423 research outputs found

    Management of food cold chains traceability amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The present article considers the functioning of food supply chains and their major component — a continuous cold chain of perishable food products, including meat products, under the conditions of COVID‑19 pandemic. The issues of the impact of the pandemic on production, processing and commercial supply of meat and meat products in Russia and worldwide are being considered. The traceability of temperature fluctuations in meat processing plants is relevant; it becomes an increasingly important factor for efficient logistics to provide the best supply and to keep the food safe in the current conditions. Research data is presented here. The results of the research show that frozen foods serve as carriers and distributors of SARS-CoV‑2 infection without any contact between people. This conclusion highlights additional challenges in controlling the spread of COVID‑19 worldwide, and reveals the mechanism of the disease transmission, taking into account the peculiarities of temperature modes during storage and transportation of perishable meat products. The risks of food cold chains functioning under the conditions of pandemic, the adaptive strategies for their mitigation and logistical systems of tracking are considered, in particular, the application of various data technologies

    Determination of oxygen in silicon and carbide by activation with 27.2 meV alpha particles

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    The Si sample was polished on one side, and on the other side Ni was applied chemically and soldered with Pb to a water cooled Cu substrate. Optical quartz standard was fixed from the other side. Si carbide samples were soldered to a substrated with In. The prepared samples were irradiated in a cyclotron with a 27.2 MeV alpha particle beam. The layers were removed from the Si and Si carbide samples by grinding and the positron activity of F-18(t sub 1/2 110 min) was measured by using a gamma, gamma coincidence spectrometer with two NaI(TI) crystals. For analysis of Si carbide, the activity decay curve of the samples was recorded to find the contribution of the positron activity of Cu-65(t sub 1/2 12.9 hr) which formed from Ni impurity on irradiation

    Ideals and principles of common wellbeing under social and humanistic paradigm

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    We attempt to specify ideals and principles of common wellbeing: saving economy, political attendance, full employment, education, equitable distribution. As a part of the study we have formulated the concept of so-called "other" society under the social-humanistic paradigm. As it was mentioned earlier, social systems can be described as open-end ones, which implies their constant interaction with environment expressed via matter, energy, and information exchange. Because of that, the functional and developmental regulations are characterized by the presence of constant alteration as well, which stipulates the high complexity of structuring valid prognoses. Subject vs. object feedback determines special peculiarities of social prognosis, namely, the ones that are capable of either self-fulfillment of self-destruction of prognostic model. In other words, the predicted future influences the actual future. In the conditions of the increasing instability and dynamics of social processes especially urgent is the problem of adequacy of innovative model. The specific feature of modern innovative processes is the fact that any information about the features of their occurrence is extremely fast becoming obsolete that, in turn, leads to the increase the gap between reality and model


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    The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures.The results of the study on changes in the composition and quantity of epiphytic and endophytic microorganisms of plant products during storage and transportation are presented. For the investigation, the authors took apple fruits and leafy spicy green products that had biological peculiarities and allowed investigating processes of the long-term and short-term main stages (cold storage, transportation by refrigerated transport, presales storage) of the continuous cold chain on the way to a consumer. Apple fruits were placed in storage in cold chambers with the temperature regimes of plus (2–3)°C and minus (1–2)°C, where they were stored for 90 days. The vegetative organs of dill and parsley were transported during 8 hours by a refrigerated truck and placed in the commercial refrigeration equipment at two temperature regimes (4–5) C and (0–1) C for 72 hours for presales storage. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that the number of endophytic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) was lower by 1–3 orders of magnitude in apple fruits and by 2–3 times in green vegetables compared to the number of epiphytic microorganisms. It was established that the regime of storage at negative temperatures completely inhibited the development of epiphytic bacteria on fruits, significantly delayed the multiplication of epiphytic yeasts and molds; while at a positive temperature the number of bacteria increased approximately by 10–17 times, yeasts by 180 times and molds by 3 times. The dynamics of changes in the number of endophytic microorganisms during storage showed the same trend that was observed for epiphytic microorganisms. Analysis of the microbial quantity after transportation of green products showed an increase in abundance of the revealed groups of epiphytes and endophytes by 1.5–3 times upon absolute prevalence of bacteria. After short-term storage, a significant growth of the revealed microbial groups was found; with that, their quantity was 1.5–6.5 times higher at (4–5) C than at (0–1) C. The authors experimentally confirmed the conclusion that with respect to reduction of losses due to microbiological spoilage and extension of shelf life, the cold storage regime of the studied plant products at near-zero temperatures is preferable compared to the regimes of storage at higher positive temperatures

    Психолого-педагогическое осмысление реформирования и развития высшего образования

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    Introduction. The article substantiates the idea of a psychological and pedagogical understanding of the reform and development of higher education, and departure from the Bologna Process. The international project «Fundamental University Education» put forward by Russia is revealed.Purpose setting. Understanding the logic and methodology of education as a social institution that performs the function of including an individual in the culture of a given society and introducing him to it, allows us to comprehend and get closer to understanding training and education as a process of transforming external knowledge into internal, spiritual, forming and shaping a person.Methods and methodology of the study. In accordance with the objectives of the study, the following general scientific methods were used: theoretical analysis of the literature, longitudinal and cross-sectional experimental research, verification, modeling, and qualitative analysis of the reforming.Results. In Russia the educational space is formed under the influence of processes associated with the development of information transformations in all spheres of life. Therefore, informatization becomes one of the factors causing significant changes in social institutions, in particular in the educational system. In the framework of higher education in personnel training, priority should be given to the creation of the foundation of the system and structure of education, the priority of which is methodologically important long-lived and invariant knowledge that contributes to a holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world, the intellectual flourishing of the individual and its adaptation to rapidly changing conditions.Conclusion. In the development of the Russian society, the strategy of civilizational development is changing, there is a search for new values. We believed and continue to believe that it is inappropriate to abandon the Russian levels of training of professional personnel. The absence of the most important stage, the training of specialists, has caused significant harm to our youth in finding employment, because graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degree do not have a specialty, but only higher education in a certain area, which does not make it possible to professionally perform work. The departure from the Bologna System will allow us to return to the best Russian traditions aimed at the development of all levels of education.Введение. В статье обосновывается идея психолого-педагогического осмысления реформирования и развития высшего образования, отхода от Болонского процесса. Раскрывается выдвинутый Россией международный проект «Фундаментальное университетское образование».Постановка задачи. Осмысление логики и методологии образования в качестве социального института, выполняющего функцию включения индивида в культуру данного общества и приобщения его к ней, позволяет приблизиться к пониманию обучения и воспитания как процесса преобразования внешнего знания во внутреннее, духовное, образующее и формирующее человека.Методика и методология исследования. В соответствии с задачами исследования использовались следующие общенаучные методы: теоретический анализ литературы, лонгитюдное и срезовое экспериментальное исследования, верификации, моделирования, качественный анализ реформирования.Результаты. В России образовательное пространство формируется под влиянием процессов, связанных с развитием информационных преобразований во всех сферах жизни. Поэтому одним из факторов, вызывающих значительные изменения в социальных институтах, в частности в образовательной системе, становится информатизация. В рамках высшего образования в подготовке кадров первенство должно быть отдано созданию основы системы и структуры образования, приоритетом которых являются методологически важные долгоживущие и инвариантные знания, которые способствуют целостному восприятию научной картины мира, интеллектуальному расцвету личности и ее адаптации в быстро изменяющихся условиях.Выводы. В развитии российского социума меняется стратегия цивилизационного развития, идет поиск новых ценностей. Мы считали и считаем, что нецелесообразно отказываться от российских ступеней подготовки профессиональных кадров. Выпадение самой важной ступени подготовки специалистов принесло значительный вред нашей молодежи в трудоустройстве, потому что у выпускников бакалавриата и магистратуры нет специальности, а есть лишь высшее образование по определенному направлению, которое не дает возможности профессионально выполнять работу. Отход от Болонской системы позволит вернуться к лучшим российским традициям, направленным на развитие всех уровней образования

    Гуманизация и суверенизация как стратегия реформирования и развития российского образования. Часть 1. Суверенный путь России в образовании

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    Introduction. Russia defends its humanitarian sovereignty when upbringing, education, culture, politics, films are built on our traditions and values, which are not outside, but inside a person, in his mind, since these are mental components, worldview components.Purpose setting. The education system should work for the formation and development of the country's human capital. Without solving this problem, the country will not have a sovereign education, which means there will be no future. It is necessary to change the paradigm of higher education, we need a new Russian national model. A professional school should be not just a «forge of personnel», but a center for the spiritual transformation of a specialist's personality, a source of spirituality for his thoughts, words and deeds. It is necessary to educate a real citizen, a patriot who knows the history and culture of his country well.Methodology and methods of the study. Based on the key points of the sovereignization of Russian education, which naturally abandoned the Bologna system of education. Methodology for understanding the current situation in education, analytical report «The Future of Higher Education in Russia: an Expert View. Foresight-study-2030».Results. Russian education until recently, with the implemented Bologna system, developed exclusively as an extractive social institution. For more than twenty years, this most important sphere of social life, the importance of which in maintaining and developing the sovereignty of the country cannot be overestimated, was literally «broken over the knee» to please the West. The main changes in the system of higher education caused by this participation are outlined. Joining the Bologna process has received an ambiguous and even contradictory assessment in the professional community.Conclusions. Now a situation has developed in society that makes the problem of finding a new semantic component of the fundamentalization of education, the essence of which is the realization that the future fate of human civilization will be determined not only by the intellectual and educational, but also by the spiritual and moral potential of society and people, i. e. by humanization and sovereignization. This is the value of Russia.Введение. Россия отстаивает свой гуманитарный суверенитет, когда воспитание, образование, культура, политика, фильмы строятся на наших традициях и ценностях, которые находятся не вовне, а внутри человека, в его сознании, поскольку это ментальные составляющие, мировоззренческие компоненты.Постановка задачи. Система образования должна работать на формирование и развитие человеческого капитала страны. Без решения этой задачи у страны не будет суверенного образования, а значит, не будет будущего. Необходима смена парадигмы высшей школы, нужна новая русская национальная модель. Профессиональная школа должна быть не просто «кузницей кадров», а центром духовного преобразования личности специалиста, источником одухотворенности его мыслей, слов и поступков; воспитывать настоящего гражданина, патриота, хорошо знающего историю и культуру своей страны.Методика и методология исследования. Строится на ключевых моментах суверенизации российского образования, которая закономерно отказалась от Болонской системы образования. Методология осмысления современной ситуации в образовании, аналитического доклада «Будущее высшей школы России: экспертный взгляд. Форсайт-исследование – 2030».Результаты. Отечественное образование с внедренной до недавнего времени Болонской системой развивалось исключительно как экстрактивный социальный институт. На протяжении более чем двадцатилетнего периода эту важнейшую сферу жизни общества, значение которой в поддержании и развитии суверенитета страны переоценить невозможно, буквально «ломали через колено» в угоду Западу. Изложены основные изменения в системе высшего образования, вызванные этим участием. Присоединение к Болонскому процессу получило в профессиональном сообществе неоднозначную и даже противоречивую оценку.Выводы. Сейчас в обществе сложилась такая ситуация, которая делает актуальной проблему поиска новой смыслосоставляющей фундаментализации образования, сущностью которой является осознание того, что дальнейшая судьба человеческой цивилизации будет определяться не только интеллектуально-образовательным, но и духовно-нравственным потенциалом общества и человека, то есть гуманизацией и суверенизацией. В этом – ценность России

    Развитие психологии исследовательского поведения личности

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    Introduction. Today, many values have lost their inherent polarity of good and evil, moral consciousness has turned out to be the leading determinant, the effectiveness of which is manifested precisely in psychology, consciousness and behavior of the individual. Purpose setting. The starting point of our study is the information theory of emotions by P. V. Simonov. But if P. V. Simonov studied in detail the emotional effect of the information situation, then for us it is more important and interesting to solve the inverse problem – the emotional stimulation of the functions of the intellect, directly forming consciousness, which became the subject and result of our study, the specificity of which was the convergence of cognition and experience, cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Methodology of the study. To analyze the research behavior of adolescent students and undergraduates general scientific research methods were used (i.e. experiment, modeling method, a program for finding patterns for legal, moral, social, terminal and instrumental values – PolyAnalyst, etc.), as well as diagnostic methods and specially organized directed training, correlation and factor analyzes of the entire volume of obtained data in dynamics. Results. A new experimental direction in the development of the psychology of exploratory behavior, the study of patterns and mechanisms of emotional reactions of a person, the influence of actualized emotions on the effectiveness of the moral development of a person is presented. A longitudinal study of the values of the personality structure was carried out in terms of its dynamics, stability, connection with meaningful life orientations and interrelations with the general personal and specific emotional properties of the respondents. Conclusion. Personality is considered not only as a product of formation and learning by adults, but also as an autonomous sociocultural reality, which allows us to get out of the old model of "becoming" and outline a new range of problems and issues in the theory and practice of the moral development of the students. In this article we have taken a systematic study of the specificity and relationship of the emotional-sensory, intellectual and cognitive, behavioral spheres, their relationship with individual and personal qualities, which is its value and scientific novelty. The unity of the position of all social factors in the process of emotional and moral development of the individual and the humane focus of the entire spectrum of influence, in the center of which is the individuality as an active creative principle, are necessary.Введение. Сегодня многие ценности утратили присущую им полярность добра и зла, моральное сознание оказалось ведущей детерминантой, действенность которой проявляется в психологии, сознании и поведении личности. Постановка задачи. Отправной позицией нашего исследования является информационная теория эмоций П. В. Симонова. Но если П. В. Симонов детально исследовал эмоциональный эффект информационной ситуации, то для нас более важно решение обратной задачи – эмоциональной стимуляции функций интеллекта, непосредственно формирующей сознание, что стало предметом и результатом нашего исследования, специфика которого состояла в сближении познания и переживания, когнитивного, эмоционального и поведенческого. Методика и методология исследования. Для анализа исследовательского поведения учащихся-подростков и студентов использовались общенаучные методы исследования (эксперимент, метод моделирования, программа поиска закономерностей для правовых, нравственных, социальных, терминальных и инструментальных ценностей – PolyAnalyst и др.), корреляционный и факторный анализы всего объема полученных данных в динамике. Результаты. Представлено новое экспериментальное направление развития психологии исследовательского поведения, изучения закономерностей и механизмов эмоциональных реакций личности. Осуществлено лонгитюдинальное исследование ценностей структуры личности на предмет ее динамики, устойчивости, связи со смысложизненными ориентациями и взаимосвязи с общеличностными. Выводы. Личность рассматривается не только как продукт становления и научения со стороны взрослых, но и как автономная социокультурная реальность, что позволяет выйти из старой модели «становления» и наметить новый круг проблем и вопросов теории и практики нравственного развития студентов. В статье нами предпринято системное исследование специфики и взаимосвязи интеллектуально-когнитивной, поведенческой сфер, их соотношения с индивидуально-личностными качествами, что является ее ценностью и научной новизной. Необходимы единство позиции всех социальных факторов в процессе эмоционально-нравственного развития личности и гуманная нацеленность всего спектра воздействия, в центре которых – личность как активное творческое начало

    Проективная психология типологии личности

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    Introduction. In recent years, graphical methods belonging to the class of projective methods have become very popular in psychological research, they enable a person to project reality himself and interpret it in his own way. Purpose setting. The expanding use of graphic methods and procedures has not yet led to the creation of works summarizing the experience of their use, to the formation of a general approach to the psychological analysis of different types of images. Methodology and methods of the study. The material for the analysis was the results of three series of experimental work, in which more than four thousand and more than three thousand drawings were obtained and analyzed according to the methods: constructive drawing of a person from geometric figures, psycho-geometrics by Susan Dellinger, Rorschach, etc. Results. The conducted analysis showed that the ratio of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental, which allowed us to identify seven main types, which correspond to typological characteristics. The typological characteristic is based on the frequency of occurrence of a certain type among the respondents, as well as expert and subjective validity obtained as a result of a large number of conversations and observations during the survey. The article analyzes the long-term results of the study of students» personality typology using projective (graphic) methods. Conclusion. Based on a comparison of the results obtained using the graphical methods described by us, we came to the following conclusions. The use of graphic techniques significantly enriches the entire process of professional consultation, complements the individual characteristics of students who have chosen certain areas of professional activity. The study of individual psychological prerequisites for professional self-determination of a person using graphic methods has certain positive prospects: it allows a deeper analysis of the characteristics of an individual and develops more adequate recommendations for improving the effectiveness of professional self-determination of both youth and adults. Due to the projective nature of most graphic procedures, their results, as our research shows, are less susceptible to mind control, and this is a very important tool in favor of their application, since graphic diagnostic methods work «through a projection» onto the grid of psychological personality types, along with appropriate methods of the standard psychodiagnostic procedures for assessing personal qualities (MMPI, Cattell, Eysenck, etc.).Введение. В последние годы в психологических исследованиях стали весьма популярными графические методы, относящиеся к классу проективных: они дают возможность человеку самому проецировать реальность и по-своему ее интерпретировать. Постановка задачи. Расширяющееся применение графических методов и процедур пока не привело к созданию работ, обобщающих опыт их использования, к формированию общего подхода к психологическому анализу разных видов изображения. Методика и методология исследования. Материалом для анализа послужили результаты трех серий экспериментальной работы, в которых получено и проанализировано более 4 000 и более 3 000 рисунков по методикам «Конструктивный рисунок человека из геометрических фигур», психогеометрический тест С. Деллингера, Роршаха и др. Результаты. Проведенный анализ показал, что соотношение различных элементов в конструктивных рисунках не случайно, что и позволило нам выделить семь основных типов, которым соответствуют типологические характеристики. Типологическая характеристика основана на частоте встречаемости определенного типа среди респондентов, а также экспертной и субъективной валидности, полученной в результате большого числа бесед и наблюдений, при обследовании. В статье анализируются многолетние результаты исследования типологии личности студентов с применением проективных (графических) методов. Выводы. На основании сопоставления результатов, полученных с помощью описанных нами графических методик, мы пришли к следующим выводам. Использование графических методик существенно обогащает процесс профессиональной консультации, дополняет индивидуальные характеристики студентов, выбравших те или иные сферы профессиональной деятельности. Изучение индивидуально-психологических предпосылок профессионального самоопределения личности с помощью графических методов имеет определенные положительные перспективы: позволяет глубже проанализировать особенности индивида и выработать адекватные рекомендации по повышению эффективности профессионального самоопределения как молодежи, так и взрослых. В силу проективного характера большинства графических процедур, их результаты, как показывают наши исследования, менее подвержены контролю сознания, а это весьма важный аргумент в пользу их применения, так как графические диагностические методы работают «через проекцию» на сетку психологических типов личности вместе с соответствующими методами стандартных психодиагностических процедур оценки личностных качеств (MMPI, Кэттелл, Айзенк и др.)

    Maser Oscillation in a Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microwave Resonator

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    We report the first observation of above-threshold maser oscillation in a whispering-gallery(WG)-mode resonator, whose quasi-transverse-magnetic, 17th azimuthal-order WG mode, at a frequency of approx. 12.038 GHz, with a loaded Q of several hundred million, is supported on a cylinder of mono-crystalline sapphire. An electron spin resonance (ESR) associated with Fe3+ ions, that are substitutively included within the sapphire at a concentration of a few parts per billion, coincides in frequency with that of the (considerably narrower) WG mode. By applying a c.w. `pump' to the resonator at a frequency of approx. 31.34 GHz, with no applied d.c. magnetic field, the WG (`signal') mode is energized through a three-level maser scheme. Preliminary measurements demonstrate a frequency stability (Allan deviation) of a few times 1e-14 for sampling intervals up to 100 s.Comment: REVTeX v.4, 3 pages, with a separate .bbl file and 3 .eps figure