214 research outputs found

    Prospective study on sonographic measurement of umbilical cord thickness, foetal fat layer, interventricular septal thickness as predictors of macrosomia in fetus of women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: The objectives of the study were to evaluate the Prediction of foetal macrosomia based on sonographic measurements of foetal fat layer, Interventricular septal thickness and umbilical cord thickness in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus at term.Methods: After assessment of inclusion and exclusion criteria 100 antenatal women of gestational age more than 37 weeks selected for study in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Vinayaka MissionтАЩs Kirupananda variyar medical college and hospital, Salem. Participants underwent a third trimester scan and three extra measurements i.e. Umbilical cord thickness, Interventricular septal thickness and foetal fat layer are measured in addition to the normal examination.Results: In present study umbilical cord thickness had good sensitivity and negative predictive value. Hence, if umbilical cord thickness is less than 90th centile the chance of macrosomia is less, the cut off of foetal fat layer тЙе5 mm as predictor of macrosomia had sensitivity of 84.2% and specificity of 86.4% and cut off of Interventricular septal thickness тЙе3.9mm as a predictor of macrosomia had sensitivity of 84.2%, specificity of 64.2%, negative predictive value of 95.9%. Thus, interventricular septal thickness and foetal fat layer is a reliable predictor of macrosomia.Conclusions: From this study authors concluded that Umbilical cord thickness, foetal fat layer and Interventricular septal thickness are good predictors of foetal macrosomia. In the assessment of risk of macrosomia in addition to the ultrasonographic measurements the clinical risk factors must be considered

    Effect of pretreatment on Cd2+ biosorption by mycelial biomass of Pleurotus florida

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    The effect of pretreatment on the Cd2+ biosorption capacity of mycelial biomass of Pleurotus florida was investigated. For this purpose, the biomass was subjected to physical treatments such as heat, autoclaving and freeze drying and chemical treatments using acids, alkali and organic solvents. All the pretreatment methods improved the biosorption of Cd2+ in comparison with live biomass of P. florida. Among physical treatments, freeze drying showed significant improvement in Cd2+ sorption capacity.Pretreatment of biomass with NaOH showed maximum cadmium biosorption followed by formaldehyde and methanol treatment


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    Objective: Various antioxidants are extensively found at different levels in many medicinal plants. This study mainly focuses on identification and separation of antioxidant from the leaf extract of Melia dubia. Materials and Methods: Soxhlet extraction adopted for extraction using solvents, namely hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, 70% Ethanol, methanol, and water. The antioxidant capacity of six extracts was analyzed by quick and convenient 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl method. The compound responsible for high scavenging activity was isolated and separated by chromatography techniques such as thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Antioxidant was characterized by UV-visible, Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR), H1-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), C13-NMR, and mass spectroscopy. Results and Discussion: On extraction, water extract shows the highest yield percentage followed by methanol and 70% ethanol. Based on our results, IC50 value among the extracts, methanol and 70% ethanol, showed high antioxidant activity. Antioxidant which is commonly present in the methanol and 70% ethanol extract is flavone-3-rutinoside, 3, 3тАЩ, 4тАЩ, 5, 7-pentahydroxy. Conclusion: The occurrence of the antioxidant, i.e. rutin flavonoid was identified in the study, and the biological activity of this compound will determine in future work

    Determination of gestational age: correlation between foetal biometry and transverse cerebellar diameter in women with uncomplicated pregnancy

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    Background: Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD) serves as a reliable predictor of gestational age in foetus and is a standard against which aberrations in other foetal parameters can be compared, especially when the GA cannot be determined by the date of last menstrual period or early pregnancy scan, TCD is one foetal parameter that has remained consistently superior in predicting gestational age in both singleton and twin gestation. Aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of transverse cerebellar diameter by using ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of the foetus.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in 100 uncomplicated pregnant patients between the 15th week of gestation to term referred from routine antenatal clinic in outpatient and in-patient department of Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Vinayaka Mission Krupananda Variyar medical college and hospital, Salem during study period April 2015-March 2016. TCD is obtained in the axial plane in the cerebellar view i.e. with a slight rotation of the transducer approximately 30┬░ from the conventional thalamic plane where the biparietal diameter is measured using the cavum septi pellucidi, third ventricle and thalami as landmarks.Results: The correlation of transcerebellar diameter (TCD) with that of BPD (bi-parietal diameter) had shown a perfect positive correlation (r = 0.978) and a similar type of correlation was also seen with HC (head circumference) (r = 0.979), AC (abdominal circumference) (r = 0.966), FL (femur length) (r = 0.976) and USG GA (ultrasonogram gestational age) (r = 0.983).Conclusions: In the normally developing foetus, the TCD increases in a linear fashion with advancing gestational age. The data of this study suggest foetal TCD on ultrasound is a reliable predictive biometric parameter of gestational age

    Factors responsible for discriminating between high and low adopter categories of shrimp farmers

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    Shrimp farming on a commercial scale has come to be the main stay, of the coastal economy of the country. Scientific shrimp farming is characterised by the adoption of improved technologies for getting a better yield both in terms of quantity and quality. Adoption of improved technologies is dependent upon a host of factors such as the perceived attributes of the technologyr the cost of the technologies and the policy environment in which the technologies are adopted

    Time series modeling for forecasting the adoption behaviour of shrimp farmers

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    Commercial shrimp culture has emerged as a prominent sector of the coastal economy of India by virtue of the foreign exchange returns, rural employment it generates, and the economic viability of the enterprise and high market demand for the produce. The present study was conducted in Nellore and Nagapattinam districts a/India 10 forecast the adoption a/scientific technologies for a period of 17 years from 2004-2020, by the shrimp farmers using time series statistical modeling. The background data collected from 1997 to 2003 on the adoption behaviour of the farmers formed the database for predicting the adoption behaviour of the technologies. The study revealed that of the two statistical methods employed, namely Holt linear model and Holt exponential smoothing model, the goodness of fit generated by the Holt linear model with an R2 value 0/0.97 exhibited a higher degree of model adequacy over the Holt exponential smoothing model which revealed that in the years 2019 and 2020, the overall extent of adoption exceeded 100 percent which implies the development of new technologies by the research system and its subsequent adoption by the farmers. Besides factors such as changes in demography, demands in the export and local markets would motivate the shrimp fanners in future to adopt more of the improved technologies for getting higher yields

    Comparative study of vectis versus manual method for extraction of fetal head during lower segment cesarean section

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    Background: Delivery of fetal head through uterine incision is often the major technical problem during low transverse cesarean section when the presenting part is unengaged. Techniques to deliver head under special circumstances are traumatic to both mother and fetus. This study aims to establish the role of vectis in extraction of fetal head during lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) and to assess associated difficulties or untoward effects of use of vectis over manual method.Methods: The study was undertaken in PESIMSR, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh over two years. Vectis was used in extraction of fetal head in LSCS in 100 cases of full term pregnancy and maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared with 100 cases of manual extraction.Results: Incision-delivery time interval was similar in both vectis and manual extraction method (p value of 0.390). Vectis group did not require any fundal pressure for extraction of head where as 100% of women in manual extraction group required fundal pressure (p value: <0.001) which is statistically significant. The length of abdominal incision for majority of cases in vectis group was smaller and statistically significant compared to manual extraction group (p value of 0.001). Neonatal outcomes were similar in both the groups.Conclusions: As per our study, usage of vectis has shown significant advantage in reducing maternal discomfort caused due to fundal pressure and length of abdominal incision required, with negligible difference in neonatal and other maternal outcomes in comparison to manual method of extraction

    Information source utilisation behaviour of shrimp farmers on shrimp farming technologies

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    Shrimp farming has emerged as an important sector of the Aquaculture industry in the recen t times. Cultured Shrimps contribute about 50 per cent of the total Shrimp exports from lndia
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