505 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Community Based Tourism sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan Community Based Tourism (CBT), (2) mengidentifikasi potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi CBT, (3) mendapatkan informasi faktor-faktor penghambat CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, dan (4) merumuskan model pengembangan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam mengembangkan CBT sebagai strategi pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dilakukan melalui: (a) Program pengembangan destinasi wisata, (b) Program pengembangan pemasaran pariwisata, dan (c) Program pengembangan kemitraan. Sementara itu, jenis pariwisata yang potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Kulon Progo meliputi wisata alam, wisata agro, wisata religi, wisata pendidikan, budaya, kerajinan, dan kuliner. Terdapat beberapa faktor penghambat pengembangan CBT di Kabupaten Kulon Progo yaitu: (a) infrastruktur yang belum mendukung, (b) partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan pariwisata masih rendah, dan (c) kemitraan belum terjalin maksima

    Analisis Ergonomi Redesain Meja dan Kursi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Meja dan kursi adalah fasilitas sekolah yang berpengaruh terhadap postur tubuh siswa. Postur tubuh akan bekerja secara alami jika menggunakan meja dan kursi yang ergonomis. Sebaliknya, meja dan kursi yang tidak ergonomis cenderung akan menyebabkan keluhan muskuloskeletal. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan terhadap siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) ABC kelas 1 dan kelas 5 dengan checklist penelitian dan Standard Nordict Questionnaire (SNQ). Hasil checklist penelitian siswa kelas 1 dengan rata-rata tinggi badan 115,6 cm diperoleh bahwa ketidaksesuaian dari tinggi meja dan tinggi kursi dengan siswa adalah 100%. Siswa kelas 5 dengan rata-rata tinggi badan 133,7 cm diperoleh bahwa ketidaksesuaian tinggi meja dan tinggi kursi dengan siswa secara berurutan adalah 100% dan 91,14%. Hal ini cenderung menyebabkan siswa mengalami keluhan muskuloskeletal yang diukur dengan SNQ pada leher, tangan, kaki, punggung, pinggang, siku dan lutut. Meja dan kursi yang tidak ergonomis menyebabkan postur tubuh bekerja secara tidak alami yang diukur dengan metode RULA. Ketidaksesuaian meja dan kursi dengan siswa diminimalisasi dengan redesain meja dan kursi berdasarkan antropometri tubuh siswa dengan metode perancangan Pahl dan Beitz. Metode ini terdiri dari perencanaan dan penjelasan tugas, perancangan konsep produk, perancangan bentuk produk dan perancangan detail. Redesain meja dan kursi sekolah menghasilkan tinggi meja dan tinggi kursi yang bisa dinaik turunkan dengan tinggi meja 41,4- 58,9 cm dan tinggi kursi 30,2-40,6 cm. Lebar meja 56,3 cm serta lebar kursi 27,3 cm, panjang kursi 39,2 cm dan tinggi sandaran punggung kursi 43,5 cm


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    In the title compound, C35H30N2O5Se, the pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope conformation and the oxazolidine ring is in a twist conformation. The tetra­hydro­pyran ring adopts a half-chair conformation. The methoxy­phenyl ring is twisted away from the attached azetidinone ring by 15.7 (1)°. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions link the mol­ecules into a two-dimensional network


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    In the title compound, C36H31ClN2O4Se, the four-membered β-lactam ring is fused to a pyrrolidine ring. The central five-membered ring of the fused tricyclic system exhibits an envelope conformation with the N atom as the flap, while the other five-membered ring exhibits a twist conformation. The chloro­phenyl ring is almost perpendicular to the pyrrolidine ring, making a dihedral angle of 73.45 (1)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions and the packing is further enhanced by C—H ⋯N inter­actions and π–π inter­actions between benzene rings of tetra­lone groups in mol­ecules related by an inversion center, with a centroid–centroid separation of 3.8923 (2) Å

    Alpha B-crystallin protects retinal tissue during Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis

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    Bacterial infections of the eye highlight a dilemma that is central to all immune-privileged sites. On the one hand, immune privilege limits inflammation to prevent bystander destruction of normal tissue and loss of vision. On the other hand, bacterial infections require a robust inflammatory response for rapid clearance of the pathogen. We demonstrate that the retina handles this dilemma, in part, by activation of a protective heat shock protein. During Staphylococcus aureus-induced endophthalmitis, the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin is upregulated in the retina and prevents apoptosis during immune clearance of the bacteria. In the absence of αB-crystallin, mice display increased retinal apoptosis and retinal damage. We found that S. aureus produces a protease capable of cleaving αB-crystallin to a form that coincides with increased retinal apoptosis and tissue destruction. We conclude that αB-crystallin is important in protecting sensitive retinal tissue during destructive inflammation that occurs during bacterial endophthalmitis

    4f-derived Fermi Surfaces of CeRu2(Si[1-x]Ge[x])2 near the Quantum Critical Point: Resonant Soft X-ray ARPES Study

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    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in the Ce 3d-4f excitation region was measured for the paramagnetic state of CeRu2Si2, CeRu2(Si0.82Ge0.18)2, and LaRu2Si2 to investigate the changes of the 4ff electron Fermi surfaces around the quantum critical point. While the difference of the Fermi surfaces between CeRu2Si2 and LaRu2Si2 was experimentally confirmed, a strong 4f-electron character was observed in the band structures and the Fermi surfaces of CeRu2Si2 and CeRu2(Si0.82Ge0.18)2, consequently indicating a delocalized nature of the 4ff electrons in both compounds. The absence of Fermi surface reconstruction across the critical composition suggests that SDW quantum criticality is more appropriate than local quantum criticality in CeRu2(Si[1-x]Ge[x])2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Ethyl 1-(4-methoxy­phen­yl)-2-nitro-3-[4-oxo-3-phenyl-1-(4-methoxy­phen­yl)azetidin-2-yl]-2,3,10,10a-tetra­hydro-1H,5H-pyrrolo[1,2-b]isoquinoline-10a-carboxyl­ate

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C38H37N3O7, the pyrrolidine ring adopts a twist conformation and the six-membered heterocyclic ring has a boat conformation. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked into a three-dimensional framework through inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. One ethyl group is disordered over two positions with occupancies 0.67 (2)/0.33 (2)

    Methyl 3-(4-bromo­phen­yl)-2-(1H-indol-3-ylmeth­yl)-5-[1-(4-methoxy­phen­yl)-4-oxo-2-phenyl­azetidin-2-yl]-4-nitro­pyrrolidine-2-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C37H33BrN4O6, the pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope conformation. The β-lactam ring is planar and makes dihedral angles of 70.16 (13) and 28.32 (13)° with the phenyl and 4-methoxy­phenyl rings, respectively. The mol­ecular packing is stabilized by intra­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions and the crystal packing is determined by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, and C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    A Novel PAN/Apple Domain-Containing Protein from Toxoplasma gondii: Characterization and Receptor Identification

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that invades nucleated cells, causing toxoplasmosis in humans and animals worldwide. The extremely wide range of hosts susceptible to T. gondii is thought to be the result of interactions between T. gondii ligands and receptors on its target cells. In this study, a host cell-binding protein from T. gondii was characterized, and one of its receptors was identified. P104 (GenBank Access. No. CAJ20677) is 991 amino acids in length, containing a putative 26 amino acid signal peptide and 10 PAN/apple domains, and shows low homology to other identified PAN/apple domain-containing molecules. A 104-kDa host cell-binding protein was detected in the T. gondii lysate. Immunofluorescence assays detected P104 at the apical end of extracellular T. gondii. An Fc-fusion protein of the P104 N-terminus, which contains two PAN/apple domains, showed strong affinity for the mammalian and insect cells evaluated. This binding was not related to protein-protein or protein-lipid interactions, but to a protein-glycosaminoglycan (GAG) interaction. Chondroitin sulfate (CS), a kind of GAG, was shown to be involved in adhesion of the Fc-P104 N-terminus fusion protein to host cells. These results suggest that P104, expressed at the apical end of the extracellular parasite, may function as a ligand in the attachment of T. gondii to CS or other receptors on the host cell, facilitating invasion by the parasite