72 research outputs found


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    The problems of creation and forming information resources on science and technology, the impact of information on the process of providing enterprises and organizations of Belarus with scientific and technical information are considered. Specific examples are given. Actual problems and tasks are identified.Рассматриваются вопросы создания и формирования информационных ресурсов по науке и технике, влияния информатизации на процессы обеспечения научно-технической информацией (НТИ) предприятий и организаций Беларуси, приводятся конкретные примеры, определяются акту-альные проблемы и задач

    Mathematical model for the analysis of environmental risk factors

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    The article studies the economic consequences of harmful effects on the environment. A mathematical model has been developed for the analysis of environmental risk factors. When constructing a model, the probability of an insured event depending on time is taken into account. It is shown that different probabilistic impact models can be used for different categories of risk factors. The development of a dynamic model is based on the methods of probability theory, actuarial mathematics and, accordingly, on the, numerical methods and simulation methods. Analytical expressions for the risk factor integral value of environmental management are obtained in the work. The mathematical calculation of the distribution function, or the survival function before the time period occurrence of an insured event in different cases is performed, namely: in the case of a risk factor with a constant intensity, in the case of gradually emerging risk factors with their constant intensities, in the case when the survival function is decreasing at a linear rate, as well as in the case when equipment wear and tear leads to an exponential increase in the risk intensity


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    Purpose: To reveal the peculiarities of violations of the vegetative regulation of a rhythm of cardiac activity in patients with refractory hypertension on the background of type 2 diabetes.Materials and methods: we examined 30 patients with hypertension (group 1) and 16 patients with refractory hypertension(group 2). Patients of the two groups were of type 2 diabetes. Control group - 30 practically healthy people. All patients were Holter ECG monitoring, autonomic tests Шелонга, Вальсальвы, the sample with a deep breath, and also evaluated the oxidative modification of proteins and antioxidant protection.Results: in 1-St and 2-nd groups identified the reduction of pNN50 to 20.2± 2.9 ms and 10.4± 4.1 ms and rMSSD to 31.2± 5.3% and 23.9± 6.1%,respectively. Electrical instability infarction is detected in 60% of patients of the 1st group and in 81.2% of patients of the 2nd group in the form of альтернации detection.Summary: the violation of the variability of cardiac rhythm - earlier manifestation of defeat infarction in patients with hypertension and diabetes 2типа, and a progressive decline in the activity of the parasympathetic nerve and/or the increase of the sympathetic Department of the vegetative nervous system is associated with increased intensity of oxidative modification of proteins

    Activization of Innovative Activities of Russian Commercial Banks

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    In the article the authors use systemic and historic analysis to determine the significant stages of formation and development of the Russian banking system. The authors study the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia and substantiate its influence on activization of innovative activities of commercial banks which determined the stability and reliability of the whole banking system. Despite the preconditions for activization of innovative processes in the banking sector, there still remains a range of unsolved problems. That’s why the authors allocated the key factors which allow reaching rapid development and allow the Russian banking sector to become competitive in the global banking society. As a result of the conducted study of modern tendencies that take place in the Russia’s economy and analysis of innovative activities of commercial banks and with the help of methods of scientific generalization, the authors substantiate the directions of development of innovative activities of commercial banks. The main of them are: development of electronic banking technologies, increase of quality and accessibility of banking services on the basis of development of modern types of customer service and improvement of security of banking business. It is found that as of now, the top-priority directions of activities of the Bank of Russia are development of national payment system and system of online banking. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s6p20

    Detecting K-complexes for sleep stage identification using nonsmooth optimisation

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    The process of sleep stage identification is a labour-intensive task that involves the specialized interpretation of the polysomnographic signals captured from a patient’s overnight sleep session. Automating this task has proven to be challenging for data mining algorithms because of noise, complexity and the extreme size of data. In this paper we apply nonsmooth optimization to extract key features that lead to better accuracy. We develop a specific procedure for identifying K-complexes, a special type of brain wave crucial for distinguishing sleep stages. The procedure contains two steps. We first extract “easily classified” K-complexes, and then apply nonsmooth optimization methods to extract features from the remaining data and refine the results from the first step. Numerical experiments show that this procedure is efficient for detecting K-complexes. It is also found that most classification methods perform significantly better on the extracted features


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    A number of studies have shown that distinct common variants of the genes controlling immune/inflammatory response may affect efficiency of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) treatment. In a recently published paper, we reported polymorphic variants of some immune response genes in CLL patients to be associated with different rates of disease progression. Correlations between the distribution of gene modification profiles in indolent and agressive forms of CLL have been established. The present study describes results of pharmacogenetic studies aimed for identifying associations between the immune response genes polymorphism, and efficacy of FCR treatment regimen in CLL patients. 19 polymorphic loci of 14 immune response genes were studied in 33 patients with CLL who received FCR therapy. The TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR6, TLR9, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, CD14, TNFα, FCGR2A genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction with allele-specific primers. CLL patients were divided into several groups depending on the terms of response to FCR treatment, i.e., achieving partial/complete remission after two, four, six courses of treatment, and those who did not respond to the therapy. Statistically significant differences in the distribution of haplotype frequencies were detected for the following genes: IL-1β (C-3953T, p = 0.02-0.009); IL-10 (C-819T, p = 0.04); IL-10 (G-1082A, p = 0.04-0.002-0.006), FCGR2A (His166Arg, p = 0.006); TLR4 (Thr399Ile, p = 0.02); TLR6 (Ser249Pro, p = 0.04); TLR9 (A2848G, p = 0.04-0.007); CD14 (C-159T, p = 0.03). When testing the significance hypothesis by multiple comparisons, the difference for the detected events was confirmed only for IL-10 gene (G-1082A, p < 0.01; χ2 = 20,082). The results show a relationship between the allelic status of the IL-10-1082 gene and the timing of response to FCR therapy, as well as predict a group of patients with primary-resistant CLL before treatment. The role of the relationship between IL-10 gene polymorphism and IL-10 production is discussed in connection with occurrence risk and clinical course of mature B-cell lymphoid malignancies. IL-10 is thought to be a growth factor for normal and transformed human B-lymphocytes, it controls a balance between cellular and humoral immune responses while exerting a pronounced immunosuppressive activity, along with ability to stimulate tumor cell proliferation. A rationale for conducting pharmacogenomic studies in CLL is provided, in order to predict efficiency of a specific drug or their combination in a distinct patient, thus representing chances to detect a factor which may influence success of the therapy since its earlier stage

    Сравнительное изучение влияния производных адамантана на поведение мышей CD-1 c разным фенотипом устойчивости внимания

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       The effect of memantine (1 and 10 mg/kg/day), ladasten (50 mg/kg/day) and cyclantane (10 mg/kg/day) on the behavior of CD-1 mice differing in the phenotype of attention stability in the "closed enriched cross maze" test after three days of intraperitoneal administration was studied. It was found that in a subpopulation of mice with an initial attention deficit, these aminoadamantane derivatives partially restored the level of attention. The drugs equally worsened attention in a subpopulation with an initially high attention index by 40–47 % relative to the control, which indicates the absence of selectivity of the effect of these drugs with respect to attention deficit. However, this effect was not accompanied by a change in exploratory and locomotor activity, which makes it possible to make an assumption about the prospects for further study of the pharmacological effects of adamantane derivatives and optimization of their dose and duration of administration.   Изучено влияние мемантина (1 и 10 мг/кг/день, в/б), ладастена (50 мг/кг/день, в/б) и циклантана 10 мг/кг/день, в/б) на поведение мышей CD-1, различающихся по фенотипу устойчивости внимания в тесте «закрытый обогащённый крестообразный лабиринт», после трёхкратного внутрибрюшинного введения. Установлено, что в субпопуляции мышей с исходным дефицитом внимания частично эти производные аминоадамантана восстанавливали уровень внимания. Препараты в равной степени ухудшали внимание в субпопуляции с исходно высоким индексом внимания на 40–47 % относительно контроля, что свидетельствует об отсутствии избирательности эффекта этих производных адамантана в отношении дефицита внимания. Однако данное воздействие не сопровождалось изменением исследовательской и локомоторной активности, что позволяет сделать предположение о перспективности дальнейшего изучения фармакологических эффектов производных адамантана и оптимизации их дозы, и продолжительности введения


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    The analysis of vegetal materials is an important task for environmental monitoring. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was applied to quantitative determination of Al, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N, Na, P, S, Si, B, Ba, Br, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, Zn in samples of grass mixtures, birch leaves and pine needles