540 research outputs found

    Structural evolution in the neutron-rich nuclei 106Zr and 108Zr

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    The low-lying states in 106Zr and 108Zr have been investigated by means of {\beta}-{\gamma} and isomer spectroscopy at the RI beam factory, respectively. A new isomer with a half-life of 620\pm150 ns has been identified in 108Zr. For the sequence of even-even Zr isotopes, the excitation energies of the first 2+ states reach a minimum at N = 64 and gradually increase as the neutron number increases up to N = 68, suggesting a deformed sub-shell closure at N = 64. The deformed ground state of 108Zr indicates that a spherical sub-shell gap predicted at N = 70 is not large enough to change the ground state of 108Zr to the spherical shape. The possibility of a tetrahedral shape isomer in 108Zr is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Strong suppression of Curie temperature of spin-polarized ferromagnet La1−xSrxMnO3 by application of dynamic strain

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    The ferromagnetic state of the spin-polarized ferromagnet La1−xSrxMnO3 is stabilized in the metallic region by strong coupling between localized spins in the t2g orbital and conduction electrons in the eg orbital. We prepared polycrystalline La1−xSrxMnO3 films (x = 0.15, 0.25, or 0.30) by deposition on an oxidized Si substrate. The three types of La1−xSrxMnO3 films were in the ferromagnetic rhombohedral phase, and their Curie temperatures, TC, evaluated from the midpoint of ac magnetization, were 305 K, 335 K, and 338 K, respectively. By applying expansion-mode acoustic vibration to the crystal structure of La1−xSrxMnO3, we observed a remarkable decrease (as large as 70 K) in TC. The applied structural perturbation causes a decrease in the possibility of conduction electron hopping and an increase in the Jahn–Teller distortion. The former is more effective for decreasing TC than the latte

    Elevated transaminases as a predictor of coma in a patient with anorexia nervosa: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Liver injury is a frequent complication associated with anorexia nervosa, and steatosis of the liver is thought to be the major underlying pathology. However, acute hepatic failure with transaminase levels over 1000 IU/mL and deep coma are very rare complications and the mechanism of pathogenesis is largely unknown.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 37-year-old Japanese woman showed features of acute liver failure and hepatic coma which were not associated with hypoglycemia or hyper-ammonemia. Our patient's consciousness was significantly improved with the recovery of liver function and normalization of transaminase levels after administration of nutritional support.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our case report demonstrates that transaminase levels had an inverse relationship with the consciousness of our patient, although the pathogenesis of coma remains largely unknown. This indicates that transaminase levels can be one of the key predictors of impending coma in patients with anorexia nervosa. Therefore, frequent monitoring of transaminase levels combined with rigorous treatment of the underlying nutritional deficiency and psychiatric disorder are necessary to prevent this severe complication.</p

    Usefulness and safety of 0.4% sodium hyaluronate solution as a submucosal fluid "cushion" for endoscopic resection of colorectal mucosal neoplasms: A prospective multi-center open-label trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sodium hyaluronate (SH) solution has been used for submucosal injection in endoscopic resection to create a long-lasting submucosal fluid "cushion". Recently, we proved the usefulness and safety of 0.4% SH solution in endoscopic resection for gastric mucosal tumors. To evaluate the usefulness of 0.4% SH as a submucosal injection solution for colorectal endoscopic resection, we conducted an open-label clinical trial on six referral hospitals in Japan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective multi-center open-label study was designed. A total of 41 patients with 5–20 mm neoplastic lesions localized in the colorectal mucosa at six referral hospitals in Japan in a single year period from December 2002 to November 2003 were enrolled and underwent endoscopic resection with SH. The usefulness of 0.4% SH was assessed by the <it>en bloc </it>complete resection and the formation and maintenance of mucosal lesion-lifting during endoscopic resection. Safety was evaluated by analyzing adverse events during the study period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The usefulness rate was high (82.5%; 33/40). The following secondary outcome measures were noted: 1) steepness of mucosal lesion-lifting, 75.0% (30/40); 2) intraoperative complications, 10.0% (4/40); 3) time required for mucosal resection, 6.7 min; 4) volume of submucosal injection, 6.8 mL and 5) ease of mucosal resection, 87.5% (35/40). Two adverse events of bleeding potentially related to 0.4% SH were reported.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using 0.4% SH solution enabled sufficient lifting of a colorectal intramucosal lesion during endoscopic resection, reducing the need for additional injections and the risk of perforation. Therefore, 0.4% SH may contribute to the reduction of complications and serve as a promising submucosal injection solution due to its potentially superior safety in comparison to normal saline solution.</p

    Massive variceal bleeding secondary to splenic vein thrombosis successfully treated with splenic artery embolization: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Splenic vein thrombosis results in localized portal hypertension called sinistral portal hypertension, which may also lead to massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Symptomatic sinistral portal hypertension is usually best treated by splenectomy, but interventional radiological techniques are safe and effective alternatives in the management of a massive hemorrhage, particularly in cases that have a high surgical risk.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a 23-year-old Greek man with acute massive gastric variceal bleeding caused by splenic vein thrombosis due to a missing von Leiden factor, which was successfully managed with splenic arterial embolization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Interventional radiological techniques are attractive alternatives for patients with a high surgical risk or in cases when the immediate surgical excision of the spleen is technically difficult. Additionally, surgery is not always successful because of the presence of numerous portal collaterals and adhesion. Splenic artery embolization is now emerging as a safe and effective alternative to surgery in the management of massive hemorrhage from gastric varices due to splenic vein thrombosis, which often occurs in patients with hypercoagulability.</p

    Hyperammonemic Coma—Barking Up the Wrong Tree

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    Hepatic encephalopathy and myxedema coma share clinical features: coma, ascites, anemia, impaired liver functions, and a “metabolic” electroencephalogram (EEG). Hyperammonemia, a hallmark of hepatic encephalopathy, has also been described in hypothyroidism. Differentiation between the 2 conditions, recognition of their possible coexistence, and the consequent therapeutic implications are of utmost importance. We describe a case of an 82-year-old woman with a history of mild chronic liver disease who presented with hyperammonemic coma unresponsive to conventional therapy. Further investigation disclosed severe hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone replacement resulted in gain of consciousness and normalization of hyperammonemia. In patients with an elevated ammonia level, altered mental status, and liver disease, who do not have a clear inciting event for liver disease decompensation, overwhelming evidence of hepatic decompensation, or who do not respond to appropriate therapy for hepatic encephalopathy, hypothyroidism should be considered and evaluated

    Induction of ER stress in response to oxygen-glucose deprivation of cortical cultures involves the activation of the PERK and IRE-1 pathways and of caspase-12

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    Disturbance of calcium homeostasis and accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are considered contributory components of cell death after ischemia. However, the signal-transducing events that are activated by ER stress after cerebral ischemia are incompletely understood. In this study, we show that caspase-12 and the PERK and IRE pathways are activated following oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) of mixed cortical cultures or neonatal hypoxia–ischemia (HI). Activation of PERK led to a transient phosphorylation of eIF2α, an increase in ATF4 levels and the induction of gadd34 (a subunit of an eIF2α-directed phosphatase). Interestingly, the upregulation of ATF4 did not lead to an increase in the levels of CHOP. Additionally, IRE1 activation was mediated by the increase in the processed form of xbp1, which would be responsible for the observed expression of edem2 and the increased levels of the chaperones GRP78 and GRP94. We were also able to detect caspase-12 proteolysis after HI or OGD. Processing of procaspase-12 was mediated by NMDA receptor and calpain activation. Moreover, our data suggest that caspase-12 activation is independent of the unfolded protein response activated by ER stress

    Narrow band imaging for the detection of gastric intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia during surveillance endoscopy

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    Background: Surveillance of premalignant gastric lesions relies mainly on random biopsy sampling. Narrow band imaging (NBI) may enhance the accuracy of endoscopic surveillance of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia. We aimed to compare the yield of NBI to white light endoscopy (WLE) in the surveillance of patients with IM and dysplasia. Methods: Patients with previously identified gastric IM or dysplasia underwent a surveillance endoscopy. Both WLE and NBI were performed in all patients during a single procedure. The sensitivity of WLE and NBI for the detection of premalignant lesions was calculated by correlating endoscopic findings to histological diagnosis. Results: Forty-three patients (28 males and 15 females, mean age 59 years) were included. IM was diagnosed in 27 patients; 20 were detected by NBI and WLE, four solely by NBI and three by random biopsies only. Dysplasia was detected in seven patients by WLE and NBI and in two patients by random biopsies only. Sixty-eight endoscopically detected lesions contained IM: 47 were detected by WLE and NBI, 21 by NBI only. Nine endoscopically detected lesions demonstrated dysplasia: eight were detected by WLE and NBI, one was detected by NBI only. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for detection of premalignant lesions were 71, 58, 65 and 65% for NBI and 51, 67, 62 and 55% for WLE, respectively. Conclusions: NBI increases the diagnostic yield for detection of advanced premalignant gastric lesions compared to routine WLE