47 research outputs found
Elaboration of New Method of Deep Processing of Caro-tene-containing Raw Materials Into Nanoadditives with the Use of Cryogenic Freezing and Fine-dispersed Grinding
The aim of the work is elaboration of principally new cryogenic method of deep processing of carotene-containing vegetable raw material (CCVRM) such as carrot, pumpkin, sweet Bulgarian pepper, tomato, sea buckthorn, apricot using cryogenic freezing and fine-dispersed grinding.The new method of deep processing leads to more full extracting and removal of β-carotene from the state, bound with biopolymers into free and hydrophilic form. The mechanism of these processes was presented. It was established, that mass share of β-carotene in cryopuree, received by the new method, exceeds its content in initial (fresh) CCVRM in 3,0…3,5 times.The regularities of growth and transformation of carotenoids separately at freezing with different high speeds and low-temperature grinding of CCYRM were established. It was demonstrated, that at cryogenic freezing take place quantitative increase of mass share of carotenoids in 2,0…2,5 times comparing with initial (fresh) raw material depending on freezing speed and type of CCVRM. That is it was demonstrated, that frozen carotene-containing vegetable raw material contains 2,0…2,5 times more β-carotene than fresh one. Mechanism of these processes was presented.It was demonstrated, that cryopuree of CCVRM, received using new methods of deep processing, exceeds the initial (fresh) raw material by the content not only β-carotene but also other low-molecular bioactive substances: L-ascorbic acid – in 2,0…2,2 times, phenol compounds – in 1,7…1,8 times, tanning substances – in 1,5…1,7 times). That is they have principally new chemical composition, because practically all bioactive substances (BAS) in cryopuree are in nanosize form and easily assimilated by human organism
Comparative Analysis of Clinical and Functional Results and Position of Intraocular Lens after Femtolaser-Assisted and Standard Cataract Phacoemulsification
Modern surgical treatment of cataracts provides effective results. The study of the position of the intraocular lens (IOL) in the capsule bag can be considered as one of the most important factors influencing the final visual and refractive result of the operation.Aim: comparative analysis of clinical and functional results and position of the IOL in the capsular bag, namely decentration and tilt, when performing femtolazer-assisted phacoemulsification (FLACS) and standard phacoemulsification (CPCS). Materials and methods. We surveyed 57 patients (57 eyes). FLACS was performed in 27 patients, CPCS – in 30 patients. Standard methods of research were used, determination of the position of the IOL (decentration and tilt) in the capsular bag on the device OCT-Casia2 (TOMEY, Germany) and study of wave front were conducted.Results. Comparative analysis of the obtained results showed no significant difference between groups in postoperative visual acuity, however, there was the trend towards higher performance corrected distance visual acuity and uncorrected distance in the group FLACS (0.68 ± 0.18 and 0.74 ± 0.2) compared to the group CPCS (0.58 ± 0.28 and 0.65 ± 0.24). Internal higher order aberrations were significantly low in the group with femtolazer accompaniment: in 3 mm zone almost 2 times (p = 0.041), in 5 mm zone 1.3 times (p = 0.047). Vertical decentration in a CPCS group made 0.217 ± 0.26 mm, in FLACS group – 0.118 ± 0.05 mm, the vertical tilt – 0.75 ± 0.37° and 0.54 ± 0.36 respectively. Conclusion. Decentralizations and IOL tilt tended to lower indices in the FLACS during the observation period up to 2 months after the operation, which was accompanied by lower values of higher order internal aberrations
Regularities of structural-cellular structure of ovaries in ontogenesis
The article presents the examination of the ovaries of embryos, ovaries of human feti and ovaries of children of the tender age. The researches revealed the increase of the surface of follicles, nucleus and primary oocyte's cytoplasm that tells about the fact that further follicular maturation continues in the ovaries of a child of 2-4 months old. Also we registered the increase of nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, appearance of single mature follicles with cumulus oophorus that testifies to the fact that the ovary is functionally mature. Furthermore the research revealed increased content of lipids and DNA in follicular epithelium that also tells aboutfunctional maturity of the ovary. It was found that incretory activity of an ovary during the first year of life is provided by the cells originated from the connective tissue membrane of atresic follicles
Analysis of chromosome aberrations by FISH and Giemsa assays in lymphocytes of cancer patients undergoing whole-body irradiation: comparison of in vivo and in vitro irradiation
Abstract. Studies of the frequencies of chromosome exchange aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes provide useful Purpose : To study the cytogenetic eVects of fractionated radiobiodosimetric information (IAEA 1986, Darroudi therapy in peripheral blood lymphocytes of ve cancer patients. 2000). For individual dose estimation, a calibration In vitro experiments were performed in parallel using the same dose-response curve constructed for human lympho- patients undergoing protracted whole-body irradiGiemsa-stained preparations were used to score unstable ation at low doses before local radiotherapy at high aberrations following in vivo and in vitro exposure. dose. Results: A linear dose-response curve was determined for both dicentrics and translocations. The in vivo frequency of translocations was higher than for dicentrics. Dose-response curves Materials and methods generated for translocations following in vivo and in vitro irradiation yielded similar frequencies. In contrast, for dicentrics, in 2.1. Subjects vitro irradiation yielded a higher frequency when compared with data generated following in vivo exposure. The study was performed on ve patients aged Conclusions : For dose reconstruction purposes, translocations fre-23-70 years, one woman and four men, with quency seems to be a more adequate end-point than the scoring advanced cancers and distant metastases
Нарушение обмена железа — универсальный патогенетический фактор в поражении органов и систем при COVID-19
Relevance. The pathogenesis of COVID-19 remains one of the most pressing. The literature discusses the role of iron as a factor supporting inflammatory processes, hypercoagulability and microcirculation crisis in severe COVID-19.The aim of study. was to identify changes in iron metabolism in patients with severe COVID-19 and hyperferritinemia.Material and methods. In this study, we used a content analysis of available scientific publications and our own observations of the peculiarities of the clinical picture and laboratory parameters in patients with a severe course of COVID-19 who had hyperferretinemia at the height of the disease. The main group consisted of 30 patients hospitalized in the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care of N.A. Semashko City clinical Hospital No. 38 with the diagnosis COVID-19, bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, severe course and hyperferritinemia. The diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection was confirmed by visualization of bilateral viral lung lesions with chest CT-scan, positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 and the presence of immunoglobulins to SARS-CoV-2. The control group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers. The study evaluated the biochemical parameters of iron metabolism, fibrinolysis and markers of inflammation. Changes associated with impaired iron metabolism were assessed by the level of serum iron, transferrin, daily and induced iron excretion in the urine. Statistical processing was carried out using nonparametric methods.Results. All patients with severe COVID-19 and hyperferritinemia showed signs of impaired iron metabolism, inflammation and fibrinolysis — a decrease in the level of transferrin (p<0.001), serum iron (p><0.005), albumin (p><0.001), lymphocytes (p><0.001) and an increase in leukocytes (p><0.001), neutrophils (p><0.001), CRP (p><0.005), IL-6 (p><0.001), D-dimer (p><0.005), daily urinary iron excretion (p><0.005) and induced urinary iron excretion (p><0.001). Conclusions The study showed that in the pathogenesis of the severe course of COVID-19, there is a violation of iron metabolism and the presence of a free iron fraction. The appearance of free iron can be caused by damage to cells with the “release” of iron from cytochromes, myoglobin, hemoglobin, or violation of the binding of iron to transferrin, which may be the result of a change in the protein structure or violation of the oxidation of iron to the trivalent state. When assessing the degree of viral effect on the body, one should take into account the effect of various regulators of iron metabolism, as well as an assessment of the level of free iron not associated with transferrin. Keywords: new coronavirus infection, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, iron metabolism, free iron, ferritin, transferrin, NTBI, nontransferrin bound iron>˂0.001), serum iron (p˂0.005), albumin (p˂0.001), lymphocytes (p˂0.001) and an increase in leukocytes (p˂0.001), neutrophils (p˂0.001), CRP (p˂0.005), IL-6 (p˂0.001), D-dimer (p˂0.005), daily urinary iron excretion (p˂0.005) and induced urinary iron excretion (p˂0.001).Conclusions. The study showed that in the pathogenesis of the severe course of COVID-19, there is a violation of iron metabolism and the presence of a free iron fraction. The appearance of free iron can be caused by damage to cells with the “release” of iron from cytochromes, myoglobin, hemoglobin, or violation of the binding of iron to transferrin, which may be the result of a change in the protein structure or violation of the oxidation of iron to the trivalent state. When assessing the degree of viral effect on the body, one should take into account the effect of various regulators of iron metabolism, as well as an assessment of the level of free iron not associated with transferrin. Актуальность. Вопрос патогенеза COVID-19 остается одним из самых актуальных. В литературе обсуждается роль железа в качестве фактора, поддерживающего воспалительные процессы, гиперкоагуляцию и кризис микроциркуляции при тяжелом течении COVID-19.Цель исследования. Выявление изменений показателей обмена железа у больных с тяжелым течением COVID-19 и гиперферритинемией.Материал и методы. В настоящем исследовании использованы контент-анализ имеющихся научных публикаций и собственные наблюдения за особенностями клинической картины и лабораторных параметров у пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19, имевших гиперферритинемию в период наибольших проявлений заболевания. Основная группа состояла из 30 пациентов, госпитализированных в отделение анестезиологии, реанимации и интенсивной терапии СПб ГБУЗ «Городская больница № 38 им. Н.А. Семашко» с диагнозом «COVID-19, двусторонняя полисегментарная пневмония, тяжелое течение» и гиперферритинемией. Диагноз новой коронавирусной инфекции подтверждался визуализацией двустороннего вирусного поражения легких при компьютерной томографии грудной клетки, положительным ПЦР-тестом на SARS-CoV-2 и наличием иммуноглобулинов к SARS-CoV-2. Группу сравнения составили 20 здоровых добровольцев. В работе дана оценка биохимических показателей обмена железа, фибринолиза и маркеров воспаления. Изменения, связанные с нарушением обмена железа, оценивали по уровню сывороточного железа, трансферрина, суточной и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой. Статистическую обработку осуществляли с помощью непараметрических методов.Результаты. У всех пациентов с тяжелым течением COVID-19 и гиперферритинемией отмечались статистически значимые признаки нарушения метаболизма железа, воспаления и фибринолиза — снижение уровня сывороточного трансферрина (p<0,001), железа (p><0,005) и альбумина (p><0,001), лимфоцитов (p><0,001) в крови, повышение содержания в ней лейкоцитов (p><0,001), нейтрофилов (p><0,001), СРБ (p><0,005), ИЛ-6 (p><0,001), D-димера (p><0,005), а также увеличение суточной (p><0,005) и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой (p><0,001). заключение Проведенное исследование показало, что в патогенезе тяжелого течения COVID-19 имеет место нарушение метаболизма железа и наличие свободной фракции железа. Появление свободного железа может быть вызвано повреждением клеток с высвобождением железа из цитохромов, миоглобина, гемоглобина либо нарушением процессов связывания железа с трансферрином, что может быть результатом изменения структуры белка или нарушением процесса окисления железа в трехвалентное состояние. При оценке степени вирусного влияния на организм следует учитывать и влияние различных регуляторов метаболизма железа, а также оценку уровня свободного, не связанного с трансферрином железа. Ключевые слова: новая коронавирусная инфекция, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, обмен железа, свободное железо, ферритин, трансферрин, NTBI, nontransferrin bound iron>˂0,001), железа (p˂0,005) и альбумина (p˂0,001), лимфоцитов (p˂0,001) в крови, повышение содержания в ней лейкоцитов (p˂0,001), нейтрофилов (p˂0,001), СРБ (p˂0,005), ИЛ-6 (p˂0,001), D-димера (p˂0,005), а также увеличение суточной (p0,005) и индуцированной экскреции железа с мочой (p˂0,001).Заключение. Проведенное исследование показало, что в патогенезе тяжелого течения COVID-19 имеет место нарушение метаболизма железа и наличие свободной фракции железа. Появление свободного железа может быть вызвано повреждением клеток с высвобождением железа из цитохромов, миоглобина, гемоглобина либо нарушением процессов связывания железа с трансферрином, что может быть результатом изменения структуры белка или нарушением процесса окисления железа в трехвалентное состояние. При оценке степени вирусного влияния на организм следует учитывать и влияние различных регуляторов метаболизма железа, а также оценку уровня свободного, не связанного с трансферрином железа.
Disorders of sex development with Y chromosome material has been associated with a high risk for developing germ cell tumors such as gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk of germ cell tumors in patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis. Material and methods. In the study included 11 patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis: 4 with complete gonadal dysgenesis and 4 with partial gonadal dysgenesis. Results. Pathologic examination revealed gonadoblastoma and dysgerminoma with gonadoblastoma in 2 of 9 (22%) patients (who had gonadectomy), including 2 of 3 patients (66 %) with complete gonadal dysgenesis. In our series of patients with gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY the risk of germ cell tumors was high, especially in patients with complete gonadal dysgenesis. Considering this results, early gonadectomy is strongly recommended in females patients. The patients with partial dysgenesis with scrotal gonads being reared as males need monitoring. Нарушение формирования пола с кариотипом 46,XY или наличием в кариотипе материала Y-хромосомы рассматривается в качестве фактора риска опухоли гонад из герминативных клеток: гонадобластомы и дисгерминомы. Однако характер риска при различных вариантах нарушения формирования пола окончательно не установлен.Цель исследования – определить риск развития опухоли из герминативных клеток при одном из вариантов нарушения формирования пола – дисгенезии яичек с кариотипом 46,XY.Материал и методы. В исследование включено 11 пациентов с дисгенезией яичек и кариотипом 46,XY. В 4 наблюдениях имела место тотальная, в 7 – парциальная дисгенезия яичек. В 9 случаях проведена гонадэктомия с последующим гистологическим исследованием материала.Результаты. По результатам гистологического исследования гонадобластома и дисгерминома выявлены в 2 (22%) из 9 наблюдений. При этом гонадобластома и дисгерминома имели место в 2 (66%) из 3 наблюдений при тотальной дисгенезии яичек, и не выявлены ни в одном из 6 случаев парциальной дисгенезии яичек (p = 0,1).Заключение. Таким образом, дисгенезия яичек с кариотипоп 46,XY является фактором риска развития опухоли из герминативных клеток. При тотальной форме дисгенезии яичек риск развития опухоли несколько выше. Необходимо производить гонадэктомию при тотальной дисгенезии яичек в момент выявления заболевания. При парциальной дисгенезии яичек и выборе мужского паспортного пола требуется длительное наблюдение за сохраненными гонадами