormones

    Immunomodulatory and neurotropic activities of synthetic peptides in a model of brain injury in rats

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    Treatment of consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains one of the current problems of medicine. To increase the effectiveness of treatment of post-traumatic complications, various drugs are recommended, including the peptide with neuromodulatory activity Semax.The present study aims to determine the presence of neuro- and immunoprotective properties of the synthetic peptide PR5, composed of fragments of proline-rich antimicrobial peptides.The work was performed on male Wistar rats weighing 300-350 g. The “falling weight” model of mechanical brain injury was used, which mainly causes diffuse brain damage. The synthesized peptide PR5, composed of fragments of known proline-rich peptides of animal neutrophils, and the peptide preparation Semax in the form of a 1% aqueous solution were used. The drugs were administered intranasally 1 hour after TBI, then twice a day for 4 days at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight. Control animals received physiological saline in the same regimen as the peptide preparations.TBI led to a significant decrease in body weight, but in rats receiving the peptide preparation Semax, the decrease in body weight was significantly less than in control animals, and the PR5 preparation completely prevented the decrease in body weight after TBI. After TBI, the proliferative activity of lymphocytes was suppressed and the cytotoxicity of NK cells decreased. In animals treated with peptide preparations, there was no significant suppression of NK cell cytotoxicity, and the proliferative activity of lymphocytes was restored to the level of control animals by day 14 after TBI. Both peptide preparations used contributed to higher locomotor activity, and in animals treated with the PR5 peptide, this type of activity reached the parameters of control animals. The reduction in freezing duration in groups treated with peptide preparations indicates the presence of a sedative effect.The peptide preparation PR5 was active in this series of experiments, showing immunotropic and neuroprotective activity comparable to the Semax preparation. Further studies aimed at confirming the identified types of activity of the peptide preparation PR5 may justify its prospects for clinical use as a new nootropic agent

    Разработка и реализация подхода к определению целей в области качества автопроизводителя по результатам гарантийной эксплуатации автомобилей

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    Approaches based on such quality management principles as “consumer orientation” and “decision making on the basis of factual data” are of particular importance for the development of Russian automotive industry under current conditions. In order to solve key problems concerning quality and product competitiveness it is necessary to take efficient and substantiated management decisions which are based on a detailed analysis of the results in respect of cars warranty period. Such technology contributes to improvement of quality management processes, creation of opportunities for enhancement of customer satisfaction and sustainable development of carmakers. The paper is updating a problem of development and realization of a new approach to define quality objectives for automotive corporations. Historical analysis has been made in respectof changes in cars quality indicators for one of the leading Russian automakers. The paper presents conventional methodology which is used at enterprises to define quality objectives for new cars being under warranty period. A new approach for determination of target indicators for product quality in automotive industry has been proposed on basis of the analysis of the best practice in organizing process to monitor quality of cars in operation. The approach takes into account a number of indicators of key importance in the formation of product competitiveness of automotive corporations. A common platform has been implemented for development and monitoring of quality objectives for cars in operation. The developed platform meets current and prospwctive tendencies. Application of the platform and its elements in the carmakers practice provides opportunities for harmonious improvement of the quality management system and it is aimed at improvement of product competitiveness.В современных условиях развития российского автопрома особую значимость приобретают подходы, базирующиеся на принципах менеджмента качества «ориентация на потребителя» и «принятие решений, основанных на фактах». Для решения ключевых проблем, связанных с качеством и конкурентоспособностью продукции, крайне необходимы эффективные и обоснованные управленческие действия, базирующиеся в первую очередь на детальном анализе результатов гарантийной эксплуатации автомобилей. Такая технология работы способствует улучшению процессов менеджмента качества, созданию возможностей для повышения удовлетворенности потребителей и устойчивому развитию автопроизводителей. В статье актуализируется проблема разработки и реализации нового подхода к назначению целей в области качества продукции автомобильных корпораций. Проведен исторический анализ изменения показателей качества автомобилей одного из ведущих российских автопроизводителей. Рассматривается традиционная, сложившаяся на предприятиях методология определения целей в области качества по новым автомобилям, находящимся в гарантийной эксплуатации. На основе анализа передового опыта в вопросах организации процесса мониторинга качества автомобилей в эксплуатации предлагается новый подход по определению целевых показателей качества продукции автопрома, который учитывает ряд показателей, имеющих ключевое значение в формировании конкурентоспособности продукции автомобильных корпораций. Разработана и реализована современная, отвечающая текущим и перспективным тенденциям общая платформа процесса разработки и мониторинга целей в области качества автомобилей в эксплуатации. Применение платформы и ее элементов в практике автопроизводителей обеспечивает возможности для гармоничного совершенствования системы менеджмента качества и направлено на повышение конкурентоспособности продукции

    The impact of smoking cigarettes and hookah on human health

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    A study was conducted to obtain data on the prevalence of smoking, including hookah smoking, among first-year students of USMU. The motivation for such smoking is determined. The results of the research by a number of scientists on this problem are presented. Measures to overcome the commitment to hookah smoking among young people are proposed.Проведено исследование с целью получения данных о распространенности курения, в том числе курения кальяна, среди студентов первого курса УГМУ. Определена мотивация к такому курению. Представлены результаты исследований ряда ученых по данной проблеме. Предложены меры по преодолению приверженности к курению кальяна среди молодеж

    Analytical possibilities of determining aristolochic acid I using amperometric biosensors and polarizing fluorescent immunoanalysis

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    Для определения аристолохиевой кислоты I (АК I) разработаны тирозиназные амперометрические биосенсоры на основе графитовых печатных электродов, модифицированых восстановленным оксидом графена (ВОГ), многостенными углеродными нанотрубками (МУНТ) и нанокомпозитом на основе ВОГ и наночастиц серебра (НЧ Ag), а также вариант поляризационного флуоресцентного иммуноанализа (ПФИА) с использованием трейсера на основе флуоресцеин-5(6)-карбоксамидогексановой кислоты. Установлено, что АК Ⅰ является ингибитором тирозиназы в диапазоне концентраций 1×10-10 - 1×10-8 М, нижняя граница определяемых концентраций сн = 7×10-11 М. Модификация поверхности электродов ВОГ и МУНТ позволила улучшить аналитические характеристика биосенсора: диапазон определяемых концентраций составил 1×10-11 - 1×10-6 М для ВОГ и 1×10-10 - 1×10-6 М для МУНТ. Коэффициент корреляции и нижняя граница определяемых концентраций сн на уровне 0.9828 и 8×10-12 М и 0.9859 и 5×10-11 М в случае биосенсоров, модифицированных ВОГ и МУНТ соответственно. Разработан вариант конкурентного поляризационного флуоресцентного иммуноанализа, который позволил определять АК Ⅰ в концентрационном диапазоне 1×10-11 - 1× 10-7 М с сн = 7×10-12 М. Концентрация антител – 1 мг/мл, время инкубации иммунного комплекса трейсер - антитело - 5 мин. Методики определения АК Ⅰ апробированы в образцах травяных сборов, в корнях, листьях и стеблях копытня европейского, а также в сельскохозяйственных культурах, выращенных совместно с копытнем.Tyrosinase amperometric biosensors based on graphite printed electrodes modified with reduced graphene oxide (RGO), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), and a nanocomposite based on RGO and silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), as well as a variant of polarization fluorescence immunoanalysis (PFIA) using a tracer based on fluorescein-5(6)-carboxamidohexanoic acid for determining aristolochic acid Ⅰ (AA) were developed. It has been found that AA Ⅰ is a tyrosinase inhibitor in the concentration range of 1×10–10–1×10–8 M, with LOD of 7×10–11 M. Modifying the electrode surface by RGO and MWCNTs improved the analytical characteristics of the biosensor; analyzed concentration range increased to 1×10–11–1×10–6 M for RGO and 1×10–10–1×10–6 M for MWCNTs. The correlation coefficient and LOD were 0.9828 and 8×10–12 M, and 0.9859 and 5×10–11 M in the case of the biosensors modified with RGO and MWCNT, respectively. A variant of a competitive polarization fluorescent immunoanalysis was developed, which permitted determining AA Ⅰ in the concentration range of 1×10–11–1×10–7 M with LOD of 7×10–12 M. The concentration of antibodies was 1 mg/ml, the time of incubation of the immune complex tracer-antibody was 5 min. Methods for determining AA Ⅰ were tested using samples of herbal preparations, in roots, leaves, stems of European hoof, as well as in crops grown together with hoof