4,726 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the two-phonon Raman bands of silicene and graphene

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    We present a computational study of the two-phonon Raman spectra of silicene and graphene within a density-functional non-orthogonal tight-binding model. Due to the presence of linear bands close to the Fermi energy in the electronic structure of both structures, the Raman scattering by phonons is resonant. We find that the Raman spectra exhibit a crossover behavior for laser excitation close to the \pi-plasmon energy. This phenomenon is explained by the disappearance of certain paths for resonant Raman scattering and the appearance of other paths beyond this energy. Besides that, the electronic joint density of states is divergent at this energy, which is reflected on the behavior of the Raman bands of the two structures in a qualitatively different way. Additionally, a number of Raman bands, originating from divergent phonon density of states at the M point and at points, inside the Brillouin zone, is also predicted. The calculated spectra for graphene are in excellent agreement with available experimental data. The obtained Raman bands can be used for structural characterization of silicene and graphene samples by Raman spectroscopy

    Theoretical Raman fingerprints of α\alpha-, β\beta-, and γ\gamma-graphyne

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    The novel graphene allotropes α\alpha-, β\beta-, and γ\gamma-graphyne derive from graphene by insertion of acetylenic groups. The three graphynes are the only members of the graphyne family with the same hexagonal symmetry as graphene itself, which has as a consequence similarity in their electronic and vibrational properties. Here, we study the electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, and Raman spectra of these graphynes within an \textit{ab-initio}-based non-orthogonal tight-binding model. In particular, the predicted Raman spectra exhibit a few intense resonant Raman lines, which can be used for identification of the three graphynes by their Raman spectra for future applications in nanoelectronics

    Analysis of the radio-frequency single-electron transistor with large quality factor

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    We have analyzed the response and noise-limited sensitivity of the radio-frequency single-electron transistor (RF-SET), extending the previously developed theory to the case of arbitrary large quality factor Q of the RF-SET tank circuit. It is shown that while the RF-SET response reaches the maximum at Q roughly corresponding to the impedance matching condition, the RF-SET sensitivity monotonically worsens with the increase of Q. Also, we propose a novel operation mode of the RF-SET, in which an overtone of the incident rf wave is in resonance with the tank circuit.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Appl.Phys.Let

    Model of collective modes in three-band superconductors with repulsive interband interactions

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    I consider a simple model of a three-band superconductor with repulsive interband interactions. The frustration, associated with the odd number of bands, leads to the possible existence of an intrinsically complex time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) order parameter. In such state the fluctuations of the different gaps are strongly coupled, and this leads to the development of novel collective modes, which mix phase and amplitude oscillations. I study these fluctuations using a simple microscopic model and derive the dispersion for two physically distinct modes, which are gapped by energy less than twice the gap, and apparently present for all values of interband couplings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Exactness of the Bogoliubov approximation in random external potentials

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    We investigate the validity of the Bogoliubov c-number approximation in the case of interacting Bose-gas in a \textit{homogeneous random} media. To take into account the possible occurence of type III generalized Bose-Einstein condensation (i.e. the occurrence of condensation in an infinitesimal band of low kinetic energy modes without macroscopic occupation of any of them) we generalize the c-number substitution procedure to this band of modes with low momentum. We show that, as in the case of the one-mode condensation for translation-invariant interacting systems, this procedure has no effect on the exact value of the pressure in the thermodynamic limit, assuming that the c-numbers are chosen according to a suitable variational principle. We then discuss the relation between these c-numbers and the (total) density of the condensate

    Partitioning a graph into highly connected subgraphs

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    Given k≥1k\ge 1, a kk-proper partition of a graph GG is a partition P{\mathcal P} of V(G)V(G) such that each part PP of P{\mathcal P} induces a kk-connected subgraph of GG. We prove that if GG is a graph of order nn such that δ(G)≥n\delta(G)\ge \sqrt{n}, then GG has a 22-proper partition with at most n/δ(G)n/\delta(G) parts. The bounds on the number of parts and the minimum degree are both best possible. We then prove that If GG is a graph of order nn with minimum degree δ(G)≥c(k−1)n\delta(G)\ge\sqrt{c(k-1)n}, where c=2123180c=\frac{2123}{180}, then GG has a kk-proper partition into at most cnδ(G)\frac{cn}{\delta(G)} parts. This improves a result of Ferrara, Magnant and Wenger [Conditions for Families of Disjoint kk-connected Subgraphs in a Graph, Discrete Math. 313 (2013), 760--764] and both the degree condition and the number of parts are best possible up to the constant cc

    Towards computing low-makespan solutions for multi-arm multi-task planning problems

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    We propose an approach to find low-makespan solutions to multi-robot multi-task planning problems in environments where robots block each other from completing tasks simultaneously. We introduce a formulation of the problem that allows for an approach based on greedy descent with random restarts for generation of the task assignment and task sequence. We then use a multi-agent path planner to evaluate the makespan of a given assignment and sequence. The planner decomposes the problem into multiple simple subproblems that only contain a single robots and a single task, and can thus be solved quickly to produce a solution for a fixed task sequence. The solutions to the subproblems are then combined to form a valid solution to the original problem. We showcase the approach on robotic stippling and robotic bin picking with up to 4 robot arms. The makespan of the solutions found by our algorithm are up to 30% lower compared to a greedy approach.Comment: Workshop for Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 202
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