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    This article discusses the formation of the religious character of students through scout extracurricular activities where 1 Bone The type of research used by the author is qualitative research (Field Research). Qualitative research is descriptive, namely a form of research aimed at describing an object, existing phenomena which will then be outlined in a narrative writing. The key instrument is the researcher himself, namely the researcher as a planner, implementer in collecting data, analyzing, interpreting data, and reporting on the results of his research. In order to facilitate students so that their character can develop, the school forms many extracurricular activities to support the learning process

    Pengelolaan Wakaf Produktif Dalam Bentuk SPBU Studi Kasus SPBU Masjid Agung Semarang

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    There are several variants of the management and development models that incorporate the concept of waqf productive and consumptive waqf. In the form of management and development of productive waqf property is manifested in the form of public refueling station (SPBU). This research is a descriptive qualitative study aimed to describe the management and development of waqf property of the Great Mosque of Semarang, which has an area of 119.1270 hectares of waqf land, particularly those managed to SPBU. The results showed that SPBU of Great Mosque of Semarang has succeeded in realizing the asset management model and the development of the productive waqf. SPBU of Great Mosque of Semarang have managed to make a significant contribution to the Great Mosque of Semarang and able to provide good service for consumers, as it provides the fuel needed by motorists generally. SPBU of Great Mosque of Semarang is also equipped with various facilities, such as prayer rooms, toilets, filling water and aeration, ATM, rest area, minimarket, clinic, car washbusines

    Subjek-Subjek Wakaf: Kajian Fiqh Mengenai Wakif Dan Nazhir

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang dua subjek wakaf yang penting dalam fiqh wakaf, yaitu wakif dan nazhir. Makalah ini juga membahas kedudukan wakif yang berperan sebagai nazhir terhadap harta wakafnya sendiri. Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah pendekatan fiqh sehingga dipastikan memunculkan beberapa pendapat dalam satu masalah yang dikaji. Hasil kajan menunjukkan bahwa wakaf termasuk akad tabarru' dan wakif harus benar-benar pemilik harta yang telah diwakafkan. Sedangkan nazhir adalah pihak yang paling bertanggungjawab terhadap harta wakaf. Untuk menjadi nazhir, harus terpenuhi syarat-syarat yang dapat disimpulkan pada istilah amanah dan kifayah. Atas segala USAha dan jerih payahnya dalam mengelola harta wakaf, nazhir berhak mendapatkan upah atau imbalan seperti yang ditetapkan wakif, atau apabila tidak maka besarnya dikembalikan kepada upah standar

    Studi Hadis-Hadis Wakaf Dalam Kitab Sahih Al-Bukhari Dan Fath Al-Bari

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    Makalah ini memaparkan hadis-hadis mengenai wakaf yang terdapat dalam kitab Sahih al-Bukhari dan syarahnya, yaitu Fath al-Bari. Hasil studi menunjukkan ada sekitar 26 hadis yang menerangkan wakaf, sebagian besar diantaranya adalah pengulangan-pengulangan. Setelah diteliti dan dilakukan pemilahan, penulis menemukan delapan hadis dengan redaksi dan makna yang berbeda. Penulis tidak menemukan kata wakaf dalam hadis-hadis tersebut. Redaksi yang digunakan adalah Shadaqah, Habbasa, dan Ihtabasa. Pembahasan mengenai wakaf tidak disebutkan dalam bab wakaf. Hadis-hadis wakaf memang terbatas dan Ibnu Hajar memberikan syarah yang panjang hanya bagi hadis ‘Umar yang terkenal itu. Oleh karena itu, hadis-hadis wakaf yang ada dalam kitab ini tidak cukup memberikan informasi bagi problematika wakaf yang terus berkembang

    Model Stratejik Peningkatan Kinerja Guru

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    A Strategic Model for Promoting the Performance of State Senior High School Teachers. The objective of this study was to reveal: (1) teachers' improved performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district, (2) factors supporting the improvement of teachers' performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district, (3) design of strategic model for the improvement of teachers' performance at Public Senior High Schools in Aceh Besar district. The data were collected through observa­tion, interview, and documentation. The subjects of study were selected from two senior high schools. The research findings indicate that: (1) the improvement of teachers' performance is related to policy and planning, which was conducted through training, workshops, routine discussions, internship programs, and continuing study, (2) the supporting factors are determined by intellectual competency, motivation, and teachers' positive perception towards the main tasks and its function, and (3) the strategic model of teachers' performance is related to the context of teachers' performance standardization and improvement system. Model Stratejik Peningkatan Kinerja Guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan (1) gambaran empirik peningkatan kinerja guru SMAN Kabupaten Aceh Besar, (2) faktor-faktor penunjang peningkatan kinerja guru SMAN Kabupaten Aceh Besar , (3) rancangan model stratejik peningkatan kinerja guru SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan inquiry qualitative-interactive, dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ditentukan secara purposif. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa: (1) gambaran emperik peningkatan kinerja guru mengacu pada kebijakan, perencanaan, yang dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan penataran, workshop MGMP, pertemuan rutin, program sandaran, dan studi lanjut, (2) Faktor-faktor penunjang kinerja guru turut ditentukan oleh: kemampuan intelektual, motivasi, dan persepsi guru yang positif terhadap tugas pokok dan fungsinya, (3) model stratejik peningkatan kinerja guru tidak lepas dari konteks standarisasi kinerja guru dan sistem pengembangan karier keguruan sebagai PNS baik secara individu maupun kelompok dalam posisi jabatan yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya

    The Prediction Potential Areas of Catching Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Based on Chlorophyll-a Distribution Using Satellite Image Npp Viirs in West Sumatra Waters

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    The purpose of this studywas to determine the potential area for catchingcakalang (Katsuwonuspelamis) based on the distribution of chlorophyll-a satellite image of the NPP VIIRS in West Sumatra Waters by 2013. The methods used in this study are a survey method and spatial analysis. The results of this studysuggest that the location of the fishing ground cakalang by 2013 is at position 00 25 \u27 48 " N – 50 34 \u27 48" S and 950 25 \u27 23 " E-1000 57 \u27 E. Distribution of chlorophyll-a who analyzed satellite images of NPP VIIRS between 0.13-0.26 mg/m3 whereas maximum CPUE as much as 0,1875 kg/trip in April. Correlation between chlorophyll-a and CPUE have strong relationship i.e. 0.60 while the influence of these variables both 36% among other factors. The resulting regression equation both of these variables showed that the increasing chlorophyll-a caused the decline of the CPUE

    Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Atas Pembuktian Itikad Tidak Baik dalam Pendaftaran Merek

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    A brand is a symbol of a product which is used to introduce a product produced by a company to people in the market. It plays a very important role for its owner. Registering a product has to be done with good faith because if it is done with bad faith, the registration will be rejected by the Directorate General of HaKI and can be canceled by the Court after the legitimate owner have filed a complaint. The study used judicial normative method. Legal protection for famous brands and for brand registrants with good faith is stipulated in Law No. 15/2001 on Brand, and its legal enforcement is through the hearing in Court, from the Commercial Court to cassation appeal to the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, the Ruling of the Supreme Court in giving legal protection for famous brands and for brand registrants with good faith is usually inconsistent

    Pengembangan Cd Interaktif dengan Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu Berbasis Masalah pada Kelas VIII SMP

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    Interactive CD Media Development in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model in Eighth Grade Junior High School. The aim of this research is developing Interactive CD Media in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model in class VIII SMPN 9 Pontianak. The methods of this research that is used is descriptive qualitative methods. The data is collected from the result of questionnaires and tests. Those were analized qualitatively. The results of this research showed that: 1) The results of the Interactive CD Media Development in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model with criteria very good with mean score of 4.37; 2) the data on students' motivation after learning conducted showed excellent criterion with a mean score of 3.37. 3) students motivation after learning conducted result in criteria very good with the mean score 3.37; 5) learning acquisition showed an increase in the mean pre-test score of 37.00, while the post-test mean score of 69.67 leading to increase in the mean score of 32.67 students. Thus, it can be concluded that the interactive CD media products developed valid and fit use in learning in Integrated Social Studies Lessons in SMP class VIII

    Relationship Between the Catch Fish with Concentration of Chlorophyll-a Image Data Based on Modis Aqua in Waters North of Java

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the variability of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) and chlorophyll-a and see the connection between the catch squid and chlorophyll-a concentrations found in the waters north of the island of Java in 2016. The data used is satellite image data Aqua MODIS Level 3 and using Quantum GIS applications 2.18. The analysis uses spatial analysis to see the variability of chlorophyll-a and CPUE while the analysis of the relationship between CPUE and chlorophyll-a simple linear regression. The results of the spatial analysis of data Aqua MODIS Level 3 has the highest maximum value is 63.443 mg / m³ in May with a minimum value is 0.070 mg / m³ and the average value is 1.160 mg / m³. From the results of linear regression analysis has a value of r is 0,4483 so that the effect of the concentration of chlorophyll-a to fluctuations in CPUE amounted to 20,1%
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