637 research outputs found

    Androgen deprivation therapy (castration therapy) and pedophilia: What's new

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    Andrology is a constantly evolving discipline, embracing social problems like pedophilia and its pharmacological treatment. With regard to chemical castration, the andrologist may perform an important role as part of a team of specialists. At present, no knowledge is available regarding hormonal, chromosomal or genetic alterations involved in pedophilia. International legislation primarily aims to defend childhood, but does not provide for compulsory treatment. We reviewed international literature that, at present, only comprises a few reports on research concerning androgen deprivation. Most of these refer to the use of leuprolide acetate, rather than medroxyprogesterone and cyproterone acetate, which present a larger number of side effects. Current opinions on chemical castration for pedophilia are discordant. Some surveys confirm that therapy reduces sexual thoughts and fantasies, especially in recidivism. On the other hand, some authors report that chemical castration does not modify the pedophile's personality. In our opinion, once existing legislation has changed, andrologists could play a significant role in the selection of patients to receive androgen deprivation therapy, due in part to their knowledge about its action and side effects

    Parasitismo natural por Trichogramma spp. em agroecossistemas do Meio-Norte, Brasil.

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    The micro-­hymenopterans of genus Trichogramma are eggs parasitoids used in the biological control of lepidopteran pests. The objectives of this study was to record the interaction of species of Trichogramma and their hosts on crops in the Mid-­North, in the states of Maranhão and Piauí, Brazil.Autoria: QUERINO [i.e. SILVA], R. B. Q. da; Ranyse Barboa [i.e. Barbosa] Querino [i.e. da Silva]

    March to the North: Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera, Tephritidae) reaches Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil.

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    Since its detection in Brazil in 1901, the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) has continuously extended its occurrence in Brazil. The last Brazilian states in the North region of the country without records of the Mediterranean fruit fly were invaded in the current decade - Acre and Roraima in 2017 and Amapá in 2022 - leaving only the state of Amazonas to complete the spread of the Mediterranean fruit fly in all Brazilian states. In the state of Amazonas, the Mediterranean fruit fly was detected in a mango fruit purchased at a commercial establishment. This record is an alert to phytosanitary agents to establish strategies to monitor the occurrence of this pest in the state. We also discuss the first records of C. capitata in each Brazilian state, establishing the chronological order of these records in Brazil from 1901 to 2024

    Draft genome sequence of Bacillus sp. strain CMAA 1185, a cellullolytic bacterium isolated from Stain House Lake, Antarctic Peninsula.

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    The aim of this study was to report the genome sequence of the cellulolytic Bacillus sp. strain CMAA 1185, isolated from Stain House Lake, Antarctica

    Supramolecular Networks Obtained by Block Copolymer Self-Assembly in a Polymer Matrix: Crystallization Behavior and Its Effect on the Mechanical Response

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    In recent years, there has been growing interest in the study of supramolecular networks obtained by self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules due to their responsive behavior to different external stimuli. The possibility of embedding supramolecular networks into polymer matrices opens access to a new generation of functional polymers with great potential for various applications. However, very little is known about how the dynamics of the supramolecular network is affected by diffusional and topological limitations imposed by the polymer matrix. In this work, we investigate the behavior of supramolecular networks embedded into a rubbery polymer. Crystallization-driven self-assembly of a poly(ethylene-block-ethylene oxide) (PE-b-PEO) diblock copolymer was used to generate supramolecular networks in dimethacrylate monomers, which were then photopolymerized at room temperature. PE-b-PEO self-assembles into nanoribbons with a semicrystalline PE core bordered by coronal chains of PEO, and the nanoribbons, in turn, bundle into lamellar aggregates with an average stacking period of around 45 nm. The nanoribbons are interconnected through crystalline nodes in a 3D network structure. Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments show that the polymer matrix preserves the structure of the supramolecular network and avoids its disintegration when the material is heated above the melting temperature of PE cores. Successive self-nucleation and annealing studies reveal that the polymer matrix does not influence the crystallization–melting processes of PE, which take place through the interconnected cores of the supramolecular network. In contrast, the matrix imposes strong effects of topological confinement on the crystallization of PEO, limiting the dimensions of the crystalline lamellae that can be formed. Mechanical tests show that the deformation capacity of these materials can be precisely tuned by programming the temperature within the melting range of the supramolecular network. This behavior was also characterized by shape memory cyclic tests.The financial support of the following institutions is gratefully acknowledged: National Research Council (CONICET, Argentina), National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (AgenciaI + D + i, Argentina), and University of Mar del Plata. This work has received funding from the Basque Government through grant IT1503-22. R.N.S. thanks Iberoamerican Association of Postgraduate Universities (AUIP) for a mobility fellowship

    Temporal overlap and co-occurrence in a guild of sub-tropical tephritid fruit flies

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    Studies of community assembly have emphasized snapshot comparisons of spatially replicated samples from natural assemblages. Agro-ecosystems are characterized by relatively little habitat heterogeneity and no dispersal barriers for actively flying insects. Therefore, dynamic patterns of species segregation and aggregation are more likely to reflect the direct or indirect effects of species interactions. We studied the temporal organization of a guild of 21 congeneric species of Anastrepha that colonized fruit orchards in Monte Alegre do Sul, São Paulo, Brazil. This assemblage also included the introduced Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. One hundred six consecutive weekly censuses (11 Jan 2002-16 Jan 2004) of flies in guava, loquat, and peach orchards revealed a pattern of minimum abundance during the coldest months of each year (June and July) and a maximum abundance during periods of flowering and fruit ripening. Overall, phenological overlap was greater than expected by chance. However, conditioned on the pattern of seasonal abundances, temporal occurrence and abundance matrices exhibited patterns of significant species segregation and anti-nestedness. In each year, the 3 orchards contained a small number of species pairs that exhibited statistically significant temporal segregation or aggregation. Most aggregated and segregated pairs reflected seasonal shifts in species presences that were not related to variation in air temperature. Most of the significant pairwise associations involved C. capitata: 8 of the 11 segregated pairs and 2 of the 7 aggregated pairs. These results suggest that species interactions between introduced and native species can be an important determinant of species associations in agro-ecosystems

    High genetic diversity within and among bitter cassava cultivated in three soil types in Central Amazonia.

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    Bitter cassava is an important food crop that was domesticated in Amazonia. Although it is exclusively propagated by stem cuttings, cassava retained its ability of sexual reproduction. The occurrence and incorporation of sexual plants into the stock of clonal varieties contributes to the high genetic diversity observed within the crop. Despite being well adapted to nutrient deprived soils of Amazonia, ethnobotanical observations showed that communities of smallholder farmers along the middle Madeira River, in Central Amazonia, also cultivate cassava in the highly fertile soils of the floodplains and Amazonian dark earths (ADE). These farmers grow different sets of varieties in each soil type, which may also contribute to the maintenance of high levels of genetic diversity within the crop. We evaluated with 10 nuclear microsatellite markers the genetic diversity within and among some of the most commonly cultivated bitter cassava varieties grown on ADE, floodplain and Oxisols soils in the middle Madeira region. High levels of genetic diversity within varieties were observed (HO ranging from 0.495 to 0.707, and HE ranging from 0.250 to 0.460). Additionally, varieties were generally highly differentiated from each other. Although high levels of genetic diversity were previously observed in studies carried out in regions of low soil fertility in other parts of Amazonia, we identified that management of different soil types is important to the maintenance of genetically distinct stocks of varieties, which also contributes to the maintenance of the genetic diversity within the crop

    Similaridade genética entre raças bovinas brasileiras.

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    A similaridade genética entre animais de duas raças bovinas brasileiras (Crioulo Lageano e Junqueira) foi estimada pela análise de polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso (RAPD), tendo como referência (outgroups) animais de raças comerciais das espécies Bos taurus e B. indicus. Estas duas raças possuem grande similaridade fenotípica, sugerindo uma origem genética comum. Uma matriz de similaridade genética baseada em polimorfismo de DNA foi obtida e representada graficamente por um dendrograma, definido após processo estatístico de reamostragem bootstrap. Ao contrário do que era previsto com base nas semelhanças morfológicas das duas raças, os animais das raças Crioulo Lageano e Junqueira não apresentaram similaridade elevada entre si quando comparados com animais de outras raças comerciais. Os dados indicam que as duas raças sofreram contribuições genéticas distintas no processo de formação racial

    The TBX3 gene, mutated in Ulnar-Mammary syndrome, promotes growth of mammary epithelial cells independently of ARF and p53.

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