99 research outputs found

    An annotated list of the name-bearing types of species-group names in Odonata preserved in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology

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    Estado de conservación de los odonata en Argentina

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    Fil: Muzón, Javier. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLPFil: Von Ellenrieder, N.. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNL

    Facilitation of epileptic activity during sleep is mediated by high amplitude slow waves

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    Epileptic discharges in focal epilepsy are frequently activated during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Sleep slow waves are present during this stage and have been shown to include a deactivated ('down', hyperpolarized) and an activated state ('up', depolarized). The 'up' state enhances physiological rhythms, and we hypothesize that sleep slow waves and particularly the 'up' state are the specific components of non-rapid eye movement sleep that mediate the activation of epileptic activity. We investigated eight patients with pharmaco-resistant focal epilepsies who underwent combined scalp-intracerebral electroencephalography for diagnostic evaluation. We analysed 259 frontal electroencephalographic channels, and manually marked 442 epileptic spikes and 8487 high frequency oscillations during high amplitude widespread slow waves, and during matched control segments with low amplitude widespread slow waves, non-widespread slow waves or no slow waves selected during the same sleep stages (total duration of slow wave and control segments: 49 min each). During the slow waves, spikes and high frequency oscillations were more frequent than during control segments (79% of spikes during slow waves and 65% of high frequency oscillations, both P ~ 0). The spike and high frequency oscillation density also increased for higher amplitude slow waves. We compared the density of spikes and high frequency oscillations between the 'up' and 'down' states. Spike and high frequency oscillation density was highest during the transition from the 'up' to the 'down' state. Interestingly, high frequency oscillations in channels with normal activity expressed a different peak at the transition from the 'down' to the 'up' state. These results show that the apparent activation of epileptic discharges by non-rapid eye movement sleep is not a state-dependent phenomenon but is predominantly associated with specific events, the high amplitude widespread slow waves that are frequent, but not continuous, during this state of sleep. Both epileptic spikes and high frequency oscillations do not predominate, like physiological activity, during the 'up' state but during the transition from the 'up' to the 'down' state of the slow wave, a period of high synchronization. Epileptic discharges appear therefore more associated with synchronization than with excitability. Furthermore, high frequency oscillations in channels devoid of epileptic activity peak differently during the slow wave cycle from those in channels with epileptic activity. This property may allow differentiating physiological from pathological high frequency oscillations, a problem that is unresolved until now

    Distribution and biogeography

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    Fig. 3 in Aquatic Coleoptera In The Subtropical-Pampasic Ecotone (Argentina, Buenos Aires): Species Composition And Temporal Changes

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    Fig. 3. Percentage of species per family in each sampling station.Published as part of <i>von Ellenrieder, N. & Fernández, L. A., 2000, Aquatic Coleoptera In The Subtropical-Pampasic Ecotone (Argentina, Buenos Aires): Species Composition And Temporal Changes, pp. 23-35 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 54 (1)</i> on page 25, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X(2000)054[0023:ACITSP]2.0.CO;2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10101714">http://zenodo.org/record/10101714</a&gt