22 research outputs found

    Hubungan Terpaan Iklan Produk Pemutih Kulit di Televisi dan Persepsi Anak Tentang Kulit Putih dengan Preferensi Anak pada Kulit Putih

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    Penelitian ini berangkat dari data penelitian sebelumnya yangmenunjukkan tingginya persentase iklan produk dewasa terutama produkkecantikan pada jam tayang anak. Di lain sisi, data di lapangan yang penulisperoleh dari berbagai forum diskusi ibu-ibu menunjukkan banyaknya anak-anakusia sekolah dasar yang merasa tidak percaya diri dengan warna kulitnya dancenderung lebih menginginkan kulit putih. Selain itu data tersebut jugadidukung dari hasil pra riset yang penulis lakukan pada anak-anak perempuanusia sekolah dasar yang menunjukkan preferensi anak-anak terhadap kulit putihterbilang tinggi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan terpaan iklanproduk pemutih kulit di televisi dan persepsi anak tentang kulit putih denganpreferensi anak pada kulit putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori efek mediauntuk menjelaskan hubungan terpaan iklan produk pemutih kulit di televisi danpersepsi anak tentang kulit putih dengan preferensi anak pada kulit putih.Sedangkan teori tentang efek iklan pada anak intended and unintended effectdigunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa persepsi anak tentang kulit putih danpreferensi anak pada kulit putih merupakan dampak tidak di sengaja dariadanya paparan iklan produk pemutih kulit di televisi. Populasi dalampenelitian ini adalah anak perempuan usia 10-12 tahun yang sudah terterpaiklan produk pemutih kulit di televisi dan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 50orang dengan teknik purposive sampling.Dalam uji hipotesis, penulis menggunakan Analisis Korelasi Kendall Taub.Uji hipotesis pertama antara terpaan iklan dengan preferensi menunjukkannilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 (<0,05). Uji hipotesis kedua antara terpaan iklandengan persepsi menunjukkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,004 (<0,05). Ujihipotesis ketiga antara persepsi dengan preferensi menunjukkan nilaisignifikansi sebesar 0,000(<0,05).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwaterdapat hubungan antara terpaan iklan produk pemutih kulit di televisi danpersepsi anak tentang kulit putih dengan preferensi anak pada kulit putih.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa iklan produk dewasa yang tayang pada jamtayang anak memiliki unintended effect pada anak-anak, sehingga saran untukmasyarakat khususnya kalangan orang tua agar menaruh perhatian lebih padapaparan iklan yang menerpa anak-anak dan saran untuk pihak pemegangregulasi (KPI) sebaiknya memperketat aturan tentang iklan pada jam tayanganak

    Safety of mass drug coadministration with ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine, albendazole, and azithromycin for the integrated treatment of neglected tropical diseases: a cluster randomized community trial.

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    INTRODUCTION: Neglected tropical diseases control programmes run separately. For settings with more than one endemic disease, combined mass drug administration (MDA) has potential practical advantages compared with separate programmes but needs confirmation of safety. We assessed the safety of combined MDA for multiple neglected tropical diseases using ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine, albendazole (IDA) and azithromycin (AZI). METHODS: We conducted an open-label, cluster-randomized trial involving individuals living in 34 wards (smaller administrative division) in two study sites, Namatanai District and Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea. We randomly assigned wards to the combined treatment arm (which received a single dose of the triple combination IDA and a single dose of AZI at the same visit) or the control arm (which received IDA separately followed by AZI separately one week after). All participants underwent safety assessments one day after drug administration. Methodology for collecting the adverse events (AEs) was a general question (in Namatanai) and individual questions about specific AEs (in Lihir). The primary endpoint was the prevalence of AEs. Safety of combined treatment was taken to be non-inferior to that of IDA if the upper limit of the two-sided CI for the difference in rates was equal or lower than 5%. FINDINGS: The study enrolled 15,656 participants. Of those enrolled, 7,281 (46.3%) received the combined regimen and 8,375 (53.3%) received standard treatment with IDA for lymphatic filariasis between Nov 1, 2018, and Apr 15, 2019. Of the individuals in the control group, 4,228 (50.5%) attended a second visit one week apart to receive AZI for yaws. In Namatanai, the proportion of AEs was similar in the combined group (0.8%) compared to the IDA group (1.3%, difference 0.5% [95CI -2.5% to 1.4%]) or the AZI group (3.6%, d -2.8% [95CI -8.6% to 2.8%]). In Lihir, the proportion of AEs was higher in the combined group (23.0%) compared to the IDA group (12.2%, d 10.8% [95% CI 1.5% to 20.2%]) or the AZI group (11.1%, d 11.9% [95% CI 2.7% to 21.1%]).We observed 21 (0.3%) grade-2 AEs in the combined treatment group, 33 (0.4%) in the IDA separately group, and 18 (0.2%) in the AZI separately group. No participants required treatment for any AE. We observed no deaths, serious AEs, or AEs of special interest. INTERPRETATION: In the largest trial so far involving coadministration of regimens based on IDA and AZI, the combination was safe and feasible in a population of more than 15,000 people. Combined MDA based on these two regimens opens up new potential for the control of neglected tropical diseases in the Western Pacific region

    Safety and efficacy of mass drug administration with a single-dose triple-drug regimen of albendazole + diethylcarbamazine + ivermectin for lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea: An open-label, cluster-randomised trial

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    Background Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a high burden of lymphatic filariasis (LF) caused by Wucher-eria bancrofti, with an estimated 4.2 million people at risk of infection. A single co-adminis-tered dose of ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (IDA) has been shown to have superior efficacy in sustained clearance of microfilariae compared to diethylcarbama-zine and albendazole (DA) in small clinical trials. A community-based cluster-randomised trial of DA versus IDA was conducted to compare the safety and efficacy of IDA and DA for LF in a moderately endemic, treatment-naive area in PNG. Methodology All consenting, eligible residents of 24 villages in Bogia district, Madang Province, PNG were enrolled, screened for W. bancrofti antigenemia and microfilaria (Mf) and randomised to receive IDA (N = 2382) or DA (N = 2181) according to their village of residence. Adverse events (AE) were assessed by active follow-up for 2 days and passive follow-up for an addi-tional 5 days. Antigen-positive participants were re-tested one year after MDA to assess treatment efficacy. Principal findings Of the 4,563 participants enrolled, 96% were assessed for AEs within 2 days after treat-ment. The overall frequency of AEs were similar after either DA (18%) or IDA (20%) treat-ment. For those individuals with AEs, 87% were mild (Grade 1), 13% were moderate (Grade 2) and there were no Grade 3, Grade 4, or serious AEs (SAEs). The frequency of AEs was greater in Mf-positive than Mf-negative individuals receiving IDA (39% vs 20% p<0.001) and in Mf-positive participants treated with IDA (39%), compared to those treated with DA (24%, p = 0.023). One year after treatment, 64% (645/1013) of participants who were antigen-positive at baseline were re-screened and 74% of these participants (475/ 645) remained antigen positive. Clearance of Mf was achieved in 96% (52/54) of infected individuals in the IDA arm versus 84% (56/67) of infected individuals in the DA arm (rela-tive risk (RR) 1.15; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.30; p = 0.019). Participants receiving DA treatment had a 4-fold higher likelihood of failing to clear Mf (RR 4.67 (95% CI: 1.05 to 20.67; p = 0.043). In the DA arm, a significant predictor of failure to clear was baseline Mf density (RR 1.54; 95% CI, 1.09 to 2.88; p = 0.007). Conclusion IDA was well tolerated and more effective than DA for clearing Mf. Widespread use of this regimen could accelerate LF elimination in PNG

    Proteomic analysis identifies proteins that continue to grow hepatic stem-like cells without differentiation

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    To understand the molecular mechanism underlying vigorous proliferative activity of hepatic stem-like (HSL) cells, we performed two-dimensional electrophoresis to identify the proteins statistically more abundant in rapidly growing undifferentiated HSL cells than in sodium butyrate-treated differentiated HSL cells. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and Mascot search identified 6 proteins including prohibitin, vimentin, ezrin, annexin A3, acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P0 and Grp75. Prohibitin and vimentin control the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Ezrin is phosphorylated by various protein-tyrosine kinases and modulates interactions between cytoskeletal and membrane proteins. Annexin A3 has a role in DNA synthesis. Acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P0 and Grp75 play in protein synthesis. These results suggest that the proteins related to the MAP kinase cascade had some role in continuous proliferation of HSL cells without differentiation


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    ABSTRAK ANDI TRI WANGI. Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Katarak di Poli Mata Rumah Sakit Umum Anutapura Palu (di bawah bimbingan Adhar Arifuddin dan Nikmah Utami Dewi). Peminatan Epidemiologi Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Tadulako Katarak adalah kekeruhan pada lensa yang merupakan penyebab utama kebutaan di dunia. Kebutaan di Indonesia 50 % disebabkan oleh katarak, dimana penderita sudah melebihi angka 1% dari jumlah penduduk yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Katarak di Poli Mata Rumah Sakit Umum Anutapura Palu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 200 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik accidental sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi square, dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (

    Factors Associated with Functional Well-Being and Psychological Parameters among Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Admitted to a Select Cancer Hospital in Bagalkot District - An Exploratory Study

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    Background The global burden of cancer was estimated to have increased to 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million deaths in 2018. One in 10 men and one in 10 women will develop cancer and a similar proportion will die from it. Approximately 43.8 million people worldwide are surviving within five years of their cancer diagnosis known as the five-year survival rate. The increase in cancer incidence could be attributed to many factors including population growth aging and changes in some health and economic conditions related to cancer.Method The research approach adopted in this present study was quantitative non-experimental approach and the research design adopted was descriptive cross sectional explorative design. Fifty subjects with cancer who were receiving chemotherapy at the select hospital in Bagalkot were selected using disproportionate stratified random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect the demographic information and to assess the level of functional wellbeing stress and anxiety. Stress was measured using Cohenrsquos perceived stress scale. The degree of anxiety was measured with Zung self-rating anxiety scale SAS. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results Cancer patients level of understanding of cancer showed that most patients 40 had a positive life experience 20 had a good life experience quality of life and 40 had a bad life experience quality of life. Stress levels of cancer patients showed that most patients experienced high stress 58 28 patients experienced slightly high stress and 14 experienced low stress. About 40 reported to have experienced mild to moderate anxiety 30 reported mild to severe anxiety 24 experienced severe anxiety and 6 reported more than one level of anxiety. Conclusion A significant relationship between health and its psychological and social variables was noted. As a result cancer patients experience significant levels of stress anxiety and health disorders while receiving chemotherapy.nbs

    Speleothem calcite farmed in situ: Modern calibration of δ18O and δ13C paleoclimate proxies in a continuously-monitored natural cave system

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    Understanding the relationships between speleothem stable isotopes (δ13C δ18O) and in situ cave forcing mechanisms is important to interpreting ancient stalagmite paleoclimate records. Cave studies have demonstrated that the δ18O of inorganically precipitated (low temperature) speleothem calcite is systematically heavier than the δ18O of laboratory-grown calcite for a given temperature. To understand this apparent offset, rainwater, cave drip water, groundwater, and modern naturally precipitated calcite (farmed in situ) were grown at multiple locations inside Hollow Ridge Cave in Marianna, Florida. High resolution micrometeorological, air chemistry time series and ventilation regimes were also monitored continuously at two locations inside the cave, supplemented with periodic bi-monthly air gas grab sample transects throughout the cave. Cave air chemistry and isotope monitoring reveal density-driven airflow pathways through Hollow Ridge Cave at velocities of up to 1.2 m s−1 in winter and 0.4 m s−1 in summer. Hollow Ridge Cave displays a strong ventilation gradient in the front of the cave near the entrances, resulting in cave air that is a mixture of soil gas and atmospheric CO2. A clear relationship is found between calcite δ13C and cave air ventilation rates estimated by proxies pCO2 and 222Rn. Calcite δ13C decreased linearly with distance from the front entrance to the interior of the cave during all seasons, with a maximum entrance-to-interior gradient of Δδ13CCaCO3 = −7‰. A whole-cave “Hendy test” at multiple contemporaneous farming sites reveals that ventilation induces a +1.9 ± 0.96‰ δ13C offset between calcite precipitated in a ventilation flow path and calcite precipitated on the edge or out of flow paths. This interpretation of the “Hendy test” has implications for interpreting δ13C records in ancient speleothems. Calcite δ13CCaCO3 may be a proxy not for atmospheric CO2 or overlying vegetation shifts but also for changes in cave ventilation due to dissolution fissures and ceiling collapse creating an

    Detection of Strawberry Vein Banding Virus (SVBV) and Identification of Viruliferous Insects Associated with Strawberry Plants (Fragaria SP.) in Bali

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    Plant pests and diseases cause decreases in strawberry yield in Bali, including plant viruses. Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) is a virus that infects strawberry plants and is transmitted by insects. However, studies about this disease in Bali are still limited. This study aimed to detect SVBV within insect bodies and determine the insect species of its vector. Methods used included (1) sampling; (2) detection of SVBV from insect bodies using primers (SVBV F/SVBV R) and PCR; and (3) molecular identification of viruliferous insect with primers (LCO 1490 F/HCO 2198 R) using PCR and sequencing analysis. This study successfully detected SVBV DNA in an insect from three insect families associated with strawberry plants in Pancasari Village, Buleleng Regency, Bali. Results from the nucleotide sequences analysis in SVBV viruliferous insects indicate that the insect was Myzus persicae