910 research outputs found

    Preferencial growth: exact solution of the time dependent distributions

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    We consider a preferential growth model where particles are added one by one to the system consisting of clusters of particles. A new particle can either form a new cluster (with probability q) or join an already existing cluster with a probability proportional to the size thereof. We calculate exactly the probability \Pm_i(k,t) that the size of the i-th cluster at time t is k. We analyze the asymptotics, the scaling properties of the size distribution and of the mean size as well as the relation of our system to recent network models.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Efficiency of informational transfer in regular and complex networks

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    We analyze the process of informational exchange through complex networks by measuring network efficiencies. Aiming to study non-clustered systems, we propose a modification of this measure on the local level. We apply this method to an extension of the class of small-worlds that includes {\it declustered} networks, and show that they are locally quite efficient, although their clustering coefficient is practically zero. Unweighted systems with small-world and scale-free topologies are shown to be both globally and locally efficient. Our method is also applied to characterize weighted networks. In particular we examine the properties of underground transportation systems of Madrid and Barcelona and reinterpret the results obtained for the Boston subway network.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure

    Navigability is a Robust Property

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    The Small World phenomenon has inspired researchers across a number of fields. A breakthrough in its understanding was made by Kleinberg who introduced Rank Based Augmentation (RBA): add to each vertex independently an arc to a random destination selected from a carefully crafted probability distribution. Kleinberg proved that RBA makes many networks navigable, i.e., it allows greedy routing to successfully deliver messages between any two vertices in a polylogarithmic number of steps. We prove that navigability is an inherent property of many random networks, arising without coordination, or even independence assumptions

    A Hebbian approach to complex network generation

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    Through a redefinition of patterns in an Hopfield-like model, we introduce and develop an approach to model discrete systems made up of many, interacting components with inner degrees of freedom. Our approach clarifies the intrinsic connection between the kind of interactions among components and the emergent topology describing the system itself; also, it allows to effectively address the statistical mechanics on the resulting networks. Indeed, a wide class of analytically treatable, weighted random graphs with a tunable level of correlation can be recovered and controlled. We especially focus on the case of imitative couplings among components endowed with similar patterns (i.e. attributes), which, as we show, naturally and without any a-priori assumption, gives rise to small-world effects. We also solve the thermodynamics (at a replica symmetric level) by extending the double stochastic stability technique: free energy, self consistency relations and fluctuation analysis for a picture of criticality are obtained

    Network growth for enhanced natural selection

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    Natural selection and random drift are competing phenomena for explaining the evolution of populations. Combining a highly fit mutant with a population structure that improves the odds that the mutant spreads through the whole population tips the balance in favor of natural selection. The probability that the spread occurs, known as the fixation probability, depends heavily on how the population is structured. Certain topologies, albeit highly artificially contrived, have been shown to exist that favor fixation. We introduce a randomized mechanism for network growth that is loosely inspired in some of these topologies' key properties and demonstrate, through simulations, that it is capable of giving rise to structured populations for which the fixation probability significantly surpasses that of an unstructured population. This discovery provides important support to the notion that natural selection can be enhanced over random drift in naturally occurring population structures

    Correlation effects in a simple model of small-world network

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    We analyze the effect of correlations in a simple model of small world network by obtaining exact analytical expressions for the distribution of shortest paths in the network. We enter correlations into a simple model with a distinguished site, by taking the random connections to this site from an Ising distribution. Our method shows how the transfer matrix technique can be used in the new context of small world networks.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Spreading paths in partially observed social networks

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    Understanding how and how far information, behaviors, or pathogens spread in social networks is an important problem, having implications for both predicting the size of epidemics, as well as for planning effective interventions. There are, however, two main challenges for inferring spreading paths in real-world networks. One is the practical difficulty of observing a dynamic process on a network, and the other is the typical constraint of only partially observing a network. Using a static, structurally realistic social network as a platform for simulations, we juxtapose three distinct paths: (1) the stochastic path taken by a simulated spreading process from source to target; (2) the topologically shortest path in the fully observed network, and hence the single most likely stochastic path, between the two nodes; and (3) the topologically shortest path in a partially observed network. In a sampled network, how closely does the partially observed shortest path (3) emulate the unobserved spreading path (1)? Although partial observation inflates the length of the shortest path, the stochastic nature of the spreading process also frequently derails the dynamic path from the shortest path. We find that the partially observed shortest path does not necessarily give an inflated estimate of the length of the process path; in fact, partial observation may, counterintuitively, make the path seem shorter than it actually is.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    On metastable configurations of small-world networks

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    We calculate the number of metastable configurations of Ising small-world networks which are constructed upon superimposing sparse Poisson random graphs onto a one-dimensional chain. Our solution is based on replicated transfer-matrix techniques. We examine the denegeracy of the ground state and we find a jump in the entropy of metastable configurations exactly at the crossover between the small-world and the Poisson random graph structures. We also examine the difference in entropy between metastable and all possible configurations, for both ferromagnetic and bond-disordered long-range couplings.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps figure

    Denying humanness to victims: How gang members justify violent behavior

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    The high prevalence of violent offending amongst gang-involved youth has been established in the literature. Yet the underlying psychological mechanisms that enable youth to engage in such acts of violence remain unclear. 189 young people were recruited from areas in London, UK, known for their gang activity. We found that gang members, in comparison to non-gang youth, described the groups they belong to as having recognized leaders, specific rules and codes, initiation rituals, and special clothing. Gang members were also more likely than non-gang youth to engage in violent behavior and endorse moral disengagement strategies (i.e., moral justification, euphemistic language, advantageous comparison, displacement of responsibility, attribution of blame, and dehumanization). Finally, we found that dehumanizing victims partially mediated the relationship between gang membership and violent behavior. These findings highlight the effects of groups at the individual level and an underlying psychological mechanism that explains, in part, how gang members engage in violence

    The structure and function of complex networks

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    Inspired by empirical studies of networked systems such as the Internet, social networks, and biological networks, researchers have in recent years developed a variety of techniques and models to help us understand or predict the behavior of these systems. Here we review developments in this field, including such concepts as the small-world effect, degree distributions, clustering, network correlations, random graph models, models of network growth and preferential attachment, and dynamical processes taking place on networks.Comment: Review article, 58 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, 429 references, published in SIAM Review (2003
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