2,278 research outputs found

    Multipartite entanglement in fermionic systems via a geometric measure

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    We study multipartite entanglement in a system consisting of indistinguishable fermions. Specifically, we have proposed a geometric entanglement measure for N spin-1/2 fermions distributed over 2L modes (single particle states). The measure is defined on the 2L qubit space isomorphic to the Fock space for 2L single particle states. This entanglement measure is defined for a given partition of 2L modes containing m >= 2 subsets. Thus this measure applies to m <= 2L partite fermionic system where L is any finite number, giving the number of sites. The Hilbert spaces associated with these subsets may have different dimensions. Further, we have defined the local quantum operations with respect to a given partition of modes. This definition is generic and unifies different ways of dividing a fermionic system into subsystems. We have shown, using a representative case, that the geometric measure is invariant under local unitaries corresponding to a given partition. We explicitly demonstrate the use of the measure to calculate multipartite entanglement in some correlated electron systems. To the best of our knowledge, there is no usable entanglement measure of m > 3 partite fermionic systems in the literature, so that this is the first measure of multipartite entanglement for fermionic systems going beyond the bipartite and tripartite cases.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Abrupt and gradual changes of information through the Kane solid state computer

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    The susceptibility of the transformed information to the filed and system parameters is investigated for the Kane solid state computer. It has been shown, that the field polarization and the initial state of the system play the central roles on the abrupt and gradual quench of the purity and the fidelity. If the field and the initial state are in different polarizations, then the purity and the fidelity decrease abruptly, while for the common polarization the decay is gradual and smooth. For some class of initial states one can send the information without any loss. Therefore, by controlling on the devices one can increase the time of safe communication, reduce the amount of exchange information between the state and its environment and minimize the purity decrease rate

    Quantum dense coding over Bloch channels

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    Dynamics of coded information over Bloch channels is investigated for different values of the channel's parameters. We show that, the suppressing of the travelling coded information over Bloch channel can be increased by decreasing the equilibrium absolute value of information carrier and consequently decreasing the distilled information by eavesdropper. The amount of decoded information can be improved by increasing the equilibrium values of the two qubits and decreasing the ratio between longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. The robustness of coded information in maximum and partial entangled states is discussed. It is shown that the maximum entangled states are more robust than the partial entangled state over this type of channels

    Violation of Heisenberg's Measurement-Disturbance Relationship by Weak Measurements

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    While there is a rigorously proven relationship about uncertainties intrinsic to any quantum system, often referred to as "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle," Heisenberg originally formulated his ideas in terms of a relationship between the precision of a measurement and the disturbance it must create. Although this latter relationship is not rigorously proven, it is commonly believed (and taught) as an aspect of the broader uncertainty principle. Here, we experimentally observe a violation of Heisenberg's "measurement-disturbance relationship", using weak measurements to characterize a quantum system before and after it interacts with a measurement apparatus. Our experiment implements a 2010 proposal of Lund and Wiseman to confirm a revised measurement-disturbance relationship derived by Ozawa in 2003. Its results have broad implications for the foundations of quantum mechanics and for practical issues in quantum mechanics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Modelling CO emission from Mira's wind

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    We have modelled the circumstellar envelope of {\it o} Ceti (Mira) using new observational constraints. These are obtained from photospheric light scattered in near-IR vibrational-rotational lines of circumstellar CO molecules at 4.6 micron: absolute fluxes, the radial dependence of the scattered intensity, and two line ratios. Further observational constraints are provided by ISO observations of far-IR emission lines from highly excited rotational states of the ground vibrational state of CO, and radio observations of lines from rotational levels of low excitation of CO. A code based on the Monte-Carlo technique is used to model the circumstellar line emission. We find that it is possible to model the radio and ISO fluxes, as well as the highly asymmetric radio-line profiles, reasonably well with a spherically symmetric and smooth stellar wind model. However, it is not possible to reproduce the observed NIR line fluxes consistently with a `standard model' of the stellar wind. This is probably due to incorrectly specified conditions of the inner regions of the wind model, since the stellar flux needs to be larger than what is obtained from the standard model at the point of scattering, i.e., the intermediate regions at approximately 100-400 stellar radii (2"-7") away from the star. Thus, the optical depth in the vibrational-rotational lines from the star to the point of scattering has to be decreased. This can be accomplished in several ways. For instance, the gas close to the star (within approximately 2") could be in such a form that light is able to pass through, either due to the medium being clumpy or by the matter being in radial structures (which, further out, developes into more smooth or shell-like structures).Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Phase transitions for PP-adic Potts model on the Cayley tree of order three

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    In the present paper, we study a phase transition problem for the qq-state pp-adic Potts model over the Cayley tree of order three. We consider a more general notion of pp-adic Gibbs measure which depends on parameter \rho\in\bq_p. Such a measure is called {\it generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure}. When ρ\rho equals to pp-adic exponent, then it coincides with the pp-adic Gibbs measure. When ρ=p\rho=p, then it coincides with pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure. Therefore, we investigate two regimes with respect to the value of ρp|\rho|_p. Namely, in the first regime, one takes ρ=expp(J)\rho=\exp_p(J) for some J\in\bq_p, in the second one ρp<1|\rho|_p<1. In each regime, we first find conditions for the existence of generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measures. Furthermore, in the first regime, we establish the existence of the phase transition under some conditions. In the second regime, when ˚p,qpp2|\r|_p,|q|_p\leq p^{-2} we prove the existence of a quasi phase transition. It turns out that if ˚p<q1p2<1|\r|_p<|q-1|_p^2<1 and \sqrt{-3}\in\bq_p, then one finds the existence of the strong phase transition.Comment: 27 page

    Core Mass Estimates in Strong Lensing Galaxy Clusters Using a Single-halo Lens Model

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    The core mass of galaxy clusters is an important probe of structure formation. Here we evaluate the use of a singlehalo model (SHM) as an efficient method to estimate the strong lensing cluster core mass, testing it with ray-traced images from the Outer Rim simulation. Unlike detailed lens models, the SHM represents the cluster mass distribution with a single halo and can be automatically generated from the measured lensing constraints. We find that the projected core mass estimated with this method, MSHM, has a scatter of 8.52% and a bias of 0.90% compared to the “true” mass within the same aperture. Our analysis shows no systematic correlation between the scatter or bias and the lens-source system properties. The bias and scatter can be reduced to 3.26% and 0.34%, respectively, by excluding models that fail a visual inspection test. We find that the SHM success depends on the lensing geometry, with single giant arc configurations accounting for most of the failed cases due to their limiting constraining power. When excluding such cases, we measure a scatter and bias of 3.88% and 0.84%, respectively. Finally, we find that when the source redshift is unknown, the model-predicted redshifts are overestimated, and the MSHM is underestimated by a few percent, highlighting the importance of securing spectroscopic redshifts of background sources. Our analysis provides a quantitative characterization of MSHM, enabling its efficient use as a tool to estimate the strong lensing cluster core masses in the large samples, expected from current and future surveys

    Acceptance and perception of digital health for managing nutrition in people with Parkinson\u27s disease and their caregivers and their digital competence in the United States: A mixed-methods study

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    Background and aims: This mixed-methods study examined participants\u27 acceptance and perception of using digital health for managing nutrition and participants\u27 digital competence. The results will be formative for making digital nutrition education more effective and acceptable for people with Parkinson\u27s disease (PwPD) and their informal caregivers. Methods: Qualitative data were collected through in-person semi-structured, dyadic interviews, and questionnaires from 20 dyads (20 PwPD and their caregivers) in the Northeastern United States and analyzed throughout the 2018 to 2019 academic year. Interview transcripts were deductively coded using the framework analysis method. Phrases related to acceptance of digital health were sub-coded into accept, neutral, or reject and those related to perceptions of digital health were sub-coded into perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and awareness of digital health. Quantitative data were analyzed using independent samples t tests and Fisher\u27s exact tests. Qualitative codes were transformed into variables and compared to digital competence scores to integrate the data. An average acceptance rate for digital health was calculated through examining the mean percent of phrases coded as accept from interview transcripts. Results: Twenty-five of 40 (62.5%) participants used the internet for at least 5 health-related purposes and the average acceptance rate was 54.4%. Dyads rejected digital health devices if they did not see the added benefit. The majority of participants reported digital health to be useful, but hard to use, and about half felt they needed education about existing digital health platforms. There was no difference in digital competence scores between PwPD and their caregivers (28.6 ± 12.6). Conclusion: Findings suggest that dyads accept and use technology but not to its full potential as technology can be perceived as hard to use. This finding, combined with digital competence scores, revealed that education is warranted prior to providing a digital nutrition intervention

    Broadband quadrature-squeezed vacuum and nonclassical photon number correlations from a nanophotonic device

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    We report the first demonstrations of both quadrature squeezed vacuum and photon number difference squeezing generated in an integrated nanophotonic device. Squeezed light is generated via strongly driven spontaneous four-wave mixing below threshold in silicon nitride microring resonators. The generated light is characterized with both homodyne detection and direct measurements of photon statistics using photon number-resolving transition edge sensors. We measure 1.0(1)1.0(1)~dB of broadband quadrature squeezing (4{\sim}4~dB inferred on-chip) and 1.5(3)1.5(3)~dB of photon number difference squeezing (7{\sim}7~dB inferred on-chip). Nearly-single temporal mode operation is achieved, with raw unheralded second-order correlations g(2)g^{(2)} as high as 1.87(1)1.87(1) measured (1.9{\sim}1.9~when corrected for noise). Multi-photon events of over 10 photons are directly detected with rates exceeding any previous quantum optical demonstration using integrated nanophotonics. These results will have an enabling impact on scaling continuous variable quantum technology.Comment: Significant improvements and updates to photon number squeezing results and discussions, including results on single temporal mode operatio

    Mira's wind explored in scattering infrared CO lines

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    We have observed the intermediate regions of the circumstellar envelope of Mira (o Ceti) in photospheric light scattered by three vibration-rotation transitions of the fundamental band of CO, from low-excited rotational levels of the ground vibrational state, at an angular distance of beta = 2"-7" away from the star. The data were obtained with the Phoenix spectrometer mounted on the 4 m Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak. The spatial resolution is approximately 0.5" and seeing limited. Our observations provide absolute fluxes, leading to an independent new estimate of the mass-loss rate of approximately 3e-7 Msun/yr, as derived from a simple analytic wind model. We find that the scattered intensity from the wind of Mira for 2" < beta < 7" decreases as beta^-3, which suggests a time constant mass-loss rate, when averaged over 100 years, over the past 1200 years.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa