547 research outputs found

    Gender Disparity and Its Impact on Higher Education

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    Educational research on gender has expanded beyond biological differences to the study of social interactions, during which individuals construct gender-related achievement differences. The issue of gender disparity is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. This paper “Gender Disparity and Its Impact on Higher Education” reviews a diverse literature on gender and higher education. Gender inequality is more pronounced in some aspects of the educational systems than in others. Explanations of gender inequality in higher education should distinguish between these different aspects of education and should explain those contexts in which women have attained parity as well as those in which they continue to lag behind. The methodology followed will be qualitative interpretative where the focus will be on the correlation between gender disparity and its impact on higher education i.e. What aspects of education exhibit the most pronounced gender disparities?, Has the educational system merely reflected developments in the rest of society? This paper will also deal with what is being done to solve this problem and what kind of remedial measures would be employed.Key words: Gender, inequality, education, challenges, opportunities, remedial measure

    External cephalic version at 36 weeks and its outcome

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    Background: External cephalic version (ECV) is well known non-invasive procedure done for the management of breech presentation but is not routinely practised by obstetricians in many clinical settings. The aim of the study was to assess the success rate of external cephalic version, labour outcome of pregnancy after successful ECV, to study maternal and foetal complications associated with ECV and to explore the reasons for failed ECV.Methods: It was a prospective interventional study to assess the labour outcomes of pregnancies with successful and uncomplicated ECV. All women who had singleton breech presentation at 36+ weeks were included unless contraindications for ECV were present. After obtaining consent, ECV was attempted after giving tocolysis.Results: The total number of deliveries was 6038 in the same period. Out of these 301 were breech presentations thus the incidence of breech presentation was 4.9%. ECV was offered to 81 women (26.9%) and out of these 77 women (95.06%) gave consent for the procedure. The remaining 4 (4.93%) did not give consent due to anxiety about the procedure. The success rate was 54.54%. Out of total 301 women with breech presentation 40 women (13.3%) had assisted breech delivery and 216 women (71.8%) had caesarean section due to obstetric indications. Thus the caesarean section rate for breech presentation at our institute was 71.8%. ECV was successful in 63.82% of the multigravida on which it was attempted as compared to 40% of the primigravida. The success rate of ECV in the present study is maximum when ECV was performed at a gestational age of 38-39 weeks and when fetal weight was less than 3000 grams. Out of the 42 successful ECV cases, 4 babies (9.52%) had neonatal sepsis and 1 was still born (2.3%) which was unrelated to ECV.Conclusions: ECV is a valuable though under used option in the management of breech presentation at term. It is a relatively safe procedure, simple to learn and perform. Vigilance for breech presentation after 36 weeks is important. ECV at term using tocolytics should be part of the routine management of breech presentation

    Linear Stability of Double Diffusive Convection of Hadley-prats Flow with Viscous Dissipation in a Porous Media

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    Linear stability analysis of double diffusive convection in a horizontal fluid saturated porous layer has been carried out. Effects of viscous dissipation, horizontal mass flow are taken into account. Combined effects of horizontal mass flow, viscous dissipation may cause instability in the fluid system. To carry out linear stability analysis, disturbances are the form of longitudinal rolls, transverse rolls have been considered. In order to solve eigenvalue problem numerically, Runge-Kutta and shooting methods have been employed for the case of longitudinal rolls. Chebyshev-Tau method has been used for the case of transverse rolls. Critical wave number a(C), critical vertical thermal Rayleigh number Ra-C are evaluated for assigned values of flow governing parameters. For the onset of convection, physical explanation is given

    Molecular characterization of corneal ulcers causing Staphylococcus aureus

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    Background: The human eye is one of the most remarkable sensory systems. Human beings gather most of the information about the external environment through their eyes and thus rely on sight more than on any other sense, with the eye being the most sensitive organ we have. Molecular characterization of Staphylococcus aureus from the cases of corneal ulcers.Methods: A total of 300 samples of corneal ulcers collected from various ophthalmology hospitals, government hospital and clinical laboratories of different places of Maharashtra, India. The Isolates were identified based on the colony morphology and biochemical reaction. The isolates were subjected for antibiotic sensitivity test and perform its molecular characterization.Results: In present study, 39 coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus, pathogenic bacteria isolated from corneal ulcers.Conclusions: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most significant pathogens in bacterial keratitis. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are needed to minimize the possibility of permanent vision loss and reduce structural damage to the cornea

    Effects of Cheating on Accurate Assessment

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    In the view of Boud and Falchikov (2006) assessment has the clear purpose of certifying a level of attainment of a student at the point of completion of a course or a program. To produce sufficient number of ethical citizens, advancement of the quality of student performance assessment has been irrefutably recognized. Student performance assessment is a procedure to confirm institutional efficiency. Student assessments are widely accepted as an important part of the learning process. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to scrutinize the impacts of exam administration and student-paper scoring approaches on accurate performance assessment, taking the case of one of the Universities in Ethiopia and the world in general

    Onset of Darcy-Brinkman convection with a uniform internal heat source and vertical throughflow

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    The problem of thermal convection in a horizontal fluid saturated porous layer is examined, where the flow is governed by the Brinkman extension of Darcy's law. A uniform internal heat source and vertical throughflow are also considered. The linear and nonlinear stability analyses are performed in order to determine the stability characteristics of the system. The linear and nonlinear thresholds give good agreement in the absence of vertical throughflow. However, it is shown that there are potential regions of sub-critical instabilities for increasing values of internal heat source parameter Q, Peclet number Pe and Darcy number Da

    Comparative study of various oxytocics in management of third stage of labour

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    Background: Causes of maternal mortality are haemorrhages, infections, unsafe abortions, and obstructed labour. 25% of these are caused by haemorrhages and are preventable, one of the measures is active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL). For prevention, treatment of postpartum haemorrhage oxytocics are available oxytocin, methylergometrine, misoprostol, prostaglandin F2α.Methods: Study was conducted, 160 patients were randomly given one of following oxytocics a) tablet misoprostol 600 µg per rectal b) Inj. Oxytocin 10 IU IM c) Inj. Methylergometrine 0.2 mg IM d) Inj. PGF2α. Duration for the delivery of placenta and amount of blood loss was measured, side effects were noted, and comparison of haemoglobin and blood loss done.Results: No significant difference in mean blood loss in all group with respect to parity and type of labour. In present study it seems that no oxytocic is superior to other in reducing the blood loss. Misoprostol has variable onset of action. Mean duration of 3rd stage in various groups is same. In respect to side effects HTN is common with methylergometrine, shivering and fever with misoprostol and diarrhoea with PGF2α.Conclusions: Study concluded that all uterotonics have some advantages, oxytocin is ultimate drug of choice in skilled hand due to its definite onset of action while Tab misoprostol in unskilled hands, other oxytocin are reserved for complementary usage and treatment of PPH but Misoprostol has variable onset of action

    Serum placental growth factor levels and uterine artery pulsatility index at 11-13+6 weeks gestation as early predictors of pre-eclampsia: prospective observational study

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    Background: To detect serum placental growth factor levels and uterine artery doppler pulsatility index for predicting pre-eclampsia and assess their association with the severity of pre-eclampsia. Methods: A prospective observational study involving 160 antenatal women, from 11-13+6 weeks gestation attending antenatal clinic at tertiary care center during study period of 18 months. Serum placental growth factor levels and uterine artery doppler mean pulsatility index measured and patients were followed upto delivery and observed for the development of pre-eclampsia and its severity. Results: Placental growth factor value cut-off was 40.33pg/ml with the sensitivity of 97.5 % and specificity was 98.3%. For the pulsatility index value of 1.85, the sensitivity was found to be 74.4% and specificity was found to be 92.5%. Mean serum placental growth factor levels for pre-eclampsia patients was 25.09pg/ml and for normotensive patients mean level was 65.05pg/ml. Mean uterine artery doppler pulsatlity index for pre-eclampsia patients was 2.02 and for normotensive patients was 1.39. Mean PI value increased with increasing severity of preeclampsia. Conclusions: Early recognition of women will help initiation of prophylactic measures and enhanced surveillance. First trimester uterine artery doppler with serum placental growth factor together with maternal characteristics can be used as a reliable screening test for preeclampsia prediction and to reduce feto-maternal morbidity

    RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Simultaneous Determination of Codeine Phosphate, Chlorpheniramine Maleate and Sodium Benzoate in Cough Syrup Formulation

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    The present study describes the development of a new rapid, efficient and reproducible RP-HPLC method using gradient mobile phase for the analysis of Codeine phosphate, Chlorpheniramine maleate and Sodium benzoate preservative in combination in cough syrup that offers certain advantages in its simplicity and time saving and applicable in routine analysis. It also describes the development of validation work as per ICH Q2B guidelines recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States.A new method of analysis is developed for identification and quantification of Codeine phosphate, Chlorpheniramine maleate drugs and Sodium benzoate preservative by RP-HPLC method. The sample preparation is simple and the analysis time is short. The analytical procedure is validated as per ICH Q2B guidelines and shown to be accurate, precise and specific. This method represents a fast analytical procedure for the simultaneous quantitation of Codeine phosphate, Chlorpheniramine maleate and Sodium benzoate. The method is amenable to the routine analysis of large numbers of samples with good precision and accuracy