15 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Anti Jamur Ekstrak Metanol Dari Tumbuhan Rempah-rempahan

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    Phytophthora palmivora Butler merupakan salahsatu jamur patogen yang sering menyerang tanamancoklat, kelapa dan pepaya sehingga menjadi busukdan mati. Banyak tanaman yang telah diketahuimempunyai aktivitas sebagai fungisida alami sehinggadapat dijadikan alternatif terhadap penyakit yangdisebabkan oleh jamur P. palmivora Butler. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antijamurterhadap P. palmivora Butler dari ekstrak metanolsimplisia uji. Simplisia dimaserasi dengan metanolkemudian diuapkan menggunakan vakum putarsehingga diperoleh ekstrak metanol pekat. Uji aktivitasantijamur menggunakan metode Difusi Agar danprosentase penghambatan pertumbuhan radial miseliumjamur dihitung pada hari kelima. Ekstrak metanoldiuji pada konsentrasi 1 dan 0,5% b/v. Semua ekstrakmetanol yang diuji menunjukkan aktivitas antijamurP. palmivora Butler. Ekstrak metanol simplisia yangmenunjukkan aktivitas antijamur paling tinggi adalahekstrak metanol bunga Syzygium aromaticum dengandaya hambat 89,85%, diikuti ekstrak metanol daunCassia alata, rimpang Curcuma xanthorrhiza, rimpangCurcuma zedoaria dan rimpang Curcuma domesticadengan daya hambat 67,57; 70,44; 61,68 dan 51,20%,pada konsentrasi 1% b/v

    Efek Antihiperurikemia Ekstrak Air Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) pada Tikus Putih Wistar Jantan

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    Antihyperuricemia effectivity had been studying of water extract roselle calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in Wistar male rats used at 46.25 mg/kgBW, 92.5 mg/kgBW and 185 mg/kgBW by using uricostatic methods. In uricostatic method had used drug comparison alopurinol 9 mg/kgBW of an induced with potassium oxonate 250 mg/kgBW peritoneally and high purin diet which contained 10% seed of Gnetum gnemon administrations within 14 days. The test of uric acid content had observed on day 1, 7 and 14. The results showed in uricostatic method with alopurinol as drug comparison that water extract of roselle calyx at doses 46,25 mg/kgBW and 185 mg/ kgBW had capability decreased the level of uric acid (

    Bioengineering of the plant culture of Capsicum frutescens with vanillin synthase gene for the production of vanillin

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    Production of vanillin by bioengineering has gained popularity due to consumer demand towards vanillin produced by biological systems. Natural vanillin from vanilla beans is very expensive to produce compared to its synthetic counterpart. Current bioengineering works mainly involve microbial biotechnology. Therefore, alternative means to the current approaches are constantly being explored. This work describes the use of vanillin synthase (VpVAN), to bioconvert ferulic acid to vanillin in a plant system. The VpVAN enzyme had been shown to directly convert ferulic acid and its glucoside into vanillin and its glucoside, respectively. As the ferulic acid precursor and vanillin were found to be the intermediates in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway of Capsicum species, this work serves as a proof-of-concept for vanillin production using Capsicum frutescens (C. frutescens or hot chili pepper). The cells of C. frutescens were genetically transformed with a codon optimized VpVAN gene via biolistics. Transformed explants were selected and regenerated into callus. Successful integration of the gene cassette into the plant genome was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. High performance liquid chromatography was used to quantify the phenolic compounds detected in the callus tissues. The vanillin content of transformed calli was 0.057% compared to 0.0003% in untransformed calli

    Penambatan Molekul Senyawa Turunan Orizanol terhadap Enzim 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) Reduktase

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    Oryzanol has been reported to reduce serum total cholesterol (hypolipidemic agent) by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme responsible for the metabolic pathway that produces cholesterol and isoprenoid. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the inhibition activity of oryzanol derivatives on HMG-CoA reductase by molecular docking. Four structure of oryzanol derivatives, Lanosteryl-ferulate, Brassicasteryl-ferulate, Lupeol-ferulate, and Cholesteryl-ferulate were used as ligands for molecular docking. The HMG-CoA reductase structure was obtained from protein data bank and the study was performed using AutoDock Tools as a molecular docking software. All oryzanol derivatives show binding affinity against HMG-CoA reductase. Lupeol-ferulate was predicted to be the best inhibitory activity against HMG-CoA reductase because of molecular docking

    Efek Antihiperurikemia Ekstrak Air Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) pada Tikus Putih Wistar Jantan

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    Antihyperuricemia effectivity had been studying of water extract roselle calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in Wistar male rats used at 46.25 mg/kgBW, 92.5 mg/kgBW and 185 mg/kgBW by using uricostatic methods. In uricostatic method had used drug comparison alopurinol 9 mg/kgBW of an induced with potassium oxonate 250 mg/kgBW peritoneally and high purin diet which contained 10% seed of Gnetum gnemon administrations within 14 days. The test of uric acid content had observed on day 1, 7 and 14. The results showed in uricostatic method with alopurinol as drug comparison that water extract of roselle calyx at doses 46,25 mg/kgBW and 185 mg/ kgBW had capability decreased the level of uric acid (