31 research outputs found

    New and unexpected host associations for Diplodia sapinea in the Western Balkans

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    Diplodia sapinea is an important pathogen of pine trees in plantations and urban areas in many parts of the world. This pathogen has recently also been isolated from diseased Cedrus atlantica, C. deodara and Picea omorika planted as ornamentals across the Western Balkans. The aim of this study was to consider the host range of D. sapinea in Serbia and Montenegro. Diplodia sapinea was identified from a broader collection of Botryosphaeriaceae from the Western Balkans region, based on the DNA sequence data for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA and the translation elongation factor 1α (TEF 1- α). The D. sapinea isolates were obtained from sixteen tree species in the genera Abies, Cedrus, Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga and Fagus. Four species represented new hosts in the Balkans, and this is the first report of D. sapinea from F. sylvatica anywhere in the world. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on the tree hosts from which D. sapinea was isolated, as well as on P. abies, Thuja occidentalis, Prunus laurocerasus, Eucalyptus grandis and P. patula. Inoculations were made on seedlings in the field, in the greenhouse or on freshly detached branches. Inoculations on P. pungens, P. omorika, P. abies, P. menziesii, A. concolor, P. nigra and P. sylvestris resulted in death of the seedlings 5–16 weeks after inoculation. Diplodia sapinea produced lesions on J. horizontalis and P. patula seedlings and F. sylvatica cut branches. Reciprocal inoculations showed that D. sapinea is not a pine-specific pathogen, causing disease on tree species, including those from which it had not been isolated. Not surprisingly, the pathogen was most aggressive on some species of Pinaceae.The Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP), the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (TR37008). The first author also wishes to acknowledge partial financial support from European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action Pathway Evaluation and Pest Risk Management In Transport (PERMIT FP1002), ALIEN Challenge (TD1209) and A Global Network of nurseries as early warning system against alien tree pests (Global Warning FP1401).http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1439-03292018-06-30hj2017Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Cardiogenic Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells Streamlined Through a Conserved SDF-1/VEGF/BMP2 Integrated Network

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    BACKGROUND: Pluripotent stem cells produce tissue-specific lineages through programmed acquisition of sequential gene expression patterns that function as a blueprint for organ formation. As embryonic stem cells respond concomitantly to diverse signaling pathways during differentiation, extraction of a pro-cardiogenic network would offer a roadmap to streamline cardiac progenitor output. METHODS AND RESULTS: To resolve gene ontology priorities within precursor transcriptomes, cardiogenic subpopulations were here generated according to either growth factor guidance or stage-specific biomarker sorting. Innate expression profiles were independently delineated through unbiased systems biology mapping, and cross-referenced to filter transcriptional noise unmasking a conserved progenitor motif (55 up- and 233 down-regulated genes). The streamlined pool of 288 genes organized into a core biological network that prioritized the "Cardiovascular Development" function. Recursive in silico deconvolution of the cardiogenic neighborhood and associated canonical signaling pathways identified a combination of integrated axes, CXCR4/SDF-1, Flk-1/VEGF and BMP2r/BMP2, predicted to synchronize cardiac specification. In vitro targeting of the resolved triad in embryoid bodies accelerated expression of Nkx2.5, Mef2C and cardiac-MHC, enhanced beating activity, and augmented cardiogenic yield. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptome-wide dissection of a conserved progenitor profile thus revealed functional highways that coordinate cardiogenic maturation from a pluripotent ground state. Validating the bioinformatics algorithm established a strategy to rationally modulate cell fate, and optimize stem cell-derived cardiogenesis

    Metals and kidney markers in adult offspring of endemic nephropathy patients and controls: a two-year follow-up study

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    Abstract Background The etiology of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, (BEN), a tubulointerstitial kidney disease, is unknown. Although this disease is endemic in rural areas of Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and Serbia, similar manifestations are reported to occur in other regions, for instance Tunisia and Sri Lanka. A number of explanations have been stated including lignites, aristolochic acid, ochratoxin A, metals, and metalloids. Etiologic claims are often based on one or a few studies without sound scientific evidence. In this systematic study, we tested whether exposures to metals (cadmium and lead) and metalloids (arsenic and selenium) are related to Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. Methods In 2003/04 we recruited 102 adults whose parents had BEN and who resided in one of three communities (Vratza, Bistretz, or Beli Izvor, Bulgaria). A control group comprised of 99 adults having non-BEN hospitalized parents was enrolled in the study during the same time. We conducted face-to-face interviews, ultrasound kidney measurements, and determined kidney function in two consecutive investigations (2003/04 and 2004/05). Metals and metalloids were measured in urine and blood samples. To assess the agreement between these consecutive measurements, we calculated intraclass correlation coefficients. Repeated measurement data were analyzed using mixed models. Results We found that cadmium and arsenic were associated with neither kidney size nor function. Lead had a significant but negligible effect on creatinine clearance. Selenium showed a weak but significant negative association with two of the four kidney parameters, namely creatinine clearance and β2-microglobulin. It was positively related to kidney length. These associations were not restricted to the offspring of BEN patients. Adding credence to these findings are reports showing comparable kidney effects in animals exposed to selenium. Conclusion The findings of this 2-year follow-up study indicate that metals and metalloids do not play a role in the etiology of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. Against the assumption in the literature, selenium was not protective but a risk factor. Since comparable associations were observed in animals, future studies are needed to explore whether selenium may have adverse renal effects in humans.</p

    Current challenges facing the assessment of the allergenic capacity of food allergens in animal models

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    Food allergy is a major health problem of increasing concern. The insufficiency of protein sources for human nutrition in a world with a growing population is also a significant problem. The introduction of new protein sources into the diet, such as newly developed innovative foods or foods produced using new technologies and production processes, insects, algae, duckweed, or agricultural products from third countries, creates the opportunity for development of new food allergies, and this in turn has driven the need to develop test methods capable of characterizing the allergenic potential of novel food proteins. There is no doubt that robust and reliable animal models for the identification and characterization of food allergens would be valuable tools for safety assessment. However, although various animal models have been proposed for this purpose, to date, none have been formally validated as predictive and none are currently suitable to test the allergenic potential of new foods. Here, the design of various animal models are reviewed, including among others considerations of species and strain, diet, route of administration, dose and formulation of the test protein, relevant controls and endpoints measured

    The mechanisms of action of vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants: an in vitro vs in vivo paradigm

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    The high-affinity HSP90-CHIP complex recognizes and selectively degrades phosphorylated tau client proteins

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    A primary pathologic component of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the formation of neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau (p-tau). Expediting the removal of these p-tau species may be a relevant therapeutic strategy. Here we report that inhibition of Hsp90 led to decreases in p-tau levels independent of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) activation. A critical mediator of this mechanism was carboxy terminus of Hsp70–interacting protein (CHIP), a tau ubiquitin ligase. Cochaperones were also involved in Hsp90-mediated removal of p-tau, while those of the mature Hsp90 refolding complex prevented this effect. This is the first demonstration to our knowledge that blockade of the refolding pathway promotes p-tau turnover through degradation. We also show that peripheral administration of a novel Hsp90 inhibitor promoted selective decreases in p-tau species in a mouse model of tauopathy, further suggesting a central role for the Hsp90 complex in the pathogenesis of tauopathies. When taken in the context of known high-affinity Hsp90 complexes in affected regions of the AD brain, these data implicate a central role for Hsp90 in the development of AD and other tauopathies and may provide a rationale for the development of novel Hsp90-based therapeutic strategies