1,809 research outputs found

    Interferometric length metrology for the dimensional control of ultra-stable Ring Laser Gyroscopes

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    We present the experimental test of a method for controlling the absolute length of the diagonals of square ring laser gyroscopes. The purpose is to actively stabilize the ring cavity geometry and to enhance the rotation sensor stability in order to reach the requirements for the detection of the relativistic Lense-Thirring effect with a ground-based array of optical gyroscopes. The test apparatus consists of two optical cavities 1.32 m in length, reproducing the features of the ring cavity diagonal resonators of large frame He-Ne ring laser gyroscopes. The proposed measurement technique is based on the use of a single diode laser, injection locked to a frequency stabilized He-Ne/Iodine frequency standard, and a single electro-optic modulator. The laser is modulated with a combination of three frequencies allowing to lock the two cavities to the same resonance frequency and, at the same time, to determine the cavity Free Spectral Range (FSR). We obtain a stable lock of the two cavities to the same optical frequency reference, providing a length stabilization at the level of 1 part in 101110^{11}, and the determination of the two FSRs with a relative precision of 0.2 ppm. This is equivalent to an error of 500 nm on the absolute length difference between the two cavities

    Rotational sensitivity of the "G-Pisa" gyrolaser

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    G-Pisa is an experiment investigating the possibility to operate a high sensitivity laser gyroscope with area less than 1m21 \rm m^2 for improving the performances of the mirrors suspensions of the gravitational wave antenna Virgo. The experimental set-up consists in a He-Ne ring laser with a 4 mirrors square cavity. The laser is pumped by an RF discharge where the RF oscillator includes the laser plasma in order to reach a better stability. The contrast of the Sagnac fringes is typically above 50% and a stable regime has been reached with the laser operating both single mode or multimode. The effect of hydrogen contamination on the laser was also checked. A low-frequency sensitivity, below 1Hz1 \rm Hz, in the range of 10−8(rad/s)/Hz10^{-8} \rm {(rad / s)/ \sqrt{Hz}} has been measured.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, presented at the EFTF-IFCS joint conference 200

    Spatial variability of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) yield as related to soil parameters in a small field

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    The harvested biomass of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is generally much lower than its potential; this may be due to several factors including not recovering all the biomass at harvest, weed competition, pests, disease and spatial variation of soil features. The objective of this research was to quantify the yield spatial variation of switchgrass and relate it to soil parameters, in a field of about 5 ha, in 2004 and 2005. Several thematic maps of soil parameters and biomass yield were produced using GIS and geostatistical methods. Soil parameters changed consistently within very short distances and biomass yield varied from 3 to more than 20 Mg ha(-1). This remarkable variation indicates that the potential for increasing switchgrass productivity is a real prospect. Furthermore, spatial variation of yield showed similar patterns in the 2 years (r = 0.38**), and therefore a major influence of site characteristics on switchgrass yield can be assumed to occur. Significant correlations were found between biomass yield and soil N, P, moisture and pH as well as between soil parameters. Some soil parameters such as sand content showed patchy spatial distribution. Conversely, a reliable spatial dependence could not be identified for other parameters such as P. Further research is needed

    A 1.82 m^2 ring laser gyroscope for nano-rotational motion sensing

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    We present a fully active-controlled He-Ne ring laser gyroscope, operating in square cavity 1.35 m in side. The apparatus is designed to provide a very low mechanical and thermal drift of the ring cavity geometry and is conceived to be operative in two different orientations of the laser plane, in order to detect rotations around the vertical or the horizontal direction. Since June 2010 the system is active inside the Virgo interferometer central area with the aim of performing high sensitivity measurements of environmental rotational noise. So far, continuous not attempted operation of the gyroscope has been longer than 30 days. The main characteristics of the laser, the active remote-controlled stabilization systems and the data acquisition techniques are presented. An off-line data processing, supported by a simple model of the sensor, is shown to improve the effective long term stability. A rotational sensitivity at the level of ten nanoradiants per squareroot of Hz below 1 Hz, very close to the required specification for the improvement of the Virgo suspension control system, is demonstrated for the configuration where the laser plane is horizontal

    Compression and diffusion: a joint approach to detect complexity

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    The adoption of the Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy is becoming a popular research tool among physicists, especially when applied to a dynamical system fitting the conditions of validity of the Pesin theorem. The study of time series that are a manifestation of system dynamics whose rules are either unknown or too complex for a mathematical treatment, is still a challenge since the KS entropy is not computable, in general, in that case. Here we present a plan of action based on the joint action of two procedures, both related to the KS entropy, but compatible with computer implementation through fast and efficient programs. The former procedure, called Compression Algorithm Sensitive To Regularity (CASToRe), establishes the amount of order by the numerical evaluation of algorithmic compressibility. The latter, called Complex Analysis of Sequences via Scaling AND Randomness Assessment (CASSANDRA), establishes the complexity degree through the numerical evaluation of the strength of an anomalous effect. This is the departure, of the diffusion process generated by the observed fluctuations, from ordinary Brownian motion. The CASSANDRA algorithm shares with CASToRe a connection with the Kolmogorov complexity. This makes both algorithms especially suitable to study the transition from dynamics to thermodynamics, and the case of non-stationary time series as well. The benefit of the joint action of these two methods is proven by the analysis of artificial sequences with the same main properties as the real time series to which the joint use of these two methods will be applied in future research work.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Assessment and Evaluation of Blended Cement Using Bamboo Leaf Ash BLASH Against Corrosion

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    Concrete provides a high degree of protection against corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement. Owing to the harsh environmental conditions and the presence of aggressive elements from the marine environment, deteriorating corrosion affects the durability of reinforced concrete structures. This study evaluated the effectiveness of bamboo leaf ash BLASH as a supplementary cementing material or admixture with Portland cement to improve the durability of reinforced concrete structures. Specimens of 0, 10, 15, and 20% BLASH mixtures were prepared using 16, 20, and 25 mm  steel reinforcements. A total of 100 cylindrical specimens were cast and used in this study. The specimens were accelerated by corrosion using impressed current techniques and a galvanostatic method in a simulated environment. The results show that specimens with a BLASH content of 10% exhibited superior performance and exhibited longer corrosion initiation and propagation times. It has a higher resistance to acid penetration and lower corrosion rates. The crack parameters of the specimen with BLASH admixtures, such as the crack width and crack frequency, were negligible. The use of BLASH as an admixture strengthens its durability and improves its residual strength and serviceability. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091707 Full Text: PD
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